1,487 research outputs found

    Perturbations of Spatially Closed Bianchi III Spacetimes

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    Motivated by the recent interest in dynamical properties of topologically nontrivial spacetimes, we study linear perturbations of spatially closed Bianchi III vacuum spacetimes, whose spatial topology is the direct product of a higher genus surface and the circle. We first develop necessary mode functions, vectors, and tensors, and then perform separations of (perturbation) variables. The perturbation equations decouple in a way that is similar to but a generalization of those of the Regge--Wheeler spherically symmetric case. We further achieve a decoupling of each set of perturbation equations into gauge-dependent and independent parts, by which we obtain wave equations for the gauge-invariant variables. We then discuss choices of gauge and stability properties. Details of the compactification of Bianchi III manifolds and spacetimes are presented in an appendix. In the other appendices we study scalar field and electromagnetic equations on the same background to compare asymptotic properties.Comment: 61 pages, 1 figure, final version with minor corrections, to appear in Class. Quant. Gravi

    An in-depth study of the pre-polar candidate WX Leonis Minoris

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    Optical photometry, spectroscopy, and XMM-Newton ultraviolet and X-ray observations with full phase coverage are used for an in-depth study of WXLMi, a system formerly termed a low-accretion rate polar. We find a constant low-mass accretion rate, ˙M ∼ 1.5 × 10−13 M yr−1, a peculiar accretion geometry with one spot not accessible via Roche-lobe overflow, a low temperature of the white dwarf, Teff < 8000 K, and the secondary very likely Roche-lobe underfilling. All this lends further support to the changed view on WXLMi and related systems as detached binaries, i.e. magnetic post-common envelope binaries without significant Rochelobe overflow in the past. The transfer rate determined here is compatible with accretion from a stellar wind. We use cyclotron spectroscopy to determine the accretion geometry and to constrain the plasma temperatures. Both cyclotron spectroscopy and X-ray plasma diagnostics reveal low plasma temperatures below 3 keV on both accretion spots. For the low-m˙ , high-B plasma at the accretion spots in WXLMi, cyclotron cooling dominates thermal plasma radiation in the optical. Optical spectroscopy and X-ray timing reveal atmospheric, chromospheric, and coronal activity at the saturation level on the dM4.5 secondary star

    Shape Space Methods for Quantum Cosmological Triangleland

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    With toy modelling of conceptual aspects of quantum cosmology and the problem of time in quantum gravity in mind, I study the classical and quantum dynamics of the pure-shape (i.e. scale-free) triangle formed by 3 particles in 2-d. I do so by importing techniques to the triangle model from the corresponding 4 particles in 1-d model, using the fact that both have 2-spheres for shape spaces, though the latter has a trivial realization whilst the former has a more involved Hopf (or Dragt) type realization. I furthermore interpret the ensuing Dragt-type coordinates as shape quantities: a measure of anisoscelesness, the ellipticity of the base and apex's moments of inertia, and a quantity proportional to the area of the triangle. I promote these quantities at the quantum level to operators whose expectation and spread are then useful in understanding the quantum states of the system. Additionally, I tessellate the 2-sphere by its physical interpretation as the shape space of triangles, and then use this as a back-cloth from which to read off the interpretation of dynamical trajectories, potentials and wavefunctions. I include applications to timeless approaches to the problem of time and to the role of uniform states in quantum cosmological modelling.Comment: A shorter version, as per the first stage in the refereeing process, and containing some new reference

    A Model for Type 2 Coronal Line Forest (CLiF) AGNs

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    We present a model for the classification of Coronal Line Forest Active Galactic Nuclei (CLiF AGNs). CLiF AGNs are of special interest due to their remarkably large number of emission lines, especially forbidden highionization lines (FHILs). Rose et al. suggest that their emission is dominated by reflection from the inner wall of the obscuring region rather than direct emission from the accretion disk. This makes CLiF AGNs laboratories to test AGN-torus models. Modeling an AGN as an accreting supermassive black hole surrounded by a cylinder of dust and gas, we show a relationship between the viewing angle and the revealed area of the inner wall. From the revealed area, we can determine the amount of FHIL emission at various angles. We calculate the strength of [Fe VII]λ6087 emission for a number of intermediate angles (30°, 40°, and 50°) and compare the results with the luminosity of the observed emission line from six known CLiF AGNs. We find that there is good agreement between our model and the observational results. The model also enables us to determine the relationship between the type 2:type 1 AGN fraction vs the ratio of torus height to radius, h/r

    Detecting wildlife in unmanned aerial systems imagery using convolutional neural networks trained with an automated feedback loop

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    Using automated processes to detect wildlife in uncontrolled outdoor imagery in the field of wildlife ecology is a challenging task. This is especially true in imagery provided by an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), where the relative size of wildlife is small and visually similar to its background. This work presents an automated feedback loop which can be used to train convolutional neural networks with extremely unbalanced class sizes, which alleviates some of these challenges. This work utilizes UAS imagery collected by the Wildlife@Home project, which has employed citizen scientists and trained experts to go through collected UAS imagery and classify it. Classified data is used as inputs to convolutional neural networks (CNNs) which seek to automatically mark which areas of the imagery contain wildlife. The output of the CNN is then passed to a blob counter which returns a population estimate for the image. The feedback loop was developed to help train the CNNs to better differentiate between the wildlife and the visually similar background and deal with the disparate amount of wildlife training images versus background training images. Utilizing the feedback loop dramatically reduced population count error rates from previously published work, from +150% to −3.93% on citizen scientist data and +88% to +5.24% on expert data

