9 research outputs found
Sexology as a profession in Europe: diversity and commen perspectives
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Creencias y consecuencias sociales de la tuberculosis pulmonar en la región otomí-tepehua del municipio de Huehuetla Hgo. En el periodo de noviembre a diciembre de 2000.
- Publication venue
- 'Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla'
- Publication date
- 01/08/2001
- Field of study
Por Quién Doblan Las Campanas De Taco Bell: Respuestas Populares Al TLC Al Sur De La Frontera (For Whom the Taco Bells Ring: Popular Responses to NAFTA South of the Border)
- Author
- Aguilar Cam�n
- Alejandra Massolo
- Arturo Y Escobar
- Bernardo Y Pedro Navarro
- Bonfil Batalla
- California
- Carlos Monsiv�is
- Claudio Lomnitz
- Comps Niebla Y N�stor Garc�a Canclini
- David Barkin
- Denise Dresser
- Florencia Mallon
- Garc�a Canclini
- Gonz�lez De
- Joe Y Ann Foweraker
- John Gledhill
- Jos� Alonso
- Karl Y Frederick Marx
- Lourdes Bener�a
- Manuel Azuela
- Maria Cook
- Matthew C Gutmann
- Matthew C. Gutmann
- Miguel D�az-Barriga
- Nora Lustig
- Octavio Paz
- Oscar Lewis
- Ram�rez S�iz
- Roger Bartra
- Roger N Lancaster
- Sam Dillon
- Samuel Ramos
- Sexo
- Sonia E �lvarez
- Susan Eckstein
- Urbano El Movimiento
- Wayne A Cornelius
- �ngel Mercado
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
Measuring Consumers' Preferences Towards Corporate Social Responsibility
- Author
- . . . . . Estudiante?????????????????????
- . . . . Mujer
- . . . ? Ama De Casa
- . . . ? Otras
- . . . Acto Altruista
- . . . Corporativa? S�
- . . . Empresario/Comerciante
- . . . Especificar
- . . . Especificar
- . . . S�
- . . . S�
- . . . � Agricultor
- . . . � Obreros
- . . Rsc? S�
- . . Sexo: Hombre
- . . S�
- . . � Administrativos
- ........... . Mala
- : . . Ciudad De Residencia
- : . . Nombre Y Apellidos
- : . . Tel�fono
- ? . .
- ? . .
- ? ............ .
- ? ............ .
- ? ............ .
- ? ............. .
- ? ............. .
- ? ............. .
- ? .............. .
- ? ............... .
- ? ............... .
- ? En Paro?????????????????????????3
- ? Gran Empresa??????????????????????1 ? Multinacional??????????????????????11
- ? Jubilado
- ? Pyme ?????????????????????????
- ?? . . . Buena
- ???????????????????? Empresa P�blica
- A Attalla
- A Merino-Castell�
- Adidas Nike
- Anna Merino-Castello
- Arnold S Handelman
- A�o . . De Nacimiento
- D Alcorn
- Daniel Fernández-Kranz
- Del Datos Personales
- E Creyer
- E Creyer
- E Herpen
- Fundaci�n Fon�tica
- J Bign�
- K Elliot
- K Harris
- K Murray
- Muchas Gracias Por
- Nacional????
