95 research outputs found

    Gynecological Cancer Patients Satisfaction Related To Nursing Care Who Take Chemotherapy

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    Giriş: Kanser tedavisinde uzun süredir kullanılan kemoterapi, anemi, bulantı-kusma, ağız yaraları, saç dökülmesi benzeriproblemlere yol açmaktadır. Bu nedenle hastanın tedaviye uyumunda hemşirelik bakım memnuniyeti önem kazanmaktadır.Amaç: Çalışma, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Erişkin Hastanesi ve Gazi Üniversitesi Sağlık Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezindekemoterapi alan hastaların, hemşirelik bakımında memnuniyetlerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Çalışmayaşubat-ağustos 2009 tarihleri arasında kemoterapi alan hastalar dahil edilmiştir. Araştırma için Gazi Üniversitesi hastanesinden20 hasta ve Hacettepe Üniversite hastanesinden 60 hasta alınmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama formu ve "KemoterapiHastalarında Hemşirelik Bakımı Memnuniyet Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Hastaların %80'inin memnuniyet puanları,ortalamanın üzerindedir. Hastaların %97.5'inin Gastrointestinal sistemle ilgili sorunları yaşadıkları belirlenmiştir. İlaçlar,kemoterapinin olumsuz etkileri, yan etkilere yönelik önlemler, beslenme ve günlük yaşamda dikkat edilmesi gereken konularhakkında aldıkları eğitimi yeterli bulanlar ile yetersiz bulanların hemşirelik bakım memnuniyetleri arasında istatistiksel olarakfark anlamlı bulunmuştur(p<0.05). Sonuç: Kemoterapi, ilaçların olumsuz etkileri, tedavinin yan etkilerine yönelik alınacakönlemler, beslenme ve günlük yaşamda dikkat edilmesi gereken konular hakkında bilgilendirilmeyi yeterli bulan hastalarınhemşirelik bakım memnuniyet puanları ortalama puanın üzerinde bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak kemoterapi alan jinekolojikkanserli hastalara tedavileri sırasında eğitim verilmesi önerilmektedir. Background: Chemotherapy which is used long-term in the treatment of cancer lead to some problems such as anemia,vomiting and nausea, mouth sores, hair loss. For this reason, satisfaction of nursing care gain important in the treatmentcompliance. Objectives: This studys aim is to determine the satisfaction of nursing care for the patients who having beentreated via chemotherapy in Hacettepe Universty Adult Hospital and Gazi University Hospital Health Research andApplication Center. Methods: The patients received chemotherapy was included in to the research between the datesFebruary-August 2009. The sample of the research consist of 20 patients from Gazi University Hospital and 60 patients fromHacettepe Universty Hospital. Data collecting form and "Tool of satisfaction of nursing care for patients receivingchemotherapy" were used in the research. Results: 80% of patients satisfaction scores above average. 97.5% patientsexperience problems with the gastrointestinal system. Patients satisfaction scores about the information they get from thenurses on their treatment, drugs they use, negative effects of drugs, proposals which given on negative effects ofchemotherapy, nutrition, daily life activity were found statistically significant(p<0.05). Conclusion: Satisfaction of nursingcare scores with the information given about the chemotherapy, negative effects of drugs, precautions against adverse effectsof chemotherapy, nutrition and daily life activity were above the mean score of patients's satisfaction scores. As a result oftraining is recommended, during treatment of gynecologic cancer patients receiving chemotherapy

    Effects of 5-aza-2´-deoxycytidine on primary human chondrocytes from osteoarthritic patients

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    Chondrocytes, comparable to many cells from the connective tissue, dedifferentiate and end up in a similar fibroblastoid cell type, marked by the loss of the specific expression pattern. Here, chondrocytes isolated from osteoarthritic (OA) patients were investigated. The OA chondrocytes used in this work were not affected by the loss of specific gene expression upon cell culture. The mRNA levels of known cartilage markers, such as SOX5, SOX6, SOX9, aggrecan and proteoglycan 4, remained unchanged. Since chondrocytes from OA and healthy tissue show different DNA methylation patterns, the underlying mechanisms of cartilage marker maintenance were investigated with a focus on the epigenetic modification by DNA methylation. The treatment of dedifferentiated chondrocytes with the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-aza-2´-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC) displayed no considerable impact on the maintenance of marker gene expression observed in the dedifferentiated state, while the chondrogenic differentiation capacity was compromised. On the other hand, the pre-cultivation with 5-aza-dC improved the osteogenesis and adipogenesis of OA chondrocytes. Contradictory to these effects, the DNA methylation levels were not reduced after treatment for four weeks with 1 μM 5-aza-dC. In conclusion, 5-aza-dC affects the differentiation capacity of OA chondrocytes, while the global DNA methylation level remains stable. Furthermore, dedifferentiated chondrocytes isolated from late-stage OA patients represent a reliable cell source for in vitro studies and disease models without the need for additional alterations.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität Berli

    Engineering of Aspergillus niger for the production of secondary metabolites

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    Background: Filamentous fungi can each produce dozens of secondary metabolites which are attractive as therapeutics, drugs, antimicrobials, flavour compounds and other high-value chemicals. Furthermore, they can be used as an expression system for eukaryotic proteins. Application of most fungal secondary metabolites is, however, so far hampered by the lack of suitable fermentation protocols for the producing strain and/or by low product titers. To overcome these limitations, we report here the engineering of the industrial fungus Aspergillus niger to produce high titers (up to 4,500 mg • l-1) of secondary metabolites belonging to the class of nonribosomal peptides. Results: For a proof-of-concept study, we heterologously expressed the 351 kDa nonribosomal peptide synthetase ESYN from Fusarium oxysporum in A. niger. ESYN catalyzes the formation of cyclic depsipeptides of the enniatin family, which exhibit antimicrobial, antiviral and anticancer activities. The encoding gene esyn1 was put under control of a tunable bacterial-fungal hybrid promoter (Tet-on) which was switched on during early-exponential growth phase of A. niger cultures. The enniatins were isolated and purified by means of reverse phase chromatography and their identity and purity proven by tandem MS, NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The initial yields of 1 mg • l-1 of enniatin were increased about 950 fold by optimizing feeding conditions and the morphology of A. niger in liquid shake flask cultures. Further yield optimization (about 4.5 fold) was accomplished by cultivating A. niger in 5 l fed batch fermentations. Finally, an autonomous A. niger expression host was established, which was independent from feeding with the enniatin precursor D-2-hydroxyvaleric acid D-Hiv. This was achieved by constitutively expressing a fungal D-Hiv dehydrogenase in the esyn1-expressing A. niger strain, which used the intracellular ɑ-ketovaleric acid pool to generate D-Hiv. Conclusions: This is the first report demonstrating that A. niger is a potent and promising expression host for nonribosomal peptides with titers high enough to become industrially attractive. Application of the Tet-on system in A. niger allows precise control on the timing of product formation, thereby ensuring high yields and purity of the peptides produced.EC/FP7/607332/EU/Quantitative Biology for Fungal Secondary Metabolite Producers/QuantFungDFG, EXC 314, Unifying Concepts in Catalysi

    Examination Of Pain And Quality Of Life in Patients With Chronic Pain Before And After TENS and Their Satisfaction Levels Regarding Nurses

