Università degli studi di Torino: [email protected] - SIstema RIviste Open access
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    5422 research outputs found

    The Evolution of the Anthroposphere: Historicizing Geoanthropology

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    After briefly introducing the ongoing debate about the Anthropocene from an interdisciplinary point of view—with a focus on the lack of common ground among different scholarly communities in addressing the Anthropocene as a geo-cultural notion—the article attempts to frame geoanthropology as a novel interdisciplinary approach that can help overcome tensions between the sciences and the humanities. It does so by providing two examples of geoanthropological investigation: first, the experimental project Anthropogenic Markers; second, an attempt to historicize geoanthropology through the exploration of historical efforts to perceive nature as integrated with humanity. The first case, Anthropogenic Markers, shows some of the historical contexts, epistemic settings, and conceptual contributions of Anthropocene geology, thus exploring ways of combining the anthroposphere and the geosphere without losing sight of the different local and political contexts. The second case introduces the concept of ‘epistemic evolution’, crucial to understanding geoanthropology from a historical perspective, and combines it with the notion of the ‘noosphere’, particularly in the elaboration provided by Russian geochemist Vladimir I. Vernadsky. The noosphere is described as a new phase of biosphere evolution in which humans have become aware of their ability to reshape the Earth, especially through the invention of modern technologies. In this respect, the noosphere is characterized by the emergence of a new awareness that integrates cultural and geological forms of agency in their epistemic and co-evolutionary aspects. The noosphere appears as a global process oriented towards understanding the world as an integrated system, which is a precondition for any attempt to rematerialize and rebalance the role of humanity in the Earth System. Keywords: Anthropocene, Historical Geoanthropology, Noosphere, Vladimir I. Vernadsk

    Systematic Irrationality and the Emergence of Behavioral Economics: On the Hybridization of Economics and Psychology

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    Rational choice theory is one of the theoretical pillars on which the discipline of economics rests. Equipped with this theoretical basis, scholars attempted to explain a wide array of circumstances. However, from the 1960s onwards, different scholars from the field of psychology found evidence that deviations from rationality occur in systematic fashion. This not just created a new field of psychological research but also questioned rational choice theory. Ultimately, the two disciplines merged and formed what is nowadays known as behavioral economics. This article attempts to reconstruct the debates taking place at the economics-psychology nexus but focusing on the axioms of rational behavior as brought forward by von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944). In a second step, these developments will be discussed from a philosophy as well as sociology of science perspectives. Lastly, this article will try to isolate necessary pre-conditions for the hybridization of ideas as the emergence of behavioral economics can be considered the successful hybridization of economics and psychology.  Keywords: Conceptual Hybridization, History of Economics, History of Behavioral Economics, Prospect Theory, Rational Choice Theor

    Historical Geoanthropology in Venice

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    This essay deals with the natural-artificial reality of the lagoon of Venice, as a paradigmatic case that can contribute to an understanding of the broad cultural dimension of the Anthropocene. Indeed, we here deal with the low amplitude background signal of anthropogenic geomorphological and geoenvironmental agency. This should not be confused with the stratigraphic meaning of Anthropocene, since geologists are working towards the validation of the Anthropocene hypothesis by detecting specific markers which, from our perspective, correspond to high-intensity signal peaks at a geochemical level. Our geo-anthropological case, the geomorphology of Venice, has particular historical and symbolic relevance. Its environment has been transformed by humans and the elements over millennia to such an extent that it is impossible to neatly separate human agency from natural causes. We here discuss the entanglement of environmental factors, socio-economic drivers, and cultural-political elements of Venice as a paradigm of geo-anthropological processes in general. Keywords: Historical Geoanthropology, Anthropocene, Venice, Water Scienc

    Christiaan Huygens' ‘Verisimilia de planetis’ and its Relevance for Interpreting the ‘Cosmotheoros’: With its First English Translation

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    The article focuses on Verisimilia de planetis (1690), which is considered one of the main preparatory drafts of the posthumous Cosmotheoros (1698). The analysis of the most relevant examples of Huygens’ intellectual vocabulary intends to show not only Huygens’ reuse and hybridization of concepts and terms belonging to his wider scientific production, thus highlighting their diachronic and coherent evo- lution in a multilingual perspective, but also his implicit philosophical structures due to mutual exchanges with the philosophical thought of some of his contemporaries. As a result, this terminological analysis is the backbone underpinning the first English translation of Verisimilia de planetis. Keywords: Hybridisation of Theories, Natural Theology, Plurality of Worlds, Plausibility, Reasoning by Analogy, Imagined Experience

    Micro-level measurement of the circularity of organizations: the Italian innovative standardized approach applied to a public sector case study: Micro-level measurement of the circularity of organizations

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    This study analyses the implementation of a circularity measurement methodology at the University of Piemonte Orientale (UPO) in the early stages of the development of the UNI1608856 project “Measuring circularity - Methods and indicators for measuring circular processes in organisations, the first attempt to assess an organisation’s circularity under a standardized framework in an Italian University. The single-case study examines the organisation’s framework implementation, followed by an in-depth discussion of the phenomenon under study. The circularity measurement metrics applied to the UPO case have been extracted from a draft standard prepared by the Italian standardization body (UNI). The UPO case study considers the draft's general propositions with a focus on the metrics related to the management of human resources, assets, policy, and sustainability. Some useful insights emerge from the critical analysis of the norm proposal, both regarding adopting different types of measures and implementing the circularity measurement in terms of the organisation’s readiness to collect data for the metrics. As this study deals with a new framework applied to a public Organisation, several issues come to light. The first implementation of UNI1608856 allows discussion of the effective measurement of circularity at the micro level and how an organisation’s managerial processes need to evolve to provide the data required to measure circularity

