317 research outputs found

    Utilizing small angle X-ray scattering to understand material failures and improve material lifetime

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    Automated Solvent Seaming of Large Polyimide Membranes

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    A solvent-based welding process enables the joining of precise, cast polyimide membranes at their edges to form larger precise membranes. The process creates a homogeneous, optical-quality seam between abutting membranes, with no overlap and with only a very localized area of figure disturbance. The seam retains 90 percent of the strength of the parent material. The process was developed for original use in the fabrication of wide-aperture membrane optics, with areal densities of less than 1 kg/m2, for lightweight telescopes, solar concentrators, antennas, and the like to be deployed in outer space. The process is just as well applicable to the fabrication of large precise polyimide membranes for flat or inflatable solar concentrators and antenna reflectors for terrestrial applications. The process is applicable to cast membranes made of CP1 (or equivalent) polyimide. The process begins with the precise fitting together and fixturing of two membrane segments. The seam is formed by applying a metered amount of a doped solution of the same polyimide along the abutting edges of the membrane segments. After the solution has been applied, the fixtured films are allowed to dry and are then cured by convective heating. The weld material is the same as the parent material, so that what is formed is a homogeneous, strong joint that is almost indistinguishable from the parent material. The success of the process is highly dependent on formulation of the seaming solution from the correct proportion of the polyimide in a suitable solvent. In addition, the formation of reliable seams depends on the deposition of a precise amount of the seaming solution along the seam line. To ensure the required precision, deposition is performed by use of an automated apparatus comprising a modified commercially available, large-format, ink-jet print head on an automated positioning table. The printing head jets the seaming solution into the seam area at a rate controlled in coordination with the movement of the positioning table

    Optimal surface salinity perturbations of the meridional overturning and heat transport in a global ocean general circulation model

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    Recent observations and modeling studies have stressed the influence of surface salinity perturbations on the North Atlantic circulation over the past few decades. As a step toward the estimation of the sensitivity of the thermohaline circulation to salinity anomalies, optimal initial surface salinity perturbations are computed and described for a realistic mean state of a global ocean general circulation model [Océan Parallélisé (OPA)]; optimality is defined successively with respect to the meridional overturning circulation intensity and the meridional heat transport maximum. Although the system is asymptotically stable, the nonnormality of the dynamics is able to produce a transient growth through an initial stimulation. Optimal perturbations are calculated subject to three constraints: the perturbation applies to surface salinity; the perturbation conserves the global salt content; and the perturbation is normalized, to remove the degeneracy in the linear maximization problem. Maximization using Lagrangian multipliers leads to explicit solutions (rather than eigenvalue problems), involving the integration of the model adjoint for each value to maximize.The most efficient transient growth for the intensity of the meridional overturning circulation appears for a delay of 10.5 yr after the perturbation by the optimal surface salinity anomaly. This optimal growth is induced by an initial anomaly located north of 50°N. In the same way, the most efficient transient growth for the intensity of the meridional heat transport appears for a shorter delay of 2.2 yr after the perturbation by the optimal surface salinity anomaly. This initial optimal perturbation corresponds to a zonal salinity gradient around 24°N. The optimal surface salinity perturbations studied herein yield upper bounds on the intensity of the response in meridional overturning circulation and meridional heat transport. Using typical amplitudes of the Great Salinity Anomalies, the upper bounds for the associated variability are 0.8 Sv (1 Sv ? 106 m3 s?1) (11% of the mean circulation) and 0.03 PW (5% of the mean circulation), respectively

    A parameterization of Greenland's tip jets suitable for ocean or coupled climate models

