102 research outputs found

    Detached house

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    Abstrakt Předmětem této bakalářské práce je zpracování stavebně technické části projektové dokumentace pro realizaci novostavby rodinného domu v Třinci, Oldřichovice, parc č. 3330/2. Stavba je umístěna v obci Třinec , v řídce zastavěném území a bude obklopena zástavbou ze severní a východní strany. Podél jižní a západní části pozemku se nachází místní pozemní komunikace (Č.P. 3340/5) široká 6 m. Na severní straně je nezastavěná parcela (Č.P. 3344/4) a parcela (Č.P. 161). Na severovýchodě je zastavěný pozemek s rodinným domem (Č.P. 65/1). Stavbu tvoří jedna budova, nebude se dělit na objekty. Dům je půdorysu tvaru symetrického L a je částečně podsklepen. Svislé nosné zdivo tvoří Vápenopískové tvárnice Silka S12-1800 10 DF, (tl.300 mm), suterénní zdivo je ze stejného materiálu jako nadzemní podlaží. Příčky jsou z Vápenopískových tvárnic Silka S20-2000 5 DF. Strop je proveden prefamonolitický, montovaný strop Porotherm se stropními trámy a vložkami. Střechu nese konstrukce krovu s dřevěnými a ocelovými prvky. Budova bude založena na základových pásech, jednoduché základové poměry. Parcela se nachází v kopcovitém terénu převýšení celého pozemku činí 6 m. Zastřešení tvoří valbová střecha se sklonem 35°. Podzemní voda se nachází 8,9 m pod úrovní stávajícího terénu. Nebude tedy ovlivňovat stavbu. Objemová aktivita radonu 1.NÍZKÝ STUPEŇAbstract The subject of this thesis is the process of building technical part of the project documentation for the realization of a new family house in Třinec, Oldřichovice, parcel number. 3330/2. The building is located in the village of Třinec, in sparsely built-up area and will be surrounded by buildings from the north and east sides. Along the southern and western parts of the property there is a local road (N.P. 3340/5) which is 6 meters wide. On the north side is undeveloped parcel (N.P. 3344/4) and parcel (N.P. 161). In the northeast, there is a built family house with land (N.P. 65/1). The construction is formed by one building and it will not be splitted into other objects. The house has symmetrical L-shaped floor plan and it has got a partial basement. Vertical load-bearing masonry is made of Calcium silicate molded bricks Silka S12-1800 10 DF, (thickness 300 mm), basement walls are made of the same material as the aboveground storay. Partition walls are made of calcium silicite moped bricks Silka S20-2000 5 DF. The ceiling is made as monolithic-prefabricated, mounted ceiling Porotherm with ceiling beams and bars. The roof holding is supported by truss structure with wood and steel components. The building will be based on the foundation strips, simple foundation ratios. The parcel is situated in hilly terrain, vertical rise of the terrain is 6 meters. Roofing is made by a hipped roof with a slope of 35 °. Groundwater is located 8.9 m below the existing ground. It will therefore not affect the construction. The volume activity of radon 1.LOW DEGREE

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on delays in diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases endemic to southeastern USA

