15,062 research outputs found

    Multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment markets: the core

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    [cat] En aquest treball introduïm la classe de "multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment games", que generalitza la coneguda classe de jocs d’assignació de Böhm-Bawerk bilaterals a situacions amb un nombre arbitrari de sectors. Trobem els extrems del core de qualsevol multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment game a partir d’un joc convex definit en el conjunt de sectors enlloc del conjunt de venedors i compradors. Addicionalment estudiem quan el core d’aquests jocs d’assignació és estable en el sentit de von Neumann-Morgenstern.[eng] We introduce the class of multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment games, which generalizes the well-kown two-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment games to situations with an arbitrary number of sectors. We reach the extreme core allocations of any multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment game by means of an associated convex game defined on the set of sectors instead of the set of sellers and buyers. We also study when the core of these games is stable in the sense of von Neumann-Morgenstern

    Multi-sided Bohm-Bawerk assignment markets: the core

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    We introduce the class of multi-sided B ohm-Bawerk assignment games, which generalizes the well-kown two-sided B ohm-Bawerk assignment games to situations with an arbitrary number of sectors. We reach the extreme core allocations of any multi-sided B ohm- Bawerk assignment game by means of an associated convex game defined on the set of sectors instead of the set of sellers and buyers. We also study when the core of these games is stable in the sense of von Neumann-Morgenstern.homogeneous goods, core, assignment games, multi-sided markets, extreme points

    Complements and substitutes in multilateral assignment markets

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    I prove that, in assignment markets with more than two sides, agents of different sides (or sectors) need not be complements, whereas agents of the same side need not be substitutes. Shapley (1962) showed that this cannot happen when assignment markets are bilateral. Nevertheless, I found sufficient conditions, that always hold for bilateral markets, that guarantee substitutability and a extended notion of complementarity among agents in arbitrary multilateral assignment markets. I also prove that Shapleys (1962) result always holds regardless the number of sectors of the market when goods in the market are homogeneous.complementarity, homogeneous goods, substitutability, assignment problem, multi-sided assignment markets

    A note on competitive prices in multilateral assignment markets

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    A multilateral assignment market with buyers and a number of different types of firms can be modeled by a multi-sided assignment game. We prove that core allocations of the latter are in a one-to-one correspondence with competitive prices of the former, where the notion of competitive price extends that of Roth and Sotomayor (1990). This result generalizes to multi-sided assignment markets the characterization of competitive prices known for the two-sided case.Assignment games, multi-sided markets, competitive prices, core

    216 Jewish Hospital of St. Louis

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    A theoretical and practical study on linear reforms of dual taxes

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    [cat] En aquest treball extenem les reformes lineals introduïdes per Pfähler (1984) al cas d’impostos duals. Estudiem l’efecte relatiu que els retalls lineals duals d’un impost dual tenen sobre la distribució de la desigualtat -es pot fer un estudi simètric per al cas d’augments d’impostos-. Tambe introduïm mesures del grau de progressivitat d’impostos duals i mostrem que estan connectades amb el criteri de dominació de Lorenz. Addicionalment, estudiem l’elasticitat de la càrrega fiscal de cadascuna de les reformes proposades. Finalment, gràcies a un model de microsimulació i una gran base de dades que conté informació sobre l’IRPF espanyol de l’any 2004, 1) comparem l’efecte que diferents reformes tindrien sobre l’impost dual espanyol i 2) estudiem quina redistribució de la riquesa va suposar la reforma dual de l’IRPF (Llei ’35/2006’) respecte l’anterior impost.[eng] We extend the linear reforms introduced by Pfähler (1984) to the case of dual taxes. We study the relative effect that linear dual tax cuts have on the inequality of income distribution -a symmetrical study can be made for dual linear tax hikes-. We also introduce measures of the degree of progressivity for dual taxes and show that they can be connected to the Lorenz dominance criterion. Additionally, we study the tax liability elasticity of each of the reforms proposed. Finally, by means of a microsimulation model and a considerably large data set of taxpayers drawn from 2004 Spanish Income Tax Return population, 1) we compare different yield-equivalent tax cuts applied to the Spanish dual income tax and 2) we investigate how much income redistribution the dual tax reform (Act ‘35/2006’) introduced with respect to the previous tax

    Inappropriate use of proton-pump inhibitors and fragility fracture risk. A preliminary study

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    Introducción: Los inhibidores de la bomba de protones (IBP) son fármacos ampliamente utilizados, si bien esto conlleva a un sobreuso que no es acorde con las indicaciones aceptadas en España y en el resto de Europa. Por otro lado, algunos autores han establecido una posible implicación de los IBP en el riesgo de fractura. Con este trabajo hemos pretendido efectuar una primera aproximación al conocimiento del consumo de IBP en nuestro medio y analizar para qué indicación son prescritos, a la vez que estudiar su posible asociación con un mayor riesgo de fractura por fragilidad entre sus consumidores. Material y método: Estudio observacional, transversal, abierto, descriptivo, en el que se entrevistó aleatoriamente a un número de pacientes que fueron atendidos en diferentes ámbitos sanitarios: consultas externas hospitalarias, servicios de urgencias, consulta de Atención Primaria y pacientes ingresados en planta hospitalaria. Resultados: De los 411 pacientes entrevistados, el 54% de los pacientes recibían IBP, y cuya edad media era de 63,3 años, frente al 46% que no los tomaban y que eran más jóvenes, con una edad media de 50,9 años. La distribución por sexos fue similar. La principal razón de utilizar el IBP era como “protector gástrico”, en el 39,8% de los pacientes, indicación no existente en la ficha técnica de este grupo de fármacos. Los consumidores de IBP tenían una mayor prevalencia de todas las fracturas por fragilidad. Conclusiones: Más de la mitad de la población encuestada consume IBP, y de ella cerca del 40% sin una indicación médica correcta. Por esto, unido a la mayor prevalencia de fracturas por fragilidad que presentan –que nos hace pensar en un posible mayor riesgo de fractura entre sus usuarios– consideramos la necesidad de un uso más racional de estos fármacos. Estas conclusiones son preliminares pero, a la vista de estos resultados, creemos que puede ser interesante realizar más estudios dirigidos a comprobar de manera más firme la relación entre los IBP y el riesgo de fractura osteoporótica.Sociedad Canaria de Osteoporosi

    A theoretical and practical study on linear reforms of dual taxes

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    We extend the linear reforms introduced by Pf¨ahler (1984) to the case of dual taxes. We study the relative effect that linear dual tax cuts have on the inequality of income distribution -a symmetrical study can be made for dual linear tax hikes-. We also introduce measures of the degree of progressivity for dual taxes and show that they can be connected to the Lorenz dominance criterion. Additionally, we study the tax liability elasticity of each of the reforms proposed. Finally, by means of a microsimulation model and a considerably large data set of taxpayers drawn from 2004 Spanish Income Tax Return population, 1) we compare different yield-equivalent tax cuts applied to the Spanish dual income tax and 2) we investigate how much income redistribution the dual tax reform (Act ‘35/2006’) introduced with respect to the previous tax.Dual taxes, linear reforms, Lorenz domination, lattices