1,467 research outputs found

    Plan de negocios para la empresa familiar Productos Amapola S.A.S Pastelería y Repostería localidad de Kennedy, Bogotá

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    Nosotros como estudiantes de administración de empresas, y con el fin de seguir los lineamientos de la universidad de promover la creación de empresa y apoyar aquellos de carácter familiar, desempeñaremos una labor de asesoramiento para la pareja de esposos Botero Serrano, con la finalidad de poder brindar una herramienta que de forma y soporte la iniciativa de negocio que tienen ellos. En este trabajo se evalúa la viabilidad de crear y poner en funcionamiento una empresa dedicada a la producción de alimentos tipo muffin y cupcakes, en la ciudad de Bogotá. La estructura del trabajo se presenta siguiendo el modelo acostumbrado de un plan de negocio, lo que implica el análisis de mercado, el estudio técnico, el análisis administrativo y jurídico y la evaluación financiera. Para el estudio de mercado se realiza el estudio del sector de alimentos, se investigan las características de la población ubicada en la zona geográfica en donde se analiza el montaje de la empresa, se analiza la competencia que se debería enfrentar y se realiza una encuesta orientada a estimar la demanda del producto y los elementos críticos a tener en cuenta en el proceso de diseño y comercialización. El análisis técnico incluye la definición de las materias primas y los procesos a seguir para la elaboración de cada producto, los equipos requeridos y las instalaciones de la planta de producción. En el análisis administrativo y estratégico se define el organigrama y las funciones de cada cargo, los salarios, y se realiza un diagnóstico de las debilidades, oportunidades, fortalezas y amenazas de la empresa; con base en ese diagnóstico se plantean las estrategias a seguir. Igualmente se realiza el análisis jurídico de la empresa. La evaluación financiera incluye la definición de los diferentes costos y gastos, la cuantificación de las inversiones, la definición de las fuentes de financiación y la proyección de los estados financieros para un plazo de cinco años, con base en los cuales se establece la tasa interna de retorno y el valor anual neto del proyect

    Analyzing individual drivers of global changes promotes inaccurate long-term policies in deforestation hotspots: The case of Gran Chaco

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    In the context of the global climate and biodiversity crises, forecasting the effectiveness of Protected Areas (PAs) and forest management to conserve biodiversity in the long-term is a high priority, especially in threatened environments. By combining distribution models and conservation planning protocols, we analyzed the effect of global climate and agriculture-linked activities in the long-term conservation opportunities of one most threatened deforestation hotspots: the South American Gran Chaco. We showed that assessing the effects of each driver of global change individually, promotes inaccurate long-term policies in deforestation hotspots. Our future scenarios indicated a low impact of climate change on the species distributions when it was analyzed individually. However, its effects were strongly exacerbated when both drivers of threat were combined in the same analyses, strongly diminishing conservation opportunities in the region: more than 50% of the remaining species' distribution and hotspot areas could be lost in the near future. In this dramatic context, we identified important opportunities to improve the level of long-term protection by increasing at least 5.6% the protection coverage and placing PAs strategically. It is imperative policymakers promote policies to generate a long-term improvement of conservation areas that are resilient to both threats as soon as possible for these threatened environments.Fil: Prieto Torres, David Alexander. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Facultad de Estudios Superiores de Iztacala; MéxicoFil: Díaz, Sandra Myrna. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Cordier, Javier Maximiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Zoología Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Torres, Ricardo Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal; ArgentinaFil: Carón, María Mercedes. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Museo de Zoología; ArgentinaFil: Nori, Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Zoología Aplicada; Argentin

    COVID-19 epidemic in Santander 2020: An epidemiological analysis with a province perspective