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    Giriş: Transkutanöz Elektriksel Sinir Uyarımı sağlıkla ilgili yaşam kalitesini bozan kronik ağrının tedavisinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Hemşireler, multidisipliner ekibin bir üyesi olarak kronik ağrılı hastaların ağrılarını azaltmada ve yaşam kalitelerini iyileştirmede rol oynayan sağlık profesyonelleridir. Amaç: Kronik ağrı nedeniyle ağrı ünitesine başvuran hastaların TENS uygulaması öncesi ve sonrası yaşam kalitesi, ağrı ve hemşirelerden memnuniyet düzeylerinin incelenmesidir. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel araştırmanın yapılabilmesi için etik kurul izni ve hastalardan yazılı aydınlatılmış onam alınmıştır. Veriler hemşireler tarafından 22 Nisan 2012- 20 Şubat 2013 tarihlerinde bir üniversite hastanesinin ağrı ünitesinde TENS uygulaması öncesi ve sonrası Hasta Tanıtım Formu, SF-36 Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği, Sayısal Ağrı Ölçeği, Hemşire Memnuniyet Formu kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Bulgular: Ortalama yaşı 53.50±16.60 olan hastaların %85.2'si kadın, %63.0'ü kronik hastalığa sahip, %90.7'si analjezik kullanmakta ve %27.8'i lumbar disk hernisi nedeniyle ağrı yaşamaktadır. Kronik ağrısı olan hastaların TENS uygulaması sonrası öncesine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir şekilde yaşam kalitesinin mental işlev alt boyutu hariç diğer yedi alt boyut puan ortalamalarının arttığı, ağrı puan ortalamalarının azaldığı ve hemşirelerden memnuniyet puan ortalamalarının yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Sonuçlar, TENS uygulaması sonrası ağrı ile yaşam kalitesinin birçok boyutunun iyileştiğini ve bu süreçte hemşireden memnuniyetin yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir. TENS uygulamasının hastaların kronik ağrılarını azaltmada ve yaşam kalitelerini iyileştirmede kullanılması önerilmektedir. Introduction: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is widely used for the treatment of chronic pain causes the impairment of health-related quality of life (QoL). Nurses, as a membe rof multidisciplinary team, are a health professional that play a role to reducing pain in patients with chronic pain and develop the life qualities of patients by approaching them. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigated quality of life, pain, and patients' satisfaction levels from nurses of patients that was applicated to pain unit before and after TENS application.Methods: Informed consent and ethical permission were obtained for performed to descriptive and cross-sectional study. Data was collected obtained by nurses using Patients Identification Form, Numerical Rating Pain Scale (NPRS), Short Form 36 (SF 36), and Nurse Saticfaction Form between 22th April 2012-20th February 2013 in a university hospital pain unit before and after TENS. Results: The patients' mean age was 53.50±16.60, 85.2% of the patients were female, 63.0% has chronical disease. 90.7% was used analgesic drugs. 27.8% of the pain etiology was lumbar disc hernia. It is found that significantly increased to seven subsclaes means of quality of life, expect mental health, decreased to pain mean and increased to satisfaction from nurses mean of the patients with chronic pain after TENS application compared to before. Conclusion: The results showed that improvements in pain and QoL after TENS, and satisfaction from nurses during the process. As a result, it is suggested that TENS can use to reduce for chronic pain and improve for QO

    An appeal to the global health community for a tripartite innovation: an ‘‘Essential Diagnostics List,’’ ‘‘Health in All Policies,’’ and ‘‘See-Through 21st Century Science and Ethics"

