19 research outputs found

    Early feeding practices and weight-related outcomes in childhood:associations in different ethnic groups in the Netherlands

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    Summary Childhood overweight and obesity are an important public health problems. Children with overweight or obesity have an increased risk of developing several short- and long-term comorbidities as well as obesity in adulthood. Due to the fact that obesity is difficult to reverse, early prevention of childhood overweight and obesity is crucial. Although during the recent years a stabilization in the prevalence rates has been observed in the Netherlands, large and growing ethnic inequalities in overweight and obesity prevalence exists. Whereas among children of Dutch descent the prevalence rates of overweight and obesity have stabilized, at the same time, the rates for children of Moroccan or Turkish descent have been increasing. An increasing amount of evidence suggests that the early life period is a critical period in the development of overweight and obesity. Early growth patterns, i.e. development in weight and body mass index (BMI) during infancy and early childhood are strongly associated with later overweight and obesity risk. Feeding during the first years of life is suggested as one of the key determinants of growth with potential long-term health consequences. The main aim of this thesis was to investigate associations of infant milk- and complementary feeding (CF) practices as well as toddler dietary patterns with weight-related outcomes during early childhood. A secondary aim was to investigate these associations among different ethnic populations in the Netherlands at varying risk for overweight. For this aim, data from 3 Dutch population studies in children was used; the Amsterdam Born Children and their Development (ABCD) cohort, the TIBET study and the GECKO Drenthe cohort. The findings from this thesis suggest that infant feeding factors, such as the duration of EBF and the timing of CF, may be important for the prevention of childhood overweight. However, the effects were found to vary across subpopulations according to certain maternal characteristics. Therefore, targeted interventions should be considered. Furthermore, it was found that the specific feeding factors investigated in this thesis did not play a major role in explaining the observed ethnic differences in weight-related outcomes. In addition to diet quantity and quality, also other lifestyle-related behaviors of the child as well as the mother (during both pre- and postnatal periods), remains to be further investigated. The results also suggest that in addition to infant feeding, dietary pattern during toddlerhood is also critical in relation to the development of overweight. A diet low in energy-dense, ultra-processed foods during toddlerhood may be important for the prevention of childhood overweight

    Complementary Feeding Practices among Young Children in China, India, and Indonesia:A Narrative Review

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    Under- and overnutrition are co-existing health issues in several countries across Asia. Poor complementary feeding (CF) is a significant determinant of malnutrition in children and a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this narrative review is to summarize the most recent evidence regarding the CF practices in 3 countries with a high prevalence of stunting and overweight, and currently undergoing rapid economic and nutritional transition: China, India, and Indonesia. We focused particularly on the adequacy of CF, based on the WHO feeding indicators (2021) regarding timing, frequency, diversity, as well as the consumption of specific food groups. According to the findings, the majority of infants in the 3 countries are introduced to CF at an inappropriate time: either too early (particularly in urban/rural areas of China and Indonesia) or too late (India) compared with the WHO recommendation. Furthermore, in all countries, diets are characterized by a low variety and frequency of CF and consist mainly of staple foods with poor nutritional quality, such as rice, cereals, or noodles. Nutrient-dense and protein-rich foods, such as foods of animal origin, are either inadequately consumed (rural areas of China and India) or introduced too late (urban areas of China and Indonesia) in the diets of children. In all countries, the consumption of fruit and vegetables, especially during the early CF period, is poor. In contrast, a significant proportion of both urban and rural children, particularly in Indonesia and India, are consuming energy-dense/nutrient-poor snacks and sugary drinks during the CF period. The described practices may pose a significant risk for the development of energy and/or nutrient gaps, magnifying the double and triple burden of malnutrition present in these countries. Further research is warranted to understand the significance of the observed practices for stunting and/or overweight/obesity risk. A large proportion of world's malnourished children live in Asia. This article summarizes the complementary feeding practices in China, India and Indonesia and discusses the relevance for health outcomes

    Dietary Patterns in Early Childhood and the Risk of Childhood Overweight:The GECKO Drenthe Birth Cohort

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    Limited and inconsistent evidence exists on the associations between dietary patterns and overweight during childhood. The present study describes dietary patterns of three-year-old Dutch children and associations between childhood overweight and body mass index (BMI) development between 3 and 10 years. In the GECKO Drenthe birth cohort (N = 1306), body height and weight were measured around the age of 3, 4, 5, and 10 years, and overweight was defined according to Cole and Lobstein. A validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was used to measure diet at 3 years. Dietary patterns were derived using principal components analysis (PCA). Using logistic regression analyses, pattern scores were related to overweight at 3 and 10 years. A linear mixed-effect model was used to estimate BMI-SDS development between 3 to 10 years according to quartiles of adherence to the pattern scores. Two dietary patterns were identified: (1) ‘minimally processed foods’, indicating high intakes of vegetables/sauces/savory dishes, and (2) ‘ultra-processed foods’, indicating high intakes of white bread/crisps/sugary drinks. A 1 SD increase in the ‘ultra-processed foods’ pattern score increased the odds of overweight at 10 years (adjusted OR: 1.30; 95%CI: 1.08, 1.57; p = 0.006). The ‘minimally processed foods’ pattern was not associated with overweight. Although a high adherence to both dietary patterns was associated with a higher BMI-SDS up to 10 years of age, a stronger association for the ‘ultra-processed foods’ pattern was observed (p < 0.001). A dietary pattern high in energy-dense and low-fiber ultra-processed foods at 3 years is associated with overweight and a high BMI-SDS later in childhood

