52 research outputs found

    Propuesta de abastecimiento de agua potable por gravedad, para la población del caserío de México, Julcán, La Libertad, 2018

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    La presente investigación se realizó en el caserío de México, provincia de Julcán, departamento de La Libertad, la misma que busca analizar el problema del consumo de agua potable y frente a ello proponer el desarrollo de un proyecto de aprovechamiento del recurso hídrico, para así satisfacer las necesidades de la población. El horizonte del proyecto se determinó en 20 años, el cual beneficiaría a una población de 415 habitantes. El estudio se realizó en diferentes etapas, se inició con la búsqueda de información en las diferentes fuentes y entidades del gobierno, ello nos permitió conocer la realidad de la población, sus necesidades, sus actividades y por otro lado, cuantificar los datos de su población y crecimiento. El siguiente paso fue realizar estudios técnicos que nos puedan apoyar en el diseño del sistema de abastecimiento de agua, acorde con las necesidades de la población, para ello se requirió hacer diferentes estudios: Topográfico, de Suelos y fuente del Agua. Los investigadores aprovecharon estos datos para efectuar los cálculos necesarios, desde la captación del agua, su línea de conducción, su reservorio, hasta la distribución del recurso. Se logró determinar que a pesar que los estudios de su población indican decrecimiento, esto no significa privar a la población de su necesidad de agua. Por otro lado, todo el diseño se desarrolló respetando la normatividad vigente en diseño redes de abastecimiento de agua a poblaciones rurales, con ello se determinó un abastecimiento de agua en 100% en horario continuo.The present investigation was carried out in the hamlet of Mexico, province of Julcán, department of La Libertad, the same one that seeks to analyze the problem of drinking water consumption and, in this regard, proposes the development of a project for the utilization of water resources, meet the needs of the population. The project horizon was determined in 20 years, which would benefit a population of 415 inhabitants. The study was conducted in different stages, it began with the search of information in different sources and government entities, this allowed us to know the reality of the population, their needs, their activities and on the other hand, quantify the data of their population and growth. The next step was to carry out technical studies that can support us in the design of the water supply system, according to the needs of the population, for this it was required to do different studies: Topographic, Soils and Water source. The researchers took advantage of this data to carry out the necessary calculations, from the capture of the water, its line of conduction, its reservoir, to the distribution of the resource. It was possible to determine that although studies of its population indicate a decrease, this does not mean depriving the population of their need for water. On the other hand, all the design was developed respecting the current norms in design water supply networks to rural populations, with this a 100% water supply was determined on a continuous schedule

    Determination of oil palm fruit phenolic compounds and their antioxidant activities using spectrophotometric methods.

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    There is scarce information on the phenolics of oil palm fruits (Elaeis guineensis). In this study, phenolics were extracted from oil palm fruits and analysed using spectrophotometry for information on the different types of palm phenolics and their antioxidative activities. Analyses of the total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), o-diphenols index, hydroxycinnamic acid index, flavonols index and phenol index showed ranges between 5.64 and 83.97 g L−1 gallic acid equivalent (GAE), 0.31–7.53 g L−1 catechin equivalent, 4.90–93.20 g L−1 GAE, 23.74–77.46 g L−1 ferulic acid equivalent, 3.62–95.33 g L−1 rutin equivalent and 15.90–247.22 g L−1 GAE, respectively. The antioxidant assay, 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging assay, showed antioxidative activities in all the extracts with results ranging from 4.41 to 61.98 g L−1 trolox equivalent. The high antioxidant activities of the oil palm fruit phenolics were also found to increase with increasing TPC and TFC

    Pre-treatment and extraction techniques for recovery of added value compounds from wastes throughout the agri-food chain

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    Pre-treatment and extraction techniques for recovery of added value compounds from wastes throughout the agri-food chain

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    The enormous quantity of food wastes discarded annually force to look for alternatives for this interesting feedstock. Thus, food bio-waste valorisation is one of the imperatives of the nowadays society. This review is the most comprehensive overview of currently existing technologies and processes in this field. It tackles classical and innovative physical, physico-chemical and chemical methods of food waste pre-treatment and extraction for recovery of added value compounds and detection by modern technologies and are an outcome of the COST Action EUBIS, TD1203 Food Waste Valorisation for Sustainable Chemicals, Materials and Fuels


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    Over the past thirty years, molecular imprinting has aroused great research interest for scientists. This attention can be explained by the serious potential advantages of using molecularly imprinted polymers in place of natural receptors and enzymes such as their superior durability, low-cost and easy preparation. Furthermore molecular imprinting is a promising technique for the preparation of polymer composites with predetermined selectivity and high affinity. This mini review examines and evaluates the preparation technique and utility application of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) in several areas. The review begins with a brief introduction to MIPs with a focus on their preparations and continues with application areas


