1,190 research outputs found

    Analysis of flow effects in relativistic heavy-ion collisions within the CBUU approach

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    We study flow phenomena in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, both in transverse and radial direction, in comparison to experimental data. The collective dynamics of the nucleus-nucleus collision is described within a transport model of the coupled channel BUU type (CBUU). This recently developed version includes all nucleonic resonances up to 1.95 GeV in mass and mean-field potentials both of the Skyrme and momentum dependent MDYI type. We find that heavy resonances play an important role in the description of transverse flow above 1 AGeV incident energy. For radial flow we analyse reaction times and equilibration and extract the parameters TT and β\beta for temperature and collective flow velocity within different prescriptions. Furthermore, we apply a coalescence model for fragment production and check the mass dependence of the flow signals.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Europ. Phys. J.

    50 anys amb ràdio Olot

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    Exotic wakes of flapping fins

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    Substitution or overlap? The relations between geographical and non-spatial proximity dimensions in collaborative innovation projects.

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    Traditionally, economic geographers stress geographical proximity's positive impact on collaboration processes. However, effects of cognitive, organizational, social and institutional proximity dimensions have been emphasized recently. This paper examines the relations between geography and these non-spatial dimensions by distinguishing two mechanisms: the substitution mechanism, where non-spatial forms of proximity substitute for geographical proximity; and the overlap mechanism, where geographical proximity facilitates non-spatial proximity. The two mechanisms’ importance is analysed in collaborative innovation projects in the Danish cleantech industry. Regression models are complemented by a qualitative analysis of the relationship between the geographical and institutional dimensions

    Leading a movement towards effective valuation processes and equal value distributions : the role of specialty coffee

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    The coffee industry is at risk as the disparity of wealth between coffee-producing and coffee-consuming countries increases and enormous obstacles such as environmental crises and extreme price volatility are blocking the path to a sustainable and viable coffee industry. Specialty Coffee is defined as the highest quality coffee premium and has proven to be the front-runner in the transition towards a more sustainable coffee industry. Therefore, this study contributed to previous research by adopting an unique in-depth case study of the Specialty Coffee value chain approach and by isolating this segment and understanding the dynamics between different actors and stakeholders. Moreover, this study will supplement previous research by taking a holistic perspective on valuation processes by including both intrinsic and extrinsic production systems and analyzing different actors' perspectives instead of focusing on a specific actor or step within the value chain. Valuation Theory will provide the theoretical framework to answer the research question: How can actors of the Specialty Coffee industry construct valuation processes for a more equal distribution of value? This study found that actors of the specialty coffee industry are setting the stage for systemic stage through Collective Action. The Collective Action of the industry is directed at building Value Networks with coffee-producing actors at the center, which should guarantee a more equal distribution of wealth and power. Moreover, the Collective Action aims to improve the degree of transparency and measurability of processes that consequently enhances the effectiveness of valuation processes.A indústria do café está em risco porque a desingualdade de riqueza entre os países productores e os países consumidores está aumentendo e alem disto há obstáculos enormes como os crises ambientais e a instabilidade dos preços que estão a bloquear o caminho para uma indústria de café sustentável. O café especial é definido como o café premuim de qualidade mais elevada é tem provado ser o líder na transição para uma nova indústria de café. Além disso, irá complementar a investigação anterior, adotando uma perspetiva holística dos processos de avaliação no que diz respeito a cafés especiais, incluindo sistemas de produção intrínsecos e extrínsecos e analisando as perspetivas dos diferentes intervenientes em vez de se concentrar num só interveniente ou numa só etapa específica dentro da cadeia de valor. A Teoria da Valorização fornecerá o quadro teórico para responder à questão da investigação: Como é que estão os intervenientes da indústria de cafés especiais a construir processos de avaliação para uma distribuição mais equitativa do valor? Este estudo acha que intervenientes da indústria de café especial criam o cenário para um cenário sitémico pela Ação Coletiva. A Ação Coletiva da indústria dirige-se á construção dos Redes de Valor em que os intervenientes que produzem café encontram-se no centro, o que deve guarantizar uma distribuição mais justa de riqueza e poder. Além disso, a Ação Coletiva visa a melhorar o nível de transparência e de mensurabilidade dos processos que por conseguinte aumenta a eficácia dos processos de avaliação

    O perfil sociolinguístico de pais, docentes e alunos da escola Dr. Theodureto Carlos de Farias Souto, de Dionísio Cerqueira/SC

