134 research outputs found

    Association between Fractional Oxygen Extraction from Resting Quadriceps Muscle and Body Composition in Healthy Men

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    [EN] This study aimed to associate body composition with fractional oxygen extraction at rest in healthy adult men. Fourteen healthy adults (26.93 ± 2.49 years) from Chile participated. Body composition was assessed with octopole bioimpedance, and resting muscle oxygenation was evaluated in the vastus lateralis quadriceps with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) during a vascular occlusion test, analyzing the muscleVO2, resaturation velocity during reactive hyperemia via the muscle saturation index (%TSI), and the area above the curve of HHb (AACrep). It was observed that the total and segmented fat mass are associated with lower reoxygenation velocities during hyperemia (p = 0.008; β = 0.678: p = 0.002; β = 0.751), and that the total and segmented skeletal muscle mass are associated with higher reoxygenation velocities during hyperemia (p = 0.020; β = −0.614: p = 0.027; β = −0.587). It was also observed that the total and segmented fat mass were associated with a higher area above the curve of HHb (AACrep) during hyperemia (p = 0.007; β = 0.692: p = 0.037; β = 0.564), and that total and segmented skeletal muscle mass was associated with a lower area above the curve of HHb (AACrep) during hyperemia (p = 0.007; β = −0.703: p = 0.017; β = −0.632). We concluded that fat mass is associated with lower resaturation rates and lower resting fractional O2 extraction levels. In contrast, skeletal muscle mass is associated with higher resaturation rates and fractional O2 extraction during reactive hyperemia. The AACrep may be relevant in the evaluation of vascular adaptations to exercise and metabolic health.S

    A green strategy for shark attack mitigation off Recife, Brazil

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    Shark attacks on humans have prompted the implementation of shark control programs aiming at reducing local populations of potentially aggressive species using mostly gillnets. However, shark meshing produces ecological disturbances by inflicting severe mortality not only to sharks but also to several harmless, frequently endangered taxa, including cetaceans, sirenians and chelonids. A different methodological approach to mitigate shark peril off Recife combines bottom longlining and drumlines with comparably better results. This region has been experiencing an abnormally high shark attack rate since 1992, but the protective fishing strategy was developed in 2004 only. Unlike traditional shark control programs, the Shark Monitoring Program of Recife (SMPR) aims at removing dangerous sharks not from their populations but from the hazardous area instead, which is achieved by capturing, transporting and releasing sharks offshore. During 8 years, the SMPR caught fish and turtles only and showed high selectivity for sharks compared with shark meshing. Target species comprised carcharhinids and sphyrnids and accounted for 7% of total catch. The fishing mortality of abundant taxa was generally low except for Carcharhinus acronotus and Gymnothorax spp., and protected species had similar to 100% survival. The shark attack rate diminished about 97% while fishing operations were being conducted (W = 1108.5, P < 0.001), whereas no-fishing periods and the period prior to the implementation of the SMPR had similar shark attack rates. Overall, the SMPR seems to be less detrimental than shark meshing strategies while clearly contributing for enhancing bather safety; thus, it may provide an effective, ecologically balanced tool for assisting in shark attack mitigation.State Government of Pernambuco; Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia, Portugal [SFRH/BD/37065/2007]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perfil de Composición Corporal en Militares Élite Chilenos

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    [ES] La Bioimpedancia Eléctrica (BIA), al ser una técnica no invasiva pero de elevada precisión, se ha convertido en la actualidad en una herramienta valiosa para determinar la composición corporal en militares, facilitado el control de las distintas variables que se asocian a cada especialidad. El objetivo del presente estudio fue describir el perfil de composición corporal en militares de elite al momento de finalizar un curso de especialización. Participaron 11 militares con un rango de edad entre 22 y 29 años. Se evalúo la composición corporal a través de BIA, inmediatamente después de finalizado un curso de especialización para militares de élite. Las evaluaciones en los militares sobre las variables de la composición corporal a través de BIA mostraron: peso corporal de 84,3 ± 4,52 kg, talla 1,78 ± 0,06 m, índice de masa corporal (IMC) 26,5 ± 1,09, tejido adiposo de 13,7 ± 3,65 %, tejido muscular 49,5 ± 2,34 %, masa libre de grasa 72,7 ± 5,23 kg y 53,2 ± 3,78 l de agua corporal total. Conclusiones: Los militares de elite presentaron elevados niveles de masa libre de grasa, tejido muscular y bajos niveles de tejido adiposo lo que favorece el desarrollo de las actividades militares especializadas y disminuye el riesgo de lesiones. Los datos aquí recogidos sirven como marco de referencia para futuros estudios.S

