114 research outputs found

    Higher Spin Fields in Siegel Space, Currents and Theta Functions

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    Dynamics of four-dimensional massless fields of all spins is formulated in the Siegel space of complex 4×44\times 4 symmetric matrices. It is shown that the unfolded equations of free massless fields, that have a form of multidimensional Schrodinger equations, naturally distinguish between positive- and negative-frequency solutions of relativistic field equations, i.e. particles and antiparticles. Multidimensional Riemann theta functions are shown to solve massless field equations in the Siegel space. We establish the correspondence between conserved higher-spin currents in four-dimensional Minkowski space and those in the ten-dimensional matrix space. It is shown that global symmetry parameters of the current in the matrix space should be singular to reproduce a nonzero current in Minkowski space. The \D-function integral evolution formulae for 4d massless fields in the Fock-Siegel space are obtained. The generalization of the proposed scheme to higher dimensions and systems of higher ranks is considered.Comment: LaTeX, 38 pages, v.3: clarifications, acknowledgements and references added, typos corrected, v.4: more comments and references added, typos corrected, the version to appear in JHE

    Towards Solving QCD - The Transverse Zero Modes in Light-Cone Quantization

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    We formulate QCD in (d+1) dimensions using Dirac's front form with periodic boundary conditions, that is, within Discretized Light-Cone Quantization. The formalism is worked out in detail for SU(2) pure glue theory in (2+1) dimensions which is approximated by restriction to the lowest {\it transverse} momentum gluons. The dimensionally-reduced theory turns out to be SU(2) gauge theory coupled to adjoint scalar matter in (1+1) dimensions. The scalar field is the remnant of the transverse gluon. This field has modes of both non-zero and zero {\it longitudinal} momentum. We categorize the types of zero modes that occur into three classes, dynamical, topological, and constrained, each well known in separate contexts. The equation for the constrained mode is explicitly worked out. The Gauss law is rather simply resolved to extract physical, namely color singlet states. The topological gauge mode is treated according to two alternative scenarios related to the In the one, a spectrum is found consistent with pure SU(2) gluons in (1+1) dimensions. In the other, the gauge mode excitations are estimated and their role in the spectrum with genuine Fock excitations is explored. A color singlet state is given which satisfies Gauss' law. Its invariant mass is estimated and discussed in the physical limit.Comment: LaTex document, 26 pages, one figure (obtainable by contacting authors). To appear in Physical. Review

    Vacuum instability in external fields

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    We study particles creation in arbitrary space-time dimensions by external electric fields, in particular, by fields, which are acting for a finite time. The time and dimensional analysis of the vacuum instability is presented. It is shown that the distributions of particles created by quasiconstant electric fields can be written in a form which has a thermal character and seems to be universal. Its application, for example, to the particles creation in external constant gravitational field reproduces the Hawking temperature exactly.Comment: 36 pages, LaTe

    Baxterization, dynamical systems, and the symmetries of integrability

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    We resolve the `baxterization' problem with the help of the automorphism group of the Yang-Baxter (resp. star-triangle, tetrahedron, \dots) equations. This infinite group of symmetries is realized as a non-linear (birational) Coxeter group acting on matrices, and exists as such, {\em beyond the narrow context of strict integrability}. It yields among other things an unexpected elliptic parametrization of the non-integrable sixteen-vertex model. It provides us with a class of discrete dynamical systems, and we address some related problems, such as characterizing the complexity of iterations.Comment: 25 pages, Latex file (epsf style). WARNING: Postscript figures are BIG (600kB compressed, 4.3MB uncompressed). If necessary request hardcopy to [email protected] and give your postal mail addres

    A low-memory algorithm for finding short product representations in finite groups

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    We describe a space-efficient algorithm for solving a generalization of the subset sum problem in a finite group G, using a Pollard-rho approach. Given an element z and a sequence of elements S, our algorithm attempts to find a subsequence of S whose product in G is equal to z. For a random sequence S of length d log_2 n, where n=#G and d >= 2 is a constant, we find that its expected running time is O(sqrt(n) log n) group operations (we give a rigorous proof for d > 4), and it only needs to store O(1) group elements. We consider applications to class groups of imaginary quadratic fields, and to finding isogenies between elliptic curves over a finite field.Comment: 12 page

    Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VII. Understanding the Ultraviolet Anomaly in NGC 5548 with X-Ray Spectroscopy

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    During the Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project observations of NGC 5548, the continuum and emission-line variability became decorrelated during the second half of the six-month-long observing campaign. Here we present Swift and Chandra X-ray spectra of NGC 5548 obtained as part of the campaign. The Swift spectra show that excess flux (relative to a power-law continuum) in the soft X-ray band appears before the start of the anomalous emission-line behavior, peaks during the period of the anomaly, and then declines. This is a model-independent result suggesting that the soft excess is related to the anomaly. We divide the Swift data into on- and off-anomaly spectra to characterize the soft excess via spectral fitting. The cause of the spectral differences is likely due to a change in the intrinsic spectrum rather than to variable obscuration or partial covering. The Chandra spectra have lower signal-to-noise ratios, but are consistent with the Swift data. Our preferred model of the soft excess is emission from an optically thick, warm Comptonizing corona, the effective optical depth of which increases during the anomaly. This model simultaneously explains all three observations: the UV emission-line flux decrease, the soft-excess increase, and the emission-line anomaly

    Observation of inverse Compton emission from a long γ-ray burst.

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    Long-duration γ-ray bursts (GRBs) originate from ultra-relativistic jets launched from the collapsing cores of dying massive stars. They are characterized by an initial phase of bright and highly variable radiation in the kiloelectronvolt-to-megaelectronvolt band, which is probably produced within the jet and lasts from milliseconds to minutes, known as the prompt emission1,2. Subsequently, the interaction of the jet with the surrounding medium generates shock waves that are responsible for the afterglow emission, which lasts from days to months and occurs over a broad energy range from the radio to the gigaelectronvolt bands1-6. The afterglow emission is generally well explained as synchrotron radiation emitted by electrons accelerated by the external shock7-9. Recently, intense long-lasting emission between 0.2 and 1 teraelectronvolts was observed from GRB 190114C10,11. Here we report multi-frequency observations of GRB 190114C, and study the evolution in time of the GRB emission across 17 orders of magnitude in energy, from 5 × 10-6 to 1012 electronvolts. We find that the broadband spectral energy distribution is double-peaked, with the teraelectronvolt emission constituting a distinct spectral component with power comparable to the synchrotron component. This component is associated with the afterglow and is satisfactorily explained by inverse Compton up-scattering of synchrotron photons by high-energy electrons. We find that the conditions required to account for the observed teraelectronvolt component are typical for GRBs, supporting the possibility that inverse Compton emission is commonly produced in GRBs

    Open data from the third observing run of LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO

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    The global network of gravitational-wave observatories now includes five detectors, namely LIGO Hanford, LIGO Livingston, Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO 600. These detectors collected data during their third observing run, O3, composed of three phases: O3a starting in 2019 April and lasting six months, O3b starting in 2019 November and lasting five months, and O3GK starting in 2020 April and lasting two weeks. In this paper we describe these data and various other science products that can be freely accessed through the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center at https://gwosc.org. The main data set, consisting of the gravitational-wave strain time series that contains the astrophysical signals, is released together with supporting data useful for their analysis and documentation, tutorials, as well as analysis software packages