51 research outputs found

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    The First State in the Catalytic Cycle of the Water-Oxidizing Enzyme: Identification of a Water-Derived µ-Hydroxo Bridge

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    Nature’s water-splitting catalyst, an oxygen-bridged tetramanganese calcium (Mn4O5Ca) complex, sequentially activates two substrate water molecules generating molecular O2. Its reaction cycle is composed of five intermediate (Si) states, where the index i indicates the number of oxidizing equivalents stored by the cofactor. After formation of the S4 state, the product dioxygen is released and the cofactor returns to its lowest oxidation state, S0. Membrane-inlet mass spectrometry measurements suggest that at least one substrate is bound throughout the catalytic cycle, as the rate of 18O-labeled water incorporation into the product O2 is slow, on a millisecond to second time scale depending on the S state. Here, we demonstrate that the Mn4O5Ca complex poised in the S0 state contains an exchangeable hydroxo bridge. On the basis of a combination of magnetic multiresonance (EPR) spectroscopies, comparison to biochemical models and theoretical calculations we assign this bridge to O5, the same bridge identified in the S2 state as an exchangeable fully deprotonated oxo bridge [Pérez Navarro, M.; et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2013, 110, 15561]. This oxygen species is the most probable candidate for the slowly exchanging substrate water in the S0 state. Additional measurements provide new information on the Mn ions that constitute the catalyst. A structural model for the S0 state is proposed that is consistent with available experimental data and explains the observed evolution of water exchange kinetics in the first three states of the catalytic cycle

    Todellista asiakasarvoa luomassa – myynnistä arvomyyntiin : case Mediamaisteri Oy

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoite oli case-yritys Mediamaisteri Oy:n B2B-myyntiprosessin kehittäminen. Tarkoitus oli hyödyntää palvelumuotoilua lisäämään asiakasymmärrystä ja tukemaan asiakkaiden kokeman arvon muodostumista sekä positiivisten asiakaskokemusten syntymistä myyntiprosessin alkuvaiheen asiakaskohtaamisissa. Lisäksi tarkoitus oli kiteyttää empiirisen aineiston pohjalta saatu tieto asiakasprofiileiksi, joita voidaan hyödyntää asiakaslähtöisten ratkaisujen suunnittelussa heti asiakkuuden alusta ja ensimmäisestä myyntitapaamisesta lähtien. Opinnäytetyön tutkimuksellisen osuuden toteuttamisen pohjana on kvalitatiivinen tutkimusote ja palvelumuotoilun prosessi. Tutkimuskohde tarkennettiin kuvaamalla Mediamaisteri Oy:n asiakkuuden alkuvaiheen palvelupolku, josta rajattiin tutkimuksen kohteeksi ensimmäinen asiakastapaaminen ja sitä edeltävä aika, jolloin asiakas kiinnostuu yrityksen palveluista ja ensikontakti yritykseen tapahtuu. Tutkimusaineisto muodostuu kuudesta Mediamaisteri Oy:n yritysasiakkaan haastattelusta, jotka toteutettiin virtuaalisesti teemahaastattelun muodossa. Aineiston analysoinnissa hyödynnettiin induktiivista sisällönanalyysiä. Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu B2B-myynnin, asiakasarvon muodostumisen ja positiivisen asiakaskokemuksen teorioista. Opinnäytetyön empiirisessä osassa kuvataan yksityiskohtaisesti työn toteuttaminen ja toteutuksen vaiheittainen eteneminen. Opinnäytetyön tuloksien mukaan Mediamaisteri Oy:n yritysasiakkaan positiivinen asiakaskokemus palvelujen hankintavaiheessa ja ensimmäisen asiakastapaamisen aikana koostuu myyjäyrityksen koetusta osaamisesta ja ammattitaidosta, palveluasenteesta, asiakaslähtöisyydestä, vuorovaikutustaidoista, yhteistyötaidoista, avoimuuden ja luottamuksen tunteen herättämisestä ja projektinhallinnasta. Opinnäytetyön tutkimusaineiston pohjalta kerätty asiakastieto kiteytettiin Mediamaisteri Oy:n yritysasiakkaan asiakasprofiileiksi, joita voidaan tulevaisuudessa hyödyntää yrityksen asiakaslähtöisen myyntiprosessin kehittämisessä suuntaamaan toimintaa kohti todellista asiakasarvoa asiakkuuden alkuvaiheesta alkaen. Voidaan todeta, että opinnäytetyön tuloksilla on yhteyttä opinnäytetyön viitekehyksessä esitettyyn aikaisempaan teoreettiseen tietoon B2B-myynnistä, asiakasarvon muodostumisesta ja positiivisesta asiakaskokemuksesta. Opinnäytetyön tuloksissa ilmeni, että asiakasymmärryksen tavoittelu jää palvelujen hankintavaiheessa ja ensimmäisessä asiakastapaamisessa usein pinnalliselle tasolle. Jatkotutkimus etenkin vuorovaikutustaitojen merkityksestä B2B-myyntiprosessin alussa ja ensimmäisessä B2B-myyntitapaamisessa arvonluonnin ja arvomyynnin edellyttämän asiakasymmärryksen saavuttamiseksi on suositeltavaa.The aim of this thesis was to develop the B2B sales process of the case company Mediamaisteri Oy. The purpose was to utilize service design to promote the customer insight and to support the formation of the customer value and positive customer experiences in customer touchpoints during the early stages of the sales process. In addition, the purpose was to crystallize the information obtained from the empirical data into customer profiles that can be used to design customer-oriented solutions right from the beginning of a customer relationship and the initial B2B sales meeting. The basis for carrying out the empirical part of the thesis was the qualitative research and the process of service design. The research subject was defined by describing the business client’s customer journey in the beginning of the customer relationship with Mediamaisteri Oy, and by focusing to the initial B2B sales meeting and the time when the client became interested in the company's services and made the first contact. The research material consisted of six interviews of Mediamaisteri Oy's business clients, made as online theme interviews. The material was analyzed by utilizing inductive content analysis. The theoretical framework of the thesis was based on the theories of B2B sales, customer value creation and positive customer experience. In the empirical part of the thesis, the implementation of the work and the steps of the process are described in detail. The findings of the thesis indicate that the positive customer experience of a Mediamaisteri business client during the procurement phase and the initial B2B sales meeting consists of proven expertise and professionalism, service attitude, customer orientation, interaction skills, co-operation skills, openness and trust, and the project management. The research data collected was crystallized into the business client profiles of Mediamaisteri Oy, which can be used in the future to develop the customer-oriented sales process of the company in order to direct the business towards the real customer value starting right from the beginning of the customer relationship. It can be concluded that the results of the thesis are related to the previous theoretical knowledge of B2B sales, customer value creation and a positive customer experience presented in the theoretical framework of the thesis. The results of the thesis showed that the pursuit of customer understanding during the procurement phase and the initial B2B sales meeting often remains superficial. Further research on the significance of interaction skills in the beginning of the sales process and at the initial B2B sales meeting is desirable to achieve value creation and value-based customer insight