- Nacionalidad
- P Auger
- P Auger
- P Ellen
- Sobre La
- T Brown
- Ud �piensa
- Ud �piensa
- � Mando Superior/Intermedio
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2005
- Field of study
La Tasa De Actividad En Espaaa: Resistencia CCclica, Determinantes Y Perspectivas Futuras The Spanish Participation Rate: Cyclical Resilience, Fundamentals and Future Projections
- Author
- *
- Adrian Juan �ngel Garc�a Y
- Ana Regil
- Antonio Montesinos
- Arturo Mac�as Y �lvaro
- Banco De Espa�a
- Bbva Research
- Concha Artola Y
- Coral Garc�a
- Daniel Garrote
- Elo�sa Ortega Y
- Elo�sa Ortega Y
- Enrique Alberola
- European Commission
- Eva Jos�
- G Borjas
- Gabor Ettore Dorrucci
- Galo
- Ignacio Hernando
- Isabel Argim�n
- J M Montero
- J Wooldridge
- Javier D�az-Cassou
- Javier D�az-Cassou
- Javier Jare�o
- Jose Manuel Montero
- Jos� Fernando L�pez Vicente Y
- Jos� Luis Malo De Molina
- Jos� Luis Malo De Molina
- Jos� M Francisco De Castro Y
- Jos� Manuel Montero Y
- Juan Carlos Berganza
- Juan Carlos Berganza
- Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
- L J �lvarez
- L Papke
- Luis J �lvarez
- Luis Orgaz
- M Fortin
- Mar�a J Nieto
- Mar�a J Nieto Y
- Miguel De
- Miguel Garc�a-Posada Y
- N Ahn
- O Bover
- Olympia Bover
- Olympia Bover
- Olympia Bover
- Olympia Bover
- P Cahuc
- P Cuadrado
- Pablo
- Pablo
- Pablo
- Pablo
- Pablo
- Pablo Delgado T�llez
- Pablo Hern�ndez De �ngel Estrada Y
- Paloma L�pez-Garc�a
- Publicaciones Del Banco De Espa�a Documentos Ocasionales
- R Balakrishnan
- R Ramos
- Remuneraci�n Por
- Resultados De Las Regresiones Por Grupos De Edad Y Sexo
- S Albanesi
- S Gal�n
- Salario
- Samuel Hurtado
- Samuel Hurtado
- Sarai Criado
- Silvia Iranzo
- Sonsoles
- W Cullison
- W/P -0
- Yener Altunba?
- �ngel Estrada
- �ngel Estrada Y
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Addiction Markets
- Author
- Abbott
- Abrams
- Abramson
- Acordo trips ou acordo adpic
- Acurcio
- Agamben
- Agar
- Agar
- Alden
- Alderman
- Alvarez
- Anderson
- Angell
- Angell
- Angell
- Angell
- Appadurai
- Appadurai
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Arendt
- Arendt
- Arie
- Arnold
- Arrais
- Avorn
- Bachmann
- Bank World
- Bank World
- Bank World
- Barbosa
- Barfod
- Bastos
- Bastos
- Bastos
- Baszanger
- Bayer
- bbc Online
- Becker
- Bellow
- Benatar
- Benatar
- Bergeron
- Bergeron
- Berman
- Bermudez
- Bermudez
- Bermudez
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Binder
- Bloch
- Bluebond-Langner
- Boltanski
- Boltanski
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Botbol-Baum
- Bourdieu
- Bourgois
- Bowker
- Boyer
- Braithwaite
- Brandt
- Brass
- Breslau
- Briggs
- Brodwin
- Bury
- Bury
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cahuzac
- Caldeira
- Callaway
- Cardoso
- Carpenter
- Carpentier
- Carpentier
- Cassier
- Cecchi
- Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
- Chabal
- Chambliss
- Charpak
- Chen
- Chernobyl’s legacy to science
- Cholley
- Christakis
- Clary
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Comaroff
- Comaroff
- Conrad
- Coombe
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids [cn]
- Coppel
- Coppel
- Cosendey
- Costes
- Courtwright
- Crouch
- Crozier
- Dagognet
- Dagognet
- Daniel
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Davis
- de Castilho
- De Grazia
- de Vries
- de Zulueta
- Deleuze
- Desjarlais
- Desjarlais
- Deux médecins dénoncent les dérives liées au Subutex
- Dickersin
- DiMasi
- Dixon
- Doimo
- Dourado
- Dourado
- Dumit
- Edwards
- Ehrenberg
- Eisenberg
- El consumo de tranquilizantes crecio entre un 8 y un 9 por ciento
- Elkin
- Elliott
- Elliott
- Encyclopedia of Global Industries
- Epstein
- Escorel
- Estroff
- Etkin
- European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Fassin
- Ferguson
- Feroni
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Fleising
- Fonseca
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Franklin
- Fraser
- Gabe
- Galbraith
- Galvão
- Galvão
- Gasquet
- Gattari
- Geertz
- Geertz
- Gibier
- Giddens
- Giddens
- Glenmullen
- Gomart
- Good
- Good
- Good
- Good
- Goozner
- Gorman
- Government of India
- Groupe de Travail de 1’inserm
- Guess
- Guillemin
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hahn
- Hahn
- Harries
- Harrington
- Harvard aids Institute
- Hassenteufel
- Hayden
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Hilts
- Hirschman
- Homedes
- Hopenhayn
- Ignatieff
- Inhorn
- James
- Jeffery
- Jeffrey
- Johansson
- Jonas
- Juma
- Just how tainted has medicine become?
