194 research outputs found

    Synthesis, Structure, and Ferromagnetism of a New Oxygen Defect Pyrochlore System Lu2V2O_{7-x} (x = 0.40-0.65)

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    A new fcc oxygen defect pyrochlore structure system Lu2V2O_{7-x} with x = 0.40 to 0.65 was synthesized from the known fcc ferromagnetic semiconductor pyrochlore compound Lu2V2O7 which can be written as Lu2V2O6O' with two inequivalent oxygen sites O and O'. Rietveld x-ray diffraction refinements showed significant Lu-V antisite disorder for x >= 0.5. The lattice parameter versus x (including x = 0) shows a distinct maximum at x ~ 0.4. We propose that these observations can be explained if the oxygen defects are on the O' sublattice of the structure. The magnetic susceptibility versus temperature exhibits Curie-Weiss behavior above 150 K for all x, with a Curie constant C that increases with x as expected in an ionic model. However, the magnetization measurements also show that the (ferromagnetic) Weiss temperature theta and the ferromagnetic ordering temperature T_C both strongly decrease with increasing x instead of increasing as expected from C(x). The T_C decreases from 73 K for x = 0 to 21 K for x = 0.65. Furthermore, the saturation moment at a field of 5.5 T at 5 K is nearly independent of x, with the value expected for a fixed spin 1/2 per V. The latter three observations suggest that Lu2V2O_{7-x} may contain localized spin 1/2 vanadium moments in a metallic background that is induced by oxygen defect doping, instead of being a semiconductor as suggested by the C(x) dependence.Comment: 9 pages including 7 figures, 3 table

    Multi-Omics Studies towards Novel Modulators of Influenza A Virus-Host Interaction

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    Human influenza A viruses (IAVs) cause global pandemics and epidemics. These viruses evolve rapidly, making current treatment options ineffective. To identify novel modulators of IAV-host interactions, we re-analyzed our recent transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, phosphoproteomics, and genomics/virtual ligand screening data. We identified 713 potential modulators targeting 199 cellular and two viral proteins. Anti-influenza activity for 48 of them has been reported previously, whereas the antiviral efficacy of the 665 remains unknown. Studying anti-influenza efficacy and immuno/neuro-modulating properties of these compounds and their combinations as well as potential viral and host resistance to them may lead to the discovery of novel modulators of IAV-host interactions, which might be more effective than the currently available anti-influenza therapeutics.Peer reviewe

    Toll-Like Receptor 4 Regulates Chronic Stress-Induced Visceral Pain in Mice

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    Background Functional gastrointestinal disorders, which have visceral hypersensitivity as a core symptom, are frequently comorbid with stress-related psychiatric disorders. Increasing evidence points to a key role for toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in chronic pain states of somatic origin. However, the central contribution of TLR4 in visceral pain sensation remains elusive. Methods With pharmacological and genetic approaches, we investigated the involvement of TLR4 in the modulation of visceral pain. The TLR4-deficient and wild-type mice were exposed to chronic stress. Visceral pain was evaluated with colorectal distension. Protein expression levels for TLR4, Cd11b, and glial fibrillary acidic protein (glial cells markers) were quantified in the lumbar region of the spinal cord, prefrontal cortex (PFC), and hippocampus. To evaluate the effect of blocking TLR4 on visceral nociception, TAK-242, a selective TLR4 antagonist, was administered peripherally (intravenous) and centrally (intracerebroventricular and intra-PFC) (n = 10–12/experimental group). Results The TLR4 deficiency reduced visceral pain and prevented the development of chronic psychosocial stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity. Increased expression of TLR4 coupled with enhanced glia activation in the PFC and increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines were observed after chronic stress in wild-type mice. Administration of a TLR4 specific antagonist, TAK-242, attenuated visceral pain sensation in animals with functional TLR4 when administrated centrally and peripherally. Moreover, intra-PFC TAK-242 administration also counteracted chronic stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity. Conclusions Our results reveal a novel role for TLR4 within the PFC in the modulation of visceral nociception and point to TLR4 as a potential therapeutic target for the development of drugs to treat visceral hypersensitivity.The work described herein was supported by the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), through the Irish Government’s National Development Plan. The authors and their work were supported by SFI (Grant Numbers 02/CE/B124 and 07/CE/B1368 and SFI/12/RC/2273)

    Sec12 Binds to Sec16 at Transitional ER Sites

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    COPII vesicles bud from an ER domain known as the transitional ER (tER). Assembly of the COPII coat is initiated by the transmembrane guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sec12. In the budding yeast Pichia pastoris, Sec12 is concentrated at tER sites. Previously, we found that the tER localization of P. pastoris Sec12 requires a saturable binding partner. We now show that this binding partner is Sec16, a peripheral membrane protein that functions in ER export and tER organization. One line of evidence is that overexpression of Sec12 delocalizes Sec12 to the general ER, but simultaneous overexpression of Sec16 retains overexpressed Sec12 at tER sites. Additionally, when P. pastoris Sec12 is expressed in S. cerevisiae, the exogenous Sec12 localizes to the general ER, but when P. pastoris Sec16 is expressed in the same cells, the exogenous Sec12 is recruited to tER sites. In both of these experimental systems, the ability of Sec16 to recruit Sec12 to tER sites is abolished by deleting a C-terminal fragment of Sec16. Biochemical experiments confirm that this C-terminal fragment of Sec16 binds to the cytosolic domain of Sec12. Similarly, we demonstrate that human Sec12 is concentrated at tER sites, likely due to association with a C-terminal fragment of Sec16A. These results suggest that a Sec12–Sec16 interaction has a conserved role in ER export

