48 research outputs found


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    Posdaya (Pos Pemberdayaan Keluarga) adalah lembaga masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk pemberdayaan keluarga. Pemrakarsa Posdaya adalah Yayasan Damandiri dengan pelaksana teknis Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPM) berbagai perguruan tinggi melalui kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN), salah satunya Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Selama ini hasil KKN Posdaya UAD masih berupa laporan tertulis sehingga menyulitkan LPM dalam melakukan Monitoring dan pencarian lokasi posko.Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan Internet serta integrasi dengan sisi geografis dapat menjadi solusi yang memberikan kemudahan pertukaran data serta visualisasi yang dinamis. Penanganan sisi geografis menggunakan Google Maps Api yaitu sebuah jasa penyedia peta dunia secara gratis dan online yang di sediakan oleh google. Sedangkan model proses pembangun perangkat lunak yang dipakai adalah waterfall model.Dari hasil penelitian ini dihasilkan sebuah sistem yang mampu menampilkan informasi lokasi dari KKN Posdaya UAD beserta data yang ada secara periodik. Dengan SIG ini, LPM dapat melihat dan memonitoring perkembangan Posdaya secara keseluruhan, serta dapat membantu mahasiswa KKN apabila kegiatan mulai tidak berjalan. Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi Geografis, Posdaya, Google Maps A


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    Dakwah adalah bukan semata-mata sebuah aktifitas yang berisi larangan dan ancaman,dakwah pun seharusnya bukan hanya sebuah pesan pasif yang tak bersinergi dengan kebutuhan manusia, Pesan dakwah seharusnya dapat diformulasikan sebagai proses sosialisasi nilai-nilai luhur ajaran Islam ke tengah-tengah kancah kehidupan manusia sebagai sumber dan konsep dalam gerak langkah diberbagai aspek kehidupan manusia. Musik rock Islam sebagai media penyampai pesan dakwah merupakan suatu cara atau jalan untuk mengembangkan dakwah Islamiah melalui seni musik seperti yang dilakukan oleh grup band Gigi. Grup band tersebut telah menghilangkan anggapan sebagian masyarakat terutama umat Islam, bahwa tidak semua musik beraliran keras selalu identik dengan hura-hura, tetapi juga bisa dijadikan media dakwah, karena salah satu cara berdakwah adalah menyusup ke dalam kalangan (mad'u ) yang menyukai musik keras. Hal inilah menurut hemat penulis menjadi isu dakwah kontemporer, dimana musik beraliran rock berisi lagu-lagu religi. Maka dalarn hal ini penulis akan membahas : Apa pesan dakwah pada lirik lagu-lagu album religi grup band Gigi ”(Mohon Ampun)”?. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui isi pesan dakwah yang ada dalam lirik lagu album religi grup band gigi. kegunaannya untuk memberikan informasi kajian praktis tentang penggunaan media musik sebagai media berdakwah. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penilitian pustaka (library research) yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan data primer berupa wawancara, dokumentasi teks lagu lagu grup band gigi, sedangkan sumber data sekunder yaitu berupa literatur lain seperti Alquran dan buku buku. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah metode dokumentasi dan wawancara kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisa kualitatif dan disimpulkan secara induktif. Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa terdapat tiga judul lagu lagu yang dibawakan grup band Gigi yang mengandung pesan dakwah akidah pada lagu damai bersamamu, serta pada lagu akhirnya kusadari, dan pesan dakwah syaria’ah dan ahlak pada lagu mohon ampun


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    ABSTRAK Kecamatan Karangkancana merupakan salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Kuningan yang memiliki intensitas tinggi terjadinya longsor lahan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kondisi fisik Kecamatan Karangkancana yang sangat rawan terhadap terjadinya longsor lahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan tingkat risiko longsor lahan di Kecamatan Karangkancana. Dalam pembuatan peta tingkat risiko longsor lahan ini dilakukan beberapa tahapan yaitu pembuatan peta ancaman, peta kerentanan serta peta kapasitas. Peta ancaman dihasilkan dari pembobotan dan overlay. Untuk peta kerentanan dan kapasitas dihasilkan dari pengharkatan dan pembobotan parameternya. Dan peta risiko longsor lahan dihasilkan dari perhitungan rumus yang ditetapkan oleh BNPB melalui Peraturan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana No. 02 Tahun 2012 tentang Pedoman Umum Pengkajian Risiko Bencana. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditentukan menjadi tiga tingkatan risiko longsor lahan. Risiko longsor lahan kelas tinggi memiliki luas sebesar 663,868 Ha. Tingkat risiko kelas menengah memiliki luas sebesar 1916,32 Ha. Dan tingkat risiko kelas rendah memiliki luar sebesar 841,812 Ha. Kata Kunci: Longsor Lahan, Peta, Risiko ABSTRACT Karangkancana Subdistrict is one of the subdistrict in Kuningan Regency that has a high intensity of landslides. This is due to the physical condition of Karangkancana Subdistrict which is very prone to landslides. The purpose of this study is to map the level of landslide risk in Karangkancana Subdistrict. In the creation of landslide risk, there are several stages, namely the creation of hazard maps, vulnerability maps and capacity maps. Hazard maps are generated from weighting and overlays. For vulnerability and capacity maps are generated from the scoring and weighting of the parameters. And the landslide risk map is produced from the calculation of the formula set by BNPB through the Peraturan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana No. 02 Tahun 2012 tentang Pedoman Umum Pengkajian Risiko Bencana. The results of this study were determined to be three levels of landslide risk. The high class of landslides risk has an area of 663,868Ha. The risk level of the middle class has an area of 1916,32Ha. And the low class risk level has an area of 841,812 Ha. Keywords: Landslide, Map, Ris


