183 research outputs found

    Prenatal management of disorders of Sex development

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    Disorders of sex development (DSD) rarely present prenatally but, as they are very complex conditions, management should be directed by highly specialised medical teams to allow consideration of all aspects of diagnosis, treatment and ethical issues. In this brief review, we present an overview of the prenatal presentation and management of DSD, including the sonographic appearance of normal genitalia and methods of determining genetic sex, the prenatal management of pregnancies with the unexpected finding of genital ambiguity on prenatal ultrasound and a review of the prenatal management of pregnancies at high risk of DSD. As this is a rapidly developing field, management options will change over time, making the involvement of clinical geneticists, paediatric endocrinologists and urologists, as well as fetal medicine specialists, essential in the care of these complex pregnancies. The reader should also bear in mind that local social, ethical and legal aspects may also influence management

    Stellar activity and rotation of the planet host Kepler-17 from long-term space-borne photometry

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    The study of young Sun-like stars is of fundamental importance to understand the magnetic activity and rotational evolution of the Sun. Space-borne photometry by the Kepler telescope provides unprecedented datasets to investigate these phenomena in Sun-like stars. We present a new analysis of the entire Kepler photometric time series of the moderately young Sun-like star Kepler-17 that is accompanied by a transiting hot Jupiter. We applied a maximum-entropy spot model to the long-cadence out-of-transit photometry of the target to derive maps of the starspot filling factor versus the longitude and the time. These maps are compared to the spots occulted during transits to validate our reconstruction and derive information on the latitudes of the starspots. We find two main active longitudes on the photosphere of Kepler-17, one of which has a lifetime of at least 1400\sim 1400 days, although with a varying level of activity. The latitudinal differential rotation is of solar type, that is, with the equator rotating faster than the poles. We estimate a minimum relative amplitude ΔΩ/Ω\Delta \Omega/ \Omega between 0.08±0.05\sim 0.08 \pm 0.05 and 0.14±0.050.14 \pm 0.05, our determination being affected by the finite lifetime of individual starspots and depending on the adopted spot model parameters. We find marginal evidence of a short-term intermittent activity cycle of 48\sim 48 days and an indication of a longer cycle of 400600400-600 days characterized by an equatorward migration of the mean latitude of the spots as in the Sun. The rotation of Kepler-17 is likely to be significantly affected by the tides raised by its massive close-by planet. We confirm the reliability of maximum-entropy spot models to map starspots in young active stars and characterize the activity and differential rotation of this young Sun-like planetary host.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics - 22 pages, 29 figure, 1 table, 2 appendixe

    Detection of Neptune-size planetary candidates with CoRoT data. Comparison with the planet occurrence rate derived from Kepler

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    [Abridged] Context. The CoRoT space mission has been searching for transiting planets since the end of December 2006. Aims. We aim to investigate the capability of CoRoT to detect small-size transiting planets in short-period orbits, and to compare the number of CoRoT planets with 2 \leq R_p \leq 4 Rearth with the occurrence rate of small-size planets provided by the distribution of Kepler planetary candidates (Howard et al. 2012). Methods. We performed a test that simulates transits of super-Earths and Neptunes in real CoRoT light curves and searches for them blindly by using the LAM transit detection pipeline. Results. The CoRoT detection rate of planets with radius between 2 and 4 Rearth and orbital period P \leq 20 days is 59% (31%) around stars brighter than r'=14.0 (15.5). By properly taking the CoRoT detection rate for Neptune-size planets and the transit probability into account, we found that according to the Kepler planet occurrence rate, CoRoT should have discovered 12 \pm 2 Neptunes orbiting G and K dwarfs with P \leq 17 days in six observational runs. This estimate must be compared with the validated Neptune CoRoT-24b and five CoRoT planetary candidates in the considered range of planetary radii. We thus found a disagreement with expectations from Kepler at 3 \sigma or 5 \sigma, assuming a blend fraction of 0% (six Neptunes) and 100% (one Neptune) for these candidates. Conclusions. This underabundance of CoRoT Neptunes with respect to Kepler may be due to several reasons. Regardless of the origin of the disagreement, which needs to be investigated in more detail, the noticeable deficiency of CoRoT Neptunes at short orbital periods seems to indirectly support the general trend found in Kepler data, i.e. that the frequency of small-size planets increases with increasing orbital periods and decreasing planet radii.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    The secondary eclipses of WASP-19b as seen by the ASTEP 400 telescope from Antarctica

