934 research outputs found


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    Looks at three approaches to in-store training of personnel.Agribusiness,


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    Wege zur regenerativen Stromversorgung

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    Ausgehend vom heutigen Status Quo mit gut 30 % regenerativem Energieanteil (RE) im deutschen Stromsektor sind grundsätzlich zwei Strategien denkbar, um in einigen Jahrzehnten zu einer beinahe vollständig regenerativen Versorgung zu gelangen. Die erste Strategie setzt vorrangig auf den Ausbau variabler Erzeugung mit Windkraft und Photovoltaik und deren Ergänzung durch innovative Speichertechnologien, verstärkten Ausbau der Stromnetze und weiterer Flexibilisierungsmaßnahmen sowie konventionelle Backup-Kraftwerke auf der Basis von Erdgas und Kohle. Deutlich seltener wird die Strategie eines gleichmäßigen, abgestimmten Ausbaus sowohl variabler regenerativer Quellen als auch Dargebots unabhängiger regenerativer Quellen wie Wasserkraft, Biomasse, Geothermie und thermische Solarkraftwerke untersucht. Mit ihr gehen deutliche Vorteile einher, wie eine Modellanalyse zeigt

    Managerial leadership: its effect on human resources in supermarkets

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    Potential of Concentrating Solar Power Plants for the Combined Production of Water and Electricity in MENA Countries

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    The widening gap between consumption and availability of water poses a serious threat to a sustainable socioeconomic development of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries and calls for an even larger augmentation of water supply using seawater desalination. However, these plants are affected by high specific energy consumption, while the uncertainty about fossil fuel prices in the future represents a severe problem. Within this study long-term scenarios for water and electricity demand based on potential assessment of renewable energies have been developed. The results provide baseline information for decision makers for the establishment of a favourable framework for the deployment of concentrated solar power and desalination plants. Finally, this paper points out the importance to start a paradigm change in water and electricity supply as soon as possible, in order to meet the requirements for low cost water and electricity and to avoid conflicts related to water scarcity

    Optimized Integration of Renewable Energies into Existing Power Plant Portfolios

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    AbstractFossil fuel importing as well as exporting countries of the MENA region have recognized their enormous potential of power generation by renewable energy (RE) technologies and the associated benefit for their national budgets, and therefore have formulated ambitious targets for RE deployment. However, only few countries have a detailed master plan that shows how RE technologies can be integrated efficiently into their existing power plant portfolio. Capacity expansion of RE and conventional technologies must be adjusted and optimized in order to minimize total generation costs of the entire system while maintaining security of supply. Within the last three years, DLR has developed the capacity expansion and unit commitment optimization model REMix-CEM (Renewable Energy Mix – Capacity Expansion Model) in order to support authorities of the MENA region in the process of integrating RE technologies efficiently in the short-term and transforming their strongly growing fossil-fuel dominated power systems of today towards higher RE shares. REMix-CEM optimizes the capacity expansion of conventional and RE technologies from a state-owned utility perspective starting from the existing power plant portfolio by modeling the hourly performance of each single existing and candidate unit. The paper presents an overview of the developed methodology as well as the characteristics and capabilities of REMix-CEM by presenting a case study for the electricity sector of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for the years 2013 – 2020
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