106 research outputs found

    Investigation of the long effective conjugation length in defect-free insulated molecular wires

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    Due to the “insulation” of the π-conjugated backbones, insulated molecular wires (IMWs) are expected to be applied to various optoelectronic applications and nanotechnology.[1] Recently, Kazunori et al have succeeded in the synthesis of a self-threading polythiophene with a polyrotaxane-like 3D architecture (PSTB, see Figure 1), for which an intrawire hole mobility of 0.9 cm2 V−1 s−1 has been measured.[2] Here, we aim to evaluate the extent of π-conjugation along polythiophene backbones sheathed within defect-free “insulating” layers. A comparison between the experimental Raman spectra of the self-threading oligomers (i.e. 2STB-5STB) and the corresponding PSTB polymer indicates that: (i) the ratio of relative intensities of the two most intense Raman bands (I1375/1445) increases with the elongation of the size chain but does not saturate up to the pentamer, and (ii) π-conjugation spreads over 17–18 thiophene units in the polymer. Whether the effective conjugation length of the polymer is better described by using the long oligomer extrapolation approach[3] or periodic DFT calculations of the polymer is discussed in detailed by exploiting the very recent potentialities of state-of-the-art quantum chemical simulations of vibrational properties for crystalline solids.[Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Long-term monitoring of the short period SU UMa-type dwarf nova, V844 Herculis

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    We report on time-resolved CCD photometry of four outbursts of a short-period SU UMa-type dwarf nova, V844 Herculis. We successfully determined the mean superhump periods to be 0.05584(64) days, and 0.055883(3) for the 2002 May superoutburst, and the 2006 April-May superoutburst, respectively. During the 2002 October observations, we confirmed that the outburst is a normal outburst, which is the first recorded normal outburst in V844 Her. We also examined superhump period changes during 2002 May and 2006 April-May superoutbursts, both of which showed increasing superhump period over the course of the plateau stage. In order to examine the long-term behavior of V844 Her, we analyzed archival data over the past ten years since the discovery of this binary. Although photometry is not satisfactory in some superoutbursts, we found that V844 Her showed no precursors and rebrightenings. Based on the long-term light curve, we further confirmed V844 Her has shown almost no normal outbursts despite the fact that the supercycle of the system is estimated to be about 300 days. In order to explain the long-term light curves of V844 Her, evaporation in the accretion disk may play a role in the avoidance of several normal outbursts, which does not contradict with the relatively large X-ray luminosity of V844 Her.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted for PAS

    The 2006 November outburst of EG Aquarii: the SU UMa nature revealed

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    We report time-resolved CCD photometry of the cataclysmic variable EG Aquarii during the 2006 November outburst During the outburst, superhumps were unambiguously detected with a mean period of 0.078828(6) days, firstly classifying the object as an SU UMa-type dwarf nova. It also turned out that the outburst contained a precursor. At the end of the precursor, immature profiles of humps were observed. By a phase analysis of these humps, we interpreted the features as superhumps. This is the second example that the superhumps were shown during a precursor. Near the maximum stage of the outburst, we discovered an abrupt shift of the superhump period by ∌{\sim} 0.002 days. After the supermaximum, the superhump period decreased at the rate of P˙/P\dot{P}/P=−8.2×10−5-8.2{\times}10^{-5}, which is typical for SU UMa-type dwarf novae. Although the outburst light curve was characteristic of SU UMa-type dwarf novae, long-term monitoring of the variable shows no outbursts over the past decade. We note on the basic properties of long period and inactive SU UMa-type dwarf novae.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for PAS

    Survey of Period Variations of Superhumps in SU UMa-Type Dwarf Novae

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    We systematically surveyed period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae based on newly obtained data and past publications. In many systems, the evolution of superhump period are found to be composed of three distinct stages: early evolutionary stage with a longer superhump period, middle stage with systematically varying periods, final stage with a shorter, stable superhump period. During the middle stage, many systems with superhump periods less than 0.08 d show positive period derivatives. Contrary to the earlier claim, we found no clear evidence for variation of period derivatives between superoutburst of the same object. We present an interpretation that the lengthening of the superhump period is a result of outward propagation of the eccentricity wave and is limited by the radius near the tidal truncation. We interpret that late stage superhumps are rejuvenized excitation of 3:1 resonance when the superhumps in the outer disk is effectively quenched. Many of WZ Sge-type dwarf novae showed long-enduring superhumps during the post-superoutburst stage having periods longer than those during the main superoutburst. The period derivatives in WZ Sge-type dwarf novae are found to be strongly correlated with the fractional superhump excess, or consequently, mass ratio. WZ Sge-type dwarf novae with a long-lasting rebrightening or with multiple rebrightenings tend to have smaller period derivatives and are excellent candidate for the systems around or after the period minimum of evolution of cataclysmic variables (abridged).Comment: 239 pages, 225 figures, PASJ accepte

    Thiophene-Fused Tropones as Chemical Warfare Agent-Responsive Building Blocks

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    We report the synthesis of dithienobenzotropone-based conjugated alternating copolymers by direct arylation polycondensation. Postpolymerization modification by hydride reduction yields cross-conjugated, reactive hydroxyl-containing copolymers that undergo phosphorylation and ionization upon exposure to the chemical warfare agent mimic diethylchlorophosphate (DCP). The resulting conjugated, cationic copolymer is highly colored and facilitates the spectroscopic and colorimetric detection of DCP in both solution and thin-film measurements.United States. Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Chemical and Biological Technologies Department (Grant BA12PHM123

    Amplified Spontaneous Emission Properties of Semiconducting Organic Materials

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    This paper aims to review the recent advances achieved in the field of organic solid-state lasers with respect to the usage of semiconducting organic molecules and oligomers in the form of thin films as active laser media. We mainly focus on the work performed in the last few years by our research group. The amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) properties, by optical pump, of various types of molecules doped into polystyrene films in waveguide configuration, are described. The various systems investigated include N,Nâ€Č-bis(3-methylphenyl)-N,Nâ€Č-diphenylbenzidine (TPD), several perilenediimide derivatives (PDIs), as well as two oligo-phenylenevinylene derivatives. The ASE characteristics, i.e., threshold, emission wavelength, linewidth, and photostability are compared with that of other molecular materials investigated in the literature

    Enantioselective component selection in multicomponent supramolecular gels

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    We investigate a two-component acid-amine gelation system in which chirality plays a vital role. A carboxylic acid based on a second generation l-lysine dendron interacts with chiral amines and subsequently assembles into supramolecular gel fibers. The chirality of the amine controls the assembly of the resulting diastereomeric complexes, even if this chirality is relatively "poor quality". Importantly, the selective incorporation of one enantiomer of an amine over the other into the gel network has been demonstrated, with the R amine that forms complexes which assemble into the most stable gel being primarily selected for incorporation. Thermodynamic control has been proven by forming a gel exclusively with an S amine, allowing the R enantiomer to diffuse through the gel network, and displacing it from the "solidlike" fibers, demonstrating that these gels adapt and evolve in response to chemical stimuli to which they are exposed. Excess amine, which remains unincorporated within the solidlike gel fiber network, can diffuse out and be reacted with an isocyanate, allowing us to quantify the enantioselectivity of component selection but also demonstrating how gels can act as selective reservoirs of potential reagents, releasing them on demand to undergo further reactions; hence, component-selective gel assembly can be coupled with controlled reactivity
