65 research outputs found

    Biogenesis of the Signal Recognition Particle (Srp) Involves Import of Srp Proteins into the Nucleolus, Assembly with the Srp-Rna, and Xpo1p-Mediated Export

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    The signal recognition particle (SRP) targets nascent secretory proteins to the ER, but how and where the SRP assembles is largely unknown. Here we analyze the biogenesis of yeast SRP, which consists of an RNA molecule (scR1) and six proteins, by localizing all its components. Although scR1 is cytoplasmic in wild-type cells, nuclear localization was observed in cells lacking any one of the four SRP “core proteins” Srp14p, Srp21p, Srp68p, or Srp72p. Consistently, a major nucleolar pool was detected for these proteins. Sec65p, on the other hand, was found in both the nucleoplasm and the nucleolus, whereas Srp54p was predominantly cytoplasmic. Import of the core proteins into the nucleolus requires the ribosomal protein import receptors Pse1p and Kap123p/Yrb4p, which might, thus, constitute a nucleolar import pathway. Nuclear export of scR1 is mediated by the nuclear export signal receptor Xpo1p, is distinct from mRNA transport, and requires, as evidenced by the nucleolar accumulation of scR1 in a dis3/rrp44 exosome component mutant, an intact scR1 3′ end. A subset of nucleoporins, including Nsp1p and Nup159p (Rat7p), are also necessary for efficient translocation of scR1 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. We propose that assembly of the SRP requires import of all SRP core proteins into the nucleolus, where they assemble into a pre-SRP with scR1. This particle can then be targeted to the nuclear pores and is subsequently exported to the cytoplasm in an Xpo1p-dependent way

    Components and regulation of nuclear transport processes

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    The spatial separation of DNA replication and gene transcription in the nucleus and protein translation in the cytoplasm is a uniform principle of eukaryotic cells. This compartmentalization imposes a requirement for a transport network of macromolecules to shuttle these components in and out of the nucleus. This nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of macromolecules is critical for both cell physiology and pathology. Consequently, investigating its regulation and disease-associated alterations can reveal novel therapeutic approaches to fight human diseases, such as cancer or viral infection. The characterization of the nuclear pore complex, the identification of transport signals and transport receptors, as well as the characterization of the Ran system (providing the energy source for efficient cargo transport) has greatly facilitated our understanding of the components, mechanisms and regulation of the nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of proteins in our cells. Here we review this knowledge with a specific emphasis on the selection of disease-relevant molecular targets for potential therapeutic intervention.COST Action [CM1106]; Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) [SFRH/BPD/84634/2012]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nup2p, a Yeast Nucleoporin, Functions in Bidirectional Transport of Importin α

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    Import of proteins containing a classical nuclear localization signal (NLS) into the nucleus is mediated by importin α and importin β. Srp1p, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue of importin α, returns from the nucleus in a complex with its export factor Cse1p and with Gsp1p (yeast Ran) in its GTP-bound state. We studied the role of the nucleoporin Nup2p in the transport cycle of Srp1p. Cells lacking NUP2 show a specific defect in both NLS import and Srp1p export, indicating that Nup2p is required for efficient bidirectional transport of Srp1p across the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Nup2p is located at the nuclear side of the central gated channel of the NPC and provides a binding site for Srp1p via its amino-terminal domain. We show that Nup2p effectively releases the NLS protein from importin α-importin and β and strongly binds to the importin heterodimer via Srp1p. Kap95p (importin β) is released from this complex by a direct interaction with Gsp1p-GTP. These data suggest that besides Gsp1p, which disassembles the NLS-importin α-importin β complex upon binding to Kap95p in the nucleus, Nup2p can also dissociate the import complex by binding to Srp1p. We also show data indicating that Nup1p, a relative of Nup2p, plays a similar role in termination of NLS import. Cse1p and Gsp1p-GTP release Srp1p from Nup2p, which suggests that the Srp1p export complex can be formed directly at the NPC. The changed distribution of Cse1p at the NPC in nup2 mutants also supports a role for Nup2p in Srp1p export from the nucleus

    Yrb4p, a yeast ran-GTP-binding protein involved in import of ribosomal protein L25 into the nucleus.

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    Gsp1p, the essential yeast Ran homologue, is a key regulator of transport across the nuclear pore complex (NPC). We report the identification of Yrb4p, a novel Gsp1p binding protein. The 123 kDa protein was isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells and found to be related to importin-beta, the mediator of nuclear localization signal (NLS)-dependent import into the nucleus, and to Pse1p. Like importin-beta, Yrb4p and Pse1p specifically bind to Gsp1p-GTP, protecting it from GTP hydrolysis and nucleotide exchange. The GTPase block of Gsp1p complexed to Yrb4p or Pse1p is released by Yrb1p, which contains a Gsp1p binding domain distinct from that of Yrb4p. This might reflect an in vivo function for Yrb1p. Cells disrupted for YRB4 are defective in nuclear import of ribosomal protein L25, but show no defect in the import of proteins containing classical NLSs. Expression of a Yrb4p mutant deficient in Gsp1p-binding is dominant-lethal and blocks bidirectional traffic across the NPC in wild-type cells. L25 binds to Yrb4p and Pse1p and is released by Gsp1p-GTP. Consistent with its putative role as an import receptor for L25-like proteins, Yrb4p localizes to the cytoplasm, the nucleoplasm and the NPC

    The Nuclear Export Receptor Xpo1p Forms Distinct Complexes with NES Transport Substrates and the Yeast Ran Binding Protein 1 (Yrb1p)

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    Xpo1p (Crm1p) is the nuclear export receptor for proteins containing a leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES). Xpo1p, the NES-containing protein, and GTP-bound Ran form a complex in the nucleus that translocates across the nuclear pore. We have identified Yrb1p as the major Xpo1p-binding protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae extracts in the presence of GTP-bound Gsp1p (yeast Ran). Yrb1p is cytoplasmic at steady-state but shuttles continuously between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Nuclear import of Yrb1p is mediated by two separate nuclear targeting signals. Export from the nucleus requires Xpo1p, but Yrb1p does not contain a leucine-rich NES. Instead, the interaction of Yrb1p with Xpo1p is mediated by Gsp1p-GTP. This novel type of export complex requires the acidic C-terminus of Gsp1p, which is dispensable for the binding to importin β-like transport receptors. A similar complex with Xpo1p and Gsp1p-GTP can be formed by Yrb2p, a relative of Yrb1p predominantly located in the nucleus. Yrb1p also functions as a disassembly factor for NES/Xpo1p/Gsp1p-GTP complexes by displacing the NES protein from Xpo1p/Gsp1p. This Yrb1p/Xpo1p/Gsp1p complex is then completely dissociated after GTP hydrolysis catalyzed by the cytoplasmic GTPase activating protein Rna1p