130 research outputs found

    Jeg har alltid villet vise fram barna

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    Denne masteroppgaven omhandler eksponering av barn i sosiale medier. Oppgaven tar for seg hvilke begrunnelser et utvalg influenser-mødre har for å eksponere eller ikke eksponere egne barn på internett og i sosiale medier. Avhandlingen baserer seg på kvalitative intervjuer med fem influensere, som også er mødre. Alle informantene bruker enten Instagram eller Snapchat for å nå ut til sitt publikum. Noen av dem benytter begge plattformene. Influenser-mødrene har mellom 3000 og 30 000 følgere på Instagram. Informantene utgjør to utvalg. Utvalg 1 består av tre mødre som alle eksponerer barna sine i sosiale medier. Utvalg 2 består av to mødre som ikke eksponerer barna sine i sosiale medier, men som likevel deler erfaringer og hverdagslig innhold om det å være mor. Det teoretiske bakteppet baserer seg først og fremst på Erving Goffmans interaksjonsteori (1959). Goffman brukte en arena for drama og teater som forklaring for å forstå hvorfor mennesker oppfører seg slik de gjør i ulike sosiale situasjoner og settinger. I tillegg til dette blir også Janet Finch sin teori om familieframvisning (2007) brukt. Dette brukes for å belyse hvordan nettopp familien blir et identitetsprosjekt. De sentrale teoretiske begrepene som brukes for å forklare funnene, er blant annet identitet som sosial selvkonstruksjon, selvrepresentasjon, fasade og misvisende opptreden. Teoriene hjelper meg å forstå hvordan informantene bruker barn og familie til å konstruere egen sosial identitet på nett. De sentrale empiriske funnene gjort i analysen handler om hvorfor informantene har valgt å eksponere eller å ikke eksponere barna sine i sosiale medier. Det er flere likheter mellom de to utvalgene. Flere av informantene gir uttrykk for at de ønsker å bety noe for følgerne sine. De ønsker å spille en rolle for andre i samme situasjon, og de formidler kunnskap og informasjon videre til andre mødre. Den tydelige forskjellen mellom utvalgene ligger i eksponeringen av barna for å fremme denne rollen. Informantene ønsker å vise fram gode sider av livet. Samtidig er informanter i begge utvalg opptatt av å dele de mindre gode sidene ved livet. Jeg finner likevel at mødrene, gjennom aktiviteten sin i sosiale medier, ønsker å signalisere hvem de er

    Low intestinal inflammation model (HP48) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and inflammatory mitigation by Bactocell

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    Moderate levels of intestinal damage and inflammation are often seen in intensive fish aquaculture. The causes may be due to antinutrients from plant meals, stress or other causes. There is currently a lack of good models to explore these effects and so how to mitigate the consequences. Most studies have used full-fat soy or other compounds that cause intestinal damage that are likely not reversible. In this study we have explored the possibility of using soybean HP48, made from solvent extracted peeled soybeans, as a low-inflammation model in post-smolt Atlantic salmon, and then investigated whether supplementation of the probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici CNCM I-4622 – MA 18/5 M (Bactocell) could diminish this effect. The fish were fed triplicate diets. A Control diet containing 18.08% soy protein concentrate (SPC), a HP48 diet where most of the SPC was replaced by HP48 (5.00% SPC and 17.68% HP48), and a Bactocell diet that was identical to the HP48 diet but contained 0.03% Bactocell. After 10 weeks of feeding, the mid- and hind-intestinal health were assessed by histology, integrity (Ussing chamber) and gene expression (RNAseq). Transcriptomic and integrity data suggests that HP48 led to a disturbed mid-intestinal homeostasis with impaired cellular integrity and increased inflammation and cell turnover. Most of the transcriptomic effects were reversed with Bactocell including downregulation of immune genes and upregulation of transmembrane proteins such as type IV collagen, which is important in restoring epithelial homeostasis. In the hind-intestine, the HP48 diet led to deleterious morphological changes such as widening of lamina propria and stratum granulosum, disrupted mucosal folds, loss of absorptive vacuoles, and upregulation of several immune regulated genes and downregulation of genes involved in solute- and water transport. The intestinal integrity assessed by Ussing chamber was not affected. Bactocell supplementation did alleviate several of the morphological effects. However, it was not able to completely reverse the expression of immune- or transport related genes, suggesting a higher effect of probiotic supplement in the mid-intestine compared to the hind-intestine. This study demonstrates that the level of HP48 used here is sufficient to create low-level intestinal changes in Atlantic salmon, which is within range for functional feed ingredients to reverse.publishedVersio