    Origin and evolution of water oxidation before the last common ancestor of the Cyanobacteria

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    Photosystem II, the water oxidizing enzyme, altered the course of evolution by filling the atmosphere with oxygen. Here, we reconstruct the origin and evolution of water oxidation at an unprecedented level of detail by studying the phylogeny of all D1 subunits, the main protein coordinating the water oxidizing cluster (Mn4CaO5) of Photosystem II. We show that D1 exists in several forms making well-defined clades, some of which could have evolved before the origin of water oxidation and presenting many atypical characteristics. The most ancient form is found in the genome of Gloeobacter kilaueensis JS-1 and this has a C-terminus with a higher sequence identity to D2 than to any other D1. Two other groups of early evolving D1 correspond to those expressed under prolonged far-red illumination and in darkness. These atypical D1 forms are characterized by a dramatically different Mn4CaO5 binding site and a Photosystem II containing such a site may assemble an unconventional metal cluster. The first D1 forms with a full set of ligands to the Mn4CaO5 cluster are grouped with D1 proteins expressed only under low oxygen concentrations and the latest evolving form is the dominant type of D1 found in all cyanobacteria and plastids. In addition, we show that the plastid ancestor had a D1 more similar to those in early branching Synechococcus. We suggest each one of these forms of D1 originated from transitional forms at different stages towards the innovation and optimization of water oxidation before the last common ancestor of all known cyanobacteria

    Wiring of Photosystem II to Hydrogenase for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting.

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    In natural photosynthesis, light is used for the production of chemical energy carriers to fuel biological activity. The re-engineering of natural photosynthetic pathways can provide inspiration for sustainable fuel production and insights for understanding the process itself. Here, we employ a semiartificial approach to study photobiological water splitting via a pathway unavailable to nature: the direct coupling of the water oxidation enzyme, photosystem II, to the H2 evolving enzyme, hydrogenase. Essential to this approach is the integration of the isolated enzymes into the artificial circuit of a photoelectrochemical cell. We therefore developed a tailor-made hierarchically structured indium-tin oxide electrode that gives rise to the excellent integration of both photosystem II and hydrogenase for performing the anodic and cathodic half-reactions, respectively. When connected together with the aid of an applied bias, the semiartificial cell demonstrated quantitative electron flow from photosystem II to the hydrogenase with the production of H2 and O2 being in the expected two-to-one ratio and a light-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency of 5.4% under low-intensity red-light irradiation. We thereby demonstrate efficient light-driven water splitting using a pathway inaccessible to biology and report on a widely applicable in vitro platform for the controlled coupling of enzymatic redox processes to meaningfully study photocatalytic reactions.This work was supported by the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/H00338X/2 to E.R. and EP/G037221/1, nanoDTC, to D.M.), the UK Biology and Biotechnological Sciences Research Council (BB/K002627/1 to A.W.R. and BB/K010220/1 to E.R.), a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (PIEF-GA-2013-625034 to C.Y.L), a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (PIIF-GA-2012-328085 RPSII to J.J.Z) and the CEA and the CNRS (to J.C.F.C.). A.W.R. holds a Wolfson Merit Award from the Royal Society.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from ACS Publications via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.5b0373

