Jurnal Online STKIP PGRI Tulungagung
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    The spectrum emitted by electromagnetic wave radiation has various frequencies, one of which is Extremely Low Frequency (ELF), and is often found in educational environments, originating from various electronic devices, high voltage electrical panels, and internet network supporting devices. Based on this description, it is necessary to measure ELF electromagnetic radiation in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences environment at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. This research was carried out by measuring magnetic field values (µT) at 42 location points using a Portable Electromagnetic Field Tester (EMF Tester). The research results show that all of these location points are within the safe threshold based on ICNIRP and WHO regulations, namely below 200 µT, with the highest ELF magnetic field value is 2.81 µT, and the lowest ELF magnetic field value is 0.003 µT. However, there are several studies showing that exposure to ELF electromagnetic field radiation can produce free radicals, causing cell damage. The results of this research can be used as a basis for making health policies for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences academic community at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

    Exploring Esp Instruction Through Systemic Functional Linguistics

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    Most of the students have found difficulties in understanding ESP course so far, because they are lack of English comprehension or they are not quite interested in the subject. Thus, they get unsatisfied score in the first evaluation. By understanding the SFL framework in the context of ESP instruction, they will explore the role of register and genre in language use and analysis because SFL plays  a crucial role in language instruction for learners who need to use English in their academic and professional contexts.This study examines  the ESP pedagogy through the lens of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and applies for the SFL perspective to ESP pedagogy. It is used a case study in qualitative terms where able to enhance the understanding of the language features, discourse structure and communicative purposes. It is emphasizing the importance of teaching language for specific purposes, functional linguistic and discourse analysis in professional contexts. The key concepts of SFL, such as the metafunctions of language (interpersonal, ideational and textual), and how these can shed light on the communicative purposes on ESP Instruction and language choices within ESP textbooks


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    Penelitian terfokus pada pengaruh Problem Based Learning untuk melihat kemampuan pemecahan masalah IPA dalam ranah SMP/SMA. Metode dalam penelitian menggunakan meta analisis yang merupakan  teknik perhitangan guna menunjukan hasil dua atau lebih penelitian dan memperoleh gabungan data secara kuantitatif. Hasil memperlihatkan, ada perbedaan mengenai PBL terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah ditingkat sekolah tertentu. Effect size menunjukkan perbedaan antara kedua tingkat sekolah tersebut, pada tingkat sekolah menengah pertama hasil effect size menunjukkan nilai 0,682 sedangkan pada tingkat sekolah menengah ke atas menunjukkan hasil 0,887. Berdasarkan hasil dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran PBL terdapat perbedaan pada setiap tingkatan sekolah, hal ini dapat disebabkan adanya perbedaan pola pikir yang dipengaruhi oleh usia, dimana dijenjang sekolah menengah ke atas lebih keatif dalam menganalisis suatu pemecahan masalah dibandingkan dengan jenjang sekolah menengah pertama. Dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah, model PBL ini memiliki dampak yang cenderung baik bagi sistem pembelajaran siswa di sekolah.


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    Medan Magnet ELF salah satu jenis gelombang elektromagnetik yang mempunyai frekuensi sangat rendah dengan kisaran 0-300 Hz dan termasuk dalam non ionizing radiation yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengawetan bahan pangan. Ikan termasuk salah satu Sumber Daya Laut yang melimpah hasilnya namun memiliki umur simpan yang pendek sehingga diperlukan pengawetan untuk memperpanjang waktu simpan. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu agar dapat mengetahui pengaruh Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) terhadap proses pengawetan ikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu studi Literatur dari karya ilmiah dengan tahun terbit 2019-2023. Hasil yang didapatkan gelombang elektromagnetik ELF dapat memiliki pengaruh terhadap nilai ph dari ikan sehingga bisa memperpanjang umur simpan serta membantu saat meningkatkan ketahanan dari ikan tersebut atau proses pengawetan. Berdasarkan hasil dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan melihat intensitas dan lama waktu paparan yang dibutuhkan pada proses pengawetan ikan dapat digunakan sebagai peningkat ketahanan pangan dari ikan

    Utilizing Comic Strips for Learning Adjective

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    English as one of international language is really important in current life. That is the reason why English given to students. Not only high school students but also it is given to elementary students. First year of high school students are deemed necessary to master of class of words or part of speech to know the meaning and the function of words in English structure. One word can be categorized in more than one different function. For example “book” it can be categorized as noun which means “buku” and verb wich mean “memesan”. Ing English, a noun can be converted into adjective by adding affixes. Students consider that it is difficult to convert them. They need to memorize the words. In this study, the writer wants to describe the comic strips used in learning process in classroom. The writer wants to describe how teacher use comic strips as a media to teach adjective in classroom. The population of this study is the first grade students of one of Junior High School in Tulungagung. By utilizing the comic strips, students seemed more interested and more enthusiastic in learning


