202 research outputs found

    Integration of decision support systems to improve decision support performance

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    Decision support system (DSS) is a well-established research and development area. Traditional isolated, stand-alone DSS has been recently facing new challenges. In order to improve the performance of DSS to meet the challenges, research has been actively carried out to develop integrated decision support systems (IDSS). This paper reviews the current research efforts with regard to the development of IDSS. The focus of the paper is on the integration aspect for IDSS through multiple perspectives, and the technologies that support this integration. More than 100 papers and software systems are discussed. Current research efforts and the development status of IDSS are explained, compared and classified. In addition, future trends and challenges in integration are outlined. The paper concludes that by addressing integration, better support will be provided to decision makers, with the expectation of both better decisions and improved decision making processes

    Force-Controlled Balance Perturbations Associated with Falls in Older People: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Balance recovery from an unpredictable postural perturbation can be a challenging task for many older people and poor recovery could contribute to their risk of falls. This study examined associations between responses to unpredictable perturbations and fall risk in older people. 242 older adults (80.064.4 years) underwent assessments of stepping responses to multi-directional force-controlled waist-pull perturbations. Participants returned monthly falls calendars for the subsequent 12 months. Future falls were associated with lower force thresholds for stepping in the posterior and lateral but not anterior directions. Those with lower posterior force thresholds for stepping were 68% more likely to fall at home than those with higher force thresholds for stepping. These results suggest that amount of force that can be withstood following an unpredictable balance perturbation predicts future falls in community-dwelling older adults. Perturbations in the posterior direction best discriminated between future fallers and non-fallers

    Regulation of membrane ruffling by polarized STIM1 and ORAI1in cortactin-rich domains

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    La movilidad celular y la migración requieren la reorganización del citoesqueleto cortical en el borde principal de las células y la entrada de Ca2 + extracelular es esencial para esta reorganización. Sin embargo, la naturaleza molecular de los reguladores de esta vía es desconocida. Este trabajo contribuye a comprender el papel de STIM1 y ORAI1 en la promoción de la ondulación de la membrana al mostrar que la fosfo-STIM1 se localiza en el borde principal de las células, y que tanto phospho-STIM1 como ORAI1 se localizan conjuntamente con la cortactina (CTTN), un regulador del citoesqueleto en las zonas de rizo de la membrana. Las líneas celulares STIM1-KO y ORAI1-KO se generaron mediante la edición del genoma CRISPR / Cas9 en células U2OS. En ambos casos, las células KO presentaron una reducción notable de la entrada de Ca2 + operada por el almacén (SOCE) que se rescató mediante la expresión de STIM1-mCherry y ORAI1-mCherry. Estos resultados demostraron que SOCE regula la deformación de la membrana en el borde anterior de las células. Por otra parte, ORAI1 endógeno y ORAI1-GFP sobreexpresado coinmuno precipitado con CTTN endógeno. Este último resultado, además del fenotipo de las células KO, la preservación de la co-localización de ORAI1-CTTN durante el fruncido, y la inhibición de la rizo de la membrana por parte del inhibidor del canal de Ca2 + SKF96365, apoya aún más un vínculo funcional entre el SOCE y el fruncido de la membrana.Cell motility and migration requires the reorganization of the cortical cytoskeleton at the leading edge of cells and extracellular Ca2+ entry is essential for this reorganization. However the molecular nature of the regulators of this pathway is unknown. This work contributes to understanding the role of STIM1 and ORAI1 in the promotion of membrane ruffling by showing that phospho-STIM1 localizes at the leading edge of cells, and that both phospho-STIM1 and ORAI1 co-localize with cortactin (CTTN), a regulator of the cytoskeleton at membrane ruffling areas. STIM1-KO and ORAI1-KO cell lines were generated by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in U2OS cells. In both cases, KO cells presented a notable reduction of store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) that was rescued by expression of STIM1-mCherry and ORAI1-mCherry. These results demonstrated that SOCE regulates membrane ruffling at the leading edge of cells. Moreover, endogenous ORAI1 and overexpressed ORAI1-GFP co-immuno precipitated with endogenous CTTN. This latter result, in addition to the KO cells’ phenotype, the preservation of ORAI1-CTTN co-localization during ruffling, and the inhibition of membrane ruffling g by the Ca2+- channel inhibitor SKF96365, further supports a functional link between SOCE and membrane ruffling.• Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y Fondo Social Europeo. Becas BFU2011-22798 y BFU2014-52401-P, para Francisco Javier Martín Romero • Consejo de Investigación Médica. Beca MC_UU_12016 / 2, para Darío R. Alessi • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Beca BES-2012-052061, para Aida María López Guerrero • Gobierno de Extremadura. Ayuda PD10081, para Patricia Tomás Martín • Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Beca FPU13 / 03430, para Carlos Pascual Caro • Consejo de Investigación Médica. Ayuda MR / K015869 / 1, para Graeme Ball • EMBO. Beca ASTF-311-2014, para Eulalia Pozo Guisado • Ministerio de Educación, Cultura Española y Deporte. Beca PRX14 / 00176, para Francisco Javier Martín RomeropeerReviewe

