124 research outputs found

    The relationship between subjective sleep quality and cognitive performance in healthy young adults: evidence from three empirical studies

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    The role of subjective sleep quality in cognitive performance has gained increasing attention in recent decades. In this paper, our aim was to test the relationship between subjective sleep quality and a wide range of cognitive functions in a healthy young adult sample combined across three studies. Sleep quality was assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Athens Insomnia Scale, and a sleep diary to capture general subjective sleep quality, and the Groningen Sleep Quality Scale to capture prior night’s sleep quality. Within cognitive functions, we tested working memory, executive functions, and several sub-processes of procedural learning. To provide more reliable results, we included robust frequentist as well as Bayesian statistical analyses. Unequivocally across all analyses, we showed that there is no association between subjective sleep quality and cognitive performance in the domains of working memory, executive functions and procedural learning in healthy young adults. Our paper can contribute to a deeper understanding of subjective sleep quality and its measures, and we discuss various factors that may affect whether associations can be observed between subjective sleep quality and cognitive performance

    Rapid and precise monitor of reticle haze

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    Poor sleep quality predicts psychotic‐like symptoms: an experience sampling study in young adults with schizotypal traits

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    Objective: Psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) are unusual experiences such as perceptual abnormalities and delusional-like thoughts that resemble the symptoms of psychosis at the sub-clinical level. PLEs are associated with sleep complaints in healthy and clinical samples; however, evidence for day-to-day associations between poor sleep and subsequent PLEs under naturalistic conditions is scarce. We hypothesized that poor sleep quality would predict next days’ PLEs, and vice versa, daytime PLEs would be associated with worse subsequent sleep quality. Method: Seventy-three university students with moderate to high levels of positive schizotypy participated in an experience sampling study. Participants rated their sleep each morning, as well as PLEs and affective states during the day over 3 weeks. Results: Multilevel regression models indicated that poor sleep quality predicted increased PLEs the following day. Poor sleep was linked to negative daytime mood that partially mediated the associations between sleep quality and next days’ PLEs. Furthermore, PLEs were enhanced in the evening as compared to daytime reports. The prediction of poor sleep quality by previous days’ PLEs was negligible. Conclusions: The results are consistent with the position that sleep related interventions might reduce the risk of psychosis, especially in individuals that tend to experience psychotic-like phenomena and negative affect

    Eveningness is associated with poor sleep quality and negative affect in obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Background: Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors that severely encumber daily functioning. OCD patients seem to exhibit sleep disturbances, especially delayed bedtimes that reflect disrupted circadian rhythmicity. Morningness–eveningness is a fundamental factor reflecting individual variations in diurnal preferences related to sleep and waking activities. Eveningness reflecting a delayed sleep–wake timing has repeatedly been associated with sleep problems and negative affect (NA). Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the associations between morningness–eveningness, sleep complaints, and symptom severity in OCD patients and compared with a mixed psychiatric control group.  Materials and methods: The data of 49 OCD and 49 mixed psychiatric inpatients (with unipolar depression and anxiety disorders) were analyzed. Patients completed questionnaires regarding morningness–eveningness, sleep quality, nightmare frequency, depression, anxiety, and affective states. Obsessive and compulsive symptom severity was also assessed within the OCD group by clinician-rated scales.  Results: Eveningness preference was associated with impaired sleep quality and higher NA in OCD patients. In addition, impaired sleep quality showed a moderate correlation with anxiety and strong correlations with depressive symptoms and NA. Interestingly, in the mixed psychiatric group, eveningness was not linked to NA, and sleep quality also showed weaker associations with depressive symptoms and NA. Within the OCD group, eveningness preference was predictive of poorer sleep quality regardless the influence of depressive symptoms.  Conclusion: Our findings suggest that eveningness and sleep complaints are predictive of affective dysfunctions, and should be carefully considered in the evaluation and treatment of OCD patients

    Declarative and non-declarative memory consolidation in children with sleep disorder

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    Healthy sleep is essential in children’s cognitive, behavioral, and emotional development. However, remarkably little is known about the influence of sleep disorders on different memory processes in childhood. Such data could give us a deeper insight into the effect of sleep on the developing brain and memory functions and how the relationship between sleep and memory changes from childhood to adulthood. In the present study we examined the effect of sleep disorder on declarative and non-declarative memory consolidation by testing children with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) which is characterized by disrupted sleep structure. We used a story recall task to measure declarative memory and Alternating Serial Reaction Time (ASRT) task to assess non-declarative memory. This task enables us to measure two aspects of non-declarative memory, namely general motor skill learning and sequence-specific learning. There were two sessions: a learning phase and a testing phase, separated by a 12-hour offline period with sleep. Our data showed that children with SDB exhibited a generally lower declarative memory performance both in the learning and testing phase; however, both the SDB and control groups exhibited retention of the previously recalled items after the offline period. Here we showed intact non-declarative consolidation in SDB group in both sequence-specific and general motor skill. These findings suggest that sleep disorders in childhood have a differential effect on different memory processes (online vs. offline) and give us insight into how sleep disturbances affects developing brain

    Speed or accuracy instructions during skill learning do not affect the acquired knowledge

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    A crucial question in skill learning research is how instruction affects the performance or the underlying representations. Little is known about the effects of instructions on one critical aspect of skill learning, namely, picking-up statistical regularities. More specifically, the present study tests how prelearning speed or accuracy instructions affect the acquisition of non-adjacent second-order dependencies. We trained 2 groups of participants on an implicit probabilistic sequence learning task: one group focused on being fast and the other on being accurate. As expected, we detected a strong instruction effect: accuracy instruction resulted in a nearly errorless performance, and speed instruction caused short reaction times (RTs). Despite the differences in the average RTs and accuracy scores, we found a similar level of statistical learning performance in the training phase. After the training phase, we tested the 2 groups under the same instruction (focusing on both speed and accuracy), and they showed comparable performance, suggesting a similar level of underlying statistical representations. Our findings support that skill learning can result in robust representations, and they highlight that this form of knowledge may appear with almost errorless performance. Moreover, multiple sessions with different instructions enabled the separation of competence from performance

    Frontal-midline theta frequency and probabilistic learning: a transcranial alternating current stimulation study

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    Probabilistic learning is a fundamental cognitive ability that extracts and represents regularities of our environment enabling predictive processing during perception and acquisition of perceptual, motor, cognitive, and social skills. Previous studies show competition between neural networks related to executive function/working memory vs. probabilistic learning. Theta synchronization has been associated with the former while desynchronization with the latter in correlational studies. In the present paper our aim was to test causal relationship between fronto-parietal midline theta synchronization and probabilistic learning with non-invasive transcranial alternating current (tACS) stimulation. We hypothesize that theta synchronization disrupts probabilistic learning performance by modulating the competitive relationship. Twenty-six young adults performed the Alternating Serial Reaction Time (ASRT) task to assess probabilistic learning in two sessions that took place one week apart. Stimulation was applied in a double-blind cross-over within-subject design with an active theta tACS and a sham stimulation in a counter-balanced order between participants. Sinusoidal current was administered with 1 mA peak-to-peak intensity throughout the task (approximately 20 minutes) for the active stimulation and 30 seconds for the sham. We did not find an effect of fronto-parietal midline theta tACS on probabilistic learning comparing performance during active and sham stimulation. To influence probabilistic learning, we suggest applying higher current intensity and stimulation parameters more precisely aligned to endogenous brain activity for future studies