254 research outputs found

    Symbolsk makt i den statlige diskursen om IPLOS

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    Fokus for denne studien er IPLOS (individbasert pleie- og omsorgsstatistikk). Forskrift om pseudonymt register for individbasert pleie- og omsorgsstatistikk (IPLOS-registeret) ble vedtatt i februar 2006, og fra mars samme Ă„r ble det obligatorisk Ă„ registrere IPLOS-data pĂ„ alle de rundt 200 000 brukerene av kommunale sosial – og helsetjenester i landet. Gjennom nĂŠrlesing av ’Veilederen’ er forvaltningens maktsprĂ„k analysert ved Ă„ benytte diskurs- og maktteori. Hensikten med oppgaven har ikke vĂŠrt Ă„ finne svar, men Ă„ lĂžfte fram mulige mĂ„ter Ă„ lese IPLOS pĂ„, et Ăžnske om Ă„ stille kritiske spĂžrsmĂ„l ved rĂ„dende helsefaglige diskurser - eller meningsmonopol. Analysen har til formĂ„l Ă„ avnaturalisere sprĂ„kmakten i IPLOS ved Ă„ vise hvordan teksten myndiggjĂžr seg selv og hvordan den er tuftet pĂ„ et bestemt menneskesyn.Analysen er inspirert av ulike vitenskapsfilosofer, ikke minst Bourdieu og hans teorier knyttet til kulturell kapital og symbolsk makt. Ved at noen sannheter tas for gitt (doxa) blir vi ute av stand til, blant annet Ă„ se hvordan sprĂ„khandlinger bidrar til Ă„ skape virkelighet. Analysen viser at IPLOS- sprĂ„ket representer en skjult og symbolsk makt. IPLOS fremstĂ„r som et ”objektivt” eller ”nĂžytralt” registreringssystem. Analysen viser imidlertid at i det relasjonelle samspillet, mellom den som gir og de som sĂžker og mottaker disse tjenestene, er teksten formidler av en virksom maktdynamikk. Biomedisinsk hegemoni innen helsefagfeltet bidrar til at denne siden av omsorgsmakten et utematisert. Ulike ideologier og tenkemĂ„ter stĂ„r mot hverandre i et system som IPLOS; prinsipper om autonomi, brukermedvirkning og respekten for menneskets individualitet og egenverd stĂ„r mot en markedstenkning som vektlegger effektivitet, Ăžkonomisering og kontroll. Analysen viser at det er Ăžkonomiserings/effektiviseringsdiskursen som preger sprĂ„ket i IPLOS. ’Veilederen’ fremstĂ„r som en manual med et byrĂ„kratisk sprĂ„k, der gjennomsnittsmennesket og konformitet er et ideal for menneskelig funksjon. Gjennom sprĂ„ket blir mangfold, spontanitet, uforutsigbarhet, fĂžlelser og relasjonelle forhold marginalisert. Den som registreres tas ut av kontekst og tingliggjĂžres. Individet presses inn i en statisk rolle som er forhĂ„ndsdefinert av andre

    The interaction between leverage and cash-balance dynamics : An empirical study of time-series variation in leverage and cash-balance ratios in publicly listed firms in the Nordics

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    This paper investigates whether time-series variation in leverage can be linked to hypothetical cash-balance squeezes for Nordic firms. The methodology in this paper is based on the article by DeAngelo, H., Concalves, A. S., & Stulz, A. S. (2022). We uncover that high time-series variation in leverage and cash-balance ratios is the norm for firms facing hypothetical cash squeezes in the period January 2000 to December 2021. Capital expenditures are found to be the main users of funds and the primary driver of time-series variation in leverage ratios. Overall, we document an empirical link between leverage and cash-balance dynamics. Over extended time periods, cash ratios display wide variations that closely resemble and complement the dynamics of capital structure. The interactions between leverage and cash dynamics align with the predictions of the internal-versus-external funding regime outlined in Myers & Majluf (1984). When cash ratios remain stable, leverage tends to be highly volatile, and vice versa. Net-debt ratios are almost always volatile. As internal funds (cash balances) become scarce, most firms significantly increase their leverage. The latter is especially true for firms delisted due to bankruptcy or liquidation. In sum, we report that there exists an interaction between leverage and cash balances. Consequently, researchers and companies should start to consider the two financial items as co-dependent rather than univariate variables. The research in this paper is placed in the intersection between the research fields of capital structures and cash balances, providing valuable insights to the small research field of leverage and cash dynamics.nhhma