- Kamat
- Kapp
- Karim
- Kassirer
- Kaufman
- Kawabuchi
- Keller
- Kervasdoué
- Khan
- Kim
- Kim
- King
- Kisuule
- Klein
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Knorr Cetina
- Kopp
- Kopytoff
- Kotler
- Kramer
- Kremer
- Kumar
- Lagnado
- Lakoff
- Lakoff
- LaPiazza
- Larvie
- Latour
- Leclerc
- Lemmens
- Lemoine
- Lert
- Leshner
- Leslie
- Leslie
- Lewin
- Lexchin
- Lexchin
- Lindenbaum
- Lock
- Lock
- Lock
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lowy
- Luhrmann
- Luiza
- Lurie
- Lurie
- Lévi-Strauss
- Macklin
- Macro
- Maestracci
- Malt
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marshall
- Maurin
- Medawar
- Medawar
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Misra
- Moatti
- Mogensen
- Moore
- Moreno
- Morris
- Moukheiber
- Moynihan
- Moynihan
- Mundy
- Murray
- National Bioethics Advisory Commission
- National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research
- Nguyen
- Nichter
- O sexo inseguro
- Office of the Inspector General Department of Health and Human Services
- Okie
- Oliveira
- O’Nell
- Paley
- Palier
- Pan American Health Organization
- Paraguassú
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parkhurst
- Peabody
- Petersen
- Petryna
- Petryna
- Pincus
- Pocock
- Pool
- Power
- Prakash
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Ramesh
- Rampton
- Ramsey
- Rapp
- Relman
- Rettig
- Rhodes
- Rieff
- Rodwin
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rosenberg
- Rosário Costa
- Rothman
- Rothman
- Rothman
- Sabel
- Sachs
- Saradamma
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Schering-Plough
- Schuklenk
- Scott
- Sell
- Serra
- Serra
- Setbon
- Shapin
- Sheahan
- Shorter
- Sikkink
- Silva
- Smith
- Someya
- Spears
- Spiegel
- Starr
- Stiglitz
- Strathern
- Strathern
- Teen depression: 3 million kids suffer from it
- Teixeira
- Temple
- Thase
- Toulmin
- Tribalat
- Trostle
- Trouillot
- Tsutani
- Turkle
- Turner
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Ueda
- Un généraliste sur cinq deux pharmaciens sur trois
- unaids
- unicef/who
- United Nations
- Van der Geest
- Van der Geest
- Varmus
- Vastag
- Vaughan
- Vuckovic
- Vuckovic
- Waisman
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Wilken
- Williamson
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Medical Association
- Young
- Yunes
- Yvorel
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Treating AIDS
- Author
- Abbott
- Abrams
- Abramson
- Acordo trips ou acordo adpic
- Acurcio
- Agamben
- Agar
- Agar
- Alden
- Alderman
- Alvarez
- Anderson
- Angell
- Angell
- Angell
- Angell
- Appadurai
- Appadurai
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Arendt
- Arendt
- Arie
- Arnold
- Arrais
- Avorn
- Bachmann
- Bank World
- Bank World
- Bank World
- Barbosa
- Barfod
- Bastos
- Bastos
- Bastos
- Baszanger
- Bayer
- bbc Online
- Becker
- Bellow
- Benatar
- Benatar
- Bergeron
- Bergeron
- Berman
- Bermudez
- Bermudez
- Bermudez
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Binder
- Bloch
- Bluebond-Langner
- Boltanski
- Boltanski
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Botbol-Baum
- Bourdieu
- Bourgois
- Bowker
- Boyer
- Braithwaite
- Brandt
- Brass
- Breslau
- Briggs
- Brodwin
- Bury
- Bury
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cahuzac
- Caldeira
- Callaway
- Cardoso
- Carpenter
- Carpentier
- Carpentier
- Cassier
- Cecchi
- Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
- Chabal
- Chambliss
- Charpak
- Chen
- Chernobyl’s legacy to science
- Cholley
- Christakis
- Clary
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Comaroff
- Comaroff
- Conrad
- Coombe
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids [cn]
- Coppel
- Coppel
- Cosendey
- Costes
- Courtwright
- Crouch
- Crozier
- Dagognet
- Dagognet
- Daniel
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Davis
- de Castilho
- De Grazia
- de Vries
- de Zulueta
- Deleuze
- Desjarlais
- Desjarlais
- Deux médecins dénoncent les dérives liées au Subutex
- Dickersin
- DiMasi
- Dixon
- Doimo
- Dourado
- Dourado
- Dumit
- Edwards
- Ehrenberg
- Eisenberg
- El consumo de tranquilizantes crecio entre un 8 y un 9 por ciento
- Elkin
- Elliott
- Elliott
- Encyclopedia of Global Industries
- Epstein
- Escorel
- Estroff
- Etkin
- European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Fassin
- Ferguson
- Feroni
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Fleising
- Fonseca
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Franklin
- Fraser
- Gabe
- Galbraith
- Galvão
- Galvão
- Gasquet
- Gattari
- Geertz
- Geertz
- Gibier
- Giddens
- Giddens
- Glenmullen
- Gomart
- Good
- Good
- Good
- Good
- Goozner
- Gorman
- Government of India
- Groupe de Travail de 1’inserm
- Guess
- Guillemin
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hahn
- Hahn
- Harries
- Harrington
- Harvard aids Institute
- Hassenteufel
- Hayden
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Hilts
- Hirschman
- Homedes
- Hopenhayn
- Ignatieff
- Inhorn
- James
- Jeffery
- Jeffrey
- Johansson
- Jonas
- Juma
- Just how tainted has medicine become?
- Kamat
- Kapp
- Karim
- Kassirer
- Kaufman
- Kawabuchi
- Keller
- Kervasdoué
- Khan
- Kim
- Kim
- King
- Kisuule
- Klein
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Knorr Cetina
- Kopp
- Kopytoff
- Kotler
- Kramer
- Kremer
- Kumar
- Lagnado
- Lakoff
- Lakoff
- LaPiazza
- Larvie
- Latour
- Leclerc
- Lemmens
- Lemoine
- Lert
- Leshner
- Leslie
- Leslie
- Lewin
- Lexchin
- Lexchin
- Lindenbaum
- Lock
- Lock
- Lock
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lowy
- Luhrmann
- Luiza
- Lurie
- Lurie
- Lévi-Strauss
- Macklin
- Macro
- Maestracci
- Malt
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marshall
- Maurin
- Medawar
- Medawar
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Misra
- Moatti
- Mogensen
- Moore
- Moreno
- Morris
- Moukheiber
- Moynihan
- Moynihan
- Mundy
- Murray
- National Bioethics Advisory Commission
- National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research
- Nguyen
- Nichter
- O sexo inseguro
- Office of the Inspector General Department of Health and Human Services
- Okie
- Oliveira
- O’Nell
- Paley
- Palier
- Pan American Health Organization
- Paraguassú
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parkhurst
- Peabody
- Petersen
- Petryna
- Petryna
- Pincus
- Pocock
- Pool
- Power
- Prakash
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Ramesh
- Rampton
- Ramsey
- Rapp
- Relman
- Rettig
- Rhodes
- Rieff
- Rodwin
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rosenberg
- Rosário Costa
- Rothman
- Rothman
- Rothman
- Sabel
- Sachs
- Saradamma
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Schering-Plough
- Schuklenk
- Scott
- Sell
- Serra
- Serra
- Setbon
- Shapin
- Sheahan
- Shorter
- Sikkink
- Silva