    Intestinal health in Atlantic salmon post-smolt (Salmo salar) when fed low- and high HUFA diets

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    It is well established that farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) need n3-highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) in their diet to thrive and grow. However, the biological functions to the individual HUFAs may differ, implying that future supplementation could require fixed ratios for maximum benefit. The intestinal barrier is essential to f ish health, and any disruption of the barrier can have detrimental effects. The current experiment was designed to examine the response of the intestinal hindgut when fed a low HUFA diet with 8.5 g/kg EPA + DHA (4.5% total fatty acid) or two high HUFA diets, with either high DHA (28.7 g/kg and 5.9% total fatty acid) or high EPA (25 g/kg and 14.2% total fatty acid). The diets were fed to Atlantic salmon post-smolt over 10 weeks and thereafter exposed to 3 weeks of chronic stress. After 10 weeks of feeding there were no differences in intestinal permeability and integrity, but intestinal morphology indicated increased intestinal health in the high EPA group. Gene expression also suggest that fish fed the high EPA diet had more regulation of pathways related to protein turnover compared to the high DHA fed fish. There was also indication of lower energy utilization in the low HUFA fed fish than high HUFA. Subjecting fish to 3 weeks of chronic stress led to a reduction in transepithelial resistance, increased ion flux and active L-lysine transport across the intestinal barrier in addition to a decrease in mucosal fold, enterocyte height and supranuclear vacuole density and an increase in thickness of the intestinal muscularis. After stress, the low HUFA group showed signs of inflammation with increased infiltration of MHCII positive cells. Gene expression also showed that low HUFA fed fish had a lower response to chronic stress compared to the high HUFA groups. Comparing fish fed either high DHA or EPA exposed to chronic stress showed few physical effects, but a lower density of supranuclear vacuoles and upregulation in immune-related gene expression indicate inflammation in the high DHA group.publishedVersio

    Sustainability vs. Quality in gilthead seabream (Sparusaurata L.) farming: are trade-offs inevitable?

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    European aquaculture industry should be at the forefront of sustainable development, providing healthy and safe food of the highest quality to the consumer, through an environmentally sound approach. The purpose of this review was to explore in what way the current drive for sustainability has affected what the consumer perceives as quality in fish, specifically in gilthead seabream, one of the most important farmed species in the Mediterranean. It focuses on nutritional aspects such as fish meal and fish oil replacement, quality tailoring through finishing strategies, the influence of different farming systems and the effect of slaughter stress on seabream quality. In general, fish meal and fish oil replacement with vegetable ingredients will result in changes in the fatty acid profile of the fillets, and consequently the potential health benefits seabream offers to the consumer. While organoleptic properties suffer little change, the impact of these ingredients on welfare has not been fully investigated. Further studies are also needed to evaluate the effect of land animal ingredients on seabream quality. In either case, although finishing strategies to restore essential fatty acids are not completely effective, seabream can still retain a high nutritional value. Information on the use of dietary supplements as finishing strategies is still extremely scarce. Regarding fish welfare, the high densities practised in intensive production systems pose concerns which warrant further research in this area. Furthermore, new alternatives for common harvesting and slaughter methods are needed to improve welfare, as traditional methods are clearly stressful.FCT, Portugal [SFRH/BD/40886/2007, SFRH/BD/41392/2007]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Piece of the Puzzle-Possible Mechanisms for Why Low Dietary EPA and DHA Cause Hepatic Lipid Accumulation in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)