    Coscienziosità filologica e integrazione ermeneutica: Furio Jesi traduttore dal tedesco

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    Negli ultimi anni Furio Jesi è stato oggetto di una vasta riscoperta grazie alla meritoria ripubblicazione dei suoi libri e all’edizione di numerosi inediti. Rimangono tuttavia ancora in ombra aspetti non secondari, come il suo interesse teorico per la traduzione e la sua attività di traduttore. Nonostante abbia tradotto dal tedesco numerose opere letterarie e filosofiche, le sue traduzioni non sono mai state oggetto di una riflessione critica. Il primo paragrafo di questo contributo è dedicato alla metodologia generale che presiede al suo lavoro di traduttore; i paragrafi successivi analizzano alcune traduzioni di saggistica (Canetti), narrativa (Th. Mann) e poesia (Rilke). Jesi è un traduttore preciso dal punto di vista linguistico, scrupoloso dal punto di vista filologico, affidabile dal punto di vista scientifico: il tipo di traduttore colto che tiene sotto controllo la propria erudizione affinché la forma finale della sua versione sia perfettamente equilibrata e non risulti mai una libera e irrispettosa parodia dell’originale.           Parole chiave: Furio Jesi, Teoria della traduzione, Elias Canetti, Thomas Mann, Rainer Maria Rilke   Furio Jesi has been widely re-discovered in recent years thanks to the meritorious republication of his books and the publication of numerous unpublished works. However, non-secondary aspects of this multifaceted author still remain unexplored, namely his interest in ​​translation theory and, particularly, his work as a translator. He was a prolific translator especially of German-language literature and philosophy, but his translations have never been the object of critical consideration. The first paragraph of this contribution is dedicated to Jesi’s general methodology of translation; paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 analyse of his translations of essayistic prose (Canetti), literature (Th. Mann) and poetry (Rilke). The analysis demonstrates that Jesi is a linguistically precise, philologically scrupulous, scientifically reliable translator – the kind of learned translator who holds his erudition in check so that the final form of his version is perfectly balanced and does not result in a free and disrespectful parody of the original. Keywords: Furio Jesi, Translation Theory, Elias Canetti, Thomas Mann, Rainer Maria Rilk

    Arte ed estetizzazione nel pensiero di Gianni Vattimo

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    Gianni Vattimo ha elaborato l’estetica e la teoria dell’arte del «pensiero debole» soprattutto in alcuni articoli pubblicati nella «Rivista di Estetica» (della quale è stato direttore). Parte di questi saggi è stata poi raccolta nella seconda sezione di una delle sue opere centrali, La fine della modernità, sezione intitolata, significativamente, La verità dell’arte. Le diverse questioni discusse da Vattimo sono infatti attraversate dal filo conduttore del problema della verità dell’arte, nell’epoca del nichilismo, della fine della storia e del mondo estetizzato dei mass media

    Ethics and the Commitment to Truth

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    Le società contemporanee hanno un carattere essenzialmente pluralista – esse sono fatte di una molteplicità di etnie, linguaggi e culture. Un tale pluralismo è senza dubbio uno dei fattori che hanno favorito la diffusa tendenza a ritenere i concetti di verità e di etica come irrilevanti o relativistici. Non possiamo però abbandonare né l’impegno etico né l’idea che in tale impegno dobbiamo guardare al di là delle nostre preferenze e convinzioni. L’impegno etico è esso stesso legato all’impegno per la verità, poiché l’impegno per la verità comporta non solo un riconoscimento delle pretese che noi stessi avanziamo nei confronti del mondo, ma anche delle pretese che il mondo ha nei nostri confronti. La verità richiede lo stesso riconoscimento e la stessa responsabilità nei confronti dell’altro che è al cuore dell’etica. Più che essere in conflitto con la pluralità, l’impegno per la verità e per l’etica è fondamentale per una reale possibilità della pluralità, così come per la possibilità di ogni politica propriamente democratica. Lavorare a un’appropriata considerazione della verità e dell’etica è dunque un compito significativo per la filosofia contemporanea: quel che qui si è cercato di fare è schizzarne le linee generali

    Il tavolo “Povertà alimentare” della Rete Italiana Politiche Locali del Cibo

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    Il tavolo “Povertà alimentare” della Rete Italiana Politiche Locali del Cib

    English The importance of the doctor-patient relationship in transplantology for improving adherence: a proposal for integrating medical curricula

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    Adherence in transplant patients is a very important issue for successful transplantation. Today, many transplanted patients experience non-adherence, ranging from non-adherence to indications regarding lifestyle and substance use, to non-adherence to immunosuppressive drugs. The doctor-patient relationship also plays a key role with regard to adherence in transplantology, but so far little consideration is given to training in this area in medical and surgical degree courses. The aim of this work is to provide data on adherence in transplant patients and to capture the most critical issues concerning the doctor-patient relationship in transplantology, with the aim of proposing an implementation of the curricula in the field of relationship training in transplantology as well.L'aderenza nei pazienti trapiantati è una questione molto importante per il successo del trapianto. Ad oggi, molti pazienti trapiantati presentano la non-aderenza, che va dalla non-aderenza alle indicazioni sullo stile di vita e sull'uso di sostanze, alla non-aderenza ai farmaci immunosoppressori. Il rapporto medico-paziente gioca un ruolo fondamentale anche per quanto riguarda l'aderenza in trapiantologia, ma finora la formazione in questo ambito è stata poco considerata nei corsi di laurea in medicina e chirurgia. L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di fornire dati sull'aderenza nei pazienti trapiantati e di cogliere le maggiori criticità relative alla relazione medico-paziente in trapiantologia, con l'obiettivo di proporre un'implementazione dei curricula medici nel campo della formazione alla relazione anche in ambito trapiantologico


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