2 research outputs found
Planning in the Wake of Florida Land Scams
- Author
- Alexander Jack.
- Allan Leslie
- Allan Leslie
- American Society of Planning Officials Conservation Foundation, Urban Land Institute, and Ragatz Associates, Inc.
- Bair Frederick H.
- Bergeson Marian
- Bernard Eileen.
- Chant Davis R.
- Ciccarone Michael.
- Claremont Institute.
- Cornick Philip.
- Daltry Wayne.
- Daltry Wayne.
- DeGrove John M.
- deHaven-Smith Westi Jo.
- Dodrill David E.
- Elliott Donald L.
- Faulkner Charles.
- Florida Department of Community Affairs.
- Freilich Robert H.
- Glickfeld Madelyn
- Glickfeld Madelyn.
- Goodkin Lewis M.
- Gould Gerald.
- Handley John.
- Hubert B. Stroud
- Hull Victor.
- Jackson Richard H.
- Joint Center for Environmental and Urban Problems.
- Lachman Leann.
- Lee County Community Redevelopment Agency.
- Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
- Martin Wendell.
- Mosena David.
- Outland John.
- Parker Diana.
- Parker Diana.
- Paulson Morton C.
- Prather Shaye.
- Reps John W.
- Rogers Bruce A.
- Salvesen David
- Schnidman Frank
- Schnidman Frank.
- Schnidman Frank.
- Schwab Jim.
- Schwab Jim.
- Shultz Michael M.
- Shultz Michael M.
- Siemon Charles
- Simpher Scott.
- Smith Herbert H.
- So Frank
- Spikowski Planning
- Stroud Hubert B.
- Stroud Hubert B.
- Sussna Stephen
- Tollefson Steven.
- Tunnard Christopher
- William M. Spikowski
- Yearwood Richard.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Abbey
- Abramson
- Adler
- Albrecht
- Alic
- Allen
- Allen
- Alofsin
- Alvermann
- American Association for Higher Education.
- American Bar Association.
- American Dental Association.
- American Pharmaceutical Association and the National Professional Society of Pharmacists.
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Applegate
- Association of American Colleges.
- Association of American Library Schools.
- Association of American Medical Colleges.
- Auerbach
- Bailey
- Bakalinsky
- Baker
- Balgopal
- Barondess
- Becker
- Becker
- Begun
- Benavides
- Bender
- Bennett
- Berger
- Berman
- Bickel
- Bledstein
- Bloom
- Boatsman
- Boaz
- Bok
- Boley
- Bolin
- Bonta
- Bragg
- Brandt
- Brendtro
- Brent
- Brink
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brusich
- Bucher
- Buckwalter
- Bullough
- Burgess
- Buschman
- Bush
- Cain
- Callahan
- Campbell
- Cantor
- Carbone
- Carlson
- Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education.
- Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
- Carr
- Carr-Saunders
- Cassidy
- Cassileth
- Castles
- Cavers
- Clark
- Coe
- Collier
- Colson
- Comerio
- Comstock
- Condlin
- Conte
- Corcoran
- Corrigan
- Cotanch
- Crabtree
- Cramton
- Creese
- Culver
- Curiel
- Curtis
- Davidge
- Davis
- Dear
- del Bueno
- DeMott
- Denise
- Denton
- Dickinson
- Dinerman
- Dirsmith
- Dolinsky
- Dostoglu
- Dovey
- Downing
- Downs
- Dworkin
- Dwyer
- Ellis
- Elstein
- Engelhardt
- Faver
- Fedder
- Fielder
- Findley
- Fink
- Fisher
- Fleming
- Flexner
- Ford
- Forsyth
- Fosdick
- Fowler
- Frumkin
- Frumkin
- Gaines
- Garrison
- Gartner
- Gessner
- Gianniny
- Gibelman
- Gitterman
- Gleaves
- Godwin
- Goerig
- Goodman
- Goodman
- Gouldner
- Goyan
- Graham
- Grantham
- Green
- Grussing
- Guidry
- Haber
- Hacker
- Hagerty
- Hall
- Hamner
- Haroldsen
- Harris
- Hart
- Hartman
- Harvey
- Harvill
- Hastings Center.
- Hegland
- Herman
- Heymann
- Higgins
- Hodges
- Hodges
- Holloway
- Hoppmann
- Houle
- Houze
- Howe
- Hubbard
- Hughes
- Huling
- Hull
- Humphreys
- Hunsaker
- Hunt
- Isakson
- Ivey
- Jankovic
- Jarrett
- Jarvis
- Jennings
- Jenny
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jordan
- Joseph
- Judah
- Jvhasz
- Kahn
- Keen
- Kettner
- Kilgore
- Kilgore
- Kimberlin
- Klare
- Kluender
- Knepler
- Kolevzon
- Kravetz
- Kroll
- Kunkel
- Lange
- Larsen
- Larson
- Lasley
- Lawson
- LeBold
- LeBold
- Lee
- Leighninger
- Leleiko
- Leserman
- Lewis
- Lezberg
- Lindley
- Littman
- Liu
- Loe
- Lortie
- Loupe
- Lucas
- Lynton
- Manzo
- Marchant
- Martin
- Martinez-Brawley
- Matejski
- May
- May
- Mayhew
- Mazzuca
- McGaghie
- McGlothlin
- McGlothlin
- McGuire
- McKenzie
- Mehra
- Merrill
- Meskin
- Meunier
- Millard
- Mills
- Mitchell
- Mohan
- Mulvihill
- Munhall
- Nadler
- Nash
- National Commission on Nursing.
- National Institute of Education Study Group for the Conditions of Excellence in American Higher Education.
- National Society for the Study of Education.
- Neidle
- Nuessle
- Nyre
- Odom
- Olson
- Pataniczek
- Pierce
- Pignaturo
- Porter
- Priest
- Proctor
- Pugach
- Pye
- Rango
- Rathbone-McCuan
- Raths
- Reeck
- Reid
- Richards
- Richards
- Richardson
- Riegelman
- Rinke
- Rodenberger
- Roepke
- Romney
- Ronald
- Roosenraad
- Rosen
- Rowles
- Roy
- Russo
- Sallady
- Salley
- Sanoff
- Santangelo
- Scheffler
- Schein
- Schlegel
- Schofield
- Schon
- Schoonover
- Schroeder
- Schwartz
- Scott
- Scott
- Seidel
- Selfe
- Shepherd
- Sherlock
- Shreve
- Shuck
- Shur
- Siegler
- Simpher
- Sims
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Snyder
- Snyman
- Speedie
- Stark
- Stark
- Stein
- Steiner
- Stevens
- Stillman
- Stone
- Streit-Forest
- Study Commission on Pharmacy.
- Suess
- Summers
- Svarstad
- Sze
- Teigiser
- Terkla
- Thomas
- Thorpe
- Torgersen
- Toseland
- Trieb
- Trivett
- Turnbull
- Tymitz-Wolf
- University of Oregon School of Journalism.
- VanderMeer
- VanderMeer
- Vernon
- Vogt
- Vollmer
- Von Blum
- Vonalt
- Voris
- Wakeland
- Walker
- Wallert
- Warren
- Webb
- Weinstein
- White
- Wigton
- Wilensky
- Willging
- Williams
- Williams
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wodarski
- Wright
- Wyer
- Zagano
- Zahorik
- Zeichner
- Zeichner
- Zucker
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study