323 research outputs found

    Plasma osteopontin concentrations in preeclampsia - is there an association with endothelial injury?

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    Background: It has been previously reported that plasma osteopontin (OPN) concentrations are increased in cardiovascular disorders. The goal of the present study was to determine plasma OPN concentrations in healthy pregnant women and preeclamptic patients, and to investigate their relationship to the clinical characteristics of the study subjects and to markers of inflammation [C-reactive protein (CRP)], endothelial activation [von Willebrand factor antigen (VWF: Ag)] or endothelial injury (fibronectin), oxidative stress [malondialdehyde (MDA)] and trophoblast debris (cell-free fetal DNA). Methods: Forty-four patients with preeclampsia and 44 healthy pregnant women matched for age and gestational age were involved in this case-control study. Plasma OPN concentrations were measured with ELISA. Serum CRP concentrations were determined with an autoanalyzer using the manufacturer's reagents. Plasma VWF: Ag was quantified by ELISA, while plasma fibronectin concentrations were measured by nephelometry. Plasma MDA concentrations were estimated by the thiobarbituric acid-based colorimetric assay. The amount of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma was determined by quantitative real-time PCR analysis of the sex-determining region Y (SRY) gene. For statistical analyses, non-parametric methods were applied. Results: Serum levels of CRP, as well as plasma concentrations of VWF: Ag, fibronectin, MDA and cell-free fetal DNA were significantly higher in preeclamptic patients than in healthy pregnant women. There was no significant difference in plasma OPN concentrations between controls and the preeclamptic group. However, preeclamptic patients with plasma fibronectin concentrations in the upper quartile had significantly higher plasma OPN concentrations than those below the 75th percentile, as well as healthy pregnant women [median (interquartile range): 9.38 (8.10-11.99) vs. 7.54 (6.31-9.40) and 7.40 (6.51-8.80) ng/mL, respectively, p < 0.05 for both]. Furthermore, in preeclamptic patients, plasma OPN concentrations showed a significant positive linear association with plasma fibronectin (Spearman R = 0.38, standardized regression coefficient (beta) = 0.41, p < 0.05 for both). Conclusions: Plasma OPN concentrations are increased in preeclamptic patients with extensive endothelial injury. However, further studies are warranted to explore the relationship between OPN and endothelial damage. Clin Chem Lab Med 2010;48: 181-7

    Towards an advanced observation system for the marine Arctic in the framework of the Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX)

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    The Arctic marine climate system is changing rapidly, which is seen in the warming of the ocean and atmosphere, decline of sea ice cover, increase in river discharge, acidification of the ocean, and changes in marine ecosystems. Socio-economic activities in the coastal and marine Arctic are simultaneously changing. This calls for the establishment of a marine Arctic component of the Pan-Eurasian Experiment (MA-PEEX). There is a need for more in situ observations on the marine atmosphere, sea ice, and ocean, but increasing the amount of such observations is a pronounced technological and logistical challenge. The SMEAR (Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations) concept can be applied in coastal and archipelago stations, but in the Arctic Ocean it will probably be more cost-effective to further develop a strongly distributed marine observation network based on autonomous buoys, moorings, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These have to be supported by research vessel and aircraft campaigns, as well as various coastal observations, including community-based ones. Major manned drift-ing stations may occasionally be comparable to terrestrial SMEAR flagship stations. To best utilize the observations, atmosphere-ocean reanalyses need to be further developed. To well integrate MA-PEEX with the existing terrestrialatmospheric PEEX, focus is needed on the river discharge and associated fluxes, coastal processes, and atmospheric transports in and out of the marine Arctic. More observations and research are also needed on the specific socioeconomic challenges and opportunities in the marine and coastal Arctic, and on their interaction with changes in the climate and environmental system. MA-PEEX will promote international collaboration; sustainable marine meteorological, sea ice, and oceanographic observations; advanced data management; and multidisciplinary research on the marine Arctic and its interaction with the Eurasian continent.Peer reviewe

    Dysfunction of complement receptors CR3 (CD11b/18) and CR4 (CD11c/18) in pre-eclampsia : a genetic and functional study

