433 research outputs found

    Activation of Adhesion GPCR EMR2/ADGRE2 Induces Macrophage Differentiation and Inflammatory Responses via Gα16/Akt/MAPK/NF-κB Signaling Pathways

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    EMR2/ADGRE2 is a human myeloid-restricted adhesion G protein-coupled receptor critically implicated in vibratory urticaria, a rare type of allergy caused by vibration-induced mast cell activation. In addition, EMR2 is also highly expressed by monocyte/macrophages and has been linked to neutrophil migration and activation. Despite these findings, little is known of EMR2-mediated signaling and its role in myeloid biology. In this report, we show that activation of EMR2 via a receptor-specific monoclonal antibody promotes the differentiation of human THP-1 monocytic cell line and induces the expression of pro-inflammatory mediators, including IL-8, TNF-α, and MMP-9. Using specific signaling inhibitors and siRNA knockdowns, biochemical and functional analyses reveal that the EMR2-mediated signaling is initiated by Gα16, followed by the subsequent activation of Akt, extracellular signal-regulated kinase, c-Jun N-terminal kinase, and nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells. Our results demonstrate a functional role for EMR2 in the differentiation and inflammatory activation of human monocytic cells and provide potential targets for myeloid cell-mediated inflammatory disorders

    The monocyte-macrophage axis in the intestine

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    Macrophages are one of the most abundant leucocytes in the intestinal mucosa where they are essential for maintaining homeostasis. However, they are also implicated in the pathogenesis of disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), offering potential targets for novel therapies. Here we discuss the function of intestinal monocytes and macrophages during homeostasis and describe how these populations and their functions change during infection and inflammation. Furthermore, we review the current evidence that the intestinal macrophage pool requires continual renewal from circulating blood monocytes, unlike most other tissue macrophages which appear to derive from primitive precursors that subsequently self-renew

    Isolation and culture of murine bone marrow-derived macrophages for nitric oxide and redox biology

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    Macrophages are mononuclear phagocytes derived from haematopoietic progenitors that are widely distributed throughout the body. These cells participate in both innate and adaptive immune responses and lie central to the processes of inflammation, development, and homeostasis. Macrophage physiology varies depending on the environment in which they reside and they exhibit rapid functional adaption in response to external stimuli. To study macrophages in vitro, cells are typically cultured ex vivo from the peritoneum or alveoli, or differentiated from myeloid bone marrow progenitor cells to form bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs). BMDMs represent an efficient and cost-effective means of studying macrophage biology. However, the inherent sensitivity of macrophages to biochemical stimuli (such as cytokines, metabolic intermediates, and RNS/ROS) makes it imperative to control experimental conditions rigorously. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish an optimised and standardised method for the isolation and culture of BMDMs. We used classically activated macrophages isolated from WT and nitric oxide (NO)-deficient mice to develop a standardised culture method, whereby the constituents of the culture media are defined. We then methodically compared our standardised protocol to the most commonly used method of BMDM culture to establish an optimal protocol for the study of nitric oxide (NO)-redox biology and immunometabolism in vitro. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Inc.

    The Dynamics of Interleukin-10-Afforded Protection during Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis

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    Inflammatory bowel disease encompasses a group of chronic-inflammatory conditions of the colon and small intestine. These conditions are characterized by exacerbated inflammation of the organ that greatly affects the quality of life of patients. Molecular mechanisms counteracting this hyperinflammatory status of the gut offer strategies for therapeutic intervention. Among these regulatory molecules is the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10, as shown in mice and humans. Indeed, IL-10 signaling, particularly in macrophages, is essential for intestinal homeostasis. We sought to investigate the temporal profile of IL-10-mediated protection during chemical colitis and which were the underlying mechanisms. Using a novel mouse model of inducible IL-10 overexpression (pMT-10), described here, we show that mice preconditioned with IL-10 for 8 days before dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) administration developed a milder colitic phenotype. In IL-10-induced colitic mice, Ly6C cells isolated from the lamina propria showed a decreased inflammatory profile. Because our mouse model leads to transcription of the IL-10 transgene in the bone marrow and elevated seric IL-10 concentration, we investigated whether IL-10 could imprint immune cells in a long-lasting way, thus conferring sustained protection to colitis. We show that this was not the case, as IL-10-afforded protection was only observed if IL-10 induction immediately preceded DSS-mediated colitis. Thus, despite the protection afforded by IL-10 in colitis, novel strategies are required, specifically to achieve long-lasting protection.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for providing a PhD grant to AC (SFRH/BD/84704/2012). This article is a result of the project Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000012—Structured program on bioengineered therapies for infectious diseases and tissue regeneration, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). The MS lab is also financed by a FCT-ANR grant (FCTANR/BIM-MEC/0007/2013). This work was also backed by the COST Action BM1404 European Network of Investigators Triggering Exploratory Research on Myeloid Regulatory Cells (http://www.mye-euniter.eu), which is supported by the Horizon 2020—EU Framework Program Research and Innovation Programme. MS is a FCT Associate Investigator. AGC lab: This work was developed under the scope of the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); by the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through FEDER; and by FEDER, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038. PV is funded by ANR, through the project MYELOTEN (ANR-13-ISV1-0003-01)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of an Escherichia coli operon required for formation of the O-antigen capsule