    Occupational health and safety in agriculture– a brief report on organization, legislation and support in selected european countries

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    Introduction and objective: Agriculture and forestry are among the most dangerous professions in Europe, with a high level of accidents affecting the sustainability and viability of the sector. International conventions, EU directives and national legislation build the fundamental basis for prevention. The aim of the study is to describe and categorize national mechanisms of occupational safety and health (OSH) for agricultural workers in Europe, to assess the extent of implementing safety regulation, the body in charge, and to give examples of health and safety initiatives. Material and methods: Results of a questionnaire-survey on basic safety regulations on farms sent by e-mail to the representatives of 30 participating European countries in the context of the Sacurima COST action network (CA 16123) are presented. Due to the complexity, only selected countries are described in this study highlighting the regulative bodies, occupational health services or specific training offers, as well as the complexity of the mechanisms. Results: One of the most serious issues and deficits of EU OSH regulation is the exclusion of self-employed farmers who compose nearly 90% of the farming population. This leads to serious under-reporting of accidents, and because one of the most common measures for the performance of health and safety initiatives are the injury and ill health statistics, better registration systems are urgently needed in almost all countries as a basis for preventive efforts. Conclusions: The results of the study provide a basis for raising awareness about the current OSH systems in Europe, and the importance of developing sector specific OSH strategies. The proposed activities should assist in tackling high accident rates and poor occupational health for self-employed farmers.publishedVersio

    Increased Levels of Inflammatory Cytokines and Endothelin-1 in Alveolar Macrophages from Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

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    BACKGROUND: Pathophysiological interactions between heart and lungs in heart failure (HF) are well recognized. We investigated whether expression of different factors known to be increased in the myocardium and/or the circulation in HF is also increased in alveolar macrophages in HF. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Lung function, hemodynamic parameters, gene expression in alveolar macrophages, and plasma levels in the pulmonary and femoral arteries of HF patients (n = 20) were compared to control subjects (n = 16). Our principal findings were: (1) Lung function was significantly lower in HF patients compared to controls (P<0.05). (2) mRNA levels of ET-1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin-6 (IL-6) were increased in alveolar macrophages from HF patients. (3) Plasma levels of ET-1, TNFα, IL-6 and MCP-1 were significantly increased in HF patients, whereas our data indicate a net pulmonary release of MCP-1 into the circulation in HF. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Several important cytokines and ET-1 are induced in alveolar macrophages in human HF. Further studies should clarify whether increased synthesis of these factors affects pulmonary remodeling and, directly or indirectly, adversely affects the failing myocardium

    KEWPIE: a dynamical cascade code for decaying exited compound nuclei

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    A new dynamical cascade code for decaying hot nuclei is proposed and specially adapted to the synthesis of super-heavy nuclei. For such a case, the interesting channel is the tiny fraction that will decay through particles emission, thus the code avoids classical Monte-Carlo methods and proposes a new numerical scheme. The time dependence is explicitely taken into account in order to cope with the fact that fission decay rate might not be constant. The code allows to evaluate both statistical and dynamical observables. Results are successfully compared to experimental data.Comment: 15 pages, 3 Figures, Submitted to Comp. Phys. Co

    A role for the terminal C5-C9 complement pathway in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic progressive interstitial lung disease characterized by damage to the alveolar epithelium, leading to fibrosis and excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix in the interstitium of the lung. In the present study we performed high-resolution proteomic profiling of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) from IPF patients and controls, and found that the complement pathway was highly upregulated in IPF. The proteins C5, C6, C7, C8, and C9, all of which are part of the complement end product, TCC, were all upregulated. We also found that TCC levels were increased in plasma among IPF patients compared to controls, after adjustment for age, sex and BMI [mean (SD) 0.62 (0.24) vs. 0.33 (0.10), p = 0.031]. These findings suggest a role for the complement system in the pathogenesis of IPF