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    IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016Esse trabalho tem como finalidade apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa sociolinguística realizada com professores, pais e alunos do ensino fundamental 1 (primeiro e segundo ciclos), da Escola de Educação Básica Dr. Theodureto Faria Souto, localizada no município brasileiro de Dionísio Cerqueira/SC que faz fronteira com a Argentina. A referida instituição de ensino participa, desde 2005, do Programa Escolas Interculturais de Fronteira (PEIF). Verificaramse, por meio de entrevistas, as experiências de contato com a língua espanhola, com o portunhol e com a alternância de código entre o português e o espanhol, bem como o uso dessas formas linguísticas pelos sujeitos pesquisados. Os dados da pesquisa permitem concluir que é usual e frequente a interação entre brasileiros e argentinos na fronteira de Bernardo Irigoyen e Dionísio Cerqueira. Tais situações de contato demandam conhecimentos linguísticos acerca da língua espanhola e portuguesa por brasileiros e argentinos, respectivamente. Isso reforça a pertinência de um programa como o PEIF para garantir a aquisição da língua espanhola como L2, de modo que seu ensinoaprendizagem ocorra de maneira a promover o respeito à diversidade linguística e cultural da fronteira, bem como reforçar a prática do bilinguismo comum nessas localidadesUNILA­-UNIOEST

    Vertical control, opportunism, and risk sharing

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    A manufacturer who offers secret contracts faces an opportunism problem: She undercuts her own input prices and fails to offset retail competition. I show that this problem diminishes when retailers are risk averse and face demand uncertainty. Risk aversion and uncertainty create a bilateral risk sharing incentive that raises equilibrium input prices above marginal cost. The manufacturer can therefore profit from downstream risk aversion when retail competition is fierce.publishedVersio

    Analysis and design of post-wall waveguides for application in SIW\ud

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    The post-wall waveguide (PWWG) is a microwave transmission line that combines integrability with printed circuit board technology with relatively low loss at millimeter-wave frequencies. The side walls of a PWWG do not consist of flat surfaces, as in a rectangular waveguide, but of a set of cylindrical posts. To characterize PWWGs electromagnetically we present a model based on a 2D formulation of Maxwell’s equations. A modal expansion of the fields around the cylindrical posts in the PWWG results in a matrix equation from which the scattered field induced by an excitation field can be determined. Using Lorentz’s reciprocity theorem, we derive integral equations that relate the electromagnetic fields to surface currents. The propagation constant can be determined by considering an infinitely-long PWWG. Since the series in the corresponding modal or moment equation does not converge for complex propagation constants, the calculation of losses requires an alternate model. Combining the modal formulation and the integral formulation we can adequately describe the electromagnetic behavior of a PWWG component by electric and magnetic surface currents at port planes. The transfer from port to port is calculated from this characterization and subsequently the scattering parameters of the PWWG component are determined.\ud The second part of the thesis concerns the design, realization and measurement of PWWG structures. An excitation\ud structure consisting of a slot-coupled grounded co-planar waveguide positioned in the top ground plane of\ud the PWWG excites the dominant mode in the PWWG over almost its full bandwidth. As in the case of rectangular\ud waveguides, straight sections of PWWG are the basis for the design of components such as bends and splitters.\ud By combining components and by selectively adding and removing posts, complex components such as Butler\ud matrices and filters are realized. To compare simulation and measurement results, sets of PWWG test components\ud have been manufactured, including uniform lines, phase shifters, a bend, a T-splitter, couplers, and a 4x4 Butler\ud matrix

    The Geography of Sustainability Transitions: Review, Synthesis and Reflections on an Emergent Research Field.

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    This review covers the recent literature on the geography of sustainability transitions and takes stock with achieved theoretical and empirical insights. The review synthesises and reflects upon insights of relevance for sustainability transitions following from analyses of the importance of place specificity and the geography of inter-organisational relations. It is found that these contributions focus on the geography of niche development rather than regime dynamics, and that there is an emphasis on understanding the importance of place-specificity at the local level. While there is a wide consensus that place-specificity matters there is still little generalisable knowledge about how place-specificity matters for transitions. Most contributions add spatial sensitivity to frameworks from the transitions literature, but few studies suggest alternative frameworks to study sustainability transitions. To address this, the review suggests promising avenues for future research on the geography of sustainability transitions, drawing on recent theoretical advancements in economic geography