    Artificial Modifications of the Coast In Response to the \u3ci\u3eDeepwater Horizon\u3c/i\u3e Oil Spill: Quick Solutions or Long-Term Liabilities?

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    The Deepwater Horizon oil spill threatened many coastal ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico during the spring and summer of 2010. Mitigation strategies included the construction of barrier sand berms, the restriction or blocking of inlets, and the diversion of freshwater from rivers to the coastal marshes and into the ocean, in order to flush away the oil, on the premise that these measures could reduce the quantity of oil reaching sensitive coastal environments such as wetlands or estuaries. These projects result in changes to the ecosystems that they were intended to protect. Long-term effects include alterations of the hydrological and ecological characteristics of estuaries, changes in sediment transport along the coastal barrier islands, the loss of sand resources, and adverse impacts to benthic and pelagic organisms. Although there are no easy solutions for minimizing the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon disaster on coastal ecosystems, we recommend that federal, state, and local agencies return to the strategic use of long-term restoration plans for this region

    The Influence of Enhanced Post-Glacial Coastal Margin Productivity on the Emergence of Complex Societies

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    Abstract We analyze the dynamics of post-glacial coastal margin (CM) productivity and explore how it affected the emergence of six complex CM societies. Following deglaciation, global relative sea level stabilized after ~7000 BP and CM productivity significantly increased in many areas. Primary and secondary productivity (fish) likely increased by an order of magnitude or more. Aquatic animals were readily available in the CM providing sources of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, high quality protein, and nutrients, especially essential to human nutrition. In all six case studies, mature CMs appear to have been occupied by Neolithic agricultural and fishing villages within ~500 years of sea-level stabilization. Within a few hundred years population densities increased and roughly a millennium later social ranking and monumental architecture appeared. Sea-level stabilization and increased CM productivity in conjunction with agricultural intensification in lower alluvial floodplains were major contributors to the origins of many complex CM societies. Keyword

    Divulgação do risco de crédito antes e após a crise financeira de 2008: o caso das empresas do setor bancário do PSI-20

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    Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e FinançasA crise financeira de 2008 evidenciou a necessidade da qualidade da informação divulgada sobre os riscos, assim como a falta de transparência nos relatórios das empresas. Para colmatar este deficit de transparência, as empresas do setor bancário estão sujeitas ao cumprimento das normas emitidas pela Comissão de Mercado e Valores Mobiliários (CMVM), pelo International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), bem como da legislação que resulta dos Acordos de Basileia. O presente estudo procura analisar as práticas de divulgação de informação sobre o risco de crédito antes e “após” a mais recente crise financeira em quatro empresas do setor bancário português cotadas na Euronext Lisboa e incluídas no Portuguese Stock Index (PSI) 20. Para o efeito foi utilizado o método qualitativo e o método da análise de conteúdo. Os dados foram extraídos dos relatórios e contas de 2006 e 2012 das empresas da amostra. Verifica-se que, em geral, as empresas cumpriam os requisitos previstos no normativo contabilístico, regras, regulamentos e outra legislação aplicável.); e que a informação mais divulgada referia-se aos objetivos e políticas de gestão do risco de crédito. Verifica-se, ainda, que a informação divulgada em 2012 melhorou significativamente face a 2006; e houve um grande envolvimento por parte dos órgãos reguladores na adequação das normas e legislações às novas realidades proporcionadas pelo sistema financeiro.Abstract:The financial crisis of 2008 has highlighted the need for the quality of information disclosed about the risks, as well as the lack of transparency in corporate reporting. To overcome this deficit of transparency, companies in the banking sector are subject to compliance with the rules issued by the Comissão de Mercado e Valores Mobiliários (CMVM), by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), as well as by the legislation that has derived from the Basel Accords. The present study seeks to analyse the information disclosure practices on credit risk before and "after" the latest financial crisis in four Portuguese banking companies listed on Euronext Lisbon and included in the Portuguese Stock Index (PSI) 20. For this purpose we used the qualitative method and the method of content analysis. The data were extracted from the 2006 and 2012 Annual Accounts of the companies included in the sample. It turns out that, in general, the companies met the requirements set out in accounting standards, rules, regulations, and other applicable law.); and that the information disclosed was referring to the goals and policies of credit risk management. It, also, turns out that the information disclosed in 2012 has significantly improved compared to 2006; and there was a great involvement on the part of regulators on the appropriateness of standards and legislation to the new realities offered by the financial system