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    Introducción: en el departamento de Santander el primer caso de COVID-19 se reportó el 15 de marzo de 2020. Objetivo: analizar el comportamiento de la epidemia por COVID-19 en Santander durante 2020 desde un enfoque territorial de provincias y evaluar la asociación de algunas condiciones con la letalidad por COVID-19. Metodología: estudio descriptivo para la caracterización de la epidemia complementado con un abordaje analítico de casos y controles de la letalidad. Se analizaron los casos confirmados en el sistema de vigilancia en salud públicade Santander entre el 15 de marzo de 2020 y el 31 de diciembre de 2020. Se calcularon medidas de incidencia,mortalidad y letalidad por provincia y municipio. Las condiciones asociadas con la letalidad se analizaron mediante un modelo de regresión logística multivariable. Resultados: en Santander se confirmaron 69 190 casos con infección por el virus SARS-CoV-2 y 4210 muertes por COVID-19 durante 2020. Las provincias Metropolitana y Yariguíes presentaron las mayores proporciones de incidencia y mortalidad mientras que las provincias de Soto Norte y García Rovira registraron mayor letalidad. Ser hombre, tener edad mayor a 60 años, tener pertenencia étnica indígena, pertenecer al régimen subsidiado, presentar alguna comorbilidad y tener retraso en el diagnóstico mayor a tres días fueron las condiciones asociadas con la letalidad en Santander. Conclusiones: las tasas de incidencia, letalidad y mortalidad evidenciaron diferentes niveles de afectación en las provincias. Existen condiciones sociodemográficas y de atención en salud asociadas con mayor letalidad por COVID-19 en Santander.Introduction: The first case of COVID-19 was reported in Santander on March 15, 2020. Objective: To analyze theCOVID-19 epidemic in Santander during 2020 from a territorial approach of provinces and evaluate the association of some conditions with fatality from COVID-19. Methodology: Descriptive study for the characterization of the epidemic complemented with an analytical approach of cases and controls for the analysis of fatalities. Confirmedcases between March 15 and December 31 were obtained from the public health surveillance system in Santander.Incidence, mortality, and fatality measures were calculated by province and municipality. Conditions associated with fatalities were analyzed using a multivariable logistic regression model. Results: There were 69,190 caseswith infection by the SARS-CoV-2 and 4,210 deaths by COVID-19 during 2020 in Santander. The provincesMetropolitana and Yariguíes had the highest incidence and mortality rates, while the provinces of Soto Norte andGarcía Rovira had higher fatalities. Being a male, over 60 years of age, having indigenous ethnicity, belonging to thesubsidized health regime, presenting some comorbidity, and having a delay in diagnosis greater than three days were associated with fatality in Santander. Conclusions: The incidence, mortality and fatality showed different levels of affectedness across provinces. There are sociodemographic and health care conditions associated with fatality for COVID-19 in Santander.Introducción: en el departamento de Santander el primer caso de COVID-19 se reportó el 15 de marzo de 2020. Objetivo: analizar el comportamiento de la epidemia por COVID-19 en Santander durante 2020 desde un enfoque territorial de provincias y evaluar la asociación de algunas condiciones con la letalidad por COVID-19. Metodología: estudio descriptivo para la caracterización de la epidemia complementado con un abordaje analítico de casos y controles de la letalidad. Se analizaron los casos confirmados en el sistema de vigilancia en salud públicade Santander entre el 15 de marzo de 2020 y el 31 de diciembre de 2020. Se calcularon medidas de incidencia,mortalidad y letalidad por provincia y municipio. Las condiciones asociadas con la letalidad se analizaron mediante un modelo de regresión logística multivariable. Resultados: en Santander se confirmaron 69 190 casos con infección por el virus SARS-CoV-2 y 4210 muertes por COVID-19 durante 2020. Las provincias Metropolitana y Yariguíes presentaron las mayores proporciones de incidencia y mortalidad mientras que las provincias de Soto Norte y García Rovira registraron mayor letalidad. Ser hombre, tener edad mayor a 60 años, tener pertenencia étnica indígena, pertenecer al régimen subsidiado, presentar alguna comorbilidad y tener retraso en el diagnóstico mayor a tres días fueron las condiciones asociadas con la letalidad en Santander. Conclusiones: las tasas de incidencia, letalidad y mortalidad evidenciaron diferentes niveles de afectación en las provincias. Existen condiciones sociodemográficas y de atención en salud asociadas con mayor letalidad por COVID-19 en Santander

    Proyecto de emprendimiento social central de alimentos “Veinmerplaza”