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    Roads are one of the important infrastructures for connecting various places such as industrial centers, agricultural land, settlements and as a means of distributing goods and services to support the economy. With the increasing growth of vehicles, both in terms of number and load capacity being transported, it causes damage to the road surface and road pavement structure. One of the efforts to avoid serious road damage is to add a layer of pavement. The purpose of planning to increase the layer thickness is to restore the strength of the pavement so that it can provide optimal service to road users. In connection with the above problems, of course using an effective and efficient method. To plan the thickness in order to obtain good results. Based on the description above, the author is interested in discussing the analysis of the thickness of the additional surface layer (overlay) with the 2017 Highways method on the Wanareja-Cibogo road section, Subang Regency. In this study, the thickness of the overlay (overlay) was calculated at 2.76 mm. The surface layer used is Laston, the AE18KSAL value is 10.98 x 106, so the allowable back-plan is 0.6 mm, so that the thickness of the pavement layer with an additional layer (Overlay) is 3 cm

    Experimental Study of Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger in Hospital HVAC System for Energy Conservation

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    The hospitals Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems consume large amounts of energy due to the specific requirements that must be met to ensure environmental conditions are healthy, convenient, and safe. Therefore, to reduce electricity consumption without sacrificing comfort and improving indoor air quality, the utilizing of heat pipe heat exchanger (HPHE) is necessary and highly recommended. An experimental study was conducted to investigate the thermal performance of heat pipe in recovering the heat of an exhaust air from a room simulator. HPHE consists of several tubular heat pipes with water as a working fluid and staggered by up to six rows. The outer diameter of each heat pipe is 13 mm and length of 700 mm with fins mounted on each heat pipe. A series of experiments was conducted to determine the effect of inlet air temperature. The influence of the number of heat pipe rows and air velocity was also investigated. The experiments show that the higher inlet air temperature, the more effective the HPHE performance has become. The cooling capacity of the system has increased. It was indicated by the decrease of air temperature entering the evaporator by 2.4 °C with the effectiveness of 0.15. This result was achieved when using six rows HPHE, air velocity 1 m/s, and evaporator inlet air temperature 45 °C. When air velocity was double to 2 m/s, the system reaches the largest amount of heat recovered of 1404.29 kJ/hour. The overall use of energy in HVAC system from the annual prediction of heat recovery for 8 h/day and 365 days/year will decrease significantly 0.6-4.1 GJ/yr

    Income Analysis of Closed House Broiler Farm with Partnership Business Model

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    This research aims to determine the performance and income of a closed-house broiler farm with partnership business model. The research was conducted in a closed broiler house owned by Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, and in a partnership with Cemerlang Unggas Lestari Ltd. A total of 11,000 broilers were raised for each raising period in the closed broiler house. A case study method was used for this research. The data were collected using survey method; the primary data were collected directly through interviews with the farm operators and field observation. Secondary data were collected through data recording which includes production cost and obtained revenue in each raising period. The collected data were then analyzed through quantitative-descriptive study. A total 7 raising periods of production cost, revenue, and income in a year were analyzed. The results of this study showed that the average performances of closed-house broiler farm yield 0.37% depletion, 1.49 FCR, and 398.46 PI. The economic indicators showed that the average production cost was Rp292,668,800.00; which generated Rp327,300,779.00 revenue, Rp34,631,978.00 income, Rp183.055.535.00 NPV, and 1.24 BCR. The study concluded that the closed-house broiler farm generates higher income compared with the open house system.


