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    5086 research outputs found

    Malware Detection in Portable Document Format (PDF) Files with Byte Frequency Distribution (BFD) and Support Vector Machine (SVM)

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    Portable Document Format (PDF) files as well as files in several other formats such as (.docx, .hwp and .jpg) are often used to conduct cyber attacks. According to VirusTotal, PDF ranks fourth among document files that are frequently used to spread malware in 2020. Malware detection is challenging partly because of its ability to stay hidden and adapt its own code and thus requiring new smarter methods to detect. Therefore, outdated detection and classification methods become less effective. Nowadays, one of such methods that can be used to detect PDF files infected with malware is a machine learning approach. In this research, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm was used to detect PDF malware because of its ability to process non-linear data, and in some studies, SVM produces the best accuracy. In the process, the file was converted into byte format and then presented in Byte Frequency Distribution (BFD). To reduce the dimensions of the features, the Sequential Forward Selection (SFS) method was used. After the features are selected, the next stage is SVM to train the model. The performance obtained using the proposed method was quite good, as evidenced by the accuracy obtained in this study, which was 99.11% with an F1 score of 99.65%. The contributions of this research are new approaches to detect PDF malware which is using BFD and SVM algorithm, and using SFS to perform feature selection with the purpose of improving model performance. To this end, this proposed system can be an alternative to detect PDF malware

    Exploration of Altruistic Behavior in Early Adult Volunteers: A Phenomenological Study

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    Altruistic behavior is a conduct that prioritizes the interests of others to alleviate their suffering and enhance well-being without expecting any reward for the actions taken. There are still unanswered questions from previous research regarding the motivations that underlie altruistic behavior in disaster relief volunteers. This study aims to explore and delve into the motivations behind altruistic behavior in Indonesian Red Cross volunteers. The phenomenological approach is employed in this research, using semi-structured interviews to gather data. The study participants are individuals aged 18 to 25 who are actively involved as Indonesian Red Cross volunteers in the city of Surakarta. The results of the research indicate that the motivations driving altruistic behavior include the desire to help others, a calling for humanity service to God, enrichment of social interaction, and the influence of family or circumstances. Further discussion is elaborated in this manuscript

    Pengembangan modul pembelajaran Peluruhan Radioaktif untuk mata kuliah Fisika Atom dan Inti pada Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Fisika

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    The development of a Radioactive Decay learning module for the Atomic and Nuclear physics course at Undergraduate Physics Education Study Program. The Atomic and Nuclear Physics course is one of the important and interesting subjects to study in the Physics Education Bachelor's study program. Still, learning has not progressed as expected because students find it difficult to understand abstract material, including radioactive decay. Therefore, learning media is needed as a tool for independent learning, and one type of appropriate learning media is a module. Research has been carried out to develop a learning module on radioactive decay in Indonesian that is suitable for use to support independent learning and to determine the level of student user satisfaction with the module developed. This research used the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) development model. Before being tested with users, the feasibility of the module was validated using a questionnaire instrument by two material expert lecturers. An average feasibility level of 84.2% was obtained, which is included in the very feasible category. In the trial, the learning module was distributed as a PDF file to 25 students as a sample of users, and a user satisfaction level of 86.0% was obtained, which is in the very satisfactory category. The research results show that the module developed is suitable for independent learning

    Perencanaan dan Pembuatan Animasi Tiga Dimensi dengan Muatan Nilai Islami yaitu “Antri itu Islam”

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    Di era digital saat ini banyak sekali alternatif untuk media belajar, salah satunya adalah animasi 3D. Perkembangan zaman sangat memudahkan orang tua, guru, dan tenaga didik lain untuk mengajarkan ajaran agama Islam kepada anak-anak. Animasi 3D menjadi salah satu alternatif yang paling banyak digunakan, selain mudah menarik perhatian anak, animasi 3D juga mudah dimengerti untuk anak-anak. Animasi 3D ini dapat berupa karakter animasi yang banyak digemari oleh anak-anak. Pembuatan karakter animasi “Antri Itu Islam” bisa menggunakan software “Blender”. Software ini sangat membantu dalam pembuatan animasi, pewarnaan animasi, pembuatan latar, serta pemberian struktur dan kontrol pada karakter 3D. Pembuatan animasi ini dapat membantu para tenaga pendidik maupun orang tua mengajarkan kepada anak-anak terkait nilai antri menurut ajaran Islam


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    Pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Diperlukannya sebuah pendidikan ialah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan mengembangkan potensi diri setiap manusia. Terdapat banyak cabang ilmu pengetahuan, salah satunya adalah matematika. Matematika adalah program studi wajib untuk semua mahasiswa dan siswa sekolah. Matematika adalah argumen logis, cara berpikir, dan bahasa yang terdiri dari frasa yang didefinisikan secara tepat, diungkapkan secara simbolis, dan padat. Ini lebih merupakan bahasa simbolis tentang konsep matematis. Namun, banyak menganggap pelajaran matematika adalah pelajaran yang sulit dan menyeramkan. Sehingga peserta didik selalu merasa kesal ataupun malas saat mata pelajaran matematika. Peserta didik merasa bahwa materi-materi yang ada didalam matematika merupakan musuh bagi kehidupan terutama pada materi operasi hitung bilangan bulat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pemahaman siswa SMP terhadap pengertian operasi penghitungan bilangan bulat yang diukur dengan metode PMRI. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif dan dilakukan dengan tiga belas siswa SMP. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan datanya melalui penggunaan wawancara dan hasil tes. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menganut Miles dkk. analisis, yang terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan pemahaman konsep peserta didik sudah cukup baik yang didasarkan pada indikator kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika yang telah di ukur dari 2 kelompok yang sudah mampu mengimplementasikan semua indikator pemahaman konsep yang digunakan oleh peneliti

