109 research outputs found

    Social and Anthropometrics Profile of Independent Elderly in East Jakarta, Indonesia

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    Studi dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan status gizi, berdasar pada Index Masa Tubuh (IMT), keadaan sosio-ekonomi dan lingkungan hidup dari dewasa muda (17 sampai 24 tahun), dewasa (25 sampai 44 tahun), pra-lansia (45 sampai 59 tahun) sampai pada lansia (60 tahun atau lebih). Penelitian potong lintang dengan menggunakan pengambilan sampel secara acak dan bertingkat dilakukan di Jakarta Timur. Pemeriksaan antropometri dan status sosio-ekonomi dilakukan pada responden berusia 17 tahun dan lebih. Berat badan kurang dan berat badan lebih dijumpai pada semua kelompok usia. Pra-lansia mempunyai resiko lebih untuk kegemukan. Para lansia dengan IMT yang lebih rendah mempunyai status sosio-ekonomi yang lebih rendah pula. Sebagian besar dari lansia laki-laki mandiri secara ekonomi dan mereka merupakan kepala keluarga. Para lansia perempuan secara ekonomi tidak mandiri dan berperan sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Para dewasa muda dalam presentase yang cukup besar secara ekonomi belum mandiri dan masih tinggal dalam rumah orang tuanya.Para lansia menunjukan IMT dan status sosio-ekonomi yang lebih rendah, sedangkan banyak lansia perempuan dan dewasa muda yang secara ekonomi tidak mandiri

    Stedelike swartes se lewens- en werksomstandighede in Johannesburg, soos uitgebeeld deur Township-kuns (1940's tot 1970's)

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    ENGLISH: The aim of this article is to form a better understanding of life in black urban areas, using art that was created by black artists who lived and worked in Soweto and surrounding areas from the early 1940s up to the mid 1970s. These artists included Gerard Sekoto, Durant Sihlali and John Mohl. Works created by these black artists will be analysed in order to formulate an idea of what life was like in the townships, especially the living and working conditions of the black inhabitants. An analysis of these works, which form part of Township Art, ought to introduce the reader to an experience of township life and serve as a doorway for further investigation. It can also provide the reader and the viewer of the art with some understanding of the sociology of urbanisation in the townships. This article will clearly emphasise the cultural-historical value of Township Art.AFRIKAANS :Die doel van hierdie artikel is om beter begrip vir die lewe in swart stedelike gebiede te bewerkstellig deur gebruik te maak van kunswerke deur swart kunstenaars wat van die vroeĂ« 1940’s tot die middel van die 1970’s in Soweto en die omliggende gebiede gewoon en gewerk het. Hierdie kunstenaars het die volgende ingesluit: Gerard Sekoto, Durant Sihlali en John Mohl. Werke deur hierdie kunstenaars sal ontleed word ten einde die lewe in die woonbuurtes uit te beeld, veral die lewens- en werksomstandighede van die swart inwoners. ‘n Ontleding van hierdie werke, wat deel van Township-kuns uitmaak, behoort die leser aan ‘n belewenis van die lewe in die woonbuurtes bekend te stel en kan as ‘n beginpunt vir verdere ondersoek dien. Dit kan die leser en aanskouer van die kuns voorts ook tot beter begrip vir die sosiologie van verstedeliking in die woonbuurtes lei. DiĂ© artikel sal die kultuurhistoriese waarde van Township-kuns onomwonde beklemtoon.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_culture.htm

    Physiotherapy students and clinical educators perceive several ways in which incorporating peer-assisted learning could improve clinical placements: a qualitative study

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    AbstractQuestion: What are the experiences of students and clinical educators in a paired student placement model incorporating facilitated peer-assisted learning (PAL) activities, compared to a traditional paired teaching approach? Design: Qualitative study utilising focus groups. Participants: Twenty-four physiotherapy students and 12 clinical educators. Intervention: Participants in this study had experienced two models of physiotherapy clinical undergraduate education: a traditional paired model (usual clinical supervision and learning activities led by clinical educators supervising pairs of students) and a PAL model (a standardised series of learning activities undertaken by student pairs and clinical educators to facilitate peer interaction using guided strategies). Results: Peer-assisted learning appears to reduce the students’ anxiety, enhance their sense of safety in the learning environment, reduce educator burden, maximise the use of downtime, and build professional skills including collaboration and feedback. While PAL adds to the clinical learning experience, it is not considered to be a substitute for observation of the clinical educator, expert feedback and guidance, or hands-on immersive learning activities. Cohesion of the student-student relationship was seen as an enabler of successful PAL. Conclusion: Students and educators perceive that PAL can help to position students as active learners through reduced dependence on the clinical educator, heightened roles in observing practice, and making and communicating evaluative judgments about quality of practice. The role of the clinical educator is not diminished with PAL, but rather is central in designing flexible and meaningful peer-based experiences and in balancing PAL with independent learning opportunities. Registration: ACTRN12610000859088. [Sevenhuysen S, Farlie MK, Keating JL, Haines TP, Molloy E (2015) Physiotherapy students and clinical educators perceive several ways in which incorporating peer-assisted learning could improve clinical placements: a qualitative study. Journal of Physiotherapy 61: 87–92

    Documenting the reasons people have for choosing their food

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    Understanding the reasons that people have for choosing their food, and why these choices vary, may affect the dietary advice and assumptions about the nutrient adequacy of future food intake. One group of respondents living in Jakarta, Indonesia completed two interviews with the same combined food frequency and qualitative technique, called Food Choice Map (FCM) over a one-month period. Another group of Indonesian respondents from a town in Java completed an FCM interview and a 24-hour recall interview. The Food Choice Map identified the same major foods as contributing to individual intakes as are identified by a 24-hr recall interview. The FCM also identified reasons for changes in food choice. The reasons for food choices varied less than the different food items chosen. The FCM links data on dietary behaviours with perceptions that respondents use to explain of those behaviours. Such data can be used to develop communication strategies for health promotion

    Healthcare practice placements: back to the drawing board?

