50 research outputs found

    Coherent spin dynamics of electrons and holes in CsPbBr3_3 perovskite crystals

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    The lead halide perovskites demonstrate huge potential for optoelectronic applications, high energy radiation detectors, light emitting devices and solar energy harvesting. Those materials exhibit strong spin-orbit coupling enabling efficient optical orientation of carrier spins in perovskite-based devices with performance controlled by a magnetic field. Perovskites are promising for spintronics due to substantial bulk and structure inversion asymmetry, however, their spin properties are not studied in detail. Here we show that elaborated time-resolved spectroscopy involving strong magnetic fields can be successfully used for perovskites. We perform a comprehensive study of high-quality CsPbBr3_3 crystals by measuring the exciton and charge carrier gg-factors, spin relaxation times and hyperfine interaction of carrier and nuclear spins by means of coherent spin dynamics. Owing to their "inverted" band structure, perovskites represent appealing model systems for semiconductor spintronics exploiting the valence band hole spins, while in conventional semiconductors the conduction band electrons are considered for spin functionality.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures + supplementary informatio

    International conference “Physics of neutron stars – 2017. 50 years after”

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    This was the 11th gathering on neutron star physics in Saint Petersburg since 1988. The 2017 Conference was organized by the Theoretical Astrophysics Department of the Ioffe Institute and the Relativistic Astrophysics Department of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute. It commemorated the semicentenary of the discovery of pulsars. During these 50 years, the field of astrophysics of neutron stars has become a broad field covering all ranges of physical scales, from microscales characteristic of strong interactions to macroscales of neutron star sizes strongly affected by General Relativity. All branches of contemporary physics are involved in the research of astrophysical phenomena related to neutron stars, and observations throughout the entire range of electromagnetic spectra have been used to constrain fundamental physical theories. Towards the end of the 20th century, electromagnetic observations were joined by direct neutrino detections from a newly born neutron star (Supernova 1987a) and, between the end of the Conference and the publication of this volume, a long-awaited gravitational wave signal from a binary neutron star merger was detected for the first time, thus promoting neutron stars to the first class of astrophysical sources observed in the electromagnetic band, neutrinos, and gravitational waves. With many more detections of binary neutron star mergers to come, the next decade of the neutron star research is expected to be developing under great influence of the gravitational wave astronomy. In addition, the launch of telescopes of the next generation (proposed, planned and already operating) will shed light on many of the current mysteries, but surely it will also unveil new ones, making the near future even more stimulating than the previous five decades. List of Acknowledgments, Organizing committees, Invited speakers, Conference photo are available in this PDF

    Attosecond optoelectronic field measurement in solids

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    The sub-cycle interaction of light and matter is one of the key frontiers of inquiry made accessible by attosecond science. Here, we show that when light excites a pair of charge carriers inside of a solid, the transition probability is strongly localized to instants slightly after the extrema of the electric field. The extreme temporal localization is utilized in a simple electronic circuit to record the waveforms of infrared to ultraviolet light fields. This form of petahertz-bandwidth field metrology gives access to both the modulated transition probability and its temporal offset from the laser field, providing sub-fs temporal precision in reconstructing the sub-cycle electronic response of a solid state structure. Characterization of light pulses is important in order to understand their interaction with matter. Here the authors demonstrate a nonlinear photoconductive sampling method to measure electric field wave-forms in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet spectral ranges

    Crowdsourcing Fungal Biodiversity : Revision of Inaturalist Observations in Northwestern Siberia

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    The paper presents the first analysis of crowdsourcing data of all observations of fungi (including lichens) and myxomycetes in Northwestern Siberia uploaded to iNaturalist.org to date (24.02.2022). The Introduction presents an analysis of fungal diversity crowdsourcing globally, in Russia, and in the region of interest. Materials and methods describe the protocol of uploading data to iNaturalist.org, the structure of the crowdsourcing community. initiative to revise the accumulated data. procedures of data analysis, and compilation of a dataset of revised crowdsourced data. The Results present the analysis of accumulated data by several parameters: temporal, geographical and taxonomical scope, observation and identification efforts, identifiability of various taxa, species novelty and Red Data Book categories and the protection status of registered observations. The Discussion provides data on usability of crowdsourcing data for biodiversity research and conservation of fungi, including pros and contras. The Electronic Supplements to the paper include an annotated checklist of observations of protected species with information on Red Data Book categories and the protection status, and an annotated checklist of regional records of new taxa. The paper is supplemented with a dataset of about 15 000 revised and annotated records available through Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The tradition of crowdsourcing is rooted in mycological societies around the world, including Russia. In Northwestern Siberia, a regional mycological club was established in 2018, encouraging its members to contribute observations of fungi on iNaturalist.org. A total of about 15 000 observations of fungi and myxomycetes were uploaded so far, by about 200 observers, from three administrative regions (Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, and Tyumen Region). The geographical coverage of crowdsourcing observations remains low. However. the observation activity has increased in the last four years. The goal of this study consisted of a collaborative effort of professional mycologists invited to help with the identification of these observations and analysis of the accumulated data. As a result, all observations were reviewed by at least one expert. About half of all the observations have been identified reliably to the species level and received Research Grade status. Of those, 90 species (195 records) represented records of taxa new to their respective regions: 876 records of 53 species of protected species provide important data for conservation programmes. The other half of the observations consists of records still under-identified for various reasons: poor quality photographs, complex taxa (impossible to identify without microscopic or molecular study). or lack of experts in a particular taxonomic group. The Discussion section summarises the pros and cons of the use of crowdsourcing for the study and conservation of regional fungal diversity, and summarises the dispute on this subject among mycologists. Further research initiatives involving crowdsourcing data must focus on an increase in the quality of observations and strive to introduce the habit of collecting voucher specimens among the community of amateurs. The timely feedback from experts is also important to provide quality and the increase of personal involvement.Peer reviewe