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    Mobile and immovable educational facilities and infrastructure are very important for the teaching and learning process and enable the completion of educational goals in an orderly, efficient, effective and timely manner. The learning process is an activity in which there is interaction between educators and students as well as reciprocal communication that takes place to achieve learning objectives. Factors that can influence the learning process to be effective and efficient, such as teacher, student, facilities and infrastructure as well as environmental factors. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of student satisfaction with facilities and infrastructure in one of the study programs at Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu State Islamic University in supporting the learning process. From the results of student satisfaction with the facilities and infrastructure to support the learning process, namely for classrooms, chairs, tables and blackboards, they stated that they were 100% satisfied. Laboratories 86% satisfied and 14% unsatisfied, for prayer rooms 70% satisfied and 30% unsatisfied. Trash box 44% satisfied and 56% dissatisfied, toilet 98% satisfied and 2% dissatisfied, projector 34% satisfied and 66% dissatisfied, fan 88% satisfied and 12% unsatisfied


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh waktu perendaman dan kuat arus terhadap kualitas lapisan Ag yaitu terhadap massa, ketebalan dan kondisi morfologi permukaan dari hasil pelapisan terbaik. Elektroda yang digunakan adalah tembaga yang berbentuk silinder dengan ukuran 5x0,2 cm dan Larutan elektrolit yang dipakai adalah larutan perak nitrat (AgNO3). Proses electroplating pada penelitian ini dilakukan pada tegangan 12 volt, dengan variasi arus listrik 4A, 6A, 8A selama waktu perendaman 30 menit dan konsentrasi elektrolitnya 0,6 M, 0,3 M dan 0,1 M. Karakterisasi morfologi permukaan tembaga yang telah dilapisi perak menggunakan instrumen SEM. Hasil penelitian didapatkan sampel dengan hasil terbaik dari nilai berat logam Ag yang mengendap, tebal lapisan yang terbentuk yaitu sampel tembaga dengan perlakuan (0,28 M, selama 30 menit). Dari hasil foto SEM pada permukaan Cu/Ag terlihat sampel hasil electroplating selama 30 menit sudah terdapat gumpulan gumpalan kecil sampai menengah dan permukaannya tampak halus dan terdapat sedikit pori pada permukaan tembaga hasil electroplating perak


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    This research was carried out using a literature review method to determine radioprotection cases and repeatability factors of dental images on dental X-rays. Determination of the repeatability factor for dental photographs using data over three months obtained at Rajawali Citra Hospital, RSUD Dr. Tjitrowardojo Purworejo, and RSUD Muntilan Magelang. Case A, case B, and case C produce high percentage values. This is because dental practitioners consider the provision of protection in reducing the scattered dose of dental X-rays for patients to be often overlooked. Determination of X-ray radiation exposure given by a radiographer does not have significant differences for each patient, such as thin, standard, and obese. Meanwhile, the data on the percentage value of repetition of dental images exceeds the Minimum Hospital Service Standard indicator limit by the Decree of the Minister of Health Number 129 of 2008 concerning the incidence of X-ray service failure, which has a photo failure standard of ≤ 2%. The highest position factor was obtained at Hospital-2 at 75%, and the lowest was obtained at Hospital-1 at 50%. Meanwhile, the highest exposure factor was obtained at Hospital-1 at 39% and the weakest at Hospital-2 at 25%. Position errors made by the radiographer cause position factors, and exposure errors are caused by exposure factors that are too high or low


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan komunikasi matematis yang diklasifikasikan berdasarkan gender dalam menyelesaikan soal uraian persamaan garis lurus di tingkat SMP dengan melibatkan 34 siswa kelas VIII dengan pengambilan subjek dengan teknik sampling purposive. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII yang terdiri dari 2 siswa perempuan berkemampuan komunikasi matematis kategori tinggi dan sedang dan 2 siswa laki-laki yang berkemampuan komunikasi matematis kategori sedang dan rendah. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diadopsi dari peneliti terdahulu berupa tes uraian berjumlah dua butir soal cerita untuk mengklasifikasikan kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah dan dua butir soal untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik analisis data berupa analisis kualitatif berdasarkan Miles dan Hubberman melalui penjabaran hasil jawaban siswa untuk memperoleh gambaran umum terkait kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek dengan kemampuan komunikasi matematis tinggi dapat memenuhi kedua indikator dan subjek dengan kemampuan komunikasi matematis sedang memenuhi salah satu dari kedua indikator sedangkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis rendah tidak memenuhi keduanya. Hasil dari tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa menunjukan komunikasi matematis siswa perempuan dan siswa laki-laki termasuk dalam kategori sedang dengan rata-rata masing-masing adalah 70,83 dan 66,5

    IDIOMATIC TRANSLATION METHOD OF ENGLISH INDONESIAN TRANSLATION (A content analysis of a book “the Twilight Saga Breaking dawn” by Stephenie Meyer)

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    The purpose of the research was to analyze the idiomatic translation found in “The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn” By Stephanie Meyer. The result of the research is the idiomatic translations method which is found in the novel and analyzed by using the theory of translation from Newmark. Based on the data analysis, the writer found some proofs that the data which were translated used idiomatic translation method. In analyzing translation process, the writer compared with other translation methods. The purpose was that the writer showed the translation method used by the translator was idiomatic translation method. In translation, the translator paid attention to the meaning of source language so that the message in target language can be received by the readers.


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