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    BACKGROUND: The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic was marked by an increase in diagnosis and treatment delays for a range of medical conditions. Yet the impact of the pandemic on the management of tick-borne diseases, which frequently manifest as an acute febrile illness similar to COVID-19, has not been well described. METHODS: In this retrospective cohort study of patients with suspected tick-borne disease attending the University of North Carolina Health facilities, we compared the timeliness of diagnosis and treatment in a "pre-COVID" period (March 2019 to February 2020) and a "post-COVID" period (March 2020 to February 2021). Participants included patients with an ICD-10 diagnosis code of spotted fever group rickettsiosis or ehrlichiosis and a positive Rickettsia rickettsii or Ehrlichia indirect immunofluorescence assay immunoglobulin G antibody test result. Of the 897 patients who had an eligible diagnosis, 240 (26.8%) met the inclusion criteria. The main outcome was time from initial presentation to definitive diagnosis and treatment. RESULTS: During the 2-year study period, 126 (52.5%) patients were grouped in the pre-COVID period and 114 (47.5%) were grouped in the post-COVID period; 120 (50.0%) were female; and 139 (57.9%) were aged > 50 years. Comparing the post-COVID to the pre-COVID period, the adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for delay in treatment > 0 days was 1.81 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.07-3.07, P = 0.03), and for a treatment delay > 7 days, 1.65 (95% CI 0.94-2.90, P = 0.08). The odds of a delay in diagnosis were similar for patients in the post- and pre-COVID periods, with an aOR of 1.61 (95% CI 0.96-2.72, P = 0.07) for delays > 0 days, and aOR of 1.72 (95% CI 0.99-3.00, P = 0.05) for delays > 7 days. CONCLUSIONS: The odds of a delay in treatment > 0 days were significantly higher in the post-COVID period than in the pre-COVID period. However, the odds of a delay in treatment > 7 days, or a delay in diagnosis, were similar between these two periods. Shifts in care-seeking, alternative care delivery models and prioritization of COVID-19 may contribute to diminished timeliness of treatment for patients with tick-borne diseases

    Supported ionic liquid silica nanoparticles (SILnPs) as an efficient and recyclable heterogeneous catalyst for the dehydration of fructose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural

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    Supported ionic liquid nanoparticles (SILnPs) having particle size ranging from 293 ± 2 to 610 ± 11 nm have been prepared by immobilization of ionic liquid, 1-(tri-ethoxy silyl-propyl)- 3-methyl-imidazolium hydrogen sulfate (IL-HSO4) on the surface of silica nanoparticles. The catalytic activity of the prepared SILnPs was investigated for the dehydration of fructose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as a solvent. The reaction temperature and amount of catalyst have been optimized for dehydration of fructose over SILnPs using experimental design leading to 99.9% fructose conversion and 63.0% HMF yield using silica SILnPs (d = 610 ± 11) nm at 130.0 ◦C in 30 min reaction time. The SILnPs catalysts developed in this study present improved performances over other zeolites and strong acid ion exchange resin catalysts, and they have been efficiently and very easily recycled over seven times without any significant loss in fructose conversion and HMF yield

    "To suffer in paradise": feelings mothers share on portuguese Facebook sites

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    Background: Motherhood is an emotional rollercoaster. This is overlooked by most literature, which tends to refer mothers' pathological states of postpartum depression and anxiety, mainly seeking to understand their causes or predicting factors, and consequences on children's development. Objective: In this study, we aim to observe the diversity of mothers' emotional states, and to analyze both positive and negative feelings they disclose on specific public and closed motherhood sites on Facebook. We hypothesize that the intensive motherhood model is prevalent in Portuguese society, thus influencing the type of feelings and circumstances in which mothers disclose them. Methods: We collected posts and comments from the four most popular Portuguese Facebook motherhood sites during 2015 and, then, conducted a quantitative and content analysis to identify the expressed range of feelings concerning motherhood. Results: Mothers preferably share their positive feelings on public pages, whereas negative feelings are shared more in closed groups (CGs). Expressed positive and negative feelings were significantly different whether we look at normative or non-normative, public or closed sites. Discussion: We assume that motherhood sites on Portuguese Facebook reflect an intensive motherhood model that is normative in Portuguese society. Positive feelings toward children are promoted and openly shared in public normative sites, while negative feelings concerning motherhood are dealt with in the privacy of CGs. We propose an extensive motherhood model to overcome this duality and to allow women to pursue several different social roles simultaneously in an equally rewarding way.First author’s Ph.D., including this research and the preparation of this article, was supported by a grant from the Portuguese national funding agency for science, research, and technology FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/110262/2015)

    Predictors of Pregnancy-Related Emotions

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