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    Escherichia coli produces polysaccharide capsules that, based on their mechanisms of synthesis and assembly, have been classified into four groups. The group 4 capsule (G4C) polysaccharide is frequently identical to that of the cognate lipopolysaccharide O side chain and has, therefore, also been termed the O-antigen capsule. The genes involved in the assembly of the group 1, 2, and 3 capsules have been described, but those required for G4C assembly remained obscure. We found that enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) produces G4C, and we identified an operon containing seven genes, ymcD, ymcC, ymcB, ymcA, yccZ, etp, and etk, which are required for formation of the capsule. The encoded proteins appear to constitute a polysaccharide secretion system. The G4C operon is absent from the genomes of enteroaggregative E. coli and uropathogenic E. coli. E. coli K-12 contains the G4C operon but does not express it, because of the presence of IS1 at its promoter region. In contrast, EPEC, enterohemorrhagic E. coli, and Shigella species possess an intact G4C operon.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/92199/1/174504.pd

    Cognition and Educational Achievement in the Toronto Adolescent and Youth Cohort Study:Rationale, Methods, and Early Data

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    Background: Both cognition and educational achievement in youths are linked to psychosis risk. One major aim of the Toronto Adolescent and Youth (TAY) Cohort Study is to characterize how cognitive and educational achievement trajectories inform the course of psychosis spectrum symptoms (PSSs), functioning, and suicidality. Here, we describe the protocol for the cognitive and educational data and early baseline data. Methods: The cognitive assessment design is consistent with youth population cohort studies, including the NIH Toolbox, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, Wechsler Matrix Reasoning Task, and Little Man Task. Participants complete an educational achievement questionnaire, and report cards are requested. Completion rates, descriptive data, and differences across PSS status are reported for the first participants (N = 417) ages 11 to 24 years, who were recruited between May 4, 2021, and February 2, 2023. Results: Nearly 84% of the sample completed cognitive testing, and 88.2% completed the educational questionnaire, whereas report cards were collected for only 40.3%. Modifications to workflows were implemented to improve data collection. Participants who met criteria for PSSs demonstrated lower performance than those who did not on numerous key cognitive indices (p &lt; .05) and also had more academic/educational problems. Conclusions: Following youths longitudinally enabled trajectory mapping and prediction based on cognitive and educational performance in relation to PSSs in treatment-seeking youths. Youths with PSSs had lower cognitive performance and worse educational outcomes than youths without PSSs. Results show the feasibility of collecting data on cognitive and educational outcomes in a cohort of youths seeking treatment related to mental illness and substance use.</p

    Experimental stroke differentially affects discrete subpopulations of splenic macrophages