    En pennespiss lett som glemsel : en lesning av Dubravka Ugresics Muzej bezuvjetne predaje (Museum for betingelseslĂžs overgivelse)

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    Muzej bezuvjetne predaje – Museum for betingelseslĂžs overgivelse er den fĂžrste boken som Dubravka Ugresic har utgitt pĂ„ norsk. Den er hennes mest kjente tekst utenfor det tidligere Jugoslavia. Teksten er fortalt av en forteller som pĂ„ et tidspunkt befinner seg i Berlin, i eksil fra restene av tidligere Jugoslavia. Fortelleren er forfatter og til forveksling lik den historiske forfatteren. Dette grepet er med pĂ„ Ă„ opprettholde en spenning nĂ„r fortelleren legger sin fortelling for dagen. Det er en fortelling som i stor grad dreier seg om Ă„ minnes bruddstykker fra et tapt hjemland. Jeg har undersĂžkt hvordan hun gjĂžr dette ved Ă„ presentere teksten som en selvbiografi, et familiealbum og et museum. Eller mer presist: jeg har sett pĂ„ hvordan forholdet mellom glemsel og erindring preger det at hun sĂžker Ă„ representere en tapt fortid. Alle disse presentasjonene forholder seg til det Ă„ skulle gjĂžre den fravĂŠrende (tapte) tiden nĂŠrvĂŠrende. Dette knytter seg til et nostalgisk prosjekt. Teksten artikulerer bĂ„de at forholdet mellom glemsel og erindring i presentasjonene er ambivalent og tvetydig, og at det er nĂždvendig Ă„ artikulere en historie som er truet av repressiv glemsel fra en ny politisk tid. I forbindelse med selvbiografien har jeg lagt vekt pĂ„ de Mans forstĂ„else av det selvbiografiske som et retorisk grep i teksten, Kristevas forstĂ„else av selvskrivning som en mulighet til Ă„ finne et hjem i eksil og Starobinskis forstĂ„else av nostalgien som en lengsel mot en tapt tid. NĂ„r jeg gĂ„r over til familiealbumet er det Adornos syn pĂ„ montasjen som formprinsipp og Walter Benjamins syn pĂ„ erindringen som bilde, som er mitt hovedanliggende. Til sist nĂ„r det er snakk om museet er det Ugresics refleksjoner rundt kollektiv amnesi, samt Walter Benjamins forestilling om historien som en erindringsprosess i montasjeform som er et viktig teoretisk utgangspunkt for diskusjonen

    Differential Expression and Function of Stamp Family Proteins in Adipocyte Differentiation

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    Six transmembrane protein of prostate (Stamp) proteins play an important role in prostate cancer cell growth. Recently, we found that Stamp2 has a critical role in the integration of inflammatory and metabolic signals in adipose tissue where it is highly expressed and regulated by nutritional and metabolic cues. In this study, we show that all Stamp family members are differentially regulated during adipogenesis: whereas Stamp1 expression is significantly decreased upon differentiation, Stamp2 expression is increased. In contrast, Stamp3 expression is modestly changed in adipocytes compared to preadipocytes, and has a biphasic expression pattern during the course of differentiation. Suppression of Stamp1 or Stamp2 expression both led to inhibition of 3T3-L1 differentiation in concert with diminished expression of the key regulators of adipogenesis - CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha (C/ebpa) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (Ppar?). Upon Stamp1 knockdown, mitotic clonal expansion was also inhibited. In contrast, Stamp2 knockdown did not affect mitotic clonal expansion, but resulted in a marked decrease in superoxide production that is known to affect adipogenesis. These results suggest that Stamp1 and Stamp2 play critical roles in adipogenesis, but through different mechanisms. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