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    Diagnostics spanning a wide range of new biotechnologies, including proteomics, metabolomics, and nanotechnology, are emerging as companion tests to innovative medicines. In this Opinion, we present the rationale for promulgating an ‘‘Essential Diagnostics List.’’ Additionally, we explain the ways in which adopting a vision for ‘‘Health in All Policies’’ could link essential diagnostics with robust and timely societal outcomes such as sustainable development, human rights, gender parity, and alleviation of poverty. We do so in three ways. First, we propose the need for a new, ‘‘see through’’ taxonomy for knowledge-based innovation as we transition from the material industries (e.g., textiles, plastic, cement, glass) dominant in the 20th century to the anticipated knowledge industry of the 21st century. If knowledge is the currency of the present century, then it is sensible to adopt an approach that thoroughly examines scientific knowledge, starting with the production aims, methods, quality, distribution, access, and the ends it purports to serve. Second, we explain that this knowledge trajectory focus on innovation is crucial and applicable across all sectors, including public, private, or public–private partnerships, as it underscores the fact that scientific knowledge is a co-product of technology, human values, and social systems. By making the value systems embedded in scientific design and knowledge co-production transparent, we all stand to benefit from sustainable and transparent science. Third, we appeal to the global health community to consider the necessary qualities of good governance for 21st century organizations that will embark on developing essential diagnostics. These have importance not only for science and knowledge based innovation, but also for the ways in which we can build open, healthy, and peaceful civil societies today and for future generations

    Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in human mobility patterns in Holocene Southwest Asia and the East Mediterranean

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    We present a spatiotemporal picture of human genetic diversity in Anatolia, Iran, Levant, South Caucasus, and the Aegean, a broad region that experienced the earliest Neolithic transition and the emergence of complex hierarchical societies. Combining 35 new ancient shotgun genomes with 382 ancient and 23 present-day published genomes, we found that genetic diversity within each region steadily increased through the Holocene. We further observed that the inferred sources of gene flow shifted in time. In the first half of the Holocene, Southwest Asian and the East Mediterranean populations homogenized among themselves. Starting with the Bronze Age, however, regional populations diverged from each other, most likely driven by gene flow from external sources, which we term “the expanding mobility model.” Interestingly, this increase in inter-regional divergence can be captured by outgroup-f3_3-based genetic distances, but not by the commonly used FST_{ST} statistic, due to the sensitivity of FST_{ST}, but not outgroup-f3_3, to within-population diversity. Finally, we report a temporal trend of increasing male bias in admixture events through the Holocene

    Archaeogenetic analysis of Neolithic sheep from Anatolia suggests a complex demographic history since domestication

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    Yurtman, ozer, Yuncu et al. provide an ancient DNA data set to demonstrate the impact of human activity on the demographic history of domestic sheep. The authors demonstrate that there may have been multiple domestication events with notable changes to the gene pool of European and Anatolian sheep since the Neolithic. Sheep were among the first domesticated animals, but their demographic history is little understood. Here we analyzed nuclear polymorphism and mitochondrial data (mtDNA) from ancient central and west Anatolian sheep dating from Epipaleolithic to late Neolithic, comparatively with modern-day breeds and central Asian Neolithic/Bronze Age sheep (OBI). Analyzing ancient nuclear data, we found that Anatolian Neolithic sheep (ANS) are genetically closest to present-day European breeds relative to Asian breeds, a conclusion supported by mtDNA haplogroup frequencies. In contrast, OBI showed higher genetic affinity to present-day Asian breeds. These results suggest that the east-west genetic structure observed in present-day breeds had already emerged by 6000 BCE, hinting at multiple sheep domestication episodes or early wild introgression in southwest Asia. Furthermore, we found that ANS are genetically distinct from all modern breeds. Our results suggest that European and Anatolian domestic sheep gene pools have been strongly remolded since the Neolithic

    Determinig satisfaction of nursing care patients who receiving chemotherapy diagnosed as gynecologic cancers]

