36 research outputs found

    Seismic Load Due to the Rail Traffic between Ostrava střed Station and Ostrava Main Station

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    Práce se zabývá stanovením a posouzením seizmického zatížení od vlakové dopravy na stavby podél železniční trati mezi stanicemi Ostrava střed a Ostrava hlavní nádraží. Problematika je řešena pomocí měření, která probíhaly in-situ ve sledované oblasti. Tři měření proběhly v samotných objektech, dvě v blízkosti základů nosných pilířů mostů přemosťujících tuto trať. Součástí práce je také profilové měření útlumu horninového prostředí. Na základě dat z vybraných vrtů ve sledované oblasti, poskytnutých Českou Geologickou Službou, byl vytvořen model geologického podloží sledované oblasti.This bachelor theisis deals with determination and evaluation of seizmic load due to railway traffic along the track between Ostrava main station and Ostrava střed. The issue is dealt with by in-situ measurements. Three measurements were done on the lowest floors of the buildings, two were done near the bases of bridge pillars. This theisis also includes profile measurement of the decline of vibration velocity. Based on the data of boreholes, which were provided by Česká Geologická služba, a model of the geotechnical enviroment of the area was created.224 - Katedra geotechniky a podzemního stavitelstvívýborn

    Optimization of Tunnel Excavation Cycle Executed in the Main Tunnel of the Stockholm Bypass in the Section Below Lake Mälaren

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    Tato práce se zabývá optimalizací razícího cyklu úseku tunelu Förbifart Stockholm, Mälarpassagen. Úvodem představuje samotný projekt a jeho význam pro oblast Stockholmu. Teoretická část podává přehled o všech operacích, technologiích a materiálech využívaných k ražbě tunelu. Praktická část poté analyzuje nedostatky výchozího řešení a identifikuje oblasti pro možnou optimalizaci. V následující části pak navrhuje vlastní řešení, která posléze posuzuje a specifikuje vliv návrhů na efektivitu ražby. Závěrem navrhuje výsledné kombinace řešení, aplikuje je na ražbu tunelového díla a vyhodnocuje jejich vliv rychlost ražby.This diploma thesis deals with optimization of excavation process of Mälarpassagen, which is part of tunnel project Förbifart Stockholm. At the beginning describes project itself and its significance. Theoretical part of thesis gives reader an overwiev of individual works, technologies and materials used durnig an excavation process. Practical part then analyzes inefficiencies of current solution and identifies areas for potential optimization. In following part it brings authors own designs, which are afterwords analyzed. Also thesis specifies influence of designs on efectivity of excavation. In the end thesis combines individual designs into combinations, applies them on excavation process and evaluates their influence on speed of excavation process.224 - Katedra geotechniky a podzemního stavitelstvívýborn

    The Effect Of Plyometric Training (Depth Jump) On Running Economy And Cycling Economy

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    Vytrvalostní sportovní výkon je ovlivňován mnoha faktory. Jedním z nich je ekonomika pohybu. V našem výzkumu se věnujeme ekonomice běžecké a cyklistické. Účastníky výzkumu byli studenti prvního ročníku Fakulty sportovních studií Masarykovy univerzity. Výzkum dokončilo 28 testovaných osob (věk 20,29 ± 0,94 let, výška 182,32 ± 7,98 cm, hmotnost 76,98 ± 10,03 kg), které byly náhodně rozděleny do experimentální a kontrolní skupiny. Před tréninkovým programem i po něm probíhalo vstupní testování zaměřené na zjišťování RE (ekonomika běhu) a CE (cyklistická ekonomika). Intervenční tréninkový program plyometrického charakteru trval 8 týdnů, probandi trénovali 2× v týdnu (8 sérií po 10 opakováních cviku depth jump v každém tréninku). Výsledky ukázaly, že realizací krátkodobého plyometrického tréninku prostřednictvím cviku depth jump nedošlo k signifikantnímu zlepšení RE při běhu rychlostí 10 a 12 km.hod.–1 Stejně tak nedošlo k signifikantnímu zlepšení CE při zátěži 1,5 W.kg–1 a 2 W.kg–1. Z hlediska výstupů pro praxi nedoporučujeme při uvedených rychlostech a intenzitě šlapání aplikovat plyometrický trénink daného charakteruEndurance sport performance is influenced by many factors, such as motor economies. In this research we focused on running and cycling economies. Twenty-eight first year students of Faculty of Sport science of Masaryk University (age 20.29 ± 0.94 years, height 182.32 ± 7.98 cm, weight 76.98 ± 10.03 kg) were selected to participate as subjects. The test subjects were randomised into an experimental group (n = 17) and a control group (n = 11). Pre-test and post-test were taken on RE and CE. The PI protocol was eight weeks, twice a week, eight sets per day, and ten repetitions per set. The results showed that short-term plyometric training using depth jump had no significant effect on RE when running at 10 and 12 km.h–1. Similarly, there was no significant effect on CE using strain of 1.5 W.kg–1 and 2 W.kg–1. From the point of view of practical use, we do not recommend apply analogous plyometric training using the declared running speed and cycling intensity