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    The present study aimed at elucidating the effects of graded levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on the hepatic metabolic health of Atlantic salmon reared in sea cages. Diets containing 10, 13, 16 and 35 g/kg EPA + DHA (designated diets 1.0, 1.3, 1.6 and 3.5, respectively) were fed in triplicate through a full production cycle from an average starting weight of 275 g to slaughter size (~5 kg). Feeding low dietary EPA + DHA altered the hepatic energy metabolism, evidenced by reductions in tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates originating from β-oxidation, which was compensated by elevated activity in alternative energy pathways (pentose phosphate pathway, branched chain amino acid catabolism and creatine metabolism). Increases in various acylcarnitines in the liver supported this and indicates issues with lipid metabolism (mitochondrial β-oxidation). Problems using lipids for energy in the lower EPA + DHA groups line up well with observed increases in liver lipids in these fish. It also aligns with the growth data, where fish fed the highest EPA + DHA grew better than the other groups. The study showed that diets 1.0 and 1.3 were insufficient for maintaining good liver metabolic health. However, diet 3.5 was significantly better than diet 1.6, indicating that diet 1.6 might also be suboptimal

    A decrease in photoperiod shortly after first feeding influences the development of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    Four groups of Atlantic salmon fry (n=2000) were exposed to continuous light (LD24:0) from first feeding on 18th April 2001, after which they were exposed to either an 8 or 12 week period of short days (LD10:14) starting on either the 21st May or the 18th June. Each group was then returned to LD24:0 until the conclusion of the experiment the following March. In August 200 fish per treatment were individually PIT tagged. All groups were maintained under an ambient temperature regime. The highest levels of sexual maturation in 0+ male parr were recorded in the 12 week/May group (>11% of the entire male and female population), with the lowest levels (6%) in the 8 week/May and 8 week/June groups (

    Long-term feeding of Atlantic salmon with varying levels of dietary EPA þ DHA alters the mineral status but does not affect the stressresponses after mechanical delousing stress

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    Atlantic salmon were fed diets containing graded levels of EPA + DHA (1·0, 1·3, 1·6 and 3·5 % in the diet) and one diet with 1·3 % of EPA + DHA with reduced total fat content. Fish were reared in sea cages from about 275 g until harvest size (about 5 kg) and were subjected to delousing procedure (about 2·5 kg), with sampling pre-, 1 h and 24 h post-stress. Delousing stress affected plasma cortisol and hepatic mRNA expression of genes involved in oxidative stress and immune response, but with no dietary effects. Increasing EPA þ DHA levels in the diet increased the trace mineral levels in plasma and liver during mechanical delousing stress period and whole body at harvest size. The liver Se, Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn and plasma Se levels were increased in fish fed a diet high in EPA þ DHA (3·5 %) upon delousing stress. Furthermore, increased dietary EPA þ DHA caused a significant increase in mRNA expression of hepcidin antimicrobial peptide (HAMP), which is concurrent with downregulated transferrin receptor (TFR) expression levels. High dietary EPA + DHA also significantly increased the whole-body Zn, Se, and Mn levels at harvest size fish. Additionally, the plasma and whole-body Zn status increased, respectively, during stress and at harvest size in fish fed reduced-fat diet with less EPA + DHA. As the dietary upper limits of Zn and Se are legally added to the feeds and play important roles in maintaining fish health, knowledge on how the dietary fatty acid composition and lipid level affect body stores of these minerals is crucial for the aquaculture industry

    First Processing Steps and the Quality of Wild and Farmed Fish

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    First processing steps of fish are species-dependent and have common practices for wild and for farmed fish. Fish farming does, however, have certain advantages over traditional fisheries in that the processor can influence postmortem biochemistry and various quality parameters. This review summarizes information about the primary processing of fish based on the influence of catching, slaughtering, bleeding, gutting, washing, and filleting. Recommendations are given for the correct primary processing of fish