47 research outputs found

    Dialogue on the Planet. An interview with Giuseppe Genna and Pino Tripodi

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    Landing on Earth. This now famous formula, which appears in the title of the exhibition/catalogue Critical Zones. The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth, curated by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel, sums up Latour’s ecological-political project and his attempt to respond to the Anthropocene’s need to bring us back to Earth, to this unstable soil that reacts to our actions and from which the project of Modernity had progressively distanced us. For Latour, climate change and the definition of anthropos as a geological force impose the search for a new habitable territory: the Earth we thought we knew, but which now presents itself as a new terra incognita. However, because of the uncertainty about the shape of the Earth, the need to develop new tools to orient ourselves and describe the situation in which we find ourselves becomes more and more urgent. If what is at stake after the disorientation (spatial, temporal, identity) caused by Gaia’s intrusion is the re-politicization of belonging to the land, what are the cartographic representations that will be able to effectively describe our co-belonging to the space we inhabit, helping to make visible the different chains of agency? What are the tools we can use to learn to see things differently and thus become more “sensitive and responsive” to the fragile shells of this metastable world where life forms other than our own intersect their paths? What kind of map is an earthly map?Landing on Earth. This now famous formula, which appears in the title of the exhibition/catalogue Critical Zones. The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth, curated by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel, sums up Latour’s ecological-political project and his attempt to respond to the Anthropocene’s need to bring us back to Earth, to this unstable soil that reacts to our actions and from which the project of Modernity had progressively distanced us. For Latour, climate change and the definition of anthropos as a geological force impose the search for a new habitable territory: the Earth we thought we knew, but which now presents itself as a new terra incognita. However, because of the uncertainty about the shape of the Earth, the need to develop new tools to orient ourselves and describe the situation in which we find ourselves becomes more and more urgent. If what is at stake after the disorientation (spatial, temporal, identity) caused by Gaia’s intrusion is the re-politicization of belonging to the land, what are the cartographic representations that will be able to effectively describe our co-belonging to the space we inhabit, helping to make visible the different chains of agency? What are the tools we can use to learn to see things differently and thus become more “sensitive and responsive” to the fragile shells of this metastable world where life forms other than our own intersect their paths? What kind of map is an earthly map

    Introduction. Cosmoaesthetica in nuce

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    A neo-cosmological sensibility seems to pervade many of today’s philosophical debates. But what does it mean to conceive of a cosmic totality after Kant and after the entrance of cosmology into the circle of sciences? What does this new sensibility entail and what are its consequences on our thought, sensibility, representations, and artistic practices? This issue aims to address these and other questions from different viewpoints and traditions, with particular attention to the aesthetic implications of the new philosophical cosmologies.A neo-cosmological sensibility seems to pervade many of today’s philosophical debates. But what does it mean to conceive of a cosmic totality after Kant and after the entrance of cosmology into the circle of sciences? What does this new sensibility entail and what are its consequences on our thought, sensibility, representations, and artistic practices? This issue aims to address these and other questions from different viewpoints and traditions, with particular attention to the aesthetic implications of the new philosophical cosmologies

    Planck intermediate results. L. Evidence of spatial variation of the polarized thermal dust spectral energy distribution and implications for CMB B-mode analysis

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    The characterization of the Galactic foregrounds has been shown to be the main obstacle in thechallenging quest to detect primordial B-modes in the polarized microwave sky. We make use of the Planck-HFI 2015 data release at high frequencies to place new constraints on the properties of the polarized thermal dust emission at high Galactic latitudes. Here, we specifically study the spatial variability of the dust polarized spectral energy distribution (SED), and its potential impact on the determination of the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r. We use the correlation ratio of the CBBℓ angular power spectra between the 217 and 353 GHz channels as a tracer of these potential variations, computed on different high Galactic latitude regions, ranging from 80% to 20% of the sky. The new insight from Planck data is a departure of the correlation ratio from unity that cannot be attributed to a spurious decorrelation due to the cosmic microwave background, instrumental noise, or instrumental systematics. The effect is marginally detected on each region, but the statistical combination of all the regions gives more than 99% confidence for this variation in polarized dust properties. In addition, we show that the decorrelation increases when there is a decrease in the mean column density of the region of the sky being considered, and we propose a simple power-law empirical model for this dependence, which matches what is seen in the Planck data. We explore the effect that this measured decorrelation has on simulations of the BICEP2-Keck Array/Planck analysis and show that the 2015 constraints from these data still allow a decorrelation between the dust at 150 and 353 GHz that is compatible with our measured value. Finally, using simplified models, we show that either spatial variation of the dust SED or of the dust polarization angle are able to produce decorrelations between 217 and 353 GHz data similar to the values we observe in the data

    L. Evidence of spatial variation of the polarized thermal dust spectral energy distribution and implications for CMB B-mode analysis

