504 research outputs found


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    In jüngerer Zeit hat sich die Rolle der Landwirtschaft deutlich gewandelt. Neben der Erzeugung von hochwertigen Nahrungsmitteln stellt für einen Großteil der Branche der Anbau von Energiepflanzen zur Rohstoffgewinnung ein weiteres wichtiges Standbein in der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion dar. Ein Beispiel ist unter anderem die Erzeugung von Holzbiomasse auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen in Form des Anbaus von schnellwachsenden Baumarten. Eine anhand von Literaturdaten durchgeführte Risikoanalyse der Wirtschaftlichkeit des Anbaus von schnellwachsenden Baumarten in Kurzumtriebsplantagen mittels Monte-Carlo-Simulation zeigt, dass dieser momentan für sich betrachtet zwar in der Mehrzahl der Fälle wirtschaftlich ist, verglichen mit um die Anbaufläche konkurrierenden Marktfrüchten allerdings kaum bestehen kann. Daher wird es schwierig sein, ohne flankierende Maßnahmen Landwirte zu animieren, ihren Beitrag zur Deckung des zukünftigen Biomassebedarfs zur Energieerzeugung durch die Holzproduktion auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen zu leisten.Risikoanalyse, Monte-Carlo-Simulation, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Kurzumtriebsplantage, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis, Risk and Uncertainty,

    The ambient kitchen: a pervasive sensing environment for situated services

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    In this paper we describe the demonstration of the Ambient Kitchen, a pervasive sensing environment designed for improving cooking skills, promoting healthier eating, and helping cognitively impaired people to live more independent in their own homes. The kitchen is instrumented with an embedded sensing infrastructure including RFID, Newcastle University Culture lab’s proprietary wireless accelerometers (WAX), microphone, camera, pressure sensors and tablet computers. Several applications including real-time activity recognition, recipe displays, and real-time food recognition are deployed in our kitchen

    Modal decomposition of coupled instabilities: The method of the equivalent nodal forces

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    A solution to the ‘modal decomposition problem’ encountered within the context of the stability analysis of thin-walled structural members is presented. The proposed method achieves decomposition of a randomly deformed shape into a number of constituent modes, which have the physical meaning of the classical local, distortional and global buckling modes, augmented with two additional classes of shear and transverse extension modes. The basis vectors of these five classes are created by defining sets of nodal forces which, when applied to the member in a first order linear elastic problem, generate shapes commensurate with specific mechanical criteria defining the local, distortional, global, shear and transverse extension modes. In a second step the basis vectors of a given class are used to define a constrained stability problem, where the solution is restricted to a linear combination of these basis vectors, in order to obtain the buckled shapes under a given loading. The full set of buckling modes spanning the five classes forms an orthonormal basis of the complete deformation space. Consequently, decomposition can be achieved by projecting the shape which is to be decomposed onto the basis vectors. Two examples are provided to illustrate the method

    Exclusive enteral nutrition mediates gut microbial and metabolic changes that are associated with remission in children with Crohn’s disease

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    GD and AWW receive core funding support from the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division. JW was funded by the Wellcome Trust [Grant No. 098051]. JVL is funded by MRC New Investigator Grant (MR/P002536/1) and ERC Starting Grant (715662). JK is funded by NIHR: II-OL-1116-10027, NIH: R01-CA204403-01A1, Horizon H2020: ITN GROWTH. Imperial Biomedical Research Centre, SAGES research grant. Infrastructure support for this research was provided by the NIHR Imperial biomedical Research Centre (BRC). Microbiota analyses were carried out using the Maxwell computer cluster at the University of Aberdeen. We thank the Illumina MiSeq team at the Wellcome Sanger Institute for their assistance. This work was partially described in the Ph.D. thesis of KD (Retrieved 2020, Pediatric inflammatory bowel disease Monitoring, nutrition and surgery, https://pure.uva.nl/ws/files/23176012/Thesis_complete_.pdf).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Republicanism and the political economy of democracy

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    Europe is experiencing rapidly accelerating poverty and social exclusion, following half a decade of financial crisis and austerity politics. The key problem behind Europe's malaise, in our view, is the economic disenfranchisement of large parts of its population in the winner-takes-all-society. This article proposes that we examine the contribution of republican political theory as a distinctive approach that provides us with the conceptual and normative resources to reclaim what we call the political economy of democracy, the constellation of political and economic institutions aimed at promoting broad economic sovereignty and individuals' capacities to govern their own lives. This article identifies three key ideas that together constitute a distinctively republican approach to political economy: (1) establish an economic floor; (2) impose an economic ceiling to counter excess economic inequality; and (3) democratize the governance and regulation of the main economic institutions