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    YesBackground: Sourcing healthcare practice placements continues to present a challenge for higher education institutions. Equally, the provision of clinical placements by healthcare providers is not at the forefront of their agenda. In view of this, the historic and traditional models of clinical placements is becoming more difficult to provide. In light of this, new models of clinical placements are being explored. Aims: This literature review explores the differing models of clinical placements in use and examines the merits and limitation of each. Methods: A mixed-methods literature review with a pragmatic approach has been used. Findings: Several placement models were described, including the traditional 1:1 model as well as 2:1, 3:1. The hub and spoke, capacity development facilitator, collaborative learning in practice and role emerging placement models were also discussed. Conclusion: There is a considerable paucity of high-quality evidence evaluating differing placement modules. Further research is required to evaluate the differing placement models from a students, clinical educators and service user’s perspective

    Extending in vitro digestion models to specific human populations: Perspectives, practical tools and bio-relevant information

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    [EN] Background In vitro digestion models show great promise in facilitating the rationale design of foods. This paper provides a look into the current state of the art and outlines possible future paths for developments of digestion models recreating the diverse physiological conditions of specific groups of the human population. Scope and approach Based on a collective effort of experts, this paper outlines considerations and parameters needed for development of new in vitro digestion models, e.g. gastric pH, enzymatic activities, gastric emptying rate and more. These and other parameters are detrimental to the adequate development of in vitro models that enable deeper insight into matters of food luminal breakdown as well as nutrient and nutraceutical bioaccessibility. Subsequently, we present an overview of some new and emerging in vitro digestion models mirroring the gastro-intestinal conditions of infants, the elderly and patients of cystic fibrosis or gastric bypass surgery. Key findings and conclusions This paper calls for synchronization, harmonization and validation of potential developments in in vitro digestion models that would greatly facilitate manufacturing of foods tailored or even personalized, to a certain extent, to various strata of the human population.Shani-Levi, C.; Alvito, P.; Andrés Grau, AM.; Assunção, R.; Barbera, R.; Blanquet-Diot, S.; Bourlieu, C.... (2017). Extending in vitro digestion models to specific human populations: Perspectives, practical tools and bio-relevant information. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 60:52-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2016.10.017S52636

    “Vry (nĂ©Ă©) hofmaak in die 19de eeu: ‘n ontleding van 21ste-eeuse studentetekste”

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    Verbeelding en kreatiewe betrokkenheid by die verledegebeure is een van vele maniere om Kultuurgeskiedenisstudente deel van en een met hulle studieveld te maak. Hierdie studie loods ’n ondersoek na hoe tweedejaar Kultuurgeskiedenisstudente aan die Universiteit van Pretoria in die module oor Suid-Afrikaanse geesteskultuur in die 19de eeu: volksgebruike, -gelowe en -wetenskap hulle kennis en begrip deur middel van tekste uitgedruk het. Studente moes hulle kennis, begrip en belewing van die totale module-inhoud in ’n enkele hofmaakstorie integreer. In hierdie proses moes hulle hulle uit hulle 21ste-eeuse hoogs-tegnologiese leefwêreld na dié van die 19de-eeuse pioniersomstandighede verplaas. Kan ’n mens uit ’n ontleding van die tekste afl ei of hulle daarin suksesvol was; het hierdie kreatiewe oefening daarin geslaag om studente die leef-, gedagte-, en gevoelswêreld van die pionier te laat betree?Sleutelwoorde: hofmaak; Kultuurgeskiedenisonderrig, 19de-eeuse Suid-Afrikaanse gebruike; studentetekste; verbeeldin

    Swart stedelike behuisingsverskaffing in Suid-Afrika, ca. 1923 - 1948: “wanneer meer minder kos” - finansiĂ«le verliese versus welsyns- en gesondheidswinste.

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    Since 1923, urban local authorities in South Africa were legally obliged to provide housing to urban black workers within their areas of jurisdiction. Urban black workers were “cheap” workers, resulting in local authorities to be confronted by financial obligations and problems, which completely overwhelmed them. Therefore, many authorities neglected their housing obligations and unhygienic conditions, and slums were a common sight in urban black townships. This was detrimental to the health of black workers as well as their white co-workers. Furthermore, this situation affected the economy negatively, as well as the relationships between whites and blacks. This article investigates the housing and financial legislation urban local authorities had to comply with in order to provide urban blacks with housing; the assistance, if any, that local authorities received from the central authority (state); the financial implications if local authorities fulfilled their obligations; and the eventual profits and losses this fulfilment held for such local authorities and the black inhabitants in their municipal townships. The actions of the Port Elizabeth local authority will be discussed as a case-study: this authority managed, despite enormous financial losses, to fulfil their obligations, resulting in the realisation that more actually cost less, and that financial losses resulted in lasting social and health gains