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    The ASTEP (Antarctica Search for Transiting ExoPlanets) program was originally aimed at probing the quality of the Dome C, Antarctica for the discovery and characterization of exoplanets by photometry. In the first year of operation of the 40 cm ASTEP 400 telescope (austral winter 2010), we targeted the known transiting planet WASP-19b in order to try to detect its secondary transits in the visible. This is made possible by the excellent sub-millimagnitude precision of the binned data. The WASP-19 system was observed during 24 nights in May 2010. The photometric variability level due to starspots is about 1.8% (peak-to-peak), in line with the SuperWASP data from 2007 (1.4%) and larger than in 2008 (0.07%). We find a rotation period of WASP-19 of 10.7 +/- 0.5 days, in agreement with the SuperWASP determination of 10.5 +/- 0.2 days. Theoretical models show that this can only be explained if tidal dissipation in the star is weak, i.e. the tidal dissipation factor Q'star > 3.10^7. Separately, we find evidence for a secondary eclipse of depth 390 +/- 190 ppm with a 2.0 sigma significance, a phase consistent with a circular orbit and a 3% false positive probability. Given the wavelength range of the observations (420 to 950 nm), the secondary transit depth translates into a day side brightness temperature of 2690(-220/+150) K, in line with measurements in the z' and K bands. The day side emission observed in the visible could be due either to thermal emission of an extremely hot day side with very little redistribution of heat to the night side, or to direct reflection of stellar light with a maximum geometrical albedo Ag=0.27 +/- 0.13. We also report a low-frequency oscillation well in phase at the planet orbital period, but with a lower-limit amplitude that could not be attributed to the planet phase alone, and possibly contaminated with residual lightcurve trends.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 13 pages, 13 figure

    BVRIJHK photometry and proper motion analysis of NGC 6253 and the surrounding field

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    Context. We present a photometric and astrometric catalog of 187963 stars located in the field around the old super-metal-rich Galactic open cluster NGC 6253. The total field-of-view covered by the catalog is 34' x 33'. In this field, we provide CCD BVRI photometry. For a smaller region close to the cluster's center, we also provide near-infrared JHK photometry. Aims. We analyze the properties of NGC 6253 by using our new photometric data and astrometric membership. Methods. In June 2004, we targeted the cluster during a 10 day multi-site campaign, which involved the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope with its wide-field imager and the Anglo-Australian 3.9m telescope, equipped with the IRIS2 near-infrared imager. Archival CCD images of NGC 6253 were used to derive relative proper motions and to calculate the cluster membership probabilities. Results. We have refined the cluster's fundamental parameters, deriving (V_0-M_v)=11.15, E(B - V)=0.15, E(V - I)=0.25, E(V - J)=0.50, and E(V - H)=0.55. The color excess ratios obtained using both the optical and near infrared colors indicate a normal reddening law in the direction of NGC 6253. The age of NGC 6253 at 3.5 Gyr, determined from our best-fitting isochrone appears to be slightly older than the previous estimates. Finally, we estimated the binary fraction among the cluster members to be \sim20%-30% and identified 11 blue straggler candidates.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 11 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. Catalog avaiable via CD

    Modelling the Autocovariance of the Power Spectrum of a Solar-Type Oscillator

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    Asteroseismology is able to conduct studies on the interiors of solar-type stars from the analysis of stellar acoustic spectra. However, such an analysis process often has to rely upon subjective choices made throughout. A recurring problem is to determine whether a signal in the acoustic spectrum originates from a radial or a dipolar oscillation mode. In order to overcome this problem, we present a procedure for modelling and fitting the autocovariance of the power spectrum which can be used to obtain global seismic parameters of solar-type stars, doing so in an automated fashion without the need to make subjective choices. From the set of retrievable global seismic parameters we emphasize the mean small frequency separation and, depending on the intrinsic characteristics of the power spectrum, the mean rotational frequency splitting. Since this procedure is automated, it can serve as a useful tool in the analysis of the more than one thousand solar-type stars expected to be observed as part of the Kepler Asteroseismic Investigation (KAI). We apply the aforementioned procedure to simulations of the Sun. Assuming different apparent magnitudes, we address the issues of how accurately and how precisely we can retrieve the several global seismic parameters were the Sun to be observed as part of the KAI.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    ASTEP South: An Antarctic Search for Transiting ExoPlanets around the celestial South pole

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    ASTEP South is the first phase of the ASTEP project (Antarctic Search for Transiting ExoPlanets). The instrument is a fixed 10 cm refractor with a 4kx4k CCD camera in a thermalized box, pointing continuously a 3.88 degree x 3.88 degree field of view centered on the celestial South pole. ASTEP South became fully functional in June 2008 and obtained 1592 hours of data during the 2008 Antarctic winter. The data are of good quality but the analysis has to account for changes in the point spread function due to rapid ground seeing variations and instrumental effects. The pointing direction is stable within 10 arcseconds on a daily timescale and drifts by only 34 arcseconds in 50 days. A truly continuous photometry of bright stars is possible in June (the noon sky background peaks at a magnitude R=15 arcsec-2 on June 22), but becomes challenging in July (the noon sky background magnitude is R=12.5 arcsec?2 on July 20). The weather conditions are estimated from the number of stars detected in the field. For the 2008 winter, the statistics are between 56.3 % and 68.4 % of excellent weather, 17.9 % to 30 % of veiled weather and 13.7 % of bad weather. Using these results in a probabilistic analysis of transit detection, we show that the detection efficiency of transiting exoplanets in one given field is improved at Dome C compared to a temperate site such as La Silla. For example we estimate that a year-long campaign of 10 cm refractor could reach an efficiency of 69 % at Dome C versus 45 % at La Silla for detecting 2-day period giant planets around target stars from magnitude 10 to 15. This shows the high potential of Dome C for photometry and future planet discoveries. [Short abstract