    Functional Electrical Stimulation of Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles under Varying Loads in Exercising Horses

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    Bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVCP) is a life threatening condition and appears to be a good candidate for therapy using functional electrical stimulation (FES). Developing a working FES system has been technically difficult due to the inaccessible location and small size of the sole arytenoid abductor, the posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA) muscle. A naturally-occurring disease in horses shares many functional and etiological features with BVCP. In this study, the feasibility of FES for equine vocal fold paralysis was explored by testing arytenoid abduction evoked by electrical stimulation of the PCA muscle. Rheobase and chronaxie were determined for innervated PCA muscle. We then tested the hypothesis that direct muscle stimulation can maintain airway patency during strenuous exercise in horses with induced transient conduction block of the laryngeal motor nerve. Six adult horses were instrumented with a single bipolar intra-muscular electrode in the left PCA muscle. Rheobase and chronaxie were within the normal range for innervated muscle at 0.55Β±0.38 v and 0.38Β±0.19 ms respectively. Intramuscular stimulation of the PCA muscle significantly improved arytenoid abduction at all levels of exercise intensity and there was no significant difference between the level of abduction achieved with stimulation and control values under moderate loads. The equine larynx may provide a useful model for the study of bilateral fold paralysis

    Stable Cytotoxic T Cell Escape Mutation in Hepatitis C Virus Is Linked to Maintenance of Viral Fitness

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    Mechanisms by which hepatitis C virus (HCV) evades cellular immunity to establish persistence in chronically infected individuals are not clear. Mutations in human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I-restricted epitopes targeted by CD8+ T cells are associated with persistence, but the extent to which these mutations affect viral fitness is not fully understood. Previous work showed that the HCV quasispecies in a persistently infected chimpanzee accumulated multiple mutations in numerous class I epitopes over a period of 7 years. During the acute phase of infection, one representative epitope in the C-terminal region of the NS3/4A helicase, NS31629-1637, displayed multiple serial amino acid substitutions in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) anchor and T cell receptor (TCR) contact residues. Only one of these amino acid substitutions at position 9 (P9) of the epitope was stable in the quasispecies. We therefore assessed the effect of each mutation observed during in vivo infection on viral fitness and T cell responses using an HCV subgenomic replicon system and a recently developed in vitro infectious virus cell culture model. Mutation of a position 7 (P7) TCR-contact residue, I1635T, expectedly ablated the T cell response without affecting viral RNA replication or virion production. In contrast, two mutations at the P9 MHC-anchor residue abrogated antigen-specific T cell responses, but additionally decreased viral RNA replication and virion production. The first escape mutation, L1637P, detected in vivo only transiently at 3 mo after infection, decreased viral production, and reverted to the parental sequence in vitro. The second P9 variant, L1637S, which was stable in vivo through 7 years of follow-up, evaded the antigen-specific T cell response and did not revert in vitro despite being less optimal in virion production compared to the parental virus. These studies suggest that HCV escape mutants emerging early in infection are not necessarily stable, but are eventually replaced with variants that achieve a balance between immune evasion and fitness for replication

    Constitutive Activation of PrfA Tilts the Balance of Listeria monocytogenes Fitness Towards Life within the Host versus Environmental Survival

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    PrfA is a key regulator of Listeria monocytogenes pathogenesis and induces the expression of multiple virulence factors within the infected host. PrfA is post-translationally regulated such that the protein becomes activated upon bacterial entry into the cell cytosol. The signal that triggers PrfA activation remains unknown, however mutations have been identified (prfA* mutations) that lock the protein into a high activity state. In this report we examine the consequences of constitutive PrfA activation on L. monocytogenes fitness both in vitro and in vivo. Whereas prfA* mutants were hyper-virulent during animal infection, the mutants were compromised for fitness in broth culture and under conditions of stress. Broth culture prfA*-associated fitness defects were alleviated when glycerol was provided as the principal carbon source; under these conditions prfA* mutants exhibited a competitive advantage over wild type strains. Glycerol and other three carbon sugars have been reported to serve as primary carbon sources for L. monocytogenes during cytosolic growth, thus prfA* mutants are metabolically-primed for replication within eukaryotic cells. These results indicate the critical need for environment-appropriate regulation of PrfA activity to enable L. monocytogenes to optimize bacterial fitness inside and outside of host cells

    Capital Malleability and the Macroeconomic Costs of Climate Policy

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    This paper argues for introducing the role of capital malleability into the analysis of environmental policies. The issue is explored by means of a theoretical model, a numerical analysis and a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Considering the three approaches together is fundamental in obtaining theory-compatible policy-relevant results. The model outcomes reveal differences between results under separate assumptions regarding the malleability of capital. When capital is imperfectly malleable a carbon policy is less effective than under the assumption of perfect malleability of capital. Therefore, it is important that, especially for the analysis of short-term environmental regulations, the issue of capital malleability is taken into consideration
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