554 research outputs found

    Ozone detection by differential absorption spectroscopy at ambient pressure with a 9.6μm pulsed quantum-cascade laser

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    We report direct absorption spectroscopic detection of ozone at ambient pressure with a pulsed, DFB quantum-cascade laser (QCL) tuned within 1044-1050cm-1 by temperature scanning. Wavelength calibration curves were derived from FTIR and CO2 spectra and interpreted with respect to the heat transfer from the heterostructure to the sink. The laser linewidth (∼0.13cm-1 FWHM) was found to decrease with temperature, probably as a result of operation at constant current. Spurious spectral features due to baseline inaccuracies were successfully filtered out from the QCL O3 spectra using differential absorption. Reference O3 concentrations were obtained by applying the same method to UV spectra, simultaneously measured with a differential optical absorption spectrometer (DOAS). Column densities retrieved from QCL spectra are in fairly good agreement (±20%) with the DOAS values above 28ppm m. The estimated QCL lowest detectable, absolute and differential absorptions, (7×10-3 and 2×10-3, respectively), entail effective detection limits of 14 and 25ppm m, respectively. Ongoing improvements in the acquisition system should allow the achievement of detection limits at the level of commercial open-path DOAS systems (∼2ppm m) in the near future. Our results demonstrate the applicability of the differential absorption method to QCL spectroscopy at ambient pressure, and encourage its use for open path detectio

    Blue lasing at room temperature in high quality factor GaN/AlInN microdisks with InGaN quantum wells

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    The authors report on the achievement of optically pumped III-V nitride blue microdisk lasers operating at room temperature. Controlled wet chemical etching of an AlInN interlayer lattice matched to GaN allows forming inverted cone pedestals. Whispering gallery modes are observed in the photoluminescence spectra of InGaN∕GaN quantum wells embedded in the GaN microdisks. Typical quality factors of several thousands are found (Q>4000). Laser action at ∼420nm is achieved under pulsed excitation at room temperature for a peak power density of 400kW/cm2. The lasing emission linewidth is down to 0.033nm

    Four-dimensional distribution of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic cloud over Europe observed by EARLINET

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    © Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallaj ökull in April-May 2010 represents a "natural experiment" to study the impact of volcanic emissions on a continental scale. For the first time, quantitative data about the presence, altitude, and layering of the volcanic cloud, in conjunction with optical information, are available for most parts of Europe derived from the observations by the European Aerosol Research Lidar NETwork (EARLINET). Based on multi-wavelength Raman lidar systems, EARLINET is the only instrument worldwide that is able to provide dense time series of high-quality optical data to be used for aerosol typing and for the retrieval of particle microphysical properties as a function of altitude. In this work we show the four-dimensional (4-D) distribution of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic cloud in the troposphere over Europe as observed by EARLINET during the entire volcanic event (15 April-26 May 2010). All optical properties directly measured (backscatter, extinction, and particle linear depolarization ratio) are stored in the EARLINET database available at www.earlinet.org. A specific relational database providing the volcanic mask over Europe, realized ad hoc for this specific event, has been developed and is available on request at www.earlinet.org. During the first days after the eruption, volcanic particles were detected over Central Europe within a wide range of altitudes, from the upper troposphere down to the local planetary boundary layer (PBL). After 19 April 2010, volcanic particles were detected over southern and south-eastern Europe. During the first half of May (5-15 May), material emitted by the Eyjafjallajökull volcano was detected over Spain and Portugal and then over the Mediterranean and the Balkans. The last observations of the event were recorded until 25 May in Central Europe and in the Eastern Mediterranean area. The 4-D distribution of volcanic aerosol layering and optical properties on European scale reported here provides an unprecedented data set for evaluating satellite data and aerosol dispersion models for this kind of volcanic events.Peer reviewe

    Targeted Sequencing of Candidate Regions Associated with Sagittal and Metopic Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis

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    Craniosynostosis (CS) is a major birth defect in which one or more skull sutures fuse prematurely. We previously performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for sagittal nonsyndromic CS (sNCS), identifying associations downstream from BMP2 on 20p12.3 and intronic to BBS9 on 7p14.3; analyses of imputed variants in DLG1 on 3q29 were also genome-wide significant. We followed this work with a GWAS for metopic non-syndromic NCS (mNCS), discovering a significant association intronic to BMP7 on 20q13.31. In the current study, we sequenced the associated regions on 3q29, 7p14.3, and 20p12.3, including two candidate genes (BMP2 and BMPER) near some of these regions in 83 sNCS child-parent trios, and sequenced regions on 7p14.3 and 20q13.2-q13.32 in 80 mNCS child-parent trios. These child-parent trios were selected from the original GWAS co-horts if the probands carried at least one copy of the top associated GWAS variant (rs1884302 C allele for sNCS; rs6127972 T allele for mNCS). Many of the variants sequenced in these targeted regions are strongly predicted to be within binding sites for transcription factors involved in crani-ofacial development or bone morphogenesis. Variants enriched in more than one trio and predicted to be damaging to gene function are prioritized for functional studies