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    La informalidad es uno de los problemas por lo que atraviesa la mayor población que vive del día a día o rebusque en las afueras de las plazas de mercados. Según datos aportados por el trabajo realizado entre la Policía Metropolitana de Ibagué y el Grupo de Espacio Público y Control Urbano y complementado con información obtenida en trabajo de campo a manera de Investigación Personal, lo cual arroja como resultado que son 323 personas las que laboran en estado de informalidad, en los alrededores de la plaza de la 21. Debido a que son muchas las personas que laboran de manera informal en este sector de la ciudad, es complejo crear puestos de empleos dentro de una misma empresa o microempresa con el fin de acoger en su totalidad estas personas. Por este motivo la propuesta está en reubicar las personas en este lugar y que, mediante la figura de un Comodato, la Alcaldía permita desarrollar el Proyecto y que a través del mismo brindaremos una solución y una trasformación en los alrededores de la Plaza de la 21.Informality is one of the problems faced by the largest population that lives from day to day or rummages around the outskirts of market squares. According to data provided by the work carried out between the Metropolitan Police of Ibagué and the Public Space and Urban Control Group and complemented with information obtained in field work as a Personal Investigation, which results in 323 people working in state of informality, in the surroundings of the plaza de la 21. Because there are many people who work informally in this sector of the city, it is complex to create job positions within the same company or micro-company in order to fully accommodate these people. For this reason, the proposal is to relocate people in this place and that, through the figure of a Comodato, the Mayor's Office allows the development of the Project and that through it we will provide a solution and a transformation in the surroundings of the Plaza de la 21

    Body Adiposity Index Performance in Estimating Body Fat Percentage in Colombian College Students : Findings from the FUPRECOL-Adults Study

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    Abstract: Recently, a body adiposity index (BAI = (hip circumference)/((height)(1.5))−18) was developed and validated in adult populations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of BAI in estimating percentage body fat (BF%) in a sample of Colombian collegiate young adults. The participants were comprised of 903 volunteers (52% females, mean age = 21.4 years ± 3.3). We used the Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient, linear regression, Bland–Altman’s agreement analysis, concordance correlation coefficient (ρc) and the coefficient of determination (R 2 ) between BAI, and BF%; by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)). The correlation between the two methods of estimating BF% was R 2 = 0.384, p < 0.001. A paired-sample t-test showed a difference between the methods (BIA BF% = 16.2 ± 3.1, BAI BF% = 30.0 ± 5.4%; p < 0.001). For BIA, bias value was 6.0 ± 6.2 BF% (95% confidence interval (CI) = −6.0 to 18.2), indicating that the BAI method overestimated BF% relative to the reference method. Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient was poor (ρc = 0.014, 95% CI = −0.124 to 0.135; p = 0.414). In Colombian college students, there was poor agreement between BAI- and BIA-based estimates of BF%, and so BAI is not accurate in people with low or high body fat percentage levels

    A cross-sectional study of the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and associated factors in colombian collegiate students: The fuprecol-adults study

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is one of the major public health problems worldwide. The objective of the present study is to investigate the prevalence and the associated variables of MetS in Colombian collegiate students. This cross-sectional study included a total of 890 (52% women) healthy collegiate students (21.3 ± 3.2 years old). The prevalence of MetS was determined by the definition provided by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). We further examined associations between the prevalence of MetS and related factors, such as age, gender, anthropometric and body composition, weight status, and nutrition profile. The overall prevalence of MetS was 6.0% (95% CI = 4.5% to 7.6%), and it was higher in men than women. The most prevalent components were low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high triglyceride levels, waist circumference, and blood pressure levels. The predisposing factors for having a MetS included: being male, over 23 years old, overweight or obese, and having an unhealthy waist-to-height ratio. In conclusion, the occurrence of MetS in young adults is substantial. These findings may be relevant to health promotion efforts for collegiate students in order to develop prospective studies and screening for young adults, which will aid in targeted intervention development to decrease cardiometabolic risk factors. © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Etiology of acute respiratory infection in children under 5 years in the provinces Comunera and García Rovira of Santander