    Recommended reading list of early publications on atomic layer deposition-Outcome of the "Virtual Project on the History of ALD"

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    Atomic layer deposition (ALD), a gas-phase thin film deposition technique based on repeated, self-terminating gas-solid reactions, has become the method of choice in semiconductor manufacturing and many other technological areas for depositing thin conformal inorganic material layers for various applications. ALD has been discovered and developed independently, at least twice, under different names: atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) and molecular layering. ALE, dating back to 1974 in Finland, has been commonly known as the origin of ALD, while work done since the 1960s in the Soviet Union under the name "molecular layering" (and sometimes other names) has remained much less known. The virtual project on the history of ALD (VPHA) is a volunteer-based effort with open participation, set up to make the early days of ALD more transparent. In VPHA, started in July 2013, the target is to list, read and comment on all early ALD academic and patent literature up to 1986. VPHA has resulted in two essays and several presentations at international conferences. This paper, based on a poster presentation at the 16th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition in Dublin, Ireland, 2016, presents a recommended reading list of early ALD publications, created collectively by the VPHA participants through voting. The list contains 22 publications from Finland, Japan, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and United States. Up to now, a balanced overview regarding the early history of ALD has been missing; the current list is an attempt to remedy this deficiency. (C) 2016 Author(s).Peer reviewe

    Phenological shifts of abiotic events, producers and consumers across a continent

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    Ongoing climate change can shift organism phenology in ways that vary depending on species, habitats and climate factors studied. To probe for large-scale patterns in associated phenological change, we use 70,709 observations from six decades of systematic monitoring across the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Among 110 phenological events related to plants, birds, insects, amphibians and fungi, we find a mosaic of change, defying simple predictions of earlier springs, later autumns and stronger changes at higher latitudes and elevations. Site mean temperature emerged as a strong predictor of local phenology, but the magnitude and direction of change varied with trophic level and the relative timing of an event. Beyond temperature-associated variation, we uncover high variation among both sites and years, with some sites being characterized by disproportionately long seasons and others by short ones. Our findings emphasize concerns regarding ecosystem integrity and highlight the difficulty of predicting climate change outcomes. The authors use systematic monitoring across the former USSR to investigate phenological changes across taxa. The long-term mean temperature of a site emerged as a strong predictor of phenological change, with further imprints of trophic level, event timing, site, year and biotic interactions.Peer reviewe

    Cooling rates of neutron stars and the young neutron star in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant

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    We explore the thermal state of the neutron star in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant using the recent result of Ho & Heinke that the thermal radiation of this star is well described by a carbon atmosphere model and the emission comes from the entire stellar surface. Starting from neutron star cooling theory, we formulate a robust method to extract neutrino cooling rates of thermally relaxed stars at the neutrino cooling stage from observations of thermal surface radiation. We show how to compare these rates with the rates of standard candles – stars with non-superfluid nucleon cores cooling slowly via the modified Urca process. We find that the internal temperature of standard candles is a well-defined function of the stellar compactness parameter x=rg/R, irrespective of the equation of state of neutron star matter (R and rg are circumferential and gravitational radii, respectively). We demonstrate that the data on the Cassiopeia A neutron star can be explained in terms of three parameters: f?, the neutrino cooling efficiency with respect to the standard candle; the compactness x; and the amount of light elements in the heat-blanketing envelope. For an ordinary (iron) heat-blanketing envelope or a low-mass (? 10?13 M?) carbon envelope, we find the efficiency f?? 1 (standard cooling) for x? 0.5 and f?? 0.02 (slower cooling) for a maximum compactness x? 0.7. A heat blanket containing the maximum mass (?10?8 M?) of light elements increases f? by a factor of 50. We also examine the (unlikely) possibility that the star is still thermally non-relaxe

    Measurement of tissue optical properties in the context of tissue optical clearing

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    Nowadays, dynamically developing optical (photonic) technologies play an ever-increasing role in medicine. Their adequate and effective implementation in diagnostics, surgery, and therapy needs reliable data on optical properties of human tissues, including skin. This paper presents an overview of recent results on the measurements and control of tissue optical properties. The issues reported comprise a brief review of optical properties of biological tissues and efficacy of optical clearing (OC) method in application to monitoring of diabetic complications and visualization of blood vessels and microcirculation using a number of optical imaging technologies, including spectroscopic, optical coherence tomography, and polarization- and speckle-based ones. Molecular modeling of immersion OC of skin and specific technique of OC of adipose tissue by its heating and photodynamic treatment are also discussed