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    Changes to the immune system after stroke are complex and can result in both pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive consequences. Following ischemic stroke, brain resident microglia are activated and circulating monocytes are recruited to the injury site. In contrast, there is a systemic deactivation of monocytes/macrophages that may contribute to immunosuppression and the high incidence of bacterial infection experienced by stroke patients. The manipulation of macrophage subsets may be a useful therapeutic strategy to reduce infection and improve outcome in patients after stroke. Recent research has enhanced our understanding of the heterogeneity of macrophages even within the same tissue. The spleen is the largest natural reservoir of immune cells, many of which are mobilized to the site of injury after ischemic stroke and is notable for the diversity of its functionally distinct macrophage subpopulations associated with specific micro-anatomical locations. Here, we describe the effects of experimental stroke in mice on these distinct splenic macrophage subpopulations. Red pulp (RP) and marginal zone macrophages (MZM) specifically showed increases in density and alterations in micro-anatomical location. These changes were not due to increased recruitment from the bone marrow but may be associated with increases in local proliferation. Genes associated with phagocytosis and proteolytic processing were upregulated in the spleen after stroke with increased expression of the lysosome-associated protein lysosomal-associated membrane proteins specifically increased in RP and MZM subsets. In contrast, MHC class II expression was reduced specifically in these populations. Furthermore, genes associated with macrophage ability to communicate with other immune cells, such as co-stimulatory molecules and inflammatory cytokine production, were also downregulated in the spleen after stroke. These findings suggest that selective splenic macrophage functions could be impaired after stroke and the contribution of macrophages to stroke-associated pathology and infectious complications should be considered at a subset-specific level. Therefore, optimal therapeutic manipulation of macrophages to improve stroke outcome is likely to require selective targeting of functionally and spatially distinct subpopulations

    Genome-Wide Comparative Gene Family Classification

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    Correct classification of genes into gene families is important for understanding gene function and evolution. Although gene families of many species have been resolved both computationally and experimentally with high accuracy, gene family classification in most newly sequenced genomes has not been done with the same high standard. This project has been designed to develop a strategy to effectively and accurately classify gene families across genomes. We first examine and compare the performance of computer programs developed for automated gene family classification. We demonstrate that some programs, including the hierarchical average-linkage clustering algorithm MC-UPGMA and the popular Markov clustering algorithm TRIBE-MCL, can reconstruct manual curation of gene families accurately. However, their performance is highly sensitive to parameter setting, i.e. different gene families require different program parameters for correct resolution. To circumvent the problem of parameterization, we have developed a comparative strategy for gene family classification. This strategy takes advantage of existing curated gene families of reference species to find suitable parameters for classifying genes in related genomes. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this novel strategy, we use TRIBE-MCL to classify chemosensory and ABC transporter gene families in C. elegans and its four sister species. We conclude that fully automated programs can establish biologically accurate gene families if parameterized accordingly. Comparative gene family classification finds optimal parameters automatically, thus allowing rapid insights into gene families of newly sequenced species

    PlasmoDraft: a database of Plasmodium falciparum gene function predictions based on postgenomic data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Of the 5 484 predicted proteins of <it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>, the main causative agent of malaria, about 60% do not have sufficient sequence similarity with proteins in other organisms to warrant provision of functional assignments. Non-homology methods are thus needed to obtain functional clues for these uncharacterized genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present PlasmoDraft <url>http://atgc.lirmm.fr/PlasmoDraft/</url>, a database of Gene Ontology (GO) annotation predictions for <it>P. falciparum </it>genes based on postgenomic data. Predictions of PlasmoDraft are achieved with a <it>Guilt By Association </it>method named Gonna. This involves (1) a predictor that proposes GO annotations for a gene based on the similarity of its profile (measured with transcriptome, proteome or interactome data) with genes already annotated by GeneDB; (2) a procedure that estimates the confidence of the predictions achieved with each data source; (3) a procedure that combines all data sources to provide a global summary and confidence estimate of the predictions. Gonna has been applied to all <it>P. falciparum </it>genes using most publicly available transcriptome, proteome and interactome data sources. Gonna provides predictions for numerous genes without any annotations. For example, 2 434 genes without any annotations in the Biological Process ontology are associated with specific GO terms (<it>e.g</it>. Rosetting, Antigenic variation), and among these, 841 have confidence values above 50%. In the Cellular Component and Molecular Function ontologies, 1 905 and 1 540 uncharacterized genes are associated with specific GO terms, respectively (740 and 329 with confidence value above 50%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>All predictions along with their confidence values have been compiled in PlasmoDraft, which thus provides an extensive database of GO annotation predictions that can be achieved with these data sources. The database can be accessed in different ways. A global view allows for a quick inspection of the GO terms that are predicted with high confidence, depending on the various data sources. A gene view and a GO term view allow for the search of potential GO terms attached to a given gene, and genes that potentially belong to a given GO term.</p
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