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    Greenland's tip jets are low-level, high wind speed jets forced by an interaction of the synoptic-scale atmospheric flow and the steep, high orography of Greenland. These jets are thought to play an important role in both preconditioning for, and triggering of, open-ocean convection in the Irminger Sea. However, the relatively small spatial scale of the jets prevents their accurate representation in the relatively low resolution (~1 degree) atmospheric (re-)analyses which are typically used to force ocean general circulation models (e.g. ECMWF ERA-40 and NCEP reanalyses, or products based on these). Here we present a method of ‘bogussing’ Greenland's tip jets into such surface wind fields and thus, via bulk flux formulae, into the air-sea turbulent flux fields. In this way the full impact of these mesoscale tip jets can be incorporated in any ocean general circulation model of sufficient resolution. The tip jet parameterization is relatively simple, making use of observed linear gradients in wind speed along and across the jet, but is shown to be accurate to a few m s-1 on average. The inclusion of tip jets results in a large local increase in both the heat and momentum fluxes. When applied to a 1-dimensional mixed-layer model this results in a deepening of the winter mixed-layer of over 300 m. The parameterization scheme only requires 10 meter wind speed and mean sea level pressure as input fields; thus it is also suitable for incorporation into a coupled atmosphere-ocean climate model at the coupling stage

    Winter mixed layer development in the central Irminger Sea : the effect of strong, intermittent wind events

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 38 (2008): 541-565, doi:10.1175/2007JPO3678.1.The impact of the Greenland tip jet on the wintertime mixed layer of the southwest Irminger Sea is investigated using in situ moored profiler data and a variety of atmospheric datasets. The mixed layer was observed to reach 400 m in the spring of 2003 and 300 m in the spring of 2004. Both of these winters were mild and characterized by a low North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. A typical tip jet event is associated with a low pressure system that is advected by upper-level steering currents into the region east of Cape Farewell and interacts with the high topography of southern Greenland. Heat flux time series for the mooring site were constructed that include the enhancing influence of the tip jet events. This was used to force a one-dimensional mixed layer model, which was able to reproduce the observed envelope of mixed layer deepening in both winters. The deeper mixed layer of the first winter was largely due to a higher number of robust tip jet events, which in turn was caused by the steering currents focusing more storms adjacent to southern Greenland. Application of the mixed layer model to the winter of 1994–95, a period characterized by a high-NAO index, resulted in convection exceeding 1700 m. This prediction is consistent with hydrographic data collected in summer 1995, supporting the notion that deep convection can occur in the Irminger Sea during strong winters.KV and RP were supported by National Science Foundation Grant OCE-0450658. GWKM was supported by the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences. MHR was supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers (West-Nordic Ocean Climate)

    Combining community wastewater genomic surveillance with state clinical surveillance: A framework for SARS-CoV-2 public health practice

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    Study objective: To garner a framework for combining community wastewater surveillance with state clinical surveillance that influence confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 variants within the community, and recommend how the flow of such research evidence could be expanded and employed for public health response. Design, setting, and participants: This work involved analyzing wastewater samples collected weekly from 17 geographically resolved locations in Louisville/Jefferson County, Kentucky from February 10 to November 29, 2021. Genomic surveillance and RT-qPCR platforms were used as screening to identify SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater, and state clinical surveillance was used for confirmation. Main results: The results demonstrate increased epidemiological value of combining community wastewater genomic surveillance and RT-qPCR with conventional case auditing methods. The spatial scale and temporal frequency of wastewater sampling provides promising sensitivity and specificity to be useful to gain public health screening insights about community emergence, seeding, and spread. Conclusions: Better national surveillance systems are needed for future pathogens and variants, and wastewater-based genomic surveillance represents opportune coupling. This paper presents current evidence that complementary wastewater and clinical testing is enhanced cost-effectively when linked; making a strong case for a joint public health framework. The findings suggest significant potential for rapid progress to be made in extending this work to consider pathogens of interest as a whole within wastewater, which could be examined in either a targeted fashion as we currently do with SARS-CoV-2 or in terms of a global monitoring of all pathogens found, and developing evidence based public health practice to best support community health

    The continental margin is a key source of iron to the HNLC North Pacific Ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 35 (2008): L07608, doi:10.1029/2008GL033294.Here we show that labile particulate iron and manganese concentrations in the upper 500 m of the Western Subarctic Pacific, an iron-limited High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) region, have prominent subsurface maxima between 100–200 m, reaching 3 nM and 600 pM, respectively. The subsurface concentration maxima in particulate Fe are characterized by a more reduced oxidation state, suggesting a source from primary volcagenic minerals such as from the Kuril/Kamchatka margin. The systematics of these profiles suggest a consistently strong lateral advection of labile Mn and Fe from redox-mobilized labile sources at the continental shelf supplemented by a more variable source of Fe from the upper continental slope. This subsurface supply of iron from the continental margin is shallow enough to be accessible to the surface through winter upwelling and vertical mixing, and is likely a key source of bioavailable Fe to the HNLC North Pacific.Funding from the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research Program (JB) and WHOI Postdoctoral Scholars program, the Richard B. Sellars Endowed Research Fund, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Endowed Fund for Innovative Research (PL)