    Transfer of Neuroplasticity from Nucleus Accumbens Core to Shell Is Required for Cocaine Reward

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    It is well established that cocaine induces an increase of dendritic spines density in some brain regions. However, few studies have addressed the role of this neuroplastic changes in cocaine rewarding effects and have often led to contradictory results. So, we hypothesized that using a rigorous time- and subject-matched protocol would demonstrate the role of this spine increase in cocaine reward. We designed our experiments such as the same animals (rats) were used for spine analysis and behavioral studies. Cocaine rewarding effects were assessed with the conditioned place preference paradigm. Spines densities were measured in the two subdivisions of the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), core and shell. We showed a correlation between the increase of spine density in NAcc core and shell and cocaine rewarding effects. Interestingly, when cocaine was administered in home cages, spine density was increase in NAcc core only. With anisomycin, a protein synthesis inhibitor, injected in the core we blocked spine increase in core and shell and also cocaine rewarding effects. Strikingly, whereas injection of this inhibitor in the shell immediately after conditioning had no effect on neuroplasticity or behavior, its injection 4 hours after conditioning was able to block neuroplasticity in shell only and cocaine-induced place preference. Thus, it clearly appears that the neuronal plasticity in the NAcc core is essential to induce plasticity in the shell, necessary for cocaine reward. Altogether, our data revealed a new mechanism in the NAcc functioning where a neuroplasticity transfer occurred from core to shell

    Functional Genetic Diversity among Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Clinical Isolates: Delineation of Conserved Core and Lineage-Specific Transcriptomes during Intracellular Survival

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    Tuberculosis exerts a tremendous burden on global health, with ∼9 million new infections and ∼2 million deaths annually. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) was initially regarded as a highly homogeneous population; however, recent data suggest the causative agents of tuberculosis are more genetically and functionally diverse than appreciated previously. The impact of this natural variation on the virulence and clinical manifestations of the pathogen remains largely unknown. This report examines the effect of genetic diversity among MTC clinical isolates on global gene expression and survival within macrophages. We discovered lineage-specific transcription patterns in vitro and distinct intracellular growth profiles associated with specific responses to host-derived environmental cues. Strain comparisons also facilitated delineation of a core intracellular transcriptome, including genes with highly conserved regulation across the global panel of clinical isolates. This study affords new insights into the genetic information that M. tuberculosis has conserved under selective pressure during its long-term interactions with its human host

    Liquidation of Corporation

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    Import 22/07/2015Diplomová práce se zabývá procesem likvidace obchodních společností v České republice. Cílem této práce je popsat postup likvidace obchodních společností a upozornit na některé problémy, které proces likvidace s sebou přináší, poukázat na řešení základních organizačních a ekonomických otázek související s likvidací a propojit právní a daňový pohled na likvidaci. Práce je rozdělena do čtyř kapitol. V první kapitole jsou definovány jednotlivé právní formy obchodních společností a možné způsoby jejich zrušení. Druhá kapitola se zabývá popisem likvidačního procesu, kdy jsou popsány jednotlivé kroky likvidátora v průběhu likvidace. Třetí kapitola je věnována osobě likvidátora, podmínky nutné k výkonu likvidátora, povolání likvidátora do funkce. Čtvrtá kapitola je věnována praktickým problémům spojenými s procesem likvidace.Thesis deals with the process of liquidation of corporations in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to describe the procedure of liquidation and to point out some possible problems that could occur during liquidation. The legal and tax point view of the topic will also be included. Thesis is divided into 4 main chapters. Different legal forms of the corporations and the ways of dissolution of companies are defined in the first chapter. The second chapter pursues the process of liquidation. One part of this chapter is devoted to activities of the liquidator. The person of the liquidator, including his competences and required skills, is described in the third chapter. The last chapter is focused on practical problems concerning the process of liquidation.119 - Katedra právavelmi dobř

    Resolving the strange behavior of extraterrestrial potassium in the upper atmosphere

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    It has been known since the 1960s that the layers of Na and K atoms, which occur between 80 and 105 km in the Earth's atmosphere as a result of meteoric ablation, exhibit completely different seasonal behavior. In the extratropics Na varies annually, with a pronounced wintertime maximum and summertime minimum. However, K varies semiannually with a small summertime maximum and minima at the equinoxes. This contrasting behavior has never been satisfactorily explained. Here we use a combination of electronic structure and chemical kinetic rate theory to determine two key differences in the chemistries of K and Na. First, the neutralization of K+ ions is only favored at low temperatures during summer. Second, cycling between K and its major neutral reservoir KHCO3 is essentially temperature independent. A whole atmosphere model incorporating this new chemistry, together with a meteor input function, now correctly predicts the seasonal behavior of the K layer