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    Bu araştırma, jinekolojik kanser tanısı alan hastaların hemşirelik bakım memnuniyetlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmış tanımlayıcı bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, şubat-ağustos 2009 tarihleri arasında ayaktan kemoterapi alan, iletişim sorunu olmayan, bilinci açık, okur-yazar, en az ikinci kemoterapi kürünü almış hastalar oluşturmuştur. Araştırma için Gazi Üniversitesi hastanesinden 20 hasta ve Hacettepe Üniversite hastanesinden 60 hasta alınmıştır. Araştırmada kullanılan veri toplama formu araştırmacı tarafından ilgili literatür doğrultusunda hazırlanmıştır. Kemoterapi uygulanan hastaların hemşirelik bakımından memnuniyet düzeyini belirlemek amacıyla Köşgeroğlu ve ark. tarafından 2004 yılında geliştirilmiş olan Kemoterapi Hastalarında Hemşirelik Bakımı Memnuniyet Ölçeği kullanılarak veriler toplanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde yüzdelik sayılar, Mann-Whitney U ve Fisher s testi kullanılmıştır. Hastaların hemşirelerden tedavileri hakkında bilgi alma durumlarına göre memnuniyet puanları istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildiğinde aralarındaki fark anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Kullandıkları kemoterapinin olumsuz etkilerine yönelik önerileri, beslenme, günlük yaşamda dikkat edilmesi gerekenler konusunda verilen bilgiyi yeterli bulan hastaların memnuniyet puanları istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur(p<0,05) .Determinig Satisfaction Of Nursing Care Patients Who Receiving Chemotherapy Diagnosed As Gynecologic Cancers This study is done in order to determine the satisfaction of nursing care for the patients who diagnosed as being gynecologic cancers and having been treated via chemotherapy. Research sample was composed of patients who have not communication problems, conscious, to be able to read and write, patients who received chemotherapy ambulatory at the least second cure between the dates February-August 2009. The sample of the research consist of 20 patients from Gazi University Hospital and 60 patients from Hacettepe Universty Hospital. Research data has been collected by a questionnaire which prepared relevant to literature, and for determination of chemotherapy patients satisfaction from the care given to them by nurses Measure of satisfaction of nursing care for patients receiving chemotherapy which developed in 2004 by Köşgeroğlu et al was used. For the evaluation of the data were used percentage numbers, Mann-Whitney U and fisher s tests. At the end of the study, the average scores of satisfaction of patients treat in Gazi üniversity hospital is found 108,7 and 134,9 in Hacettepe Universty Hospital. The difference between two groups was found statistically significant(p<0,05). Patients satisfaction scores about the information they get from the nurses on their treatment, drugs they use, negative effects of drugs were found statistically significant(p<0,05). Proposals which given on negative effects of chemotherapy, nutrition, daily life activity were found statistically significant(p<0,05)

    Determination Of Diagnostic X-ray Attenuation Properties Of Antimony (ore And Concentrate) And Iron Concentrate Imbedded Silicon Rubber Materials