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    Caper and Ritha are plants which have very important effects on both living beings and natural habitat. They are used in many areas like medicine, pharmacy, cosmetics and agriculture because of their positive features. Caper is compatible with the Mediterranean ecosystem and resistant to drought and high-salinity. When compared to the other most plants, it can remain green for a long time without water even in the summer season. Due to this magnificent property, this plant is effectively used for environmental protection. It has been reported that Caper contains biologically active compounds such as glucosinolates, alkoloids, phenolics, flavonoid, tocopherol and minerals such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. Ritha grows in Asia's tropical and sub-tropical regions. It contributes to the environment like Caper because, it has ability to capture the chemical pollution from the soil. So, it helps to improve the quality and efficiency of the land by holding heavy metals like mercury, iron and zinc in the leaves and grabbing lead and cadmium in its fruits. Moreover, it biologically decomposes injurious organic molecules such as hexachlorobenzene and naphthalene. Furthermore, the nectar of Ritha can kill the flies and larvae of Southern cattle mite's species called Boophilus microplus

    wheat straw by a microwave-assisted process

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    Optimization of acid-catalyzed conversion conditions of wheat straw into furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), glucose, and xylose was studied by response surface methodology (RSM). A central composite design (CCD) was used to determine the effects of independent variables, including reaction temperature (140-200 degrees C), residence time (1-41 min), pH (0.1-2.1), and liquid:solid ratio (15-195 mL/g) on furan and sugar production. The surface response analysis revealed that temperature, time and pH had a strong influence on the furfural, HMF, xylose and glucose yield, whereas liquid to solid ratio was found not to be significant. The initial pH of solution was the most important variable in acid-catalyzed conversion of wheat straw to furans. The maximum predicted furfural, HMF, xylose and glucose yields were 66%, 3.4%, 100%, and 65%, respectively. This study demonstrated that the microwave-assisted process was a very effective method for the xylose production from wheat straw by diluted acid catalysis. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    percent polymeric colour of black carrot (Daucus carota L.) juice

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    Black carrots (BCs) are a rich source of stable anthocyanins (ACNs). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of clarification and pasteurisation on ACNs of black carrot juice (BCJ). Monomeric ACNs, ACN profile and percent polymeric colour were determined during processing of BCJ. While depectinisation and bentonite treatments resulted in 7% and 20% increases in monomeric ACN content of BCJ, respectively, gelatine-kieselsol treatment and pasteurisation resulted in 10% and 3-16% reduction. Percent polymeric colour decreased after clarification, but substantially increased In samples subjected to heat. ACNs of BCJ samples were identified by HPLC-MS. Unclarified BCJ contained cyanidin-3-galactoside-xyloside-glucoside-ferulic acid as the major ACN, followed by cyanidin-3-galactoside-xyloside-glucoside-coumaric acid, and cyanidin-3-galactoside-xyloside-glucoside. After depectinisation, two more ACNs (cyanidin-3-galactoside-xyloside and cyanidin-3-galactoside-xyloside-glucoside-sinapic acid) were also identified. These results indicated that depectinisation and bentonite treatment had positive effect on the colour of BCJ, while gelatin-kieselsol treatment and pasteurisation had negative effect. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    La observación etnográfica del comportamiento de los adolescentes del quinto grado B de la IES – Gran Unidad Escolar San Carlos de Puno – 2018

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    TesisEn la problemática educativa en general se ha detectado problemas relacionados con el comportamiento de los estudiantes los cuales están ligados al contexto del estudiante y a diversos factores que engloban al ámbito educativo, social y familiar, los mismos generan diversos comportamientos en los estudiantes adolescentes. Para esto la etnografía tiene la metodología y los instrumentos mediante los que se pudo observar 5 comportamientos que influyen en el comportamiento de los estudiantes del quinto grado B de la IES- Gran Unidad Escolar San Carlos de puno, estos comportamientos son comportamientos propios de los adolescentes, comportamiento social de los adolescentes, características culturales del comportamiento de los adolescentes, comportamiento de las familias de los adolescentes y el comportamiento de los padres de los adolescentes. Estos resultados nos dan un panorama amplio sobre cómo es que es estudiante adolescente comparte su tiempo en distintos ámbitos físicos y sociales, los cuales influyen en el comportamiento, esta investigación no está enfocada en el análisis de cada tipo de comportamiento en concreto, si no que se enfoca de manera global en las características que presenta cada individuo, los cuales pueden desembocar en comportamientos diversos, que serían motivo de otra investigación científica que pueda tratar estos comportamientos

    during drying

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    In this study, anthocyanins in three fresh fig varieties (Ficus carica L.) cultivated in Turkey were characterised and quantified by HPLC/DAD and HPLC/MS. In addition, the carotenoid composition of Sarilop and Sarizeybek, yellow fig varieties, was determined, and then the ripening- and drying-related changes in carotenoids and surface colour of figs were monitored during conventional sun-drying. Four different anthocyanins, cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside, cyanidin-3-rutinoside (major anthocyanin) and pelargonidin-3-glucoside, were identified in samples. Lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene were carotenoids in yellow fig varieties. Approximately 80% of carotenoid compounds in yellow fig varieties degraded at the end of drying (i.e. seventh day). L (lightness), a (redness and greenness) and b (yellowness and blueness) colour parameters were measured by Hunter Lab system. Great changes in carotenoid composition and surface colour were observed at ripening stage on tree. A significant reduction in L and b values that refers to browning in figs was made in the first 3 days of drying process