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    Introducción: La infección respiratoria aguda es una causa importante de morbimortalidad en menores&nbsp;de cinco años en los municipios de las provincias de Santander. La etiología viral en esos municipios&nbsp;no es bien conocida. Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la etiología viral de la infección&nbsp;respiratoria aguda en menores de cinco años en las provincias Comunera y García Rovira del departamento&nbsp;de Santander entre diciembre de 2012 y diciembre de 2013. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo&nbsp;en población usuaria de servicios de urgencias. Se obtuvieron muestras por hisopado nasofaríngeo y se&nbsp;realizó amplificación por reacción en cadena de polimerasa con el test Seeplex® RV15 OneStep ACE&nbsp;Detection, multiplex para 15 virus. Resultados: Participaron 64 niños, 57,8% niños de sexo masculino.&nbsp;El 26,6%, de los niños eran menores de un año. La positividad para virus fue del 37,5% de las muestras. El&nbsp;75% de las muestras positivas fueron de la provincia Comunera y 25% de la provincia de García Rovira.&nbsp;Hubo co-infección por dos virus en 8,3% de las muestras positivas. Los virus más identificados fueron&nbsp;Rhinovirus (29%), Parainfluenza 4 (20,8%) e Influenza (12,5%). También se identificó Coronavirus,&nbsp;Adenovirus, Virus Sincitial Respiratorio, Metapneumovirus y otros virus Parainfluenza. Conclusiones:&nbsp;En las dos provincias de Santander evaluadas circula una amplia cantidad de virus respiratorios en&nbsp;menores de cinco años. El Rhinovirus fue identificado como el más frecuente. Se encontró presencia de&nbsp;Metapneumovirus y Coronavirus humano.Introduction: Acute respiratory infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children under 5 years&nbsp;in Santander (Colombia). Viral etiology in municipalities from this department is not well known. Objective: To&nbsp;determine the viral etiology of acute respiratory infection in children under five years in the provinces Comunera&nbsp;and García Rovira (Santander) from December 2012 to December 2013. Methodology: Descriptive study in&nbsp;pediatric population who attended the emergency services studied. Nasopharyngeal swab samples were obtained&nbsp;and a polymerase chain reaction was performed with Seeplex® OneStep RV15 ACE Detection, which is a multiplex&nbsp;test for 15 virus. Results: 64 children were enrolled, 57,8% being boys. 26.6% of participants were under one&nbsp;year. Virus positivity was present in 37.5% of the samples and 75% of the positive samples were from the province&nbsp;Comunera. Besides, 8.3% from positive samples were co-infected with two viruses. The most common virus&nbsp;were Rhinovirus (29%), Parainfluenza 4 (20.8%) and influenza (12.5%). Coronavirus, Adenovirus, respiratory&nbsp;syncytial virus, Metapneumovirus and other Parainfluenza virus were also identified. Conclusions: There is&nbsp;a wide circulation of respiratory virus in children under five in these two provinces of Santander (Colombia).&nbsp;Rhinovirus was the most frequent. Human Metapneumovirus and Coronavirus were also found

    Prognostic model for patient survival in primary anorectal mucosal melanoma:stage at presentation determines relevance of histopathologic features

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    Pathological staging of primary anorectal mucosal melanoma is often performed according to the American Joint Commission on Cancer (AJCC) guidelines for cutaneous melanoma, as an anorectal melanoma-specific staging system does not exist. However, it remains unknown whether prognostic factors derived for cutaneous melanoma also stratify risk in anorectal melanoma. We retrospectively determined correlations between clinicopathological parameters and disease-specific survival in 160 patients. Patients were grouped by clinical stage at presentation (localized disease, regional or distant metastases). Cox proportional hazards regression models determined associations with disease-specific survival. We also summarized the somatic mutations identified in a subset of tumors analyzed for hotspot mutations in cancer-associated gene panels. Most of the patients were white (82%) and female (61%). The median age was 62 years. With a median follow-up of 1.63 years, median disease-specific survival was 1.75 years, and 121 patients (76%) died of anorectal melanoma. Patients presenting with regional (34%) or distant metastases (24%) had significantly shorter disease-specific survival compared to those with disease localized to the anorectum (42%). Of the 71 anorectal melanoma tumors analyzed for hotspot genetic alterations, somatic mutations involving the KIT gene (24%) were most common followed by NRAS (19%). Increasing primary tumor thickness, lymphovascular invasion, and absence of regression also correlated with shorter disease-specific survival. Primary tumor parameters correlated with shorter disease-specific survival in patients presenting with localized disease (tumor thickness) or regional metastases (tumor thickness, absence of regression, and lymphovascular invasion), but not in patients presenting with distant metastases. Grouping of patients according to a schema based on modifications of the 8th edition AJCC cutaneous melanoma staging system stratified survival in anorectal melanoma. Our findings support stage-specific associations between primary tumor parameters and disease-specific survival in anorectal melanoma. Moreover, the AJCC cutaneous melanoma staging system and minor modifications of it predicted survival among anorectal melanoma patients