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Enerji Enstitüsü, 2019Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, 2019Bu yüksek lisans tez çalışmasında X-ışınlarından korunmada yaygın olarak kullanılan kurşun zırh malzemelerine alternatif olarak antimon cevheri, antimon konsantresi ve demir konsantresi katkılı silikon kauçuk malzemeler üretilmiştir. Üretilen malzemelerin X-ışınlarını zayıflatma oranları, lineer zayıflatma katsayıları ve kurşun eşdeğer kalınlıkları TS EN 61331-1 standardına uygun olarak belirlenmiştirIn this Master thesis, antimony ore, antimony concentrate and iron concentrate imbedded silicone rubber materials were produced for radiation shielding applications instead of lead. X-ray attenuation ratios, linear attenuation coefficients and lead equivalent thicknesses of produced materials were found according to TS EN 61331-1 standard.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Acil servis asistanlarının iş doyumunun ve yaşam kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Çalışmamızda, Türkiye'de acil tıp uzmanlık eğitimi almakta olan acil tıp asistanlarının iş doyumu ve yaşam kalitesi düzeylerini belirlemek, iş doyumu ve yaşam kalitesini etkileyen faktörlerin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırma kesitsel, tanımlayıcı ve analitik türde bir araştırmadır. Çalışma evreni, Ocak 2018 ve Haziran 2018 tarihleri arasında, Türkiye'de 29 adet Üniversite Acil Tıp Anabilimdalı ve 12 adet Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi Acil Tıp Kliniği olmak üzere toplam 41 Acil Tıp kliniğinde uzmanlık eğitimi alan toplam 912 kişiden, oluşmaktadır. Çalışmanın örneklemini ise araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden, 708 acil tıp asistanı oluşturmuştur. Kapsayıcılık % 69 (708/1031) olarak hesaplanmıştır. Veri toplama formunun ilk bölümünde çalışanların sosyodemografik özellikleri, çalışma hayatına yönelik sorular yer alırken, ikinci bölümde İş Doyum Ölçeği, üçüncü bölümde ise Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Yaşam Kalitesi-Kısa Form'dan (WHOQOL-BREF) yer almaktadır. Veri toplama formları ve çalışmayı kabul ettiklerini belirten onam formları, ulaşılabilen Üniversite ve Eğitim Araştırma Hastanelerinin Acil Servislerinde çalışan Acil Servis Asistanlarına posta(kargo) yoluyla ulaştırılmıştır. Anket formu, Mandıracıoğlu ve ark.ı tarafından geliştirilen 5'li Likert sistemine göre düzenlenmiş 47 soru ve 9 alt faktörden oluşan İş Doyum Ölçeği anketi ve 5'li Likert sistemine göre düzenlenmiş, ikisi genel sorular olmak üzere 4 alan ( 26 soru ) ve 1 ulusal alandan (1 soru ) oluşan WHOQOL-BREF Türkçe versiyonu ile araştırmacı tarafından literatür bilgileri doğrultusunda hazırlanan sosyo-demografik, iş yaşamına ait ve özel yaşama ait sorular olmak üzere toplam 105 sorudan oluşmuştur. Veriler elektronik ortamda veri tabanına aktarılmış ve istatistik analiz uygulanmıştır. Ölçeklerde elde edilen puanlar değerlendirilirken, ortalamalar arası farkın anlamlılığı, Mann-Whitney U testi ve Tek Yönlü Kruskal-Wallis Varyans Analizi; Students' t test ve Varyans analizi (ANOVA) ve oranlar arası farkın anlamlılığı değerlendirilirken Kikare testi uygulanmıştır. Sürekli değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi saptamak için Korelasyon analizi (Pearson). İleri analizde Lineer Regresyon (Stepwise) uygulanmıştır. Tüm analizlerde güven Aralığı %95 kabul edilmiş olup, p0.05 anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Çalışmamıza katılan acil tıp asistanlarının yaş ortalamaları 29,4 ± 3,5 (min:24, max:48) , %64,8 (n=459)'i erkek, %52,3 (n=370)'ü evli ve %68,6 (n=486)'sı üniversite hastanesinde çalışan, %35,5 (n=251)'nin asistan olarak çalışma yılının 12 aydan daha az olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan tüm asistanların İş Doyum Ölçeğinin alt faktörlerinden ve WHOQOL-BREF Ölçeğinin alt alanlarından aldıkları ortalama puanları ile; cinsiyet, gece vardiyasında bakılan hasta sayısı, gelir algısı, teorik eğitimden memnuniyet, bireysel olarak acil servis eğitimine katkı amaçlı çalışma, öğretim görevlisi danışman varlığı, hobi varlığı, alkol kullanımı, antidepresan-anksiyolitik ilaç kullanımı, acil tıp asistanı olmaktan memnuniyet ve şiddete maruz kalma ve şiddetten etkilenme durumları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. İş doyumu ile yaşam kalitesi arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak acil servislerde nitelikli bir biçimde hasta bakımının sağlanabilmesi, bu hizmeti sunan ATA'ların iş doyumunun ve yaşam kalitesi ile yakından ilişkilidir. Hekim başına düşen hasta sayısının azaltılması, acil servislerde çalışan danışman uzman sayısının artırılması, sosyal etkinliklere ayrılan zamanın arttırılması, hobilere zaman ayırmak, bireysel olarak acil servis ile ilgili