    Scale-Invariant Gravity: Geometrodynamics

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    We present a scale-invariant theory, conformal gravity, which closely resembles the geometrodynamical formulation of general relativity (GR). While previous attempts to create scale-invariant theories of gravity have been based on Weyl's idea of a compensating field, our direct approach dispenses with this and is built by extension of the method of best matching w.r.t scaling developed in the parallel particle dynamics paper by one of the authors. In spatially-compact GR, there is an infinity of degrees of freedom that describe the shape of 3-space which interact with a single volume degree of freedom. In conformal gravity, the shape degrees of freedom remain, but the volume is no longer a dynamical variable. Further theories and formulations related to GR and conformal gravity are presented. Conformal gravity is successfully coupled to scalars and the gauge fields of nature. It should describe the solar system observations as well as GR does, but its cosmology and quantization will be completely different.Comment: 33 pages. Published version (has very minor style changes due to changes in companion paper

    Relational Particle Models. II. Use as toy models for quantum geometrodynamics

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    Relational particle models are employed as toy models for the study of the Problem of Time in quantum geometrodynamics. These models' analogue of the thin sandwich is resolved. It is argued that the relative configuration space and shape space of these models are close analogues from various perspectives of superspace and conformal superspace respectively. The geometry of these spaces and quantization thereupon is presented. A quantity that is frozen in the scale invariant relational particle model is demonstrated to be an internal time in a certain portion of the relational particle reformulation of Newtonian mechanics. The semiclassical approach for these models is studied as an emergent time resolution for these models, as are consistent records approaches.Comment: Replaced with published version. Minor changes only; 1 reference correcte

    POISSON project - II - A multi-wavelength spectroscopic and photometric survey of young protostars in L 1641

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    Characterising stellar and circumstellar properties of embedded young stellar objects (YSOs) is mandatory for understanding the early stages of the stellar evolution. This task requires the combination of both spectroscopy and photometry, covering the widest possible wavelength range, to disentangle the various protostellar components and activities. As part of the POISSON project, we present a multi-wavelength spectroscopic and photometric investigation of embedded YSOs in L1641, aimed to derive the stellar parameters and evolutionary stages and to infer their accretion properties. Our database includes low-resolution optical-IR spectra from the NTT and Spitzer (0.6-40 um) and photometric data covering a spectral range from 0.4 to 1100 um, which allow us to construct the YSOs spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and to infer the main stellar parameters. The SED analysis allows us to group our 27 YSOs into nine Class I, eleven Flat, and seven Class II objects. However, on the basis of the derived stellar properties, only six Class I YSOs have an age of ~10^5 yr, while the others are older 5x10^5-10^6 yr), and, among the Flat sources, three out of eleven are more evolved objects (5x10^6-10^7 yr), indicating that geometrical effects can significantly modify the SED shapes. Inferred mass accretion rates (Macc) show a wide range of values (3.6x10^-9 to 1.2x10^-5 M_sun yr^-1), which reflects the age spread observed in our sample. Average values of mass accretion rates, extinction, and spectral indices decrease with the YSO class. The youngest YSOs have the highest Macc, whereas the oldest YSOs do not show any detectable jet activity in either images and spectra. We also observe a clear correlation among the YSO Macc, M*, and age, consistent with mass accretion evolution in viscous disc models.Comment: 61 pages, 16 figures; A&A in pres

    The Sol Genomics Network (solgenomics.net): growing tomatoes using Perl

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    The Sol Genomics Network (SGN; http://solgenomics.net/) is a clade-oriented database (COD) containing biological data for species in the Solanaceae and their close relatives, with data types ranging from chromosomes and genes to phenotypes and accessions. SGN hosts several genome maps and sequences, including a pre-release of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv Heinz 1706) reference genome. A new transcriptome component has been added to store RNA-seq and microarray data. SGN is also an open source software project, continuously developing and improving a complex system for storing, integrating and analyzing data. All code and development work is publicly visible on GitHub (http://github.com). The database architecture combines SGN-specific schemas and the community-developed Chado schema (http://gmod.org/wiki/Chado) for compatibility with other genome databases. The SGN curation model is community-driven, allowing researchers to add and edit information using simple web tools. Currently, over a hundred community annotators help curate the database. SGN can be accessed at http://solgenomics.net/

    Foundations of Relational Particle Dynamics

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    Relational particle dynamics include the dynamics of pure shape and cases in which absolute scale or absolute rotation are additionally meaningful. These are interesting as regards the absolute versus relative motion debate as well as discussion of conceptual issues connected with the problem of time in quantum gravity. In spatial dimension 1 and 2 the relative configuration spaces of shapes are n-spheres and complex projective spaces, from which knowledge I construct natural mechanics on these spaces. I also show that these coincide with Barbour's indirectly-constructed relational dynamics by performing a full reduction on the latter. Then the identification of the configuration spaces as n-spheres and complex projective spaces, for which spaces much mathematics is available, significantly advances the understanding of Barbour's relational theory in spatial dimensions 1 and 2. I also provide the parallel study of a new theory for which positon and scale are purely relative but orientation is absolute. The configuration space for this is an n-sphere regardless of the spatial dimension, which renders this theory a more tractable arena for investigation of implications of scale invariance than Barbour's theory itself.Comment: Minor typos corrected; references update