70 research outputs found

    Aftershock sequence of the 1994, Mw 6.8, Liwa earthquake (Indonesia): seismic rupture process in a volcanic arc

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    International audienceWe present the aftershock activity following the February 15, 1994, Mw 6.8 earthquake which was strongly felt in southern Sumatra, Indonesia, near the Great Sumatran Fault (GSF). At this place, the slip rate is supposed to be low; neverthless, three M>6 events occurred along this segment during this century. No significant instrumental microseismi-city has ever been recorded there. We use data from both the regional Indonesian network and a local seismic array operating 11 days after the mainshock during one month. Aftershocks mostly locate in a broad zone of 55x20 km 2 near two active NW-trending strike-slip segments of the GSF separated by a recent caldera, Suwoh. During the experiment, the NW segment (from Suwoh up to 15 km SE of the Ranau lake caldera, an old right-stepover pull-apart) was very active. As first suggested by the aftershock distribution and the lack of coseismic rupture at the surface, the 20 focal mechanisms determined provide evidence for various post-seismic stress adjustments on secondary faults located in the Ranau-Suwoh paleo-pull-apart graben. Less than 20% of the aftershocks are directly linked to the main rupture, a nearly pure right-lateral strike-slip faulting reaching 25 km depth. A narrow seismic gap underlines the active volcanic area of Suwoh. We conclude that the rupture process along the GSF is controlled both by volcanism and structures, and that the volcanic activity affects the mechanical properties of the crust only in a narrow zone

    Fluid-dynamics of the 1997 Boxing Day volcanic blast on Montserrat, W.I.

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    Directed volcanic blasts are powerful explosions with a significant laterally¬directed component, which can generate devastating, high-energy pyroclastic density currents (PDCs). Such blasts are an important class of eruptive phenomena, but quantified understanding of their dynamics and effects is still incomplete. Here we use 2D and 3D multiparticle thermofluid dynamic flow codes to examine a powerful volcanic blast that occurred on Montserrat in December 1997. Based on the simulations, we divide the blast into three phases; an initial burst phase lasts roughly 5 s and involves rapid expansion of the gas-pyroclast mixture, a gravitational collapse phase which occurs when the erupted material fails to mix with sufficient air to form a buoyant column and thus collapses asymmetrically, and a PDC phase which is dominated by motion parallel to the ground surface and is influenced by topography. We vary key input parameters such as total gas energy and total solid mass to understand their influence on simulations, and compare the simulations with independent field observations of damage and deposits, demonstrating that the models generally capture important large-scale features of the natural phenomenon. We also examine the 2D and 3D model results to estimate the flow Mach number and conclude that the range of damage sustained at villages on Montserrat can be reasonably explained by the spatial and temporal distribution of the dynamic pressure associated with subsonic PDCs


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    Stasiun seismograf tunggal pita lebar (broadband) di G. Tangkubanparahu telah merekam sejumlah gempa jarak jauh. Gelombang gempa yang terekam telah di analisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan fungsi penerima untuk mempelajari struktur bawah permukaan di bawah stasiun. Hasil awal, berdasarkan metode pemodelan kedepan (forward) dan inversi fungsi penerima menunjukkan ketebalan kerak di bawah Tangkubanparahu adalah sekitar 30-35 km. Juga ada kemungkinan adanya dua zona kecepatan rendah di bawah G. Tangkubanparahu yang boleh jadi merupakan dua kantung magma pada kedalaman sekitar 5 km dan 25 km

    Reconstructing eruptions at a data limited volcano: A case study at Gede (West Java)

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    Understanding past eruption dynamics at a volcano is crucial for forecasting the range of possible future eruptions and their associated hazards and risk. In this work we use numerical models to recreate the footprints of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) and tephra fall from three eruptions at Gede volcano, Indonesia, with the aim of gaining further insight into these past eruptions and identifying suitable eruption source parameters for future hazard and risk assessment. Gede has the largest number of people living within 100 km of any volcano worldwide, and has exhibited recent unrest activity, yet little is known about its eruptive history. For PDCs, we used Titan2D to recreate geological deposits dated at 1.2 and c. 1 kyrs BP. An objective and quantitative multi-criteria method was developed to evaluate the fit of 342 model simulations with field observations. In recreating the field deposits we were able to identify the best fitting values to reconstruct these eruptions. We found that the 1.2 kyrs BP geological deposits could be reproduced with Titan2D using either a dome-collapse or a column-collapse as the triggering mechanism, although a relatively low basal friction angle of 6° would suggest that the PDCs were highly mobile. For the 1 kyrs BP PDC, a column-collapse mechanism and a higher basal friction angle were required to fit the geological deposits. In agreement with previous studies, we found that Titan2D simulations were most sensitive to the basal friction angle parameter. We used Tephra2 to recreate historic observations of tephra dispersed to Jakarta and Gunung Patuha during the last known magmatic eruption of Gede in 1948. In the absence of observable field deposits, or detailed information from the published literature, we stochastically sampled eruption source parameters from wide ranges informed by analogous volcanic systems, allowing us to constrain the eruption dynamics capable of dispersing tephra to the most populous city in Indonesia, Jakarta. Our modelling suggests that the deposition of tephra fall in Jakarta during the November 1948 eruption was a very low probability event, with a < 1% chance of occurrence. Through this work, we show how the reconstruction of past eruptions with numerical models can improve our understanding of past eruption dynamics, when faced with epistemic uncertainty. At Gede volcano, this provides a crucial step towards the reduction of risk to nearby populations through volcanic hazard assessment