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    Objective To study genetic variants and their function within genes coding for complement receptors in pre-eclampsia. Design A case-control study. Setting Pre-eclampsia is a common vascular disease of pregnancy. The clearance of placenta-derived material is one of the functions of the complement system in pregnancy. Population We genotyped 500 women with pre-eclamptic pregnancies and 190 pregnant women without pre-eclampsia, as controls, from the FINNPEC cohort, and 122 women with pre-eclamptic pregnancies and 1905 controls from the national FINRISK cohort. Methods The functional consequences of genotypes discovered by targeted exomic sequencing were explored by analysing the binding of the main ligand iC3b to mutated CR3 or CR4, which were transiently expressed on the surface of COS-1 cells. Main outcome measures Allele frequencies were compared between pre-eclamptic pregnancies and controls in genetic studies. The functional consequences of selected variants were measured by binding assays. Results The most significantly pre-eclampsia-linked CR3 variant M441K (P = 4.27E-4, OR = 1.401, 95% CI = 1.167-1.682) displayed a trend of increased adhesion to iC3b (P = 0.051). The CR4 variant A251T was found to enhance the adhesion of CR4 to iC3b, whereas W48R resulted in a decrease of the binding of CR4 to iC3b. Conclusions Results suggest that changes in complement-facilitated phagocytosis are associated with pre-eclampsia. Further studies are needed to ascertain whether aberrant CR3 and CR4 activity leads to altered pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine responses in individuals carrying the associated variants, and the role of these receptors in pre-eclampsia pathogenesis. Tweetable abstract Genetic variants of complement receptors CR3 and CR4 have functional consequences that are associated with pre-eclampsia.Peer reviewe

    Fire in Australian savannas: From leaf to landscape

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    © 2014 The Authors. Global Change Biology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Savanna ecosystems comprise 22% of the global terrestrial surface and 25% of Australia (almost 1.9 million km2) and provide significant ecosystem services through carbon and water cycles and the maintenance of biodiversity. The current structure, composition and distribution of Australian savannas have coevolved with fire, yet remain driven by the dynamic constraints of their bioclimatic niche. Fire in Australian savannas influences both the biophysical and biogeochemical processes at multiple scales from leaf to landscape. Here, we present the latest emission estimates from Australian savanna biomass burning and their contribution to global greenhouse gas budgets. We then review our understanding of the impacts of fire on ecosystem function and local surface water and heat balances, which in turn influence regional climate. We show how savanna fires are coupled to the global climate through the carbon cycle and fire regimes. We present new research that climate change is likely to alter the structure and function of savannas through shifts in moisture availability and increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, in turn altering fire regimes with further feedbacks to climate. We explore opportunities to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions from savanna ecosystems through changes in savanna fire management

    An assessment of ten ocean reanalyses in the polar regions

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    Global and regional ocean and sea ice reanalysis products (ORAs) are increasingly used in polar research, but their quality remains to be systematically assessed. To address this, the Polar ORA Intercomparison Project (Polar ORA-IP) has been established following on from the ORA-IP project. Several aspects of ten selected ORAs in the Arctic and Antarctic were addressed by concentrating on comparing their mean states in terms of snow, sea ice, ocean transports and hydrography. Most polar diagnostics were carried out for the first time in such an extensive set of ORAs. For the multi-ORA mean state, we found that deviations from observations were typically smaller than individual ORA anomalies, often attributed to offsetting biases of individual ORAs. The ORA ensemble mean therefore appears to be a useful product and while knowing its main deficiencies and recognising its restrictions, it can be used to gain useful information on the physical state of the polar marine environment.Peer reviewe

    Waterborne Outbreak of Gastroenteritis: Effects on Sick Leaves and Cost of Lost Workdays

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    We examined the acute and cumulative effects of this incidence on sick leaves among public sector employees residing in the clean and contaminated areas, and the additional costs of lost workdays due to the incidence.Daily information on sick leaves of 1789 Finnish Public Sector Study participants was obtained from employers' registers. Global Positioning System-coordinates were used for linking participants to the clean and contaminated areas. Prevalence ratios (PR) for weekly sickness absences were calculated using binomial regression analysis. Calculations for the costs were based on prior studies.Among those living in the contaminated areas, the prevalence of participants on sick leave was 3.54 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.97–4.22) times higher on the week following the incidence compared to the reference period. Those living and working in the clean area were basically not affected, the corresponding PR for sick leaves was 1.12, 95% CI 0.73–1.73. No cumulative effects on sick leaves were observed among the exposed. The estimated additional costs of lost workdays due to the incidence were 1.8–2.1 million euros.The prevalence of sickness absences among public sector employees residing in affected areas increased shortly after drinking water distribution system was contaminated, but no long-term effects were observed. The estimated costs of lost workdays were remarkable, thus, the cost-benefits of better monitoring systems for the water distribution systems should be evaluated

    COX2 genetic variation, NSAIDs, and advanced prostate cancer risk

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    Collective evidence suggests that cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) plays a role in prostate cancer risk. Cyclooxygenase 2 is the major enzyme that converts arachidonic acid to prostaglandins, which are potent mediators of inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit the enzymatic activity of COX2 and long-term use of NSAIDs appears to modestly lower the risk of prostate cancer. We investigated whether common genetic variation in COX2 influences the risk of advanced prostate cancer. Nine single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in COX2 were genotyped among 1012 men in our case–control study of advanced prostate cancer. Gene–environment interactions between COX2 polymorphisms and NSAID use were also evaluated. Information on NSAID use was obtained by questionnaire. Three SNPs demonstrated nominally statistically significant associations with prostate cancer risk, with the most compelling polymorphism (rs2745557) associated with a lower risk of disease (odds ratio (OR) GC vs GG=0.64; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.49–0.84; P=0.002). We estimated through permutation analysis that a similarly strong result would occur by chance 2.7% of the time. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use was associated with a lower risk of disease in comparison to no use (OR=0.67; 95% CI: 0.52–0.87). No significant statistical interaction between NSAID use and rs2745557 was observed (P=0.12). Our findings suggest that variation in COX2 is associated with prostate cancer risk

    What is the potential for replacing monocultures with mixed-species stands to enhance ecosystem services in boreal forests in Fennoscandia?

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    The boreal forests of Fennoscandia are largely dominated by Norway spruce and Scots pine. Conifer monocultures have been favoured in forest management during the last decades. Recently, concern has risen that forests consisting of only one tree species could be vulnerable to biotic damage. Additionally, environmental and societal changes are placing new demands on forest utilization, thus shifting the focus to alternative forest management options providing a wider scale of ecosystem services. It has been proposed that mixed forests are better than monocultures with respect to biodiversity, risk management and recreational value. By synthesising research studies, we provide an overview of current knowledge on how to combine wood production and other ecosystem services in mixed boreal forests in Fennoscandia. We addressed the following questions in more detail: what are the effects of mixed forests on soil properties, understorey vegetation, biodiversity, wildlife, resistance to and resilience against damage, forest productivity and the multiple use of forests? Furthermore, what are the silvicultural possibilities for establishing and managing mixed forests?Based on this review, mixed forests appear to provide a higher output of most ecosystem goods and services, including higher biodiversity and improved risk management, soil properties and multiple-use values. The most serious challenge is the browsing by cervids, which damages sapling stands. There is potential to establish single-storied mixed forests with current regeneration methods and material. Further research is particularly needed on the silvicultural practices suited for mixed boreal forests

    Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Program : An Overview of the First 5 Years in Operation and Future Prospects

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    The Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) program was initiated as a bottom-up approach by the researchers coming from Finland and Russia in October 2012. The PEEX China kick off meeting was held in November 2013. During its five years in operation, the program has established a governance structure and delivered a science plan for the Northern Eurasian region. PEEX has also introduced a concept design for a modelling platform and ground-based in situ observation systems for detecting land-atmosphere and ocean-atmosphere interactions. Today, PEEX has an extensive researcher’s network representing research communities coming from the Nordic countries, Russia and China. PEEX is currently carrying out its research activities on a project basis, but is looking for more coordinated funding bases, especially in Russia and in China. The near-future challenge in implementing the PEEX research agenda is to achieve a successful integration and identification of the methodological approaches of the socio-economic research to environmental sciences. Here we give insight into these issues and provide an overview on the main tasks for the upcoming years.The Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) program was initiated as a bottom-up approach by the researchers coming from Finland and Russia in October 2012. The PEEX China kick off meeting was held in November 2013. During its five years in operation, the program has established a governance structure and delivered a science plan for the Northern Eurasian region. PEEX has also introduced a concept design for a modelling platform and ground-based in situ observation systems for detecting land-atmosphere and ocean-atmosphere interactions. Today, PEEX has an extensive researcher’s network representing research communities coming from the Nordic countries, Russia and China. PEEX is currently carrying out its research activities on a project basis, but is looking for more coordinated funding bases, especially in Russia and in China. The near-future challenge in implementing the PEEX research agenda is to achieve a successful integration and identification of the methodological approaches of the socio-economic research to environmental sciences. Here we give insight into these issues and provide an overview on the main tasks for the upcoming years.The Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) program was initiated as a bottom-up approach by the researchers coming from Finland and Russia in October 2012. The PEEX China kick off meeting was held in November 2013. During its five years in operation, the program has established a governance structure and delivered a science plan for the Northern Eurasian region. PEEX has also introduced a concept design for a modelling platform and ground-based in situ observation systems for detecting land-atmosphere and ocean-atmosphere interactions. Today, PEEX has an extensive researcher’s network representing research communities coming from the Nordic countries, Russia and China. PEEX is currently carrying out its research activities on a project basis, but is looking for more coordinated funding bases, especially in Russia and in China. The near-future challenge in implementing the PEEX research agenda is to achieve a successful integration and identification of the methodological approaches of the socio-economic research to environmental sciences. Here we give insight into these issues and provide an overview on the main tasks for the upcoming years.Peer reviewe
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