    Toward Global Drought Early Warning Capability - Expanding International Cooperation for the Development of a Framework for Monitoring and Forecasting

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    Drought has had a significant impact on civilization throughout history in terms of reductions in agricultural productivity, potable water supply, and economic activity, and in extreme cases this has led to famine. Every continent has semiarid areas, which are especially vulnerable to drought. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has noted that average annual river runoff and water availability are projected to decrease by 10 percent-13 percent over some dry and semiarid regions in mid and low latitudes, increasing the frequency, intensity, and duration of drought, along with its associated impacts. The sheer magnitude of the problem demands efforts to reduce vulnerability to drought by moving away from the reactive, crisis management approach of the past toward a more proactive, risk management approach that is centered on reducing vulnerability to drought as much as possible while providing early warning of evolving drought conditions and possible impacts. Many countries, unfortunately, do not have adequate resources to provide early warning, but require outside support to provide the necessary early warning information for risk management. Furthermore, in an interconnected world, the need for information on a global scale is crucial for understanding the prospect of declines in agricultural productivity and associated impacts on food prices, food security, and potential for civil conflict. This paper highlights the recent progress made toward a Global Drought Early Warning Monitoring Framework (GDEWF), an underlying partnership and framework, along with its Global Drought Early Warning System (GDEWS), which is its interoperable information system, and the organizations that have begun working together to make it a reality. The GDEWF aims to improve existing regional and national drought monitoring and forecasting capabilities by adding a global component, facilitating continental monitoring and forecasting (where lacking), and improving these tools at various scales, thereby increasing the capacity of national and regional institutions that lack drought early warning systems or complementing existing ones. A further goal is to improve coordination of information delivery for drought-related activities and relief efforts across the world. This is especially relevant for regions and nations with low capacity for drought early warning. To do this requires a global partnership that leverages the resources necessary and develops capabilities at the global level, such as global drought forecasting combined with early warning tools, global real-time monitoring, and harmonized methods to identify critical areas vulnerable to drought. Although the path to a fully functional GDEWS is challenging, multiple partners and organizations within the drought, forecasting, agricultural, and water-cycle communities are committed to working toward its success

    Long working hours and depressive symptoms : systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data

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    Objectives This systematic review and meta-analysis combined published study-level data and unpublished individual-participant data with the aim of quantifying the relation between long working hours and the onset of depressive symptoms. Methods We searched PubMed and Embase for published prospective cohort studies and included available cohorts with unpublished individual-participant data. We used a random-effects meta-analysis to calculate summary estimates across studies. Results We identified ten published cohort studies and included unpublished individual-participant data from 18 studies. In the majority of cohorts, long working hours was defined as working >= 55 hours per week. In multivariable-adjusted meta-analyses of 189 729 participants from 35 countries [96 275 men, 93 454 women, follow-up ranging from 1-5 years, 21 747 new-onset cases), there was an overall association of 1.14 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03-1.25] between long working hours and the onset of depressive symptoms, with significant evidence of heterogeneity (I-2 = 45.1%, P=0.004). A strong association between working hours and depressive symptoms was found in Asian countries (1.50, 95% CI 1.13-2.01), a weaker association in Europe (1.11, 95% CI 1.00-1.22), and no association in North America (0.97, 95% CI 0.70-1.34) or Australia (0.95, 95% CI 0.70-1.29). Differences by other characteristics were small. Conclusions This observational evidence suggests a moderate association between long working hours and onset of depressive symptoms in Asia and a small association in Europe.Peer reviewe

    Заболевание тазобедренного сустава у детей с наследственной предрасположенностью: концептуальная модель

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    На основе принципов интегративной медицины, системного подхода с использованием концептуально−логического моделирования разработана единая система представлений о заболеваниях тазобедренного сустава у детей с наследственной предрасположенностью. Показано, что предлагаемый интегративный подход может служить основой для разработки диагностических и прогностических критериев развития суставов и проведения патогенетического хирургического лечения, направленного на ликвидацию или существенное снижение частоты формирования диспластического коксартроза.Based on the principles of integrative medicine, systemic approach with the use of concept of logical modelling, a uniform system of concepts about the diseases of the hip joint in children with hereditary susceptibility was worked out. It was shown that the suggested integrative approach can be used for working out diagnostic and prognostic criteria of joint development and performing pathogenetic surgery aimed at elimination or reduction in the frequency of forming dysplastic coxarthrosis