    The relative effectiveness of empirical and physical models for simulating the dense undercurrent of pyroclastic flows under different emplacement conditions

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    High concentration pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are hot avalanches of volcanic rock and gas and are among the most destructive volcanic hazards due to their speed and mobility. Mitigating the risk associated with these flows depends upon accurate forecasting of possible impacted areas, often using empirical or physical models. TITAN2D, VolcFlow, LAHARZ, and ΔH/L or energy cone models each employ different rheologies or empirical relationships and therefore differ in appropriateness of application for different types of mass flows and topographic environments. This work seeks to test different statistically- and physically-based models against a range of PDCs of different volumes, emplaced under different conditions, over different topography in order to test the relative effectiveness, operational aspects, and ultimately, the utility of each model for use in hazard assessments. The purpose of this work is not to rank models, but rather to understand the extent to which the different modeling approaches can replicate reality in certain conditions, and to explore the dynamics of PDCs themselves. In this work, these models are used to recreate the inundation areas of the dense-basal undercurrent of all 13 mapped, land-confined, Soufrière Hills Volcano dome-collapse PDCs emplaced from 1996 to 2010 to test the relative effectiveness of different computational models. Best-fit model results and their input parameters are compared with results using observation- and deposit-derived input parameters. Additional comparison is made between best-fit model results and those using empirically-derived input parameters from the FlowDat global database, which represent “forward” modeling simulations as would be completed for hazard assessment purposes. Results indicate that TITAN2D is able to reproduce inundated areas well using flux sources, although velocities are often unrealistically high. VolcFlow is also able to replicate flow runout well, but does not capture the lateral spreading in distal regions of larger-volume flows. Both models are better at reproducing the inundated area of single-pulse, valley-confined, smaller-volume flows than sustained, highly unsteady, larger-volume flows, which are often partially unchannelized. The simple rheological models of TITAN2D and VolcFlow are not able to recreate all features of these more complex flows. LAHARZ is fast to run and can give a rough approximation of inundation, but may not be appropriate for all PDCs and the designation of starting locations is difficult. The ΔH/L cone model is also very quick to run and gives reasonable approximations of runout distance, but does not inherently model flow channelization or directionality and thus unrealistically covers all interfluves. Empirically-based models like LAHARZ and ΔH/L cones can be quick, first-approximations of flow runout, provided a database of similar flows, e.g., FlowDat, is available to properly calculate coefficients or ΔH/L. For hazard assessment purposes, geophysical models like TITAN2D and VolcFlow can be useful for producing both scenario-based or probabilistic hazard maps, but must be run many times with varying input parameters. LAHARZ and ΔH/L cones can be used to produce simple modeling-based hazard maps when run with a variety of input volumes, but do not explicitly consider the probability of occurrence of different volumes. For forward modeling purposes, the ability to derive potential input parameters from global or local databases is crucial, though important input parameters for VolcFlow cannot be empirically estimated. Not only does this work provide a useful comparison of the operational aspects and behavior of various models for hazard assessment, but it also enriches conceptual understanding of the dynamics of the PDCs themselves

    Understanding cyclic seismicity and ground deformation patterns at volcanoes: intriguing lessons from Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador

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    Cyclic seismicity and ground deformation patterns are observed on many volcanoes worldwide where seismic swarms and the tilt of the volcanic flanks provide sensitive tools to assess the state of volcanic activity. Ground deformation at active volcanoes is often interpreted as pressure changes in a magmatic reservoir, and tilt is simply translated accordingly into inflation and deflation of such a reservoir. Tilt data recorded by an instrument in the summit area of Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador, however, show an intriguing and unexpected behaviour on several occasions: prior to a Vulcanian explosion when a pressurisation of the system would be expected, the tilt signal declines significantly, hence indicating depressurisation. At the same time, seismicity increases drastically. Envisaging that such a pattern could carry the potential to forecast Vulcanian explosions on Tungurahua, we use numerical modelling and reproduce the observed tilt patterns in both space and time. We demonstrate that the tilt signal can be more easily explained as caused by shear stress due to viscous flow resistance, rather than by pressurization of the magmatic plumbing system. In general, our numerical models prove that if magma shear viscosity and ascent rate are high enough, the resulting shear stress is sufficient to generate a tilt signal as observed on Tungurahua. Furthermore, we address the interdependence of tilt and seismicity through shear stress partitioning and suggest that a joint interpretation of tilt and seismicity can shed new light on the eruption potential of silicic volcanoes

