24 research outputs found

    Para que servem os inventários de fauna?

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    Inventários de fauna acessam diretamente a diversidade de uma localidade, em um determinado espaço e tempo. Os dados primários gerados pelos inventários compõem uma das ferramentas mais importantes na tomada de decisões a respeito do manejo de áreas naturais. Entretanto, vários problemas têm sido observados em diversos níveis relacionados aos inventários de fauna no Brasil e vão desde a formação de recursos humanos até a ausência de padronização, de desenho experimental e de seleção de métodos inadequados. São apresentados estudos de caso com mamíferos, répteis, anfíbios e peixes, nos quais são discutidos problemas como variabilidade temporal e métodos para detecção de fauna terrestre, sugerindo que tanto os inventários quanto os programas de monitoramento devam se estender por prazos maiores e que os inventários devem incluir diferentes metodologias para que os seus objetivos sejam plenamente alcançados.Inventories of fauna directly access the diversity of a locality in a certain period of time. The primary data generated by these inventories comprise one of the most important steps in decisions making regarding the management of natural areas. However, several problems have been observed at different levels related to inventories of fauna in Brazil, and range from the training of humans to the lack of standardization of experimental design and selection of inappropriate methods. We present case studies of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fishes, where they discussed issues such temporal variability and methods for detection of terrestrial fauna, suggesting that both inventories and monitoring programs should be extended for longer terms and that inventories should include different methodologies to ensure that their goals are fully achieved

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & Nemésio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; Nemésio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Desempenho Energético dos Municípios - caso de estudo: Implementação da Norma ISO 50001 na Câmara Municipal de Mangualde

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    Mestrado em Tecnologias AmbientaisO presente relatório corresponde ao estágio curricular realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular de Estágio do curso de Mestrado em Tecnologias Ambientais da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu, realizado num período compreendido entre os meses de dezembro de 2012 e junho de 2013, na Câmara Municipal de Mangualde. O trabalho de estágio realizado teve como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de procedimentos conducentes à melhoria da eficiência energética do Município. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia com vista à implementação da Norma ISO 50001: 2011. Esta envolveu a descrição de todo o processo de implementação de um sistema de gestão de energia, as linhas de orientação para o cumprimento dos requisitos evidenciados na norma e a elaboração da documentação relevante e de referência do sistema de gestão de energia: o “Manual do Sistema de Gestão de Energia”, o “Manual de Procedimentos” e os “Impressos”. Foi também realizada uma caracterização do consumo de energia no Município que permitiu conhecer o perfil energético da Câmara Municipal de Mangualde, a partir da qual se traçou a análise energética requerida pela norma. Integrado neste objetivo foi desenvolvido um modelo informático de gestão de energia (em Microsoft Visual Studio) que se designou como TEP. Nesta ferramenta de gestão podem ser armazenados e consultados os consumos de energia dos diversos setores e serviços municipais. A implementação de um sistema de gestão de energia adequado pode traduzir-se numa melhoria significativa do desempenho energético, essencialmente decorrente do aumento e controlo da eficiência energética da organização da qual pode resultar um elevado potencial de poupança em termos económicos para uma entidade como a Câmara Municipal de Mangualde.ABSTRACT: This report corresponds to the curricular internship of the Master course in Environmental Technology of Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu, conducted between December 2012 and June 2013 at Câmara Municipal de Mangualde (Mangualde Municipality). This internship main objective was to develop some procedures in order to improve the Municipality energy efficiency. A methodology was developed to the implementation of the ISO 50001: 2011 standard. It included the description of the implementation process of an energy management system and guidelines leading to the fulfillment of the standard requests as well as the elaboration of the energy management system documentation: “Energy Management System Manual”, “Procedures Manual” and “Records”. The characterization of the Municipality energy consumption was also performed leading to the knowledge of the local energy profile and the consequent energy analysis as requested by the standard. Integrated in the main objective it was also developed an energy management computer model (using Microsoft Visual Studio) called TEP. This management allows the storage and consultation of the energy consumption of the Municipality sectors and services. The implementation of an adequate energy management system may lead to a significant improvement of energy performance, mainly from the improvement of energy efficiency and control, which may result in major economic advantages for the Municipality

    Anuran trypanosomes: phylogenetic evidence for new clades in Brazil

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    Trypanosomes of anurans and fish are grouped into the Aquatic Clade which includes species isolated from fish, amphibians, turtles and platypus, usually transmitted by leeches and phlebotomine sand flies. Trypanosomes from Brazilian frogs are grouped within the Aquatic Clade with other anuran trypanosome species, where there seems to be coevolutionary patterns with vertebrate hosts and association to Brazilian biomes (Atlantic Forest, Pantanal and Amazonia Rainforest). We characterised the anuran trypanosomes from two different areas of the Cerrado biome and examined their phylogenetic relationships based on the SSU rRNA gene. A total of 112 anurans of six species was analysed and trypanosome prevalence evaluated through haemoculture was found to be 7% (8 positive frogs). However, only three isolates (2.7%) from two anuran species were recovered and cryopreserved. Analysis including SSU rDNA sequences from previous studies segregated the anuran trypanosomes into six groups, the previously reported An01 to An04, and An05 and An06 reported herein. Clade An05 comprises the isolates from Leptodactylus latrans (Steffen) and Pristimantis sp. captured in the Cerrado biome and Trypanosoma chattoni Mathis & Leger, 1911. The inclusion of new isolates in the phylogenetic analyses provided evidence for a new group (An06) of parasites from phlebotomine hosts. Our results indicate that the diversity of trypanosome species is underestimated since studies conducted in Brazil and other regions of the world are still few