    Sounding stellar cycles with Kepler - I. Strategy for selecting targets

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    The long-term monitoring and high photometric precision of the Kepler satellite will provide a unique opportunity to sound the stellar cycles of many solar-type stars using asteroseismology. This can be achieved by studying periodic changes in the amplitudes and frequencies of the oscillation modes observed in these stars. By comparing these measurements with conventional ground-based chromospheric activity indices, we can improve our understanding of the relationship between chromospheric changes and those taking place deep in the interior throughout the stellar activity cycle. In addition, asteroseismic measurements of the convection zone depth and differential rotation may help us determine whether stellar cycles are driven at the top or at the base of the convection zone. In this paper, we analyze the precision that will be possible using Kepler to measure stellar cycles, convection zone depths, and differential rotation. Based on this analysis, we describe a strategy for selecting specific targets to be observed by the Kepler Asteroseismic Investigation for the full length of the mission, to optimize their suitability for probing stellar cycles in a wide variety of solar-type stars.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    A new search for planet transits in NGC 6791

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    Context. Searching for planets in open clusters allows us to study the effects of dynamical environment on planet formation and evolution. Aims. Considering the strong dependence of planet frequency on stellar metallicity, we studied the metal rich old open cluster NGC 6791 and searched for close-in planets using the transit technique. Methods. A ten-night observational campaign was performed using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (3.6m), the San Pedro M\'artir telescope (2.1m), and the Loiano telescope (1.5m). To increase the transit detection probability we also made use of the Bruntt et al. (2003) eight-nights observational campaign. Adequate photometric precision for the detection of planetary transits was achieved. Results. Should the frequency and properties of close-in planets in NGC 6791 be similar to those orbiting field stars of similar metallicity, then detailed simulations foresee the presence of 2-3 transiting planets. Instead, we do not confirm the transit candidates proposed by Bruntt et al. (2003). The probability that the null detection is simply due to chance coincidence is estimated to be 3%-10%, depending on the metallicity assumed for the cluster. Conclusions. Possible explanations of the null-detection of transits include: (i) a lower frequency of close-in planets in star clusters; (ii) a smaller planetary radius for planets orbiting super metal rich stars; or (iii) limitations in the basic assumptions. More extensive photometry with 3-4m class telescopes is required to allow conclusive inferences about the frequency of planets in NGC 6791.Comment: 23 pages, 23 figures, A&A accepte

    Discovery and characterisation of detached M-dwarf eclipsing binaries in the WFCAM Transit Survey

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    We report the discovery of 16 detached M-dwarf eclipsing binaries with J<16 mag and provide a detailed characterisation of three of them, using high-precision infrared light curves from the WFCAM Transit Survey (WTS). Such systems provide the most accurate and model-independent method for measuring the fundamental parameters of these poorly understood yet numerous stars, which currently lack sufficient observations to precisely calibrate stellar evolution models. We fully solve for the masses and radii of three of the systems, finding orbital periods in the range 1.5<P<4.9 days, with masses spanning 0.35-0.50 Msun and radii between 0.38-0.50 Rsun, with uncertainties of ~3.5-6.4% in mass and ~2.7-5.5% in radius. Close-companions in short-period binaries are expected to be tidally-locked into fast rotational velocities, resulting in high levels of magnetic activity. This is predicted to inflate their radii by inhibiting convective flow and increasing star spot coverage. The radii of the WTS systems are inflated above model predictions by ~3-12%, in agreement with the observed trend, despite an expected lower systematic contribution from star spots signals at infrared wavelengths. We searched for correlation between the orbital period and radius inflation by combining our results with all existing M-dwarf radius measurements of comparable precision, but we found no statistically significant evidence for a decrease in radius inflation for longer period, less active systems. Radius inflation continues to exists in non-synchronised systems indicating that the problem remains even for very low activity M-dwarfs. Resolving this issue is vital not only for understanding the most populous stars in the Universe, but also for characterising their planetary companions, which hold the best prospects for finding Earth-like planets in the traditional habitable zone.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures, 16 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRA