13,729 research outputs found

    Spectral Functions in Holographic Renormalization Group Flows

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    The spectrum of two-point functions in a holographic renormalization group flow from an ultraviolet (UV) to an infrared (IR) conformal fixed point is necessarily continuous. For a toy model, the spectral function does not only show the expected UV and IR behaviours, but other interesting features such as sharp peaks and oscillations in the UV. The spectral functions for the SU(3)xU(1) flow in AdS_4/CFT_3 and the SU(2)xU(1) flow in AdS_5/CFT_4 are calculated numerically. They exhibit a simple cross-over behaviour and reproduce the conformal dimensions of the dual operators in the UV and IR conformal phases.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures v2: added referene

    Photoabsorption on nuclei

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    We calculate the total photoabsorption cross section on nuclei in the energy range from 300 MeV to 1 GeV within the framework of a semi-classical phase space model. Besides medium modifications like Fermi motion and Pauli blocking we focus on the collision broadening of the involved resonances. The resonance contributions to the elementary cross section are fixed by fits to partial wave amplitudes of pion photoproduction. The cross sections for N R→N NN \, R \to N \, N, needed for the calculation of collision broadening, are obtained by detailed balance from a fit to N N→N N πN \, N \to N \, N \, \pi cross sections. We show that a reasonable collision broadening is not able to explain the experimentally observed disappearance of the D13(1520)D_{13}(1520)-resonance in the photoabsorption cross section on nuclei.Comment: 26 pages Latex including 9 postscript figure

    Heterotrophic bacterial growth and substrate utilization in the oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean (Aegean Sea)

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    Heterotrophic bacterial growth and substrate utilization were studied in March and September of 1997 in the oligotrophic Aegean Sea. Maximum velocities of ectoproteolytic activity (ectoaminopeptidase ctivity, EAP), as well as amino acid assimilation and respiration rates (AA-A, AA-R) were measured along with bacterial production (protein synthesis). At the northern stations which are influenced by the input of the Black Sea waters, rates at 5 m depth of EAP, AA-A and bacterial production were 2 to 3 times higher than at southern stations. Influenced by the Black Sea water, mean bacterial numbers in the 0-100 m layer showed typical oceanic concentrations averaging 0.7 x 10 6 cells ml -1 . These values, along with low bacterial production rates (30 ng C l -1 h -1 ) implied slow growth for bacteria and/or that a large number among them were inactive. Neither bacterial abundance nor production were correlated with primary production. The percentage of amino acids respired was higher in September compared to March, particularly in the northern Aegean (mean 69 %). The enzyme kinetic analysis showed a biphasic model, the transition between the high and low affinity enzymes being obtained at 50 ÎśM. Ectoaminopeptidase activity was weakly correlated with bacterial production (p < 0.05), but strongly correlated with respiration rates of amino acids (p < 0.001), suggesting that the substrate used was devoted to maintain energy requirements

    Spectral analysis of the sdO K 648, the exciting star of the planetary nebula Ps 1 in the globular cluster M 15 (NGC 7078)

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    We present a spectral analysis of the sdO central star K 648 based on medium-resolution optical and high-resolution UV spectra. The photospheric parameters are determined by means of state-of-the-art NLTE model atmosphere techniques. We found Teff = 39 +/- 2 kK and log g = 3.9 +/- 0.2. The helium (He/H=0.08) and oxygen (O/H=0.001) abundances are about solar while carbon is enriched by a factor of 2.5 (C/H=0.001). Nitrogen (N/H = 10**(-6), [N/H] = -2.0) appears at a sub-solar value. However, these metal abundances are much higher than the cluster's metallicity M 15: [Fe/H] = -2.25). The surface composition appears to be a mixture of the original hydrogen-rich material and products of helium burning (3 alpha process) which have been mixed up to the surface. The abundances of He, C, and N are consistent with the nebular abundance, while O is considerably more abundant in the photosphere than in the nebula. From a comparison of its position in the log Teff - log g plane with evolutionary calculations a mass of 0.57 (+0.02, -0.01) Msun and a luminosity of 3810 +/- 1200 Lsun are deduced. Our spectroscopic distance d = 11.1 (+2.4, -2.9) kpc is in agreement with the distance of M 15 as determined by Alves et al. (2000). From the GHRS spectra we measure a radial velocity of vrad = -130 km/sec.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    The Ribaucour transformation in Lie sphere geometry

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    We discuss the Ribaucour transformation of Legendre maps in Lie sphere geometry. In this context, we give a simple conceptual proof of Bianchi's original Permutability Theorem and its generalisation by Dajczer--Tojeiro. We go on to formulate and prove a higher dimensional version of the Permutability Theorem. It is shown how these theorems descend to the corresponding results for submanifolds in space forms.Comment: v2: Introduction expanded and references added. 20 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Doing the opposite to what another person is doing.

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    The three studies presented here aim to contribute to a better understanding of the role of the coordinate system of a person's body and of the environment in spatial organization underlying the recognition and production of gestures. The paper introduces a new approach by investigating what people consider to be opposite gestures in addition to identical gestures. It also suggests a new point of view setting the issue in the framework of egocentric versus allocentric spatial encoding as compared to the anatomical versus non-anatomical matching which is usually adopted in the literature. The results showed that the role of the allocentric system as a key player was much more evident when participants were asked to \u201cdo the opposite\u201d as compared to when they imitated which indicates that the two tasks really are different from each other. Response times were also quicker when people \u201cdid the opposite\u201d indicating that this is an immediate response and not the result of \u201creversing an imitation\u201d. These findings suggest that the issue of how the oppositional structure of space impacts on human perception and the performance of gestures has probably been underestimated in an area of research which traditionally focuses exclusively on imitation

    The middle of the road: perceiving intermediates.

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    This article aims to study the extension and immediacy of the perception of intermediates during the observation of images showing a variation in a spatial property from one extreme (e.g. at the top of a mountain) to the opposite extreme (e.g. at the bottom of a mountain). Three experiments were carried out: rating tasks were used in studies 1 and 3 and a classification task in study 2. Three main results emerged. The first result (concerning extension) is that people consistently recognize some instances of a dimension as intermediates (neither a... nor b) rather than as one or the other opposite pole (a, b). The number of these cases ranges from one to most of the experiences in between the two extremes, depending on the type of opposite considered. The second result (concerning immediacy) is that recognizing and rating intermediates did not take longer in most cases than recognizing and rating the two poles. The third result (concerning task influence) is that there were differences due to the type of task, i.e. rating and classification. The implications of these results are discussed within the framework of theories grounding cognition in perception

    Resolution à la Kronheimer of C3/ Γ singularities and the Monge–Ampère equation for Ricci-flat Kähler metrics in view of D3-brane solutions of supergravity

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    In this paper, we analyze the relevance of the generalized Kronheimer construction for the gauge/gravity correspondence. We begin with the general structure of D3-brane solutions of type IIB supergravity on smooth manifolds YΓ that are supposed to be the crepant resolution of quotient singularities C3/ Γ with Γ a finite subgroup of SU(3). We emphasize that nontrivial 3-form fluxes require the existence of imaginary self-dual harmonic forms ω2 , 1. Although excluded in the classical Kronheimer construction, they may be reintroduced by means of mass deformations. Next we concentrate on the other essential item for the D3-brane construction, namely, the existence of a Ricci-flat metric on YΓ. We study the issue of Ricci-flat Kähler metrics on such resolutions YΓ, with particular attention to the case Γ = Z4. We advance the conjecture that on the exceptional divisor of YΓ the Kronheimer Kähler metric and the Ricci-flat one, that is locally flat at infinity, coincide. The conjecture is shown to be true in the case of the Ricci-flat metric on tot KWP[112] that we construct, i.e., the total space of the canonical bundle of the weighted projective space WP[112] , which is a partial resolution of C3/ Z4. For the full resolution, we have YZ4=totKF2, where F2 is the second Hirzebruch surface. We try to extend the proof of the conjecture to this case using the one-parameter Kähler metric on F2 produced by the Kronheimer construction as initial datum in a Monge–Ampère (MA) equation. We exhibit three formulations of this MA equation, one in terms of the Kähler potential, the other two in terms of the symplectic potential but with two different choices of the variables. In both cases, one can establish a series solution in powers of the variable along the fibers of the canonical bundle. The main property of the MA equation is that it does not impose any condition on the initial geometry of the exceptional divisor, rather it uniquely determines all the subsequent terms as local functionals of this initial datum. Although a formal proof is still missing, numerical and analytical results support the conjecture. As a by-product of our investigation, we have identified some new properties of this type of MA equations that we believe to be so far unknown

    Magnetism and superconductivity driven by identical 4ff states in a heavy-fermion metal

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    The apparently inimical relationship between magnetism and superconductivity has come under increasing scrutiny in a wide range of material classes, where the free energy landscape conspires to bring them in close proximity to each other. This is particularly the case when these phases microscopically interpenetrate, though the manner in which this can be accomplished remains to be fully comprehended. Here, we present combined measurements of elastic neutron scattering, magnetotransport, and heat capacity on a prototypical heavy fermion system, in which antiferromagnetism and superconductivity are observed. Monitoring the response of these states to the presence of the other, as well as to external thermal and magnetic perturbations, points to the possibility that they emerge from different parts of the Fermi surface. This enables a single 4ff state to be both localized and itinerant, thus accounting for the coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    On Exact Symmetries and Massless Vectors in Holographic Flows and other Flux Vacua

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    We analyze the isometries of Type IIB flux vacua based on the Papadopolous-Tseytlin ansatz and identify the related massless bulk vector fields. To this end we devise a general ansatz, valid in any flux compactification, for the fluctuations of the metric and p-forms that diagonalizes the coupled equations. We then illustrate the procedure in the simple case of holographic flows driven by the RR 3-form flux only. Specifically we study the fate of the isometries of the Maldacena-Nunez solution associated to wrapped D5-branes.Comment: 23 page
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