- Smith
- Someya
- Spears
- Spiegel
- Starr
- Stiglitz
- Strathern
- Strathern
- Teen depression: 3 million kids suffer from it
- Teixeira
- Temple
- Thase
- Toulmin
- Tribalat
- Trostle
- Trouillot
- Tsutani
- Turkle
- Turner
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Ueda
- Un généraliste sur cinq deux pharmaciens sur trois
- unaids
- unicef/who
- United Nations
- Van der Geest
- Van der Geest
- Varmus
- Vastag
- Vaughan
- Vuckovic
- Vuckovic
- Waisman
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Wilken
- Williamson
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Medical Association
- Young
- Yunes
- Yvorel
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Pharmaceuticals in Urban Ecologies
- Author
- Abbott
- Abrams
- Abramson
- Acordo trips ou acordo adpic
- Acurcio
- Agamben
- Agar
- Agar
- Alden
- Alderman
- Alvarez
- Anderson
- Angell
- Angell
- Angell
- Angell
- Appadurai
- Appadurai
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Arendt
- Arendt
- Arie
- Arnold
- Arrais
- Avorn
- Bachmann
- Bank World
- Bank World
- Bank World
- Barbosa
- Barfod
- Bastos
- Bastos
- Bastos
- Baszanger
- Bayer
- bbc Online
- Becker
- Bellow
- Benatar
- Benatar
- Bergeron
- Bergeron
- Berman
- Bermudez
- Bermudez
- Bermudez
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Binder
- Bloch
- Bluebond-Langner
- Boltanski
- Boltanski
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Botbol-Baum
- Bourdieu
- Bourgois
- Bowker
- Boyer
- Braithwaite
- Brandt
- Brass
- Breslau
- Briggs
- Brodwin
- Bury
- Bury
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cahuzac
- Caldeira
- Callaway
- Cardoso
- Carpenter
- Carpentier
- Carpentier
- Cassier
- Cecchi
- Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
- Chabal
- Chambliss
- Charpak
- Chen
- Chernobyl’s legacy to science
- Cholley
- Christakis
- Clary
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Comaroff
- Comaroff
- Conrad
- Coombe
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids [cn]
- Coppel
- Coppel
- Cosendey
- Costes
- Courtwright
- Crouch
- Crozier
- Dagognet
- Dagognet
- Daniel
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Davis
- de Castilho
- De Grazia
- de Vries
- de Zulueta
- Deleuze
- Desjarlais
- Desjarlais
- Deux médecins dénoncent les dérives liées au Subutex
- Dickersin
- DiMasi
- Dixon
- Doimo
- Dourado
- Dourado
- Dumit
- Edwards
- Ehrenberg
- Eisenberg
- El consumo de tranquilizantes crecio entre un 8 y un 9 por ciento
- Elkin
- Elliott
- Elliott
- Encyclopedia of Global Industries
- Epstein
- Escorel
- Estroff
- Etkin
- European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Fassin
- Ferguson
- Feroni
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Fleising
- Fonseca
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Franklin
- Fraser
- Gabe
- Galbraith
- Galvão
- Galvão
- Gasquet
- Gattari
- Geertz
- Geertz
- Gibier
- Giddens
- Giddens
- Glenmullen
- Gomart
- Good
- Good
- Good
- Good
- Goozner
- Gorman
- Government of India
- Groupe de Travail de 1’inserm
- Guess
- Guillemin
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hahn
- Hahn
- Harries
- Harrington
- Harvard aids Institute
- Hassenteufel
- Hayden
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Hilts
- Hirschman
- Homedes
- Hopenhayn
- Ignatieff
- Inhorn
- James
- Jeffery
- Jeffrey
- Johansson
- Jonas
- Juma
- Just how tainted has medicine become?
