79 research outputs found

    Extinction risk of the world's freshwater mammals

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    The continued loss of freshwater habitats poses a significant threat to global biodiversity. We reviewed the extinction risk of 166 freshwater aquatic and semiaquatic mammals—a group rarely documented as a collective. We used the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species categories as of December 2021 to determine extinction risk. Extinction risk was then compared among taxonomic groups, geographic areas, and biological traits. Thirty percent of all freshwater mammals were listed as threatened. Decreasing population trends were common (44.0%), including a greater rate of decline (3.6% in 20 years) than for mammals or freshwater species as a whole. Aquatic freshwater mammals were at a greater risk of extinction than semiaquatic freshwater mammals (95% CI –7.20 to –1.11). Twenty-nine species were data deficient or not evaluated. Large species (95% CI 0.01 to 0.03) with large dispersal distances (95% CI 0.03 to 0.15) had a higher risk of extinction than small species with small dispersal distances. The number of threatening processes associated with a species compounded their risk of extinction (95% CI 0.28 to 0.77). Hunting, land clearing for logging and agriculture, pollution, residential development, and habitat modification or destruction from dams and water management posed the greatest threats to these species. The basic life-history traits of many species were poorly known, highlighting the need for more research. Conservation of freshwater mammals requires a host of management actions centered around increased protection of riparian areas and more conscientious water management to aid the recovery of threatened species

    The politicisation of science in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia:discussion of ‘Scientific integrity, public policy and water governance’

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    Many water scientists aim for their work to inform water policy and management, and in pursuit of this objective, they often work alongside government water agencies to ensure their research is relevant, timely and communicated effectively. A paper in this issue, examining 'Science integrity, public policy and water governance in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia’, suggests that a large group of scientists, who work on water management in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) including the Basin Plan, have been subject to possible ‘administrative capture'. Specifically, it is suggested that they have advocated for policies favoured by government agencies with the objective of gaining personal benefit, such as increased research funding. We examine evidence for this claim and conclude that it is not justified. The efforts of scientists working alongside government water agencies appear to have been misinterpreted as possible administrative capture. Although unsubstantiated, this claim does indicate that the science used in basin water planning is increasingly caught up in the politics of water management. We suggest actions to improve science-policy engagement in basin planning, to promote constructive debate over contested views and avoid the over-politicisation of basin science

    Refuge in the sāqya: Irrigation canals as habitat for one of the world's 100 most threatened species

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    Anthropogenic habitats may function as a refuge for some species, including freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionida). In this study we assessed possible differences in density, size and condition index of the Moroccan freshwater pearl mussel Pseudunio marocanus (Pallary, 1918), formerly Margaritifera marocana, colonizing anthropogenic (saqya = irrigation canal) and natural (Bouhlou River) habitats in Morocco. Results showed that the individuals colonizing the irrigation canal located on the left bank have a significantly higher density and condition index when compared to natural conditions, but no differences were found regarding size. Since this species is listed as critically endangered by the IUCN, being also considered among the 100 most endangered organisms in the planet, the presence of P. marocanus in anthropogenic habitats has high conservation importance. In fact, and despite no Moroccan freshwater pearl mussels were found on the irrigation canal located in the right bank, the one located on the left bank present stable conditions for the settlement of juveniles and, if managed carefully, for the future survival of the species. However, local authorities reported frequent dredging and cleaning activities by local farmers on this saqya without any special attention devoted to Moroccan freshwater pearl mussels (or any other species) conservation. Therefore, the results reported here can be used by scientists, managers, politicians and local people to promote future management actions that enhance the Moroccan freshwater pearl mussel protection and guarantee their future survival, including on anthropogenic habitats.This study was conducted within the scope of project "Biodiversity and conservation of the critically endangered freshwater mussels in Morocco: ecogeographic, genetic and physiological information" funded by Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (Reference 15256799) and project "Breeding the most endangered bivalve of Earth: Margaritifera marocanao", funded by IUCN SOS save our species fund (Reference 2015B-015). MLL was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) grant number SFRH/BD/115728/2016. We acknowledge Joana Garrido Nogueira for the help in preparing the Figures. We also acknowledge the editor Dr. Amand Bates and three anonymous referees for the helpful suggestions

    Influence of Damming on Anuran Species Richness in Riparian Areas: A Test of the Serial Discontinuity Concept

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    Almost all large rivers worldwide are fragmented by dams, and their impacts have been modeled using the serial discontinuity concept (SDC), a series of predictions regarding responses of key biotic and abiotic variables. We evaluated the effects of damming on anuran communities along a 245‐km river corridor by conducting repeated, time‐constrained anuran calling surveys at 42 locations along the Broad and Pacolet Rivers in South Carolina, USA. Using a hierarchical Bayesian analysis, we test the biodiversity prediction of the SDC (modified for floodplain rivers) by evaluating anuran occupancy and species diversity relative to dams and degree of urbanized land use. The mean response of the anuran community indicated that occupancy and species richness were maximized when sites were farther downstream from dams. Sites at the farthest distances downstream of dams (47.5 km) had an estimated ~3 more species than those just below dams. Similarly, species‐specific occupancy estimates showed a trend of higher occupancy downstream from dams. Therefore, using empirical estimation within the context of a 245‐km river riparian landscape, our study supports SDC predictions for a meandering river. We demonstrate that with increasing distance downstream from dams, riparian anuran communities have higher species richness. Reduced species richness immediately downstream of dams is likely driven by alterations in flow regime that reduce or eliminate flows which sustain riparian wetlands that serve as anuran breeding habitat. Therefore, to maintain anuran biodiversity, we suggest that flow regulation should be managed to ensure water releases inundate riparian wetlands during amphibian breeding seasons and aseasonal releases, which can displace adults, larvae, and eggs, are avoided. These outcomes could be achieved by emulating pre‐dam seasonal discharge data, mirroring discharge of an undammed tributary within the focal watershed, or by basing real‐time flow releases on current environmental conditions

    Red hot frogs:Identifying the Australian frogs most at risk of extinction

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    More than a third of the world’s amphibian species are listed as Threatened or Extinct, with a recent assessment identifying 45 Australian frogs (18.4% of the currently recognised species) as ‘Threatened’ based on IUCN criteria. We applied structured expert elicitation to 26 frogs assessed as Critically Endangered and Endangered to estimate their probability of extinction by 2040. We also investigated whether participant experience (measured as a self-assigned categorical score, i.e. ‘expert’ or ‘non-expert’) influenced the estimates. Collation and analysis of participant opinion indicated that eight species are at high risk (>50% chance) of becoming extinct by 2040, with the disease chytridiomycosis identified as the primary threat. A further five species are at moderate–high risk (30–50% chance), primarily due to climate change. Fourteen of the 26 frog species are endemic to Queensland, with many species restricted to small geographic ranges that are susceptible to stochastic events (e.g. a severe heatwave or a large bushfire). Experts were more likely to rate extinction probability higher for poorly known species (those with <10 experts), while non-experts were more likely to rate extinction probability higher for better-known species. However, scores converged following discussion, indicating that there was greater consensus in the estimates of extinction probability. Increased resourcing and management intervention are urgently needed to avert future extinctions of Australia’s frogs. Key priorities include developing and supporting captive management and establishing or extending in-situ population refuges to alleviate the impacts of disease and climate change