6 research outputs found

    The Lumbar Pain Incidence in an Urgent Care Center Ocorrência de Lombalgia em uma Unidade de Pronto Atendimento

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a ocorrência de lombalgia em pacientes atendidos em uma Unidade de Pronto Atendimento e fatores associados. Métodos: Estudo transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado na Unidade de Pronto Atendimento (UPA), no município de Petrolina-PE. Os dados foram coletados dos prontuários de pacientes atendidos em 2015 com queixa ou diagnóstico de lombalgia. A análise ocorreu por meio de estatística descritiva e através do modelo de regressão logística binária multivariado para estimativa das razões de chance (Odds Ratio – OR). Resultados: ¼ dos pacientes apresentaram dor lombar. Os homens (56,7%) representam mais da metade dos atendimentos, a média de idade dos pacientes foi de 39,7 anos (Desvio padrão - DP 15,7), 99,2% buscaram atendimento espontaneamente sem encaminhamento de outros serviços de saúde. Conclusão: O estímulo a práticas preventivas é uma alternativa importante para contribuir na redução dos casos de lombalgia, além da adoção de um tratamento efetivo baseado não só na paliação. Descritores: Lombalgia, Saúde do trabalhador, Atenção Primária à Saúde, Promoção da Saúde

    The Lumbar Pain Incidence in an Urgent Care Center Ocorrência de Lombalgia em uma Unidade de Pronto Atendimento

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a ocorrência de lombalgia em pacientes atendidos em uma Unidade de Pronto Atendimento e fatores associados. Métodos: Estudo transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado na Unidade de Pronto Atendimento (UPA), no município de Petrolina-PE. Os dados foram coletados dos prontuários de pacientes atendidos em 2015 com queixa ou diagnóstico de lombalgia. A análise ocorreu por meio de estatística descritiva e através do modelo de regressão logística binária multivariado para estimativa das razões de chance (Odds Ratio – OR). Resultados: ¼ dos pacientes apresentaram dor lombar. Os homens (56,7%) representam mais da metade dos atendimentos, a média de idade dos pacientes foi de 39,7 anos (Desvio padrão - DP 15,7), 99,2% buscaram atendimento espontaneamente sem encaminhamento de outros serviços de saúde. Conclusão: O estímulo a práticas preventivas é uma alternativa importante para contribuir na redução dos casos de lombalgia, além da adoção de um tratamento efetivo baseado não só na paliação.Descritores: Lombalgia, Saúde do trabalhador, Atenção Primária à Saúde, Promoção da Saúde


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    Objetivo: compreender o conhecimento dos enfermeiros sobre prevenção de queda do paciente cirúrgico à luz do processo de enfermagem. Método: pesquisa de natureza exploratório-descritiva, qualitativa, realizada com enfermeiros de um hospital universitário da cidade de Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu no mês de fevereiro de 2020, por meio de questionário e entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados por análise de conteúdo temático-categorial. Resultados: emergiram três categorias: Coleta e registro de dados sobre as principais causas de queda do paciente cirúrgico; Diagnóstico de enfermagem risco de quedas; e Planejamento, implementação e avaliação para prevenção de queda no perioperatório. Conclusão: o conhecimento dos enfermeiros sobre a prevenção de queda no paciente cirúrgico é imprescindível para uma assistência de qualidade, envolvendo o domínio das etapas do processo de enfermagem. Descritores: Processo de Enfermagem. Terminologia Padronizada em Enfermagem. Assistência Perioperatória. Acidentes por Quedas. Prevenção de Acidentes

    Prevalence of acute pain in patients attending the emergency room

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Despite the importance of acute pain in the health-disease process, there are few studies about its prevalence in emergency services that function as a gateway to health services. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of acute pain in an emergency room setting. METHODS: The data were collected from September 2016 to June 2017, using the medical records of patients treated in the emergency service in 2015. Considering the average of 8,000 visits per month, we adopted a random sampling process using categorical variables, and it was estimated a sample of 4,064 records. RESULTS: The pain was present among older people (39.6 years) when compared to patients who had pain and other symptoms associated (37.0 years) (p=0.000). There was a higher concentration of demand for the service by women (55.3%) due to pain and other causes, and for acute pain, the demand was 50.1% of females. In risk classification, 86.6% was characterized not urgent, and 99.6% sought service on their own. Only 0.5% of patients affected by acute pain were referred to other services. CONCLUSION: The study showed that the majority of the care demand at the emergency room is of little complexity and could be attended at the primary care unit. The pain is present in all types of care, and the objective is to relieve the pain, leading patients to look for an agile and decisive service.</p></div

    Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network

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    International audienceThe shortage of reliable primary taxonomic data limits the description of biological taxa and the understanding of biodiversity patterns and processes, complicating biogeographical, ecological, and evolutionary studies. This deficit creates a significant taxonomic impediment to biodiversity research and conservation planning. The taxonomic impediment and the biodiversity crisis are widely recognized, highlighting the urgent need for reliable taxonomic data. Over the past decade, numerous countries worldwide have devoted considerable effort to Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which called for the preparation of a working list of all known plant species by 2010 and an online world Flora by 2020. Brazil is a megadiverse country, home to more of the world's known plant species than any other country. Despite that, Flora Brasiliensis, concluded in 1906, was the last comprehensive treatment of the Brazilian flora. The lack of accurate estimates of the number of species of algae, fungi, and plants occurring in Brazil contributes to the prevailing taxonomic impediment and delays progress towards the GSPC targets. Over the past 12 years, a legion of taxonomists motivated to meet Target 1 of the GSPC, worked together to gather and integrate knowledge on the algal, plant, and fungal diversity of Brazil. Overall, a team of about 980 taxonomists joined efforts in a highly collaborative project that used cybertaxonomy to prepare an updated Flora of Brazil, showing the power of scientific collaboration to reach ambitious goals. This paper presents an overview of the Brazilian Flora 2020 and provides taxonomic and spatial updates on the algae, fungi, and plants found in one of the world's most biodiverse countries. We further identify collection gaps and summarize future goals that extend beyond 2020. Our results show that Brazil is home to 46,975 native species of algae, fungi, and plants, of which 19,669 are endemic to the country. The data compiled to date suggests that the Atlantic Rainforest might be the most diverse Brazilian domain for all plant groups except gymnosperms, which are most diverse in the Amazon. However, scientific knowledge of Brazilian diversity is still unequally distributed, with the Atlantic Rainforest and the Cerrado being the most intensively sampled and studied biomes in the country. In times of “scientific reductionism”, with botanical and mycological sciences suffering pervasive depreciation in recent decades, the first online Flora of Brazil 2020 significantly enhanced the quality and quantity of taxonomic data available for algae, fungi, and plants from Brazil. This project also made all the information freely available online, providing a firm foundation for future research and for the management, conservation, and sustainable use of the Brazilian funga and flora

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved