54 research outputs found


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    A supervision system generates a user interface that summarizes user’s browsing trends based on user’s browsing activity. The system monitors browsing activity of a user. The system further determines browsing trends of the user based on user’s browsing activity for a predetermined time period. On determination of the browsing trends, the system generates the user interface that provides a summary of user’s browsing trends for the pre­determined time period

    Plan de emprendimiento de cigarrillos elaborados a base de manzanilla y esencia de frutas libres de nicotina y alquitrán (Cigarfrut)

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    El consumo de cigarrillos provoca enfermedades graves e incluso hasta adicción. Existen diversos estudios que mencionan acerca de que al encender un cigarrillo se identifican más de ocho mil productos químicos en el humo que estos botan, los cuales causan enfermedades relacionadas con el consumo del tabaco como el cáncer de pulmón, enfermedades cardiovasculares, entre otras. Al inicio del proyecto, se partió por buscar una necesidad que pueda ser satisfecha con viabilidad, por lo que bajo esta premisa nace CIGARFRUT, un producto innovador que busca otorgarle al público cigarros naturales elaborados a base de manzanilla y esencia de frutas, libres de nicotina y alquitrán, de manera que les permita continuar disfrutando de la sensación que te brinda el fumar, pero reduciendo el impacto negativo en la salud y el medioambiente. El mercado de cigarrillos posee un potencial que poco a poco empezamos a descubrir mediante diversas investigaciones para poder encontrar el encaje perfecto del negocio. Otro factor decisor fue su elaboración, ya que era de suma importancia poder contar un producto con estándares de calidad y que garantice lo que se estaría ofreciendo, es por ello que nuestros cigarros naturales están elaborados con los mejores ingredientes que, junto con la experiencia, da como resultado un producto de calidad y diferenciador. Antes de lanzarnos al mercado era necesario elaborar diversos experimentos, de manera que nos permita medir las intenciones de compra y corroborar el nivel de audiencia del público objetivo y así realizar algún cambio en caso fuera oportuno. Ya con la idea más aterrizada, se empezó la elaboración de los planes del negocio, desde operativos hasta la elaboración de los presupuestos, estados financieros y planes de financiamiento. Es importante resaltar que, al ser una empresa nueva, es necesario conocer todos los procesos y requerimientos para poder operar con legalidad en el país. Con el pasar de las semanas e interpretando los resultados del movimiento en redes, se pudo evidenciar diversas intenciones de compra, una de ellas se convirtió en nuestra primera venta, la cual nos motivó a seguir adelante con el proyecto y continuar con el desarrollo de las actividades que contempla el negocio. Sin duda alguna, es una experiencia que nos está permitiendo vivir el mundo de los negocios desde todas las perspectivas y, estamos agradecidos de continuar aprendiendo más cada día. Somos conscientes que la sociedad necesita ideas innovadoras que repercutan de forma positiva y significativa, por lo que no bajaremos la guardia y trabajaremos en ello.The consumption of cigarettes causes serious illnesses and even addiction. There are several studies that mention that when lighting a cigarette, more than eight thousand chemicals are identified in the smoke that they emit, which cause diseases related to tobacco consumption such as lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, among others. At the beginning of the project, it was started to look for a need that could be satisfied with viability, so under this premise CIGARFRUT was born, an innovative product that seeks to provide the public with natural cigars made from chamomile and fruit essence, free of nicotine and tar, in a way that allows them to continue enjoying the sensation that smoking gives you, but reducing the negative impact on health and the environment. The cigarette market has a potential that little by little we began to discover through various investigations in order to find the perfect fit for the business. Another decisive factor was its elaboration, since it was of the utmost importance to be able to have a product with quality standards that guarantees what it would be offering, that is why our natural cigars are made with the best ingredients that, together with experience, results in a quality and differentiating product. Before launching ourselves on the market, it was necessary to develop various experiments, in a way that allows us to measure purchase intentions and corroborate the audience level of the target audience and thus make any changes if appropriate. With the idea more grounded, the development of business plans began, from operations to the preparation of budgets, financial statements and financing plans. It is important to highlight that, being a new company, it is necessary to know all the processes and requirements to be able to operate legally in the country. With the passing of the weeks and interpreting the results of the movement in networks, it was possible to evidence various purchase intentions, one of them became our first sale, which motivated us to continue with the project and continue with the development of the activities contemplated by the business. Without a doubt, it is an experience that is allowing us to live the business world from all perspectives and, we are grateful to continue learning more every day. We are aware that society needs innovative ideas that have a positive and significant impact, so we will not lower our guard and work on it.Trabajo de investigació

    Supporting users tasks with personal information management and web forms augmentation

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    Currently, many tasks performed on the Web prompt users to provide personal information through forms. Despite the fact that most users are familiarized with this kind of interaction technique, the use of Web forms is not always straightforward. Indeed, some users might need assistance to understand labels and complex data format required to fill in form fields that, quite often, vary from a Web site to another even when requesting similar data. Filling in forms can be tedious and repetitive as many Web sites request similar information. In this work we analyze user's interactions with Web forms and propose an approach for enhancing Web forms using client-side adaptation techniques in order to assist users to fill in Web forms. As the use of Web forms is closely related to the management of personal information our approach includes the support for data exchange between user's personal information management systems (PIMs) and third-party Web forms. The approach is illustrated by a set of client-side adaptation tools and a pervasive Personal Information Management Systems called PIMI.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (vol. 7387).Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Psychological treatment of postpartum depression: A meta-analysis.

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    Postpartum depression is a widespread and disruptive depressive disorder seriously affecting the lives of new mothers and their families. We conducted a meta-analysis of controlled and comparative studies of psychological treatments of postpartum depression. Seventeen studies were included. The mean standardized effect size of all psychological treatments compared to control conditions was 0.61 (95% CI: 0.37-0.85). Several subgroup analyses were conducted. Studies with waiting list control groups had a larger mean effect size (0.96; 95% CI: 0.63-1.29) than studies with a care-asusual control group (0.41; 95% CI: 0.25-0.58). No definite conclusions can be drawn about the longer term effects. Too few studies were available to draw conclusions about the relative effects of psychological treatments compared to pharmacological and other treatment

    Experimental results from the ST7 mission on LISA Pathfinder

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    The Space Technology 7 Disturbance Reduction System (ST7-DRS) is a NASA technology demonstration payload that operated from January 2016 through July 2017 on the European Space Agency’s (ESA) LISA Pathfinder spacecraft. The joint goal of the NASA and ESA missions was to validate key technologies for a future space-based gravitational wave observatory targeting the source-rich millihertz band. The two primary components of ST7-DRS are a micropropulsion system based on colloidal micro-Newton thrusters (CMNTs) and a control system that simultaneously controls the attitude and position of the spacecraft and the two free-flying test masses (TMs). This paper presents our main experimental results and summarizes the overall performance of the CMNTs and control laws. We find the CMNT performance to be consistent with preflight predictions, with a measured system thrust noise on the order of 100  nN/√Hz in the 1  mHz≤f≤30  mHz band. The control system maintained the TM-spacecraft separation with an RMS error of less than 2 nm and a noise spectral density of less than 3  nm/√Hz in the same band. Thruster calibration measurements yield thrust values consistent with the performance model and ground-based thrust-stand measurements, to within a few percent. We also report a differential acceleration noise between the two test masses with a spectral density of roughly 3  fm/s2/√Hz in the 1  mHz≤f≤30  mHz band, slightly less than twice as large as the best performance reported with the baseline LISA Pathfinder configuration and below the current requirements for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna mission

    Etude du traitement de poudres et influence des caractéristiques obtenues sur la transparence de céramiques du type spinelle

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    This work aims to elaborate the benefits of transparent ceramics in ballistic protection systemswhich are employed by the military in their vehicles. The main focus lies on improving bothoptical and mechanical properties as well as reducing the weight of the system as a whole.Substituting the standard multilayered front glass panel with a polycrystalline ceramic, suchas the spinel MgAl2O4 used in this work, considerably improves its ballistic performance, whilesimultaneously reducing its mass and volume. In order to achieve these improved properties,which most commonly result from a fine-grained microstructure, a very fine grained andreactive powder is used. However, the use of such powders raises additional difficulties inshaping and homogeneous sintering, all of which have a negative effect on the transparency ofthe ceramic. The first focus of this study is the selection of an appropriate powder, carried outby comparison of multiple commercially available powders. This following step highlightedthe rheological and morphological particularities of the examined powders, necessary for theshaping of ceramics, and influencing the sintering and thus the final transparency, such asgranular rearrangement, specific surface area or permeability. Once the spinel powder hadbeen chosen, a processing study was carried out on it, exploiting its agglomeration to obtain avisibility transparent ceramic with a fine microstructure. Since some nanopowders presentedwith difficulties in shaping, further optimization of different treatment methods (use of afreeze dryer, an oven or a spray dryer) in combination with appropriate sintering approacheswere explored. Ultimately, by combining a spray dryer and a PEG additive, the study resultedin the production of a transparent spinel ceramic with a fine microstructure (grain size of4-5 µm) and an in-line transmission of 71% at 650 nm. A parallel study on strengtheningthe transparent spinel by introducing various additives, such as nanodiamond, alumina, andzirconia was also carried out. The primary objective was to improve the mechanical propertiesof the spinel, while keeping its optical properties untouched. The addition of a secondaryphase as reinforcement raised many difficulties, mainly due to the size disparity, differentrefractive index of the spinel and potential unwanted reactions that can occur during sintering.Lastly, the final study focused on complex shaping of spinel ceramics for ballistic protection.As a prerequisite, a complete examination of the spinel’s suspension and its behaviour duringshaping had to be performed. The new findings validated liquid shaping as a viable solutionto achieve transparent 3D profiles, while the classic uniaxial pressing route did not yield anyconclusive results. Each of the studies was based on the morphology of the powder and itsevolution during shaping and sintering. The results were obtained through microstructuraland rheological studies as well as the evaluation of optical and mechanical properties.Ce travail d’élaboration de céramique transparente pour la protection balistique s’inscrit dansun contexte d’allégement de structure et d’amélioration des propriétés optiques et mécaniques.Le remplacement de la face avant en verre par une céramique polycristalline, telle que lespinelle MgAl2O4 permet d’optimiser considérablement les performances balistiques, touten diminuant la masse et le volume de la protection. Le principal objectif de ce travail a étél’obtention d’une céramique transparente type spinelle avec une microstructure à grains finspermettant d’obtenir de bonnes propriétés mécaniques et balistiques. Afin de contrôler lamicrostructure de la céramique, il est nécessaire d’adopter des conditions de frittage douces,c’est pourquoi l’utilisation d’une poudre très fine et réactive a été envisagée. Mais l’utilisationd’une telle poudre soulève souvent des problèmes de mise en forme et de frittage homogène,qui sont un frein à la transparence de la céramique. Cette étude s’est tout d’abord focaliséesur la poudre de spinelle en comparant quatre poudres de spinelle commerciales. Cette partiea permis de mettre en avant les particularités rhéologiques ou morphologiques nécessaires àla mise en forme des céramiques, influençant ainsi le frittage et donc la transparence finale,comme par exemple le réarrangement granulaire, la surface spécifique ou la perméabilité. Unefois la poudre de spinelle choisie, une étude de traitement a été menée sur cette dernièreen exploitant son agglomération afin d’obtenir une céramique transparente dans le visibleavec une microstructure fine. Le challenge a été d’optimiser sa mise en forme par différentstraitements et son frittage. Cette étude s’est soldée par l’obtention de céramique transparenteà fine microstructure (taille de grain de 4-5_m) et avec une transmission en ligne de 71%à 650nm, grâce à l’utilisation d’un spray dryer et d’un additif PEG. Une autre étude s’estconcentrée sur la possibilité de renforcer ce spinelle transparent par l’ajout de matériau dedifférentes natures (nanodiamant, alumine, zircone). L’objectif a été d’améliorer les propriétésmécaniques du spinelle, tout en gardant intactes ses propriétés optiques. L’ajout de phasesecondaire en tant que renfort soulève de nombreuses difficultés de par leurs tailles, l’indicede réfraction différent du spinelle et les éventuelles réactions qui peuvent se produire lors dufrittage. Une dernière étude a été menée sur la mise en forme de forme complexe, permettantainsi d’autres applications du spinelle en tant que protection. La voie classique par pressageuniaxial s’étant avéré peu concluante, une mise en forme par voie liquide s’est montrée êtreune solution envisageable. Elle a nécessité une étude complète de la mise en suspension duspinelle et son comportement lors de sa mise en forme. Chacune des études s’est appuyée surla morphologie de la poudre et son évolution lors de la mise en forme et le frittage, par lebiais d’études microstructurales et rhéologiques ainsi que l’évaluation des propriétés optiqueset mécaniques

    Study of powder processing and influence of the characteristics obtained on the transparency of spinel-type ceramics

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    Ce travail d’élaboration de céramique transparente pour la protection balistique s’inscrit dansun contexte d’allégement de structure et d’amélioration des propriétés optiques et mécaniques.Le remplacement de la face avant en verre par une céramique polycristalline, telle que lespinelle MgAl2O4 permet d’optimiser considérablement les performances balistiques, touten diminuant la masse et le volume de la protection. Le principal objectif de ce travail a étél’obtention d’une céramique transparente type spinelle avec une microstructure à grains finspermettant d’obtenir de bonnes propriétés mécaniques et balistiques. Afin de contrôler lamicrostructure de la céramique, il est nécessaire d’adopter des conditions de frittage douces,c’est pourquoi l’utilisation d’une poudre très fine et réactive a été envisagée. Mais l’utilisationd’une telle poudre soulève souvent des problèmes de mise en forme et de frittage homogène,qui sont un frein à la transparence de la céramique. Cette étude s’est tout d’abord focaliséesur la poudre de spinelle en comparant quatre poudres de spinelle commerciales. Cette partiea permis de mettre en avant les particularités rhéologiques ou morphologiques nécessaires àla mise en forme des céramiques, influençant ainsi le frittage et donc la transparence finale,comme par exemple le réarrangement granulaire, la surface spécifique ou la perméabilité. Unefois la poudre de spinelle choisie, une étude de traitement a été menée sur cette dernièreen exploitant son agglomération afin d’obtenir une céramique transparente dans le visibleavec une microstructure fine. Le challenge a été d’optimiser sa mise en forme par différentstraitements et son frittage. Cette étude s’est soldée par l’obtention de céramique transparenteà fine microstructure (taille de grain de 4-5_m) et avec une transmission en ligne de 71%à 650nm, grâce à l’utilisation d’un spray dryer et d’un additif PEG. Une autre étude s’estconcentrée sur la possibilité de renforcer ce spinelle transparent par l’ajout de matériau dedifférentes natures (nanodiamant, alumine, zircone). L’objectif a été d’améliorer les propriétésmécaniques du spinelle, tout en gardant intactes ses propriétés optiques. L’ajout de phasesecondaire en tant que renfort soulève de nombreuses difficultés de par leurs tailles, l’indicede réfraction différent du spinelle et les éventuelles réactions qui peuvent se produire lors dufrittage. Une dernière étude a été menée sur la mise en forme de forme complexe, permettantainsi d’autres applications du spinelle en tant que protection. La voie classique par pressageuniaxial s’étant avéré peu concluante, une mise en forme par voie liquide s’est montrée êtreune solution envisageable. Elle a nécessité une étude complète de la mise en suspension duspinelle et son comportement lors de sa mise en forme. Chacune des études s’est appuyée surla morphologie de la poudre et son évolution lors de la mise en forme et le frittage, par lebiais d’études microstructurales et rhéologiques ainsi que l’évaluation des propriétés optiqueset mécaniques.This work aims to elaborate the benefits of transparent ceramics in ballistic protection systemswhich are employed by the military in their vehicles. The main focus lies on improving bothoptical and mechanical properties as well as reducing the weight of the system as a whole.Substituting the standard multilayered front glass panel with a polycrystalline ceramic, suchas the spinel MgAl2O4 used in this work, considerably improves its ballistic performance, whilesimultaneously reducing its mass and volume. In order to achieve these improved properties,which most commonly result from a fine-grained microstructure, a very fine grained andreactive powder is used. However, the use of such powders raises additional difficulties inshaping and homogeneous sintering, all of which have a negative effect on the transparency ofthe ceramic. The first focus of this study is the selection of an appropriate powder, carried outby comparison of multiple commercially available powders. This following step highlightedthe rheological and morphological particularities of the examined powders, necessary for theshaping of ceramics, and influencing the sintering and thus the final transparency, such asgranular rearrangement, specific surface area or permeability. Once the spinel powder hadbeen chosen, a processing study was carried out on it, exploiting its agglomeration to obtain avisibility transparent ceramic with a fine microstructure. Since some nanopowders presentedwith difficulties in shaping, further optimization of different treatment methods (use of afreeze dryer, an oven or a spray dryer) in combination with appropriate sintering approacheswere explored. Ultimately, by combining a spray dryer and a PEG additive, the study resultedin the production of a transparent spinel ceramic with a fine microstructure (grain size of4-5 µm) and an in-line transmission of 71% at 650 nm. A parallel study on strengtheningthe transparent spinel by introducing various additives, such as nanodiamond, alumina, andzirconia was also carried out. The primary objective was to improve the mechanical propertiesof the spinel, while keeping its optical properties untouched. The addition of a secondaryphase as reinforcement raised many difficulties, mainly due to the size disparity, differentrefractive index of the spinel and potential unwanted reactions that can occur during sintering.Lastly, the final study focused on complex shaping of spinel ceramics for ballistic protection.As a prerequisite, a complete examination of the spinel’s suspension and its behaviour duringshaping had to be performed. The new findings validated liquid shaping as a viable solutionto achieve transparent 3D profiles, while the classic uniaxial pressing route did not yield anyconclusive results. Each of the studies was based on the morphology of the powder and itsevolution during shaping and sintering. The results were obtained through microstructuraland rheological studies as well as the evaluation of optical and mechanical properties

    Assessing Technology Maturity for ST-9 Technology Validation Experiments

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    This viewgraph presentation reviews the process of assessing the maturity of a technology for use in NASA missions. The NASA New Millennium Program (NMP) identifies and flight validates breakthrough technologi es that will significantly benefit future operational Space and Earth Science missions NMP conducts two types of flight validation projec ts for the Space Science Enterprise: (1) Integrated System Validatio n Projects, and (2) Stand-Alone Subsystem Validation Projects


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