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    Planck Collaboration.The characterization of the Galactic foregrounds has been shown to be the main obstacle in thechallenging quest to detect primordial B-modes in the polarized microwave sky. We make use of the Planck-HFI 2015 data release at high frequencies to place new constraints on the properties of the polarized thermal dust emission at high Galactic latitudes. Here, we specifically study the spatial variability of the dust polarized spectral energy distribution (SED), and its potential impact on the determination of the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r. We use the correlation ratio of the angular power spectra between the 217 and 353 GHz channels as a tracer of these potential variations, computed on different high Galactic latitude regions, ranging from 80% to 20% of the sky. The new insight from Planck data is a departure of the correlation ratio from unity that cannot be attributed to a spurious decorrelation due to the cosmic microwave background, instrumental noise, or instrumental systematics. The effect is marginally detected on each region, but the statistical combination of all the regions gives more than 99% confidence for this variation in polarized dust properties. In addition, we show that the decorrelation increases when there is a decrease in the mean column density of the region of the sky being considered, and we propose a simple power-law empirical model for this dependence, which matches what is seen in the Planck data. We explore the effect that this measured decorrelation has on simulations of the BICEP2-Keck Array/Planck analysis and show that the 2015 constraints from these data still allow a decorrelation between the dust at 150 and 353 GHz that is compatible with our measured value. Finally, using simplified models, we show that either spatial variation of the dust SED or of the dust polarization angle are able to produce decorrelations between 217 and 353 GHz data similar to the values we observe in the data.The Planck Collaboration acknowledges the support of: ESA; CNES, and CNRS/INSU-IN2P3-INP (France); ASI, CNR, and INAF (Italy); NASA and DoE (USA); STFC and UKSA (UK); CSIC, MINECO, J.A., and RES (Spain); Tekes, AoF, and CSC (Finland); DLR and MPG (Germany); CSA (Canada); DTU Space (Denmark); SER/SSO (Switzerland); RCN (Norway); SFI (Ireland); FCT/MCTES (Portugal); ERC and PRACE (EU). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement No. 267934.Peer Reviewe

    Planck intermediate results. L. Evidence of spatial variation of the polarized thermal dust spectral energy distribution and implications for CMB B-mode analysis

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    The characterization of the Galactic foregrounds has been shown to be the main obstacle in thechallenging quest to detect primordial B-modes in the polarized microwave sky. We make use of the Planck-HFI 2015 data release at high frequencies to place new constraints on the properties of the polarized thermal dust emission at high Galactic latitudes. Here, we specifically study the spatial variability of the dust polarized spectral energy distribution (SED), and its potential impact on the determination of the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r. We use the correlation ratio of the CBBℓ angular power spectra between the 217 and 353 GHz channels as a tracer of these potential variations, computed on different high Galactic latitude regions, ranging from 80% to 20% of the sky. The new insight from Planck data is a departure of the correlation ratio from unity that cannot be attributed to a spurious decorrelation due to the cosmic microwave background, instrumental noise, or instrumental systematics. The effect is marginally detected on each region, but the statistical combination of all the regions gives more than 99% confidence for this variation in polarized dust properties. In addition, we show that the decorrelation increases when there is a decrease in the mean column density of the region of the sky being considered, and we propose a simple power-law empirical model for this dependence, which matches what is seen in the Planck data. We explore the effect that this measured decorrelation has on simulations of the BICEP2-Keck Array/Planck analysis and show that the 2015 constraints from these data still allow a decorrelation between the dust at 150 and 353 GHz that is compatible with our measured value. Finally, using simplified models, we show that either spatial variation of the dust SED or of the dust polarization angle are able to produce decorrelations between 217 and 353 GHz data similar to the values we observe in the data

    L'estetica di Schleiermacher. Espressione, sentimento, comunità

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    The thesis deals with the aesthetic thought and works of German theologian and philosopher Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834). The first part of the thesis addresses the aesthetic motifs of his philosophical reflection, from his first Romantic works to the lessons held at the Humboldt University. The second part, instead, is a thorough analysis of the corpus of Schleiermacher's Aesthetics, which mainly consists in his lessons on art. The thesis is the first wide-ranging work based on the critical edition of Schleiermacher's Aesthetics, a decisive text published in 2021, and offers an innovative perspective on a fundamental and understudied chapter of history of aesthetics