    Pengembangan media pembelajaran menggunakan smart apps creator berbasis discovery learning pada materi Gelombang Bunyi di SMA Kelas XI MIPA

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    Development of learning media Using smart apps creator based on discovery learning on sound wave material in SMA class XI MIPA. This research aims to develop smart application-based learning media using a discovery learning approach in sound wave material for class XI MIPA students in high school. The research method used is research and development (R&D), with procedures based on the ASSURE model and Tessmer's formative evaluation stage. The research subjects included one teacher and 45 students. The research instrument used was a questionnaire to measure the validity and practicality of learning media. The research results show that the learning media developed has a validity level of 85.20% and a practicality level of 88.26%. Thus, it can be concluded that this learning media is valid and practical for high school students in class XI MIPA to study sound waves. The implication of this research is that the developments that have been carried out can provide guidance for learning media developers, encourage the adoption of technology in learning, and motivate teachers to adopt a more interactive and discovery-based learning approach

    Meningkatkan enterpreneurial leadership pada mahasiswa melalui experiential learning team project

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    Entrepreneurial leadership in Indonesia is still low and intervention is needed to increase it. This research is a quasi-experiment with a one group pretest-posttest design which aims to determine the effect of the experiential learning team project method to increase entrepreneurial leadership in students. The respondents for this research were 32 people selected using a purposive sampling method with the characteristics of students who had never taken community psychology and sociopreneurship courses and lectured offline. Data analysis used a paired sample t-test with the IBM SPSS Statistics 26 application. The results of the research showed that the experiential learning team project could increase students' entrepreneurial leadership (t=-14.15625, p of 0.018). This information becomes a reference for universities in designing curriculum and lecture processes in order to improve entrepreneurial leadership

    Antibiotic consumption and resistance: a 3-years ecological study for four critical groups of bacteria in a general regional hospital

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae are the most critical groups of multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria that cause a threat in hospitals. This study identified the trend of antibiotic consumption, antibiotic resistance pattern, and the relationship between antibiotic consumption and antibiotic resistance in a critical group of bacteria in a general regional hospital. This ecological study was based on retrospective data from inpatient databases in a general regional hospital over three years (2017-2019). The trend for annual antibiotic consumption over 2017-2019 was defined as defined daily doses/100 bed-days. The relationship between total antibiotic consumption and the percentage of antibiotic resistance among four isolated critical bacteria was explored in time series analysis and linear regression. The most frequently used antibiotic was ampicillin (220.33 DDD/100 bed-days), ciprofloxacin (126.86 DDD/100 bed-days), and ampicillin-sulbactam (126.34 DDD/100 bed-days). There was a significant relationship between antibiotic consumption (ampicillin, ampicillin-sulbactam, ceftazidime, gentamicin, amikacin, and ciprofloxacin) in DDD/100 bed-days and antibiotic resistance in E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and P. aeruginosa (p<0.05) but not statically significant in A. baumannii (p=0.062). The annual usage fluctuated or remained stable, with no statistically significant trends change. The relationship between antibiotic consumption and antibiotic resistance was significant in three out of four critical groups of bacteria

    Identification of Biomarker for Stunting Through Prioritization of Gene-Assosiated Variants

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    Stunting is a condition of impaired growth and development in children due to chronic nutritional disorders or infections. The risk factor for stunting is dominated by disease during 1000 days of life. The incidence of stunting in Indonesia is 21.6%, according to the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) results. This study aimed to identify stunting biomarkers based on the priority scoring of gene variants. Identification of stunting risk genes used the Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) approach and Haploreg v4.1. We found 33 genes that identifies as stunting risk gene. And then, we prioritize based on two functional annotation categories: missense-nonsense and cis-expression quantitative trait loci (cis-eQTL). Our analysis found 4 genes as biological stunting risk genes: MTRR, TTF1, CASP1, and CARD17. This research demonstrates the integration of genomic variants and bioinformatics approaches to reveal biological insights for stunting

    Neuropsychology of Love: Perasaan cinta dan pengaruhnya terhadap otak

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan telaah literatur terhadap penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya terkait aktivitas otak ketika merasakan berbagai jenis cinta. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa jatuh cinta terdiri dari tiga fase yang meliputi gairah, ketertarikan, dan keterikatan dimana setiap fasenya memiliki hormon-hormon tertentu yang berkontribusi terhadap perubahan perilaku dan kognitif pada individu saat sedang jatuh cinta. Selain itu, perasaan cinta sendiri terdiri dari beberapa jenis yaitu cinta bergairah, cinta persahabatan, cinta keibuan, dan cinta tidak bersyarat. Pembentukan cinta terjadi di dalam ventral tegmental area (VTA), dimana hormon dopamin diproduksi dan disalurkan ke sistem penghargaan otak. Adapun VTA kiri menghasilkan perasaan suka dan VTA kanan menghasilkan perasaan ingin memiliki. Melalui pemahaman ini, kita dapat lebih memahami dinamika hubungan manusia dan perasaan yang melibatkan cinta. Terdapat beberapa saran bagi penelitian selanjutnya: (1) perlu untuk melakukan studi yang lebih empiris terkait cinta dan neuropsikologi; (2) membahas cinta persahabatan secara lebih komprehensif; dan (3) menggunakan referensi-referensi terbaru agar studi dapat lebih relevan dengan kondisi saat ini


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