- Kamat
- Kapp
- Karim
- Kassirer
- Kaufman
- Kawabuchi
- Keller
- Kervasdoué
- Khan
- Kim
- Kim
- King
- Kisuule
- Klein
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Knorr Cetina
- Kopp
- Kopytoff
- Kotler
- Kramer
- Kremer
- Kumar
- Lagnado
- Lakoff
- Lakoff
- LaPiazza
- Larvie
- Latour
- Leclerc
- Lemmens
- Lemoine
- Lert
- Leshner
- Leslie
- Leslie
- Lewin
- Lexchin
- Lexchin
- Lindenbaum
- Lock
- Lock
- Lock
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lowy
- Luhrmann
- Luiza
- Lurie
- Lurie
- Lévi-Strauss
- Macklin
- Macro
- Maestracci
- Malt
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marshall
- Maurin
- Medawar
- Medawar
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Misra
- Moatti
- Mogensen
- Moore
- Moreno
- Morris
- Moukheiber
- Moynihan
- Moynihan
- Mundy
- Murray
- National Bioethics Advisory Commission
- National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research
- Nguyen
- Nichter
- O sexo inseguro
- Office of the Inspector General Department of Health and Human Services
- Okie
- Oliveira
- O’Nell
- Paley
- Palier
- Pan American Health Organization
- Paraguassú
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parkhurst
- Peabody
- Petersen
- Petryna
- Petryna
- Pincus
- Pocock
- Pool
- Power
- Prakash
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Ramesh
- Rampton
- Ramsey
- Rapp
- Relman
- Rettig
- Rhodes
- Rieff
- Rodwin
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rosenberg
- Rosário Costa
- Rothman
- Rothman
- Rothman
- Sabel
- Sachs
- Saradamma
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Schering-Plough
- Schuklenk
- Scott
- Sell
- Serra
- Serra
- Setbon
- Shapin
- Sheahan
- Shorter
- Sikkink
- Silva
- Smith
- Someya
- Spears
- Spiegel
- Starr
- Stiglitz
- Strathern
- Strathern
- Teen depression: 3 million kids suffer from it
- Teixeira
- Temple
- Thase
- Toulmin
- Tribalat
- Trostle
- Trouillot
- Tsutani
- Turkle
- Turner
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Ueda
- Un généraliste sur cinq deux pharmaciens sur trois
- unaids
- unicef/who
- United Nations
- Van der Geest
- Van der Geest
- Varmus
- Vastag
- Vaughan
- Vuckovic
- Vuckovic
- Waisman
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Wilken
- Williamson
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Medical Association
- Young
- Yunes
- Yvorel
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Pharmaceutical Governance
- Author
- Abbott
- Abrams
- Abramson
- Acordo trips ou acordo adpic
- Acurcio
- Agamben
- Agar
- Agar
- Alden
- Alderman
- Alvarez
- Anderson
- Angell
- Angell
- Angell
- Angell
- Appadurai
- Appadurai
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Applbaum
- Arendt
- Arendt
- Arie
- Arnold
- Arrais
- Avorn
- Bachmann
- Bank World
- Bank World
- Bank World
- Barbosa
- Barfod
- Bastos
- Bastos
- Bastos
- Baszanger
- Bayer
- bbc Online
- Becker
- Bellow
- Benatar
- Benatar
- Bergeron
- Bergeron
- Berman
- Bermudez
- Bermudez
- Bermudez
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Biehl
- Binder
- Bloch
- Bluebond-Langner
- Boltanski
- Boltanski
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Bosk
- Botbol-Baum
- Bourdieu
- Bourgois
- Bowker
- Boyer
- Braithwaite
- Brandt
- Brass
- Breslau
- Briggs
- Brodwin
- Bury
- Bury
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cadet-Taïrou
- Cahuzac
- Caldeira
- Callaway
- Cardoso
- Carpenter
- Carpentier
- Carpentier
- Cassier
- Cecchi
- Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
- Chabal
- Chambliss
- Charpak
- Chen
- Chernobyl’s legacy to science
- Cholley
- Christakis
- Clary
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Comaroff
- Comaroff
- Conrad
- Coombe
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids
- Coordenação Nacional de dst e aids [cn]
- Coppel
- Coppel
- Cosendey
- Costes
- Courtwright
- Crouch
- Crozier
- Dagognet
- Dagognet
- Daniel