    Temporary use of a coastal ecosystem by the fish, Pomadasys corvinaeformis (Perciformes: Haemulidae), at Guaratuba Bay, Brazil

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    Pomadasys corvinaeformis is Qne ofthe most abundant species found in Guaratuba Bay, an Atlantic coastal, estuarine ecosystem in Paraná, Brazil. We tested whether this species comprises a resident or migratorial population. Abundance, size distribution, and gonad development of individuaIs captured during the year show that pre-adults enter the system when salinities are greater (autumn and early winter). During this time, they are mostly associated with mangroves and adjacent areas. When salinities begin to fall (late spring and summer) these now maturing individuaIs return to the sea where they spawn. Thus, P. corvinaeformis is migratorial and estuarine-dependent and uses this area prior to sexual maturity. During the period in this bay, P. corvinaeformis presents a great plasticity of feeding habits, that include inainly Crustacea, MoIlusca and Thaliacea.Pomadasys corvinaeformis é uma das espécies de maior representatividade na ictiofauna da Baía de Guaratuba, litoral do Estado do Paraná. Este trabalho investigou se a espécie compõe ali uma população permanente, residente no sistema, ou se é migratória, fteqüentando-o apenas em épocas determinadas. Resultados de 12 meses sobre variações de abundância, distribuição de tamanho e aspectos reprodutivos indicam que indivíduos subadultos ingressam no sistema quando a salinidade é maior (outono, começo de inverno). Nesta época, os indivíduos utilizam a área de manguezal e suas adjacências. Quanto a salinidade começa a cair (final de primavera, verão), estes indivíduos agora em maturação gonadal retomam para o mar, onde desovam. P. corvinaeformis é, portanto, uma espécie migratória e estuarino-dependente que utiliza a Baía em período anterior ao de maturidade gonadal. Ali, apresenta uma dieta muito variada, constituída basicamente de Crustacea, MoIlusca e Thaliacea

    Designing indicators for assessing the effects of marine protected areas on coral reef ecosystems : a multidisciplinary standpoint

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    The present paper aims at identifying and assessing indicators of the effects of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in coral reef regions, based on a bibliography review in ecology, economics and social sciences. First the various effects Studied within each of these domains and the variables used to measure them were censused. Potential ecological indicators were assessed through their link with the question used (here termed "relevance") and their "effectiveness" which encompasses the issues of precision, accuracy and statistical power. Relevance and effectiveness were respectively measured by the frequency of use of each indicator and the proportion of significant results in the reviewed articles. For social and economic effects, the approach was not possible due to the low number of references: we thus discussed the issue of finding appropriate indicators for those fields. Results indicate: 1- the unbalance in literature between disciplines: 2- the need for protocols and methodologies which include controls in order to assess MPA effects: 3- an important proportion of ecological indicators with low effectiveness: 4- the large number of ecological effects still not studied or not demonstrated at present

    Desenvolvimento de um roteiro conceitual para a gestão da biodiversidade e dos serviços ecossistêmicos no Caribe mexicano