    Identification and Characterization of Anaplasma phagocytophilum Proteins Involved in Infection of the Tick Vector, Ixodes scapularis

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    Anaplasma phagocytophilum is an emerging zoonotic pathogen transmitted by Ixodes scapularis that causes human granulocytic anaplasmosis. Here, a high throughput quantitative proteomics approach was used to characterize A. phagocytophilum proteome during rickettsial multiplication and identify proteins involved in infection of the tick vector, I. scapularis. The first step in this research was focused on tick cells infected with A. phagocytophilum and sampled at two time points containing 10–15% and 65–71% infected cells, respectively to identify key bacterial proteins over-represented in high percentage infected cells. The second step was focused on adult female tick guts and salivary glands infected with A. phagocytophilum to compare in vitro results with those occurring during bacterial infection in vivo. The results showed differences in the proteome of A. phagocytophilum in infected ticks with higher impact on protein synthesis and processing than on bacterial replication in tick salivary glands. These results correlated well with the developmental cycle of A. phagocytophilum, in which cells convert from an intracellular reticulated, replicative form to the nondividing infectious dense-core form. The analysis of A. phagocytophilum differentially represented proteins identified stress response (GroEL, HSP70) and surface (MSP4) proteins that were over-represented in high percentage infected tick cells and salivary glands when compared to low percentage infected cells and guts, respectively. The results demonstrated that MSP4, GroEL and HSP70 interact and bind to tick cells, thus playing a role in rickettsia-tick interactions. The most important finding of these studies is the increase in the level of certain bacterial stress response and surface proteins in A. phagocytophilum-infected tick cells and salivary glands with functional implication in tick-pathogen interactions. These results gave a new dimension to the role of these stress response and surface proteins during A. phagocytophilum infection in ticks. Characterization of Anaplasma proteome contributes information on host-pathogen interactions and provides targets for development of novel control strategies for pathogen infection and transmission. (Résumé d'auteur

    Community work and the specifics of working with Romany minority

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    Bachelor´s thesis deals with community work and its specifics of work with Romany minority. The theoretical part introduces specifics of community work with Romany minority, its basic values and ?from the bottom up? principle, which is the main principle of community work. There are also covered stages of community development and important qualities of community worker for work with Romany minority. In the theoretical part there is particularly described the whole process of activation of this group of people as it is written in available literature. I used an example of Public Service Company Cheiron T in Tábor to demonstrate community work in practice. The practical part introduces specific community work of Cheiron T with local Romany minority in Tábor and the research. The main aim of my research is to find out how the Romany community in Tábor perceives activities of Cheiron T in relation to itself and how the Romany community reflects it at different levels. Other fractional aims are to find out what are the differences in perceiving activity of Cheiron T between representatives of Romany community who belong to initiation group and other inactive representatives of Romany community in Tábor and also what the community itself thinks they could do to change their unfavourable life situation. The practical part ends with presentation and interpretation of interviews of representatives of Romany community who I have held a conversation with. At the end of the thesis there is a discussion where I compare these interviews with my practical experience and the ideas I have found in literature

