96 research outputs found

    Technical Note: Could benzalkonium chloride be a suitable alternative to mercuric chloride for preservation of seawater samples?

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    Instrumental equipment unsuitable or unavailable for fieldwork as well as lack of ship space can necessitate the preservation of seawater samples prior to analysis in a shore-based laboratory. Mercuric chloride (HgCl2) is routinely used for such preservation, but its handling and subsequent disposal incur environmental risks and significant expense. There is therefore a strong motivation to find less hazardous alternatives. Benzalkonium chloride (BAC) has been used previously as microbial inhibitor for freshwater samples. Here, we assess the use of BAC for marine samples prior to the measurement of oxygen-to-argon (O2 / Ar) ratios, as used for the determination of biological net community production. BAC at a concentration of 50 mg dm−3 inhibited microbial activity for at least 3 days in samples tested with chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations up to 1 mg m−3. BAC concentrations of 100 and 200 mg dm−3 were no more effective than 50 mg dm−3 . With fewer risks to human health and the environment, and no requirement for expensive waste disposal, BAC could be a viable alternative to HgCl2 for short-term preservation of seawater samples, but is not a replacement for HgCl2 in the case of oxygen triple isotope analysis, which requires storage over weeks to months. In any event, further tests on a case-by-case basis should be undertaken if use of BAC was considered, since its inhibitory activity may depend on concentration and composition of the microbial community

    Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on phytoplankton community biomass, species composition and photosynthesis during an experimentally induced autumn bloom in the western English Channel

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    The combined effects of elevated pCO2 and temperature were investigated during an experimentally induced autumn phytoplankton bloom in vitro sampled from the western English Channel (WEC). A full factorial 36-day microcosm experiment was conducted under year 2100 predicted temperature (+4.5°C) and pCO2 levels (800μatm). Over the experimental period total phytoplankton biomass was significantly influenced by elevated pCO2. At the end of the experiment, biomass increased 6.5-fold under elevated pCO2 and 4.6-fold under elevated temperature relative to the ambient control. By contrast, the combined influence of elevated pCO2 and temperature had little effect on biomass relative to the control. Throughout the experiment in all treatments and in the control, the phytoplankton community structure shifted from dinoflagellates to nanophytoplankton . At the end of the experiment, under elevated pCO2 nanophytoplankton contributed 90% of community biomass and was dominated by Phaeocystis spp. Under elevated temperature, nanophytoplankton comprised 85% of the community biomass and was dominated by smaller nanoflagellates. In the control, larger nanoflagellates dominated whilst the smallest nanophytoplankton contribution was observed under combined elevated pCO2 and temperature ( ∼ 40%). Under elevated pCO2, temperature and in the control there was a significant decrease in dinoflagellate biomass. Under the combined effects of elevated pCO2 and temperature, dinoflagellate biomass increased and was dominated by the harmful algal bloom (HAB) species, Prorocentrum cordatum. At the end of the experiment, chlorophyll a (Chl a) normalised maximum photosynthetic rates (PBm) increased > 6-fold under elevated pCO2 and > 3-fold under elevated temperature while no effect on PBm was observed when pCO2 and temperature were elevated simultaneously. The results suggest that future increases in temperature and pCO2 simultaneously do not appear to influence coastal phytoplankton productivity but significantly influence community composition during autumn in the WEC

    Determination of optical markers of cyanobacterial physiology from fluorescence kinetics

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    Compared to other methods to monitor and detect cyanobacteria in phytoplankton populations, fluorometry gives rapid, robust and reproducible results and can be used in situ. Fluorometers capable of providing biomass estimates and physiological information are not commonly optimized to target cyanobacteria. This study provides a detailed overview of the fluorescence kinetics of algal and cyanobacterial cultures to determine optimal optical configurations to target fluorescence mechanisms that are either common to all phytoplankton or diagnostic to cyanobacteria. We confirm that fluorescence excitation channels targeting both phycocyanin and chlorophyll a associated to the Photosystem II are required to induce the fluorescence responses of cyanobacteria. In addition, emission channels centered at 660, 685 and 730 nm allow better differentiation of the fluorescence response between algal and cyanobacterial cultures. Blue-green actinic light does not yield a robust fluorescence response in the cyanobacterial cultures and broadband actinic light should be preferred to assess the relation between ambient light and photosynthesis. Significant variability was observed in the fluorescence response from cyanobacteria to the intensity and duration of actinic light exposure, which needs to be taken into consideration in field measurements

    Optimising Multispectral Active Fluorescence to Distinguish the Photosynthetic Variability of Cyanobacteria and Algae

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    This study assesses the ability of a new active fluorometer, the LabSTAF, to diagnostically assess the physiology of freshwater cyanobacteria in a reservoir exhibiting annual blooms. Specifically, we analyse the correlation of relative cyanobacteria abundance with photosynthetic parameters derived from fluorescence light curves (FLCs) obtained using several combinations of excitation wavebands, photosystem II (PSII) excitation spectra and the emission ratio of 730 over 685 nm (Fo(730/685)) using excitation protocols with varying degrees of sensitivity to cyanobacteria and algae. FLCs using blue excitation (B) and green–orange–red (GOR) excitation wavebands capture physiology parameters of algae and cyanobacteria, respectively. The green–orange (GO) protocol, expected to have the best diagnostic properties for cyanobacteria, did not guarantee PSII saturation. PSII excitation spectra showed distinct response from cyanobacteria and algae, depending on spectral optimisation of the light dose. Fo(730/685), obtained using a combination of GOR excitation wavebands, Fo(GOR, 730/685), showed a significant correlation with the relative abundance of cyanobacteria (linear regression, p-value < 0.01, adjusted R2 = 0.42). We recommend using, in parallel, Fo(GOR, 730/685), PSII excitation spectra (appropriately optimised for cyanobacteria versus algae), and physiological parameters derived from the FLCs obtained with GOR and B protocols to assess the physiology of cyanobacteria and to ultimately predict their growth. Higher intensity LEDs (G and O) should be considered to reach PSII saturation to further increase diagnostic sensitivity to the cyanobacteria component of the community