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    Coral reefs and mangroves support rich biodiversity and provide ecosystem services that range from food, recreational benefits and coastal protection services, among others. They are one of the most threatened ecosystems by urbanization processes. In this context, we developed a conceptual framework for the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services for these coastal environments. We based our workflow on two sections: “Information base” and “Governance” and use the Puerto Morelos Coastal region as a case study for coastal protection. Puerto Morelos is between two of the most touristic destinations of Mexico (Playa del Carmen and Cancun) that has experienced an increase of population in the past four decades resulting in an intensification of multiple threats to its ecosystems. We characterized the two ecosystems with a “Management Units” strategy. An expert-based ecosystem services matrix was also described in order to connect mangroves and coral reef ecosystems with the multiple beneficiaries. Then an ecosystem model (conceptual model and Global Biodiversity model) was developed. The conceptual model was useful in understanding the interplay processes between systems regarding the ecosystem service of “Coastal Protection”. The Global Biodiversity model evidenced the human-induced shifts in the biodiversity for mangrove and coral reefs ecosystems. Also, a projection for 2035 of “best” and “worst” scenarios was applied using GLOBIO3. A DPSIR conceptual framework was used to analyze environmental problems regarding ecosystem services maintenance. Finally, we evaluated a set of policies associated with these ecosystems that favor coastal protection integrity. This framework facilitates the identification of the most relevant processes and controls about the provision of coastal protection service. It can also be useful to better target management actions and as a tool to identify future management needs to tackle the challenges preventing more effective conservation of coastal environments.Recifes de coral e manguezais possuem rica biodiversidade e fornecem serviços ecossistêmicos, tais como, alimento, recreação, proteção costeira, entre outros. Esses ecossistemas encontram-se entre os mais ameaçados pelos processos de urbanização. Nesse contexto, desenvolvemos um roteiro conceitual para a gestão da biodiversidade e dos serviços ecossistêmicos desses ambientes costeiros. Organizamos nossa sequência de passos de trabalho em duas seções: “Base de informações” e “Governança” e usamos a região costeira da cidade de Puerto Morelos (México) como um estudo de caso para analisar o serviço de proteção de costa. Puerto Morelos encontra-se entre dois dos destinos mais turísticos do México (Playa del Carmen e Cancún), e portanto sua população vem aumentando nas últimas quatro décadas, resultando na intensificação de múltiplas ameaças para os ecossistemas. Primeiramente, caracterizamos os dois ecossistemas identificando-os como “Unidades de Gestão”, detalhando seus principais componentes e processos. Através de uma “Matriz de serviços ecossistêmicos”, construída com base na opinião de especialistas, foram sistematizados os principais serviços ecossistêmicos prestados pelos manguezais e recifes de corais aos múltiplos beneficiários. Em seguida, foi desenvolvida uma modelagem do sistema (e ecossistemas) através de sua representação na forma de um modelo conceitual e um modelo numérico de Biodiversidade Global. O modelo conceitual facilitou a compreensão dos processos de interação entre sistemas em relação ao serviço “Proteção Costeira”. O modelo numérico evidenciou as mudanças induzidas pelo homem na biodiversidade dos ecossistemas de manguezal e recifes de coral. Além disso, uma projeção dos cenários “melhor” e “pior” foi desenvolvida para 2035 usando GLOBIO3. A Estrutura conceitual DPSIR foi aplicada para analisar problemas ambientais relacionados à manutenção dos serviços ecossistêmicos. Finalmente, avaliamos um conjunto de políticas públicas associadas a esses ecossistemas e que favorecem a integridade da proteção costeira. Portanto, o roteiro facilitou a identificação dos principais processos e controles para a provisão de um serviço ecossistêmico. Além disso, pode ser útil para direcionar melhor as ações de gerenciamento, bem como, uma ferramenta para identificar necessidades futuras de planejamento e gestão para enfrentar desafios que permitam uma conservação mais eficaz dos ambientes costeiros.Fil: Sánchez Quinto, Andrés. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Costa, Julliet Correa da. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Zamboni, Nadia Selene. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; BrasilFil: Sanches, Fábio H. C.. Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Principe, Silas C.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Viotto, Evangelina del Valle. Provincia de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción; ArgentinaFil: Casagranda, Maria Elvira. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Ecología Regional. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto de Ecología Regional; ArgentinaFil: Lima, Francisco A. da Veiga. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Possamai, Bianca. Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande.; BrasilFil: Faroni Perez, Larisse. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; Brasi