    Physiotherapy versus placebo or no intervention in Parkinson's disease

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    Background: Despite medical therapies and surgical interventions for Parkinson's disease (PD), patients develop progressive disability. Physiotherapy aims to maximise functional ability and minimise secondary complications through movement rehabilitation within a context of education and support for the whole person. The overall aim is to optimise independence, safety, and well-being, thereby enhancing quality of life.  Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy intervention compared with no intervention in patients with PD.  Search methods: We identified relevant trials by conducting electronic searches of numerous literature databases (e.g. MEDLINE, EMBASE) and trial registers, and by handsearching major journals, abstract books, conference proceedings, and reference lists of retrieved publications. The literature search included trials published up to the end of January 2012.  Selection criteria: Randomised controlled trials of physiotherapy intervention versus no physiotherapy intervention in patients with PD.  Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently extracted data from each article. We used standard meta-analysis methods to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy intervention compared with no physiotherapy intervention. Trials were classified into the following intervention comparisons: general physiotherapy, exercise, treadmill training, cueing, dance, and martial arts. We used tests for heterogeneity to assess for differences in treatment effect across these different physiotherapy interventions.  Main results: We identified 39 trials with 1827 participants. We considered the trials to be at a mixed risk of bias as the result of unreported allocation concealment and probable detection bias. Compared with no intervention, physiotherapy significantly improved the gait outcomes of speed (mean difference 0.04 m/s, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.02 to 0.06, P = 0.0002); two- or six-minute walk test (13.37 m, 95% CI 0.55 to 26.20, P = 0.04) and Freezing of Gait questionnaire (-1.41, 95% CI -2.63 to -0.19, P = 0.02); functional mobility and balance outcomes of Timed Up & Go test (-0.63 s, 95% CI -1.05 to -0.21, P = 0.003), Functional Reach Test (2.16 cm, 95% CI 0.89 to 3.43, P = 0.0008), and Berg Balance Scale (3.71 points, 95% CI 2.30 to 5.11, P < 0.00001); and clinician-rated disability using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) (total -6.15 points, 95% CI-8.57 to -3.73, P < 0.00001; activities of daily living: -1.36, 95% CI -2.41 to -0.30, P = 0.01; and motor: -5.01, 95% CI -6.30 to -3.72, P < 0.00001). No difference between arms was noted in falls (Falls Efficacy Scale: -1.91 points, 95% CI -4.76 to 0.94, P = 0.19) or patient-rated quality of life (PDQ-39 Summary Index: -0.38 points, 95% CI -2.58 to 1.81, P = 0.73). One study reported that adverse events were rare; no other studies reported data on this outcome. Indirect comparisons of the different physiotherapy interventions revealed no evidence that the treatment effect differed across physiotherapy interventions for any of the outcomes assessed.  Authors' conclusions: Benefit for physiotherapy was found in most outcomes over the short term (i.e. < 3 months) but was significant only for speed, two- or six-minute walk test, Freezing of Gait questionnaire, Timed Up & Go, Functional Reach Test, Berg Balance Scale, and clinician-rated UPDRS. Most of the observed differences between treatments were small. However, for some outcomes (e.g. speed, Berg Balance Scale, UPDRS), the differences observed were at, or approaching, what are considered minimal clinically important changes. These benefits should be interpreted with caution because the quality of most of the included trials was not high. Variation in measurements of outcome between studies meant that our analyses include a small proportion of the participants recruited.  This review illustrates that a wide range of approaches are employed by physiotherapists to treat patients with PD. However, no evidence of differences in treatment effect was noted between the different types of physiotherapy interventions being used, although this was based on indirect comparisons. A consensus menu of 'best practice' physiotherapy is needed, as are large, well-designed randomised controlled trials undertaken to demonstrate the longer-term efficacy and cost-effectiveness of 'best practice' physiotherapy in PD