    Photosynthesis–irradiance parameters of marine phytoplankton: synthesis of a global data set

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    The photosynthetic performance of marine phytoplankton varies in response to a variety of factors, environmental and taxonomic. One of the aims of the MArine primary Production: model Parameters from Space (MAPPS) project of the European Space Agency is to assemble a global database of photosynthesis– irradiance (P-E) parameters from a range of oceanographic regimes as an aid to examining the basin-scale variability in the photophysiological response of marine phytoplankton and to use this information to improve the assignment of P-E parameters in the estimation of global marine primary production using satellite data. The MAPPS P-E database, which consists of over 5000 P-E experiments, provides information on the spatiotemporal variability in the two P-E parameters (the assimilation number, PB m , and the initial slope, �B, where the superscripts B indicate normalisation to concentration of chlorophyll) that are fundamental inputs for models (satellite-based and otherwise) of marine primary production that use chlorophyll as the state variable. Qualitycontrol measures consisted of removing samples with abnormally high parameter values and flags were added to denote whether the spectral quality of the incubator lamp was used to calculate a broad-band value of �B. The MAPPS database provides a photophysiological data set that is unprecedented in number of observations and in spatial coverage. The database will be useful to a variety of research communities, including marine ecologists,biogeochemical modellers, remote-sensing scientists and algal physiologists

    Derivation of uncertainty budgets for continuous above-water radiometric measurements along an Atlantic Meridional Transect

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    This is the final version. Available from Optica via the DOI in this record. Data Availability: Data underlying the results presented in this paper are not publicly available at this time but may be obtained from the authors upon reasonable request.Fiducial reference measurements are in-situ data traceable to metrology standards, with associated uncertainties. This paper presents the methodology used to derive the uncertainty budget for underway, above-water measurements from the Seabird Hyperspectral Surface Acquisition System deployed on an Atlantic Meridional Transect in 2018. The average uncertainty of remote sensing reflectance for clear sky days was ∼ 6% at wavelengths < 490 nm and ∼ 12% at wavelengths > 550 nm. The environmental variability such as sun position, wind speed and skylight distribution caused the greatest uncertainty. The different components of the uncertainty budget are critically assessed to indicate how the measurement procedure could be improved through reducing the principal uncertainty sources.Natural Environment Research CouncilUK Research and InnovationEuropean CommissionEuropean Space AgencyEuropean Space AgencyEuropean Space AgencyEuropean Space AgencyNational Centre for Earth Observatio

    Potential controls of isoprene in the surface ocean

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    Isoprene surface ocean concentrations and vertical distribution, atmospheric mixing ratios, and calculated sea-to-air fluxes spanning approximately 125° of latitude (80°N–45°S) over the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans are reported. Oceanic isoprene concentrations were associated with a number of concurrently monitored biological variables including chlorophyll a (Chl a), photoprotective pigments, integrated primary production (intPP), and cyanobacterial cell counts, with higher isoprene concentrations relative to all respective variables found at sea surface temperatures greater than 20°C. The correlation between isoprene and the sum of photoprotective carotenoids, which is reported here for the first time, was the most consistent across all cruises. Parameterizations based on linear regression analyses of these relationships perform well for Arctic and Atlantic data, producing a better fit to observations than an existing Chl a-based parameterization. Global extrapolation of isoprene surface water concentrations using satellite-derived Chl a and intPP reproduced general trends in the in situ data and absolute values within a factor of 2 between 60% and 85%, depending on the data set and algorithm used

    Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean: Satellite-Based Estimates over Two Decades

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    Primary production by marine phytoplankton is one of the largest fluxes of carbon on our planet. In the past few decades, considerable progress has been made in estimating global primary production at high spatial and temporal scales by combining in situ measurements of primary production with remote-sensing observations of phytoplankton biomass. One of the major challengesinthisapproachliesintheassignmentoftheappropriatemodelparametersthatdefinethe photosynthetic response of phytoplankton to the light field. In the present study, a global database of in situ measurements of photosynthesis versus irradiance (P-I) parameters and a 20-year record of climatequalitysatelliteobservationswereusedtoassessglobalprimaryproductionanditsvariability with seasons and locations as well as between years. In addition, the sensitivity of the computed primaryproductiontopotentialchangesinthephotosyntheticresponseofphytoplanktoncellsunder changing environmental conditions was investigated. Global annual primary production varied from 38.8 to 42.1 Gt C yr−1 over the period of 1998–2018. Inter-annual changes in global primary production did not follow a linear trend, and regional differences in the magnitude and direction of change in primary production were observed. Trends in primary production followed directly from changes in chlorophyll-a and were related to changes in the physico-chemical conditions of the water column due to inter-annual and multidecadal climate oscillations. Moreover, the sensitivity analysis in which P-I parameters were adjusted by±1 standard deviation showed the importance of accurately assigning photosynthetic parameters in global and regional calculations of primary production. TheassimilationnumberoftheP-Icurveshowedstrongrelationshipswithenvironmental variables such as temperature and had a practically one-to-one relationship with the magnitude of change in primary production. In the future, such empirical relationships could potentially be used for a more dynamic assignment of photosynthetic rates in the estimation of global primary production. RelationshipsbetweentheinitialslopeoftheP-Icurveandenvironmentalvariableswere more elusive