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    Teknologi Informasi (TI) sering dimanfaatkan oleh instansi pemerintah untuk mendukung pencapaian tujuan pemerintahan. Semakin tinggi penerapan TI pada instansi pemerintah, maka semakin tinggi pula an-caman dan risiko yang terjadi. Pemerintah Kabupaten XYZ merupakan salah satu instansi pemerintah yang menerapkan Sistem Pemerintah Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE). Penerapan SPBE melalui pemanfaatan TI un-tuk memberikan layanan kepada pengguna SPBE memerlukan manajemen risiko. Pemanfaatan TI berbasis manajemen risiko memudahkan dalam mencapai tujuan, mengurangi risiko, dan melindungi sumber daya TI instansi pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi risiko-risiko yang terjadi menggunakan Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (PERMENPAN RB) Nomor 5 Tahun 2020 tentang Pedoman Manajemen Risiko Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa terdapat 23 kemungkinan risiko yang terjadi, terbagi menjadi dua kategori, meliputi risiko positif dan risiko negatif. Risiko positif, meliputi kesesuaian layanan SPBE dengan rencana induk SPBE nasional, fleksibilitas arsitektur SPBE, kesesuaian penerapan SPBE dengan visi dan misi serta regulasi terkait, fleksibilitas kerja pegawai, kesesuaian kebutuhan infrastruktur SPBE dan prioritas instansi, ketepatan waktu penyelesaian proyek SPBE, penerapan keamanan informasi (backup data), dan pemuta-khiran proses bisnis dan layanan SPBE. Analisis risiko negatif yang berdampak tinggi adalah minimnya pelatihan TI untuk staf yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah daerah. Berdasarkan evaluasi, diperlukan rencana mitigasi penanganan risiko SPBE terkait kurang mahirnya staf dalam mengakses aplikasi, phish-ing, pembobolan website pemerintah daerah, kerusakan komponen perangkat keras, dan ketidaksesuaian ketrampilan TI dan kebutuhan SPBE

    Evaluasi Keberhasilan Tanaman Revegetasi Lahan Pasca Tambang Batubara Pada Blok M1W PT Jorong Barutama Greston, Kalimantan Selatan

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    Reclamation activities should be carried out after mining operation for restoring and improving the function of the land to be in  better condition and productive (P.60/Menhut-II/2009). This research aims to analyze the status of the success of revegetation,  based on growth ability and performance of A. mangium plants at PT Jorong Barutama Greston Block M1W; to recommend improvements for the land and plants;  and to identify the cause of revegetation failure. The results of this research  indicated that status of the revegetation success at Block M1W have not been categorized as successful category. The success rate  were considered  from the average growth percentage and health level of plants which were less than 60% (score 1, bad performance), namely 59.38% and 50.01% respectively. The improvement that could be done were soil amendment and the use of plants which are resistant to poor environment. The plants have to be resistant to acid soil and high content of heavy metal. The main causes of revegetation failure were site condition which were  not conducive for A. mangium  plant growth and lack of plant maintenance. This was the cause of bad plant growth performance. Besides that, Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) on  revegetation activities need to be improved and plant maintenance should be enhanced, particularly those related with pest and disease control.Key words: A. mangium, evaluation, post coal mining, revegetatio

    Pengaruh Implementasi Prinsip-prinsip Good Governance terhadap Kinerja Organisasi (suatu Studi di Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Manado)

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    This research moved from the problem that the performance of the Department ofIndustry and Trade organization Manado indicated relatively low. This is presumably related to theapplication of the principles of good governance do not optimal. Thus, this study aims to: (1). Todescribe the application / implementation of the principles of good governance. (2). To describealso the achievement of the organization's performance; and (3). To analyze the effect of theapplication / implementation of the principles of good governance to organizational performanceDepartment of Industry and Trade of Manado.By using a quantitative approach and descriptive method, data were collected throughquestionnaires distributed technique to 30 employees and 30 respondents respondents were fromindustry and commerce businesses. Once the data is collected, then processed and analyzed usingdescriptive analysis techniques stratisk (Table freuensi) to describe the variable-varabel research isconducted and to test the hypothesis applied inferential statistical analysis techniques (correlationand regression analysis).The results showed that (1) the application of the principles of participation, according to therespondents' assessment of employees are in the category of "moderate" tend to be high, while forthe group of businesses that are in the category of "moderate" or medium, tend to be low, but thetwo groups of respondents agree that the principle of participation has not been implementedoptimally, because only about 28.3% of all respondents (60 people) to assess the "high" applicationof the principles of good governance in the context of the application. (2) the application of theprinciples of transparency, responsiveness, rule of law and responsiveness, according to theassessment respondents the average employee in the category of "high", while the respondentbusinesses categorized only "moderate".Organizational performance through employee achievement in reality has not achieved optimally,even a group of businessmen assess the "low" while the employee group precisely assess the "high"the achievement of the organization's performance. However, the majority (36.7%) of the twogroups of respondents agree that the achievement of the organization's performance is still in thecategory of "low". This indicates that the achievement of performance at the organizational level ofthe Department of Industry and Trade of Manado has not been recorded in full so necessaryrearrangement.Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of good governance and a real positive impacton organizational performance. This means that when the principles of good governance (goodgovernance) can be applied with no-Sunggu, it will encourage the improvement of organizationalperformance