    GASPS observations of Herbig Ae/Be stars with PACS/Herschel. The atomic and molecular content of their protoplanetary discs

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    We observed a sample of 20 representative Herbig Ae/Be stars and five A-type debris discs with PACS onboard of Herschel. The observations were done in spectroscopic mode, and cover far-IR lines of [OI], [CII], CO, CH+, H2O and OH. We have a [OI]63 micron detection rate of 100% for the Herbig Ae/Be and 0% for the debris discs. [OI]145 micron is only detected in 25%, CO J=18-17 in 45% (and less for higher J transitions) of the Herbig Ae/Be stars and for [CII] 157 micron, we often found spatially variable background contamination. We show the first detection of water in a Herbig Ae disc, HD 163296, which has a settled disc. Hydroxyl is detected as well in this disc. CH+, first seen in HD 100546, is now detected for the second time in a Herbig Ae star, HD 97048. We report fluxes for each line and use the observations as line diagnostics of the gas properties. Furthermore, we look for correlations between the strength of the emission lines and stellar or disc parameters, such as stellar luminosity, UV and X-ray flux, accretion rate, PAH band strength, and flaring. We find that the stellar UV flux is the dominant excitation mechanism of [OI]63 micron, with the highest line fluxes found in those objects with a large amount of flaring and greatest PAH strength. Neither the amount of accretion nor the X-ray luminosity has an influence on the line strength. We find correlations between the line flux of [OI]63 micron and [OI]145 micron, CO J = 18-17 and [OI]6300 \AA, and between the continuum flux at 63 micron and at 1.3 mm, while we find weak correlations between the line flux of [OI]63 micron and the PAH luminosity, the line flux of CO J = 3-2, the continuum flux at 63 micron, the stellar effective temperature and the Brgamma luminosity. (Abbreviated version)Comment: 20 pages, 29 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Beyond BRAFV600: Clinical Mutation Panel Testing by Next-Generation Sequencing in Advanced Melanoma

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    The management of melanoma has evolved owing to improved understanding of its molecular drivers. To augment the current understanding of the prevalence, patterns, and associations of mutations in this disease, the results of clinical testing of 699 advanced melanoma patients using a pan-cancer next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel of hotspot regions in 46 genes were reviewed. Mutations were identified in 43 of the 46 genes on the panel. The most common mutations were BRAFV600 (36%), NRAS (21%), TP53 (16%), BRAFNon-V600 (6%), and KIT (4%). Approximately one-third of melanomas had >1 mutation detected, and the number of mutations per tumor was associated with melanoma subtype. Concurrent TP53 mutations were the most frequent events in tumors with BRAFV600and NRAS mutations. Melanomas with BRAFNon-V600mutations frequently harbored concurrent NRAS mutations (18%), which were rare in tumors with BRAFV600 mutations (1.6%). The prevalence of BRAFV600 and KIT mutations were significantly associated with melanoma subtypes, and BRAFV600 and TP53 mutations were significantly associated with cutaneous primary tumor location. Multiple potential therapeutic targets were identified in metastatic unknown primary and cutaneous melanomas that lacked BRAFV600and NRAS mutations. These results enrich our understanding of the patterns and clinical associations of oncogenic mutations in melanoma