14 research outputs found

    Angiogenesis gene expression in murine endothelial cells during post-pneumonectomy lung growth

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    Although blood vessel growth occurs readily in the systemic bronchial circulation, angiogenesis in the pulmonary circulation is rare. Compensatory lung growth after pneumonectomy is an experimental model with presumed alveolar capillary angiogenesis. To investigate the genes participating in murine neoalveolarization, we studied the expression of angiogenesis genes in lung endothelial cells. After left pneumonectomy, the remaining right lung was examined on days 3, 6, 14 and 21days after surgery and compared to both no surgery and sham thoracotomy controls. The lungs were enzymatically digested and CD31+ endothelial cells were isolated using flow cytometry cell sorting. The transcriptional profile of the CD31+ endothelial cells was assessed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) arrays. Focusing on 84 angiogenesis-associated genes, we identified 22 genes with greater than 4-fold regulation and significantly enhanced transcription (p <.05) within 21 days of pneumonectomy. Cluster analysis of the 22 genes indicated that changes in gene expression did not occur in a single phase, but in at least four waves of gene expression: a wave demonstrating decreased gene expression more than 3 days after pneumonectomy and 3 sequential waves of increased expression on days 6, 14, and 21 after pneumonectomy. These findings indicate that a network of gene interactions contributes to angiogenesis during compensatory lung growth

    New Lupane Derived Compounds with Pro-Apoptotic Activity in Cancer Cells:Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships

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    Cellular screening of various synthetic triterpenoid compounds formally derived from lupane has identified a number of analogues as potential anticancer drug candidates. Here we describe the synthesis and structure−activity relationships of betulin and betulinic acid derivatives containing an E-ring modified with different oxygen functions. Thus compounds containing the lup-18-en-21-one, lup-18-ene-21,22-dione, 18,19-secolupane, and the highly oxygenated 18,19-secolupane systems, as well as des-E-lupane derivatives, were prepared from the readily available natural pentacyclic triterpene betulin using oxidative procedures. These compounds were named betulinines. We demonstrate that only selected compounds, particularly those containing a lupane E-ring-derived unsaturated ketone or diketone function, possessed in vitro cytotoxic activity against tumor cell lines, suggesting a structure−activity relationship

    Molecular Networks Orchestrating GALT Development

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    Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies.

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    The marriage between immunology and cytometry is one of the most stable and productive in the recent history of science. A rapid search in PubMed shows that, as of July 2017, using “flow cytometry immunology” as a search term yields more than 68 000 articles, the first of which, interestingly, is not about lymphocytes. It might be stated that, after a short engagement, the exchange of the wedding rings between immunology and cytometry officially occurred when the idea to link fluorochromes to monoclonal antibodies came about. After this, recognizing different types of cells became relatively easy and feasible not only by using a simple fluorescence microscope, but also by a complex and sometimes esoteric instrument, the flow cytometer that is able to count hundreds of cells in a single second, and can provide repetitive results in a tireless manner. Given this, the possibility to analyse immune phenotypes in a variety of clinical conditions has changed the use of the flow cytometer, which was incidentally invented in the late 1960s to measure cellular DNA by using intercalating dyes, such as ethidium bromide. The epidemics of HIV/AIDS in the 1980s then gave a dramatic impulse to the technology of counting specific cells, since it became clear that the quantification of the number of peripheral blood CD4+ T cells was crucial to follow the course of the infection, and eventually for monitoring the therapy. As a consequence, the development of flow cytometers that had to be easy-to-use in all clinical laboratories helped to widely disseminate this technology. Nowadays, it is rare to find an immunological paper or read a conference abstract in which the authors did not use flow cytometry as the main tool to dissect the immune system and identify its fine and complex functions. Of note, recent developments have created the sophisticated technology of mass cytometry, which is able to simultaneously identify dozens of molecules at the single cell level and allows us to better understand the complexity and beauty of the immune system.</p

    Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)

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    These guidelines are a consensus work of a considerable number of members of the immunology and flow cytometry community. They provide the theory and key practical aspects of flow cytometry enabling immunologists to avoid the common errors that often undermine immunological data. Notably, there are comprehensive sections of all major immune cell types with helpful Tables detailing phenotypes in murine and human cells. The latest flow cytometry techniques and applications are also described, featuring examples of the data that can be generated and, importantly, how the data can be analysed. Furthermore, there are sections detailing tips, tricks and pitfalls to avoid, all written and peer-reviewed by leading experts in the field, making this an essential research companion

    Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)

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    These guidelines are a consensus work of a considerable number of members of the immunology and flow cytometry community. They provide the theory and key practical aspects of flow cytometry enabling immunologists to avoid the common errors that often undermine immunological data. Notably, there are comprehensive sections of all major immune cell types with helpful Tables detailing phenotypes in murine and human cells. The latest flow cytometry techniques and applications are also described, featuring examples of the data that can be generated and, importantly, how the data can be analysed. Furthermore, there are sections detailing tips, tricks and pitfalls to avoid, all written and peer-reviewed by leading experts in the field, making this an essential research companion