    Valorization of Oleuropein via Tunable Acid-Promoted Methanolysis

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    The acid-promoted methanolysis of oleuropein was studied using a variety of homogeneous and heterogeneous acid catalysts. Exclusive cleavage of the acetal bond between the glucoside and the monoterpene subunits or further hydrolysis of the hydroxytyrosol ester and subsequent intramolecular rearrangement were observed upon identification of the most efficient catalyst and experimental conditions. Furthermore, selected conditions were tested using oleuropein under continuous flow and using a crude mixture extracted from olive leaves under batch. Formation of (−)-methyl elenolate was also observed in this study, which is a reported precursor for the synthesis of the antihypertensive drug (−)-ajmalicine.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Ozone detection by differential absorption spectroscopy at ambient pressure with a 9.6 mu m pulsed quantum-cascade laser

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    We report direct absorption spectroscopic detection of ozone at ambient pressure with a pulsed, DFB quantum-cascade laser (QCL) tuned within 1044-1050 cm(-1) by temperature scanning. Wavelength calibration curves were derived from FTIR and CO2 spectra and interpreted with respect to the heat transfer from the heterostructure to the sink. The laser linewidth (similar to0.13 cm(-1) FWHM) was found to decrease with temperature, probably as a result of operation at constant current. Spurious spectral features due to baseline inaccuracies were successfully filtered out from the QCL O-3 spectra using differential absorption. Reference O-3 concentrations were obtained by applying the same method to UV spectra, simultaneously measured with a differential optical absorption spectrometer (DOAS). Column densities retrieved from QCL spectra are in fairly good agreement (+/-20%) with the DOAS values above 28 ppm m. The estimated QCL lowest detectable, absolute and differential absorptions, (7x10(-3) and 2x10(-3), respectively), entail effective detection limits of 14 and 25 ppm m, respectively. Ongoing improvements in the acquisition system should allow the achievement of detection limits at the level of commercial open-path DOAS systems (similar to2 ppm m) in the near future. Our results demonstrate the applicability of the differential absorption method to QCL spectroscopy at ambient pressure, and encourage its use for open path detection

    A large CRISPR-induced bystander mutation causes immune dysregulation.

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    A persistent concern with CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing has been the potential to generate mutations at off-target genomic sites. While CRISPR-engineering mice to delete a ~360 bp intronic enhancer, here we discovered a founder line that had marked immune dysregulation caused by a 24 kb tandem duplication of the sequence adjacent to the on-target deletion. Our results suggest unintended repair of on-target genomic cuts can cause pathogenic bystander mutations that escape detection by routine targeted genotyping assays

    Cross-section measurement of two-photon annihilation in-flight of positrons at s=20\sqrt{s}=20 MeV with the PADME detector

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    The inclusive cross-section of annihilation in flight e+eγγe^+e^-\rightarrow\gamma\gamma of 430 MeV positrons with atomic electrons of a thin diamond target has been measured with the PADME detector at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. The two photons produced in the process were detected by an electromagnetic calorimeter made of BGO crystals. This measurement is the first one based on the direct detection of the photon pair and one of the most precise for positron energies below 1 GeV. This measurement represents a necessary step to search for dark sector particles and mediators weakly coupled to photons and/or electrons with masses ranging from 1 MeV to 20 MeV with PADME. The measurement agrees with the Next to Leading Order QED prediction within the overall 6% uncertainty.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Soil Contamination Interpretation by the Use of Monitoring Data Analysis

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    The presented study deals with the interpretation of soil quality monitoring data using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA). Both statistical methods contributed to the correct data classification and projection of the surface (0–20 cm) and subsurface (20–40 cm) soil layers of 36 sampling sites in the region of Burgas, Bulgaria. Clustering of the variables led to formation of four significant clusters corresponding to possible sources defining the soil quality like agricultural activity, industrial impact, fertilizing, etc. Two major clusters were found to explain the sampling site locations according to soil composition—one cluster for coastal and mountain sites and another—for typical rural and industrial sites. Analogous results were obtained by the use of PCA. The advantage of the latter was the opportunity to offer more quantitative interpretation of the role of identified soil quality sources by the level of explained total variance. The score plots and the dendrogram of the sampling sites indicated a relative spatial homogeneity according to geographical location and soil layer depth. The high-risk areas and pollution profiles were detected and visualized using surface maps based on Kriging algorithm

    Commissioning of the PADME experiment with a positron beam

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    The PADME experiment is designed to search for a hypothetical dark photon A' produced in positron-electron annihilation using a bunched positron beam at the Beam Test Facility of the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. The expected sensitivity to the A'-photon mixing parameter ϵ is 10-3, for A' mass ≤ 23.5 MeV/c 2 after collecting ∼1013 positrons-on-target. This paper presents the PADME detector status after commissioning in July 2019. In addition, the software algorithms employed to reconstruct physics objects, such as photons and charged particles, and the calibration procedures adopted are illustrated in detail. The results show that the experimental apparatus reaches the design performance, and is able to identify and measure standard electromagnetic processes, such as positron bremsstrahlung and electron-positron annihilation into two photons