    3D elektronová tomografie a korelativní mikroskopie

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    Electron tomography allows visualization of objects in a form of reconstructed 3D virtual volumes with resolution power of electron microscopy. The thesis is focused primarily on biological applications of electron tomography applied on tilt series images acquired in transmission electron microscope at room temperature. Specifically, the interaction of tick-borne encephalitis virus with neural cells and 3D ultrastructure of the central electron-dense part of the flagellum 9 + 1 (Caryophyllaeides fennica) were investigated. Finally, electron tomography was combined and correlated with atomic force microscopy to allow repetitive examination of ultrathin sections on electron microscopy grids

    Primary electron scattering on biological specimen embedding resins at low voltage transmission electron microscope LV EM 5

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    This master thesis deals with researching the structure of embedding resin in the Low-Voltage Transmission Electron Microscope (LV TEM). Further, it focuses on researching the surface morphology by the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and by the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The principle of each of the microscopes is explained ? the contrast formation and construction of the LV TEM in particular. In the conclusion the evaluation of the effect of the surface structure of the embedding resin on the image contrast in the LV TEM and the analysis of the minimalization of its effect on the final image is given

    Specifics of social service NZDM in children under 15 years.

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    The aim of my thesis was to define and describe the particularities and interdisciplinary connections of the social service of low-threshold facilities for children and youth (hereinafter NZDM) as well as evaluate their significance when working with children and youth at the low-threshold level. NZDM is a rather new social service operating in social prevention area. Since being incorporated into the social services´ system in compliance with Act No.108/2006 Coll. which has clearly specified the character and activities of NZDM service, it has been facing misunderstanding and questioning of its role and content both from the professionals and lay people. This regards namely the pedagogical aspect of the service as such, there has been an effort to reduce it, which hinders the NZDM workers´ activity and brings existential and financial insecurity. In contrast to other social services, NZDM service must therefore defend its position in the social services´ system and argue for its substance and sense. This paper also aims at this line of reasoning. The thesis is divided into four chapters where essential characteristics of the service are first presented as well as its roots and important milestones in its development including the insight into the multi-layered quality and particularities of NZDM. The second chapter covers the area of developmental psychology, or more precisely the target group of NZDM in the context of chosen developmental characteristics. The third chapter presents interdisciplinary connections in pedagogy, thus giving evidence of the significance of upbringing and education in NZDM. In the closing part of the paper, there is an attempt of the author to reflect the rigours and paradoxes in this environment, to defend the role of free-time activities and to draw attention to the risks related to narrowed and reduced approach to NZDM service

    Legal tools for the protection of world forests from the legal point of view

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    Legal Instruments for Protecting the World's Forests from the Perspective of Law The aim of this thesis was to create an overview about the legal instruments for the world's forests protection with excursions into other instruments, i.e. political, scientific and voluntary. In order to achieve this goal, the text starts with a brief description of the importance of forests for the everyday life on the Earth, continues with the main part listing the legal instruments for protecting the forests at the national, European and international law level and ends with the discourse on voluntary instruments and certifications for world's forestry

    Energy accumulation for low energy houses

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    Předkládaná diplomová práce se zaměřuje na prozkoumání alternativních způsobů akumulace elektrické energie pro nízkoenergetické rodinné domy. Poskytuje přehled informací o nízkoenergetických domech a jejich přednostech, zároveň se zaměřuje na poskytnutí informací o různých možnostech akumulace energie, elektrické i tepelné. V neposlední řadě je zde popsáno několik možných druhů akumulace elektrické energie a jejich ekonomické zhodnocení.Katedra elektroenergetiky a ekologieObhájenoThis submited thesis aims to explore some alternative ways of electrical energy accumulation for low energy houses. It provides an overview about low energy houses and their qualities and also points out information about different ways of energy accumulation either electrical or thermal. Last but not least this thesis describes some possible ways of electrical energy accumulation and their economical classification