    «Esistere così come dipingere». Deleuze con Burri

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    The article aims to establish a theoretical dialogue between the work of Alberto Burri, one of the most influential Italian artists of the 20th century, and the late aesthetics of Gilles Deleuze. By drawing on the concept of image outlined by Deleuze in The Exhausted (1992), Burri’s art is conceptualized as the unfolding of a dimension of pure sense that singularizes forms rather than identifying bodies and signs. This ontological “purity” comes from a deep engagement with matter, considered as a plurality of material potencies. In conclusion, the article proposes an original understanding of image as a pre-symbolic zone of ontological collapse. The article aims to establish a theoretical dialogue between the work of Alberto Burri, one of the most influential Italian artists of the 20th century, and the late aesthetics of Gilles Deleuze. By drawing on the concept of image outlined by Deleuze in The Exhausted (1992), Burri’s art is conceptualized as the unfolding of a dimension of pure sense that singularizes forms rather than identifying bodies and signs. This ontological “purity” comes from a deep engagement with matter, considered as a plurality of material potencies. In conclusion, the article proposes an original understanding of image as a pre-symbolic zone of ontological collapse.&nbsp

    «Esistere così come dipingere». Deleuze con Burri

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    The article aims to establish a theoretical dialogue between the work of Alberto Burri, one of the most influential Italian artists of the 20th century, and the late aesthetics of Gilles Deleuze. By drawing on the concept of image outlined by Deleuze in The Exhausted (1992), Burri’s art is conceptualized as the unfolding of a dimension of pure sense that singularizes forms rather than identifying bodies and signs. This ontological “purity” comes from a deep engagement with matter, considered as a plurality of material potencies. In conclusion, the article proposes an original understanding of image as a pre-symbolic zone of ontological collapse. The article aims to establish a theoretical dialogue between the work of Alberto Burri, one of the most influential Italian artists of the 20th century, and the late aesthetics of Gilles Deleuze. By drawing on the concept of image outlined by Deleuze in The Exhausted (1992), Burri’s art is conceptualized as the unfolding of a dimension of pure sense that singularizes forms rather than identifying bodies and signs. This ontological “purity” comes from a deep engagement with matter, considered as a plurality of material potencies. In conclusion, the article proposes an original understanding of image as a pre-symbolic zone of ontological collapse.&nbsp

    Tecnoplastia. Note sulla poiesi macchinica

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    This article examines a chapter in the history of machines, namely the study of chaotic behaviours through machinic simulations, in order to draw theoretical conclusions on artificial creativity and the nature of computational processes. The first paragraph traces the early history of physics of chaos in its epistemological implications. The second paragraph investigates how machines are able to simulate chaotic behaviours by increase of internal entropy, and thus to make themselves sensitive to the heterogeneous texture of nature itself. Particular attention will be devoted to the so-called principle of “order from noise”, elaborated within the second-order cybernetics. This will lead to consider machines as material fields established around the acts of execution of a program, which thus become acts of materialization and interpretation thereof. In conclusion, the terms «technoplasty» and «machinic poietics» will be proposed to conceptualize a wider shift towards nonrepresentational technologies.This article examines a chapter in the history of machines, namely the study of chaotic behaviours through machinic simulations, in order to draw theoretical conclusions on artificial creativity and the nature of computational processes. The first paragraph traces the early history of physics of chaos in its epistemological implications. The second paragraph investigates how machines are able to simulate chaotic behaviours by increase of internal entropy, and thus to make themselves sensitive to the heterogeneous texture of nature itself. Particular attention will be devoted to the so-called principle of “order from noise”, elaborated within the second-order cybernetics. This will lead to consider machines as material fields established around the acts of execution of a program, which thus become acts of materialization and interpretation thereof. In conclusion, the terms «technoplasty» and «machinic poietics» will be proposed to conceptualize a wider shift towards nonrepresentational technologies.This article examines a chapter in the history of machines, namely the study of chaotic behaviours through machinic simulations, in order to draw theoretical conclusions on artificial creativity and the nature of computational processes. The first paragraph traces the early history of physics of chaos in its epistemological implications. The second paragraph investigates how machines are able to simulate chaotic behaviours by increase of internal entropy, and thus to make themselves sensitive to the heterogeneous texture of nature itself. Particular attention will be devoted to the so-called principle of “order from noise”, elaborated within the second-order cybernetics. This will lead to consider machines as material fields established around the acts of execution of a program, which thus become acts of materialization and interpretation thereof. In conclusion, the terms «technoplasty» and «machinic poietics» will be proposed to conceptualize a wider shift towards nonrepresentational technologies

    «Esistere così come dipingere». Deleuze con Burri

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    The article aims to establish a theoretical dialogue between the work of Alberto Burri, one of the most influential Italian artists of the 20th century, and the late aesthetics of Gilles Deleuze. By drawing on the concept of image outlined by Deleuze in The Exhausted (1992), Burri’s art is conceptualized as the unfolding of a dimension of pure sense that singularizes forms rather than identifying bodies and signs. This ontological “purity” comes from a deep engagement with matter, considered as a plurality of material potencies. In conclusion, the article proposes an original understanding of image as a pre-symbolic zone of ontological collapse.