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Davis
- de Castilho
- De Grazia
- de Vries
- de Zulueta
- Deleuze
- Desjarlais
- Desjarlais
- Deux médecins dénoncent les dérives liées au Subutex
- Dickersin
- DiMasi
- Dixon
- Doimo
- Dourado
- Dourado
- Dumit
- Edwards
- Ehrenberg
- Eisenberg
- El consumo de tranquilizantes crecio entre un 8 y un 9 por ciento
- Elkin
- Elliott
- Elliott
- Encyclopedia of Global Industries
- Epstein
- Escorel
- Estroff
- Etkin
- European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Fassin
- Ferguson
- Feroni
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Fleising
- Fonseca
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Franklin
- Fraser
- Gabe
- Galbraith
- Galvão
- Galvão
- Gasquet
- Gattari
- Geertz
- Geertz
- Gibier
- Giddens
- Giddens
- Glenmullen
- Gomart
- Good
- Good
- Good
- Good
- Goozner
- Gorman
- Government of India
- Groupe de Travail de 1’inserm
- Guess
- Guillemin
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Hahn
- Hahn
- Harries
- Harrington
- Harvard aids Institute
- Hassenteufel
- Hayden
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Hilts
- Hirschman
- Homedes
- Hopenhayn
- Ignatieff
- Inhorn
- James
- Jeffery
- Jeffrey
- Johansson
- Jonas
- Juma
- Just how tainted has medicine become?
- Kamat
- Kapp
- Karim
- Kassirer
- Kaufman
- Kawabuchi
- Keller
- Kervasdoué
- Khan
- Kim
- Kim
- King
- Kisuule
- Klein
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Kleinman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Klerman
- Knorr Cetina
- Kopp
- Kopytoff
- Kotler
- Kramer
- Kremer
- Kumar
- Lagnado
- Lakoff
- Lakoff
- LaPiazza
- Larvie
- Latour
- Leclerc
- Lemmens
- Lemoine
- Lert
- Leshner
- Leslie
- Leslie
- Lewin
- Lexchin
- Lexchin
- Lindenbaum
- Lock
- Lock
- Lock
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lovell
- Lowy
- Luhrmann
- Luiza
- Lurie
- Lurie
- Lévi-Strauss
- Macklin
- Macro
- Maestracci
- Malt
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marks
- Marshall
- Maurin
- Medawar
- Medawar
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Ministério da Saúde [ms]
- Misra
- Moatti
- Mogensen
- Moore
- Moreno
- Morris
- Moukheiber
- Moynihan
- Moynihan
- Mundy
- Murray
- National Bioethics Advisory Commission
- National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research
- Nguyen
- Nichter
- O sexo inseguro
- Office of the Inspector General Department of Health and Human Services
- Okie
- Oliveira
- O’Nell
- Paley
- Palier
- Pan American Health Organization
- Paraguassú
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parker
- Parkhurst
- Peabody
- Petersen
- Petryna
- Petryna
- Pincus
- Pocock
- Pool
- Power
- Prakash
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Rabinow
- Ramesh
- Rampton
- Ramsey
- Rapp
- Relman
- Rettig
- Rhodes
- Rieff
- Rodwin
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rosenberg
- Rosário Costa
- Rothman
- Rothman
- Rothman
- Sabel
- Sachs
- Saradamma
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Sassen
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Scheper-Hughes
- Schering-Plough
- Schuklenk
- Scott
- Sell
- Serra
- Serra
- Setbon
- Shapin
- Sheahan
- Shorter
- Sikkink
- Silva
- Smith
- Someya
- Spears
- Spiegel
- Starr
- Stiglitz
- Strathern
- Strathern
- Teen depression: 3 million kids suffer from it
- Teixeira
- Temple
- Thase
- Toulmin
- Tribalat
- Trostle
- Trouillot
- Tsutani
- Turkle
- Turner
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Ueda
- Un généraliste sur cinq deux pharmaciens sur trois
- unaids
- unicef/who
- United Nations
- Van der Geest
- Van der Geest
- Varmus
- Vastag
- Vaughan
- Vuckovic
- Vuckovic
- Waisman
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Whyte
- Wilken
- Williamson
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- World Medical Association
- Young
- Yunes
- Yvorel
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study