çalışmalara zaman ayırmak, şiddet olaylarını engelleyecek önlemlerin alınması, gelir düzeylerinde iyileşmenin sağlanması, uzmanlık eğitimlerinin yeterliliği iş doyumunu ve yaşam kalitesini olumlu etkileyen faktörlerin başında gelmektedir. İş doyumu ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişkileri irdeyebilmek amacıyla daha geniş ve acil servis hekimlerine uygun yeni ölçeklerin geliştirildiği çalışmalara gereksinim vardır.The aim of our study was to determine job satisfaction and quality of life of emergency medicine assistants, who received emergency medicine speciality training in Turkey, and to investigate the factors affecting job satisfaction and quality of life. This study is a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytic study. The research population consisted of 912 subjects, who got their residency training in total of 41 emergency medicine clinics between January 2018 and June 2018 in Turkey, 29 of them were the emergency medicine departments of the universities and 12 the emergency medicine departments of the Training and Research Hospitals. The study sample consisted of 708 emergency medicine residents, who have accepted to participate in the study. The calculated comprehensiveness was 69% (708/1031). The first part of the data collection form included questions about the sociodemographic characteristics and working life. The Job Satisfaction Scale was in the second part and the World Health Organization Quality of Life -Bref version (WHOQOL-BREF) in the third part of the form. The data collection forms and the consent forms, which indicated that they had accepted to participate, were sent by cargo to the emergency medicine residents of the Universities and the Training and Research Hospitals.The questionnaire form was composed of a total 105 questions, including Job Satisfaction Scale questionnaire, which was developed by Mandıracıoğlu et al. and composed of 47 questions and 9 sub-factors, and the Turkish version of the WHOQOL-BREF, which was arranged based on the 5-point Likert scale and composed of questions from 4 fields (26 questions, 2 of which were general questions) and 1 national field (1 question), and socio-demographic, working-life and private-life questions which were prepared by the researcher in line with the literature. Following the transfer of the collected data to a digital database the statistical analysis was performed. The scores obtained from the scales were evaluated with the Mann-Whitney U test, the One Way Kruskal-Wallis H Analysis, Student's t-test and Variance Analysis (ANOVA) and the significance of the difference between the ratios was assessed with the Kikare test. Pearson's Correlation Analysis was applied for the determination of the correlation between the continuous variables and Linear Regression (Stepwise) was used for further analysis. The confidence interval was accepted as 95% in all analyses and a p value of 0.05 was accepted to be significant. The mean age of the EMRs who participated in our study was 29.2± 3,5 (min:24, max:48), 64.8% ( n: 459) were male, 52.3% ( n:370 ) were married and 68.6% ( n: 486 ) were working in a university hospital, 35.5% ( n:251 ) were found to be less than 12 months. The difference between the mean scores of all assistants participated in the study, which they got from the sub-factors of the Job Satisfaction Scale and from the sub-fields of the WHOQOL-BREF Scale; and gender, number of patients examined in the night shift, income perception, satisfaction with the theoretical training, working to contribute to emergency service training individually, presence of lecturer/counselor, presence of hobby, alcohol use, antidepressant-anxiolytic drug use, satisfaction with being an emergency medical assistant and exposure to violence and affection from violence was found to be statistically significant. A positive correlation was found between job satisfaction and quality of life. In conclusion, the provision of qualified patient care in emergency departments is closely associated with the job satisfaction and quality of life of the EMRs who provide this service. Reducing the number of patients per physician, increasing the number of conselor specialists working in emergency services, increasing the time allocated to social activities, allocating time to hobbies, allocating time to works about Emergency service individually, taking measures to prevent violence, provision of improvements in income levels, efficiency of specialty trainings are the major factors that positively affect job satisfaction and quality of life. In order to examine the correlations between job satisfaction and quality of life, there is a need for larger studies in which new scales suitable for emergency medicine residents are developed