    Magma Flow Instabilities in a Volcanic Conduit: Implications for Long-Period Seismicity

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    Silicic volcanic eruptions are typically accompanied by repetitive Long-Period (LP) seismicity that originates from a small region of the upper conduit. These signals have the capability to advance eruption prediction, since they commonly precede a change in the eruption vigour. Shear bands forming along the conduit wall, where the shear stresses are highest, have been linked to providing the seismic trigger. However, existing computational models are unable to generate shear bands at the depths where the LP signals originate using simple magma strength models. Presented here is a model in which the magma strength is determined from a constitutive relationship dependent upon crystallinity and pressure. This results in a depth-dependent magma strength, analogous to planetary lithospheres. Hence, in shallow highly-crystalline regions a macroscopically discontinuous brittle type of deformation will prevail, whilst in deeper crystal-poor regions there will be a macroscopically continuous plastic deformation mechanism. This will result in a depth where the brittle-ductile transition occurs, and here shear bands disconnected from the free-surface may develop. We utilize the Finite Element Method and use axi-symmetric coordinates to model magma flow as a viscoplastic material, simulating quasi-static shear bands along the walls of a volcanic conduit. Model results constrained to the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, show the generation of two types of shear bands: upper-conduit shear bands that form between the free-surface to a few 100 metres below it and discrete shear bands that form at the depths where LP seismicity is measured to occur corresponding to the brittle-ductile transition and the plastic shear region. It is beyond the limitation of the model to simulate a seismic event, although the modelled viscosity within the discrete shear bands suggests a failure and healing cycle time that supports the observed LP seismicity repeat times. However, due to the paucity of data and large parameter space available these results can only be considered to be qualitative rather than quantitative at this stage

    Integrating global geochemical volcano rock composition with eruption history datasets

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    The major element composition of volcanic rocks carries important information about the source and differentiation processes affecting the magma, the physical properties that allow it to erupt, and its eruptive style. Although global rock geochemical databases exist, these are not linked to volcanic eruption history which hampers our global understanding of the relationship between magma composition and eruption dynamics. Here, we integrate two global databases, the Geochemistry of Rocks of the Oceans and Continents (GEOROC) and the Holocene volcanoes of the world of the Global Volcanism Program (VOTW-GVP). The integration is based on matching the location name, geographic position and eruption time, which is automated by a tool called DashVolcano. The tool is open-source, accessible at https://github.com/feog/DashVolcano, and gives access to the integrated datasets via an interactive dashboard. DashVolcano is based on more than 138,000 volcanic rock samples and provides the basis for the identification of global relationships between eruption styles, volcano types, and rock composition for more than 700 volcanoes and their eruptions for the last 10,000 years. The combined record of the eruptive history and its corresponding geochemical rock composition that DashVolcano provides can be used for characterizing global geochemical differences between volcanoes, and should also prove useful for improved long-term hazard and risk evaluations.Nanyang Technological UniversityPublished versionFO research is supported by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Start-Up Grant and the grant “Mathematics and Applications.” CW is supported by Earth Observatory of Singapore. FC research was supported by “Chaire d’Excellence” Universite de Paris Cite

    Réponse des structures lithosphériques aux différents stades de la collision de deux zones de subduction (exemple de la Mer des Moluques)

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    PARIS-BIUSJ-Thèses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Sci.Terre recherche (751052114) / SudocSudocFranceF

    DataSheet1_Integrating global geochemical volcano rock composition with eruption history datasets.pdf

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    The major element composition of volcanic rocks carries important information about the source and differentiation processes affecting the magma, the physical properties that allow it to erupt, and its eruptive style. Although global rock geochemical databases exist, these are not linked to volcanic eruption history which hampers our global understanding of the relationship between magma composition and eruption dynamics. Here, we integrate two global databases, the Geochemistry of Rocks of the Oceans and Continents (GEOROC) and the Holocene volcanoes of the world of the Global Volcanism Program (VOTW-GVP). The integration is based on matching the location name, geographic position and eruption time, which is automated by a tool called DashVolcano. The tool is open-source, accessible at https://github.com/feog/DashVolcano, and gives access to the integrated datasets via an interactive dashboard. DashVolcano is based on more than 138,000 volcanic rock samples and provides the basis for the identification of global relationships between eruption styles, volcano types, and rock composition for more than 700 volcanoes and their eruptions for the last 10,000 years. The combined record of the eruptive history and its corresponding geochemical rock composition that DashVolcano provides can be used for characterizing global geochemical differences between volcanoes, and should also prove useful for improved long-term hazard and risk evaluations.</p