    Terveyskeskustyöntekijöiden kokemuksia etäterveydenhuollon käyttöönotosta

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää keskeisimpiä etäterveydenhuollon käyttöönottoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä käyttöönottoon liittyviä hyötyjä terveyskeskustyöntekijöiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 30 terveyskeskustyöntekijän haastattelusta, jotka tehtiin Oulunkaaren seutukunnan Verkostoterveyskeskus –hankkeen yhteydessä. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella etäterveydenhuollon käyttöönottoon vaikuttaa sekä toimintamallin ominaisuudet että työntekijöihin ja sosiaaliseen järjestelmään liittyvät tekijät. Keskeisimpinä tekijöistä nousivat esille etäterveydenhuollon käyttöön liittyvät hyödyt, käytön helppous sekä työntekijään liittyvät ominaisuudet. Myös toimintamallin soveltuvuus sekä hankkeen ja organisaation toiminta nousivat esille käyttöönottoon vaikuttavina tekijöinä. Etäterveydenhuollon toimintamallin käyttämisestä oli työntekijöiden mielestä hyötyä potilaalle, työntekijälle ja yhteiskunnalle. Potilaiden hoidossa etäterveydenhuollon käyttämisen edut nähtiin hoidon laadun ja palvelujen saatavuuden paranemisena sekä potilaiden matkustamistarpeiden vähenemisenä. Työntekijöiden kannalta hyödyt olivat koulutusmahdollisuuksien lisääntyminen, verkostoitumisen helpottuminen sekä matkustamistarpeen väheneminen

    Uralic typology in the light of a new comprehensive dataset

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    This paper presents the Uralic Areal Typology Online (UraTyp 1.0), a typological dataset of 35 Uralic languages and a total of 360 features, mainly covering the levels of morphology, syntax, and phonology. The features belong to two different datasets: 195 features’ definitions originate from the Grambank (GB) database, developed for comparison of world language typology, whereas 165 features (UT) have been designed specifically to describe the typological variation within the Uralic language family. We present a series of analyses of the dataset demonstrating its scope and possibilities. The complete data set correctly identifies the main Uralic subgroups in a Principal Components Analysis, whereas GB data alone is insufficiently granular to detect this family-internal structure. Similar analyses limited to various typological subdomains also give variable results. A model-based admixture analysis identifies four distinct areas of historical interaction: Saami, Finnic, the Volga area and Ob-Ugric. Keywords: Uralic languages, typology, areal linguistics, syntax, morphology, phonology, quantitative linguistic</p

    Meriseurannan tiekartta – SYKEn ylläpitämien ja koordinoimien meren tilaseurantojen nykytila ja kehittäminen

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    Raportissa kuvataan nykyiset SYKEn ylläpitämät ja koordinoimat meren kuormitus- ja tilaseurannat ja esitetään tavoitteita seurantojen kehittämiselle ja seurantatiedon käytön tehostamiselle vuoteen 2026 mennessä. Työ perustuu vuonna 2016 tehtyyn meriseurantojen toteutusta ja niiden kehittämistarvetta koskeneeseen kyselyyn, joka lähetettiin n. 30 seurantojen ja kehittämishankkeiden vastuuhenkilölle SYKEssä. Vastausten perusteella koottiin tiekartan alustava luonnos, jota on vuosina 2018-2019 päivitetty ja tarkistettu yhteistyössä seurantojen ja kehittämishankkeiden vastuuhenkilöiden kanssa. Nyt raportoitava versio antaa ajantasaisen kuvan SYKEn ylläpitämistä ja koordinoimista meren tilaseurannoista ja niiden kehittämisestä heinäkuussa 2020 alkaneen merenhoidon toisen seurantakauden kynnyksellä. Työ jakautuu aihealueisiin, joita ovat manuaaliseen näytteenottoon perustuva seuranta, automaatio, kaukokartoitus, kansalaishavainnointi, seurannan tietojärjestelmät, mallinnus ja sen tietotarpeet, seurantojen optimointi ja aineistojen yhteiskäyttö sekä merenhoidon ja HELCOM -työn tietotarpeet. Lisäksi tarkastellaan seuranta-aineistojen käyttöä. Seurantojen kehittämiselle esitetään välittömät tavoitteet (vastikään valmistunut tai valmistumassa oleva kehittämistyö) sekä tavoitteet vuoden 2020 aikana ja vuoteen 2026 mennessä

    New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.

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    Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms

    Assessment of green regenerants from rye and triticale anther cultures

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    vokEripainoksia saatavissa tekijöiltä. Yksikön huom.: KJ

    Assessment of green regenerants from rye and triticale anher cultures

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    vokKopioita saatavissa tekijöiltä. Yksikön huom.: KJ