    Electron transfer in photosystem II

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    Le photosystème II (PSII) est un complexe multi-protéique qui utilise l'énergie solaire pour oxyder l'eau et réduire des quinones. Le site catalytique d'oxydation de l'eau est localisé coté lumen du complexe, alors, que le site de réduction comprenant deux quinones (QA et QB) et un fer non-hémique est localisé sur le coté stromal du complexe membranaire. Dans cette thèse j'ai étudié les deux cotés accepteur et donneur d'électrons du PSII.QA•- et QB•- sont couplés magnétiquement au fer non-hémique donnant de faibles signaux RPE. Le fer non-hémique possède quatre ligands histidines et un ligand (bi)carbonate échangeable. Le formate peut échanger le ligand (bi)carbonate induisant un ralentissement dans le transfert d'électrons. Ici, je décris une modification du signal RPE de QB•- Fe2+ lorsque le formate est substitué au (bi)carbonate. J'ai aussi découvert un second signal RPE dû à la présence du formate à la place du (bi)carbonate lorsque QB est doublement réduit. De plus, j'ai trouvé que les signaux RPE natifs de QA•- Fe2+ et QB•- Fe2+ possèdent une signature intense encore jamais détectée. Tous les signaux RPE rapportés dans cette thèse devraient faciliter le titrage redox de QB par RPE. J'ai aussi observé que QB•- peut oxyder le fer non-hémique à l'obscurité en anaérobie. Cette observation implique qu'au moins dans une fraction des centres, le couple QB•-/QBH2 possède un potentiel redox plus haut que supposé. La quantification du nombre de centres où cette oxydation du fer se produit par le couple QB•-/QBH2 reste à faire. La réduction du PSII par le dithionite génère un signal modifié de QA•-Fe2+, un changement structural du PSII observé par électrophorèse. Cela peut indiquer la réduction d'un pont disulfure à l'intérieur du PSII. Concernant le site d’oxydation de l'eau, j'ai étudié la première étape de l'assemblage du site catalytique (Mn4Ca), en suivant l'oxydation du Mn2+ par RPE en bande X et haut champ. J'ai mis au point des conditions expérimentales permettant le piégeage du premier intermédiaire et j'ai aussi trouvé une incohérence avec des travaux publiés dans la littérature. J'ai aussi trouvé que le dithionite pouvait réduire le site catalytique Mn4Ca, en formant des états sur-réduits qui peuvent correspondre aux intermédiaires de l'assemblage du cluster Mn4Ca.Photosystem II (PSII) uses light energy to oxidise water and reduce quinone. The water oxidation site is a Mn4Ca cluster located on the luminal side of the membrane protein complex, while the quinone reduction site is made up of two quinones (QA and QB) and a non-heme Fe2+ located on the stromal side of the membrane protein. In this thesis I worked on both oxidation and reduction functions of the enzyme. QA•- and QB•- are magnetically couple to the Fe2+ giving weak and complex EPR signals. The distorted octahedral Fe2+ has four histidines ligands and an exchangeable (bi)carbonate ligand. Formate can displace the exchangeable (bi)carbonate ligand, slowing electron transfer out of the PSII reaction centre. Here I report the formate-modified QB•- Fe2+ EPR signal, and this shows marked spectral changes and has a greatly enhanced intensity. I also discovered a second new EPR signal from formate-treated PSII that is attributed to formate-modified QA•- Fe2+ in the presence of a 2-electron reduced form of QB. In addition, I found that the native QA•- Fe2+ and QB•- Fe2+ EPR signals have a strong feature that had been previously missed because of overlapping signals (mainly the stable tyrosyl radical TyrD•). These previously unreported EPR signals should allow for the redox potential of this cofactor to be directly determined for the first time. I also observed that when QB•-Fe was formed; it was able to oxidise the iron slowly in the dark. This occurred in samples pumped to remove O2. This observation implies that at least in some centres, the QB•-/QBH2 couple has a higher potential then is often assumed and thus that the protein-bound semiquinone is thermodynamically less stable expected. It has yet to be determined if this represents a situation occurring in the majority of centres. Treatment of the system with dithionite generated a modified form of QA•-Fe2+ state and a change in the association of the proteins on gels. This indicates a redox induced modification of the protein, possibly structurally important cysteine bridge in PSII.On the water oxidation side of the enzyme, I studied the first step in the assembly of the Mn4Ca cluster looking at Mn2+ oxidation using kinetic EPR and high field EPR. Conditions were found for stabilising the first oxidised state and some discrepancies with the literature were observed. I also found that dithionite could be used to reduce the Mn4Ca, forming states that are formally equivalent to those that exist during the assembly of the enzyme

    Transfert d'électrons dans le photosystème II

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    Photosystem II (PSII) uses light energy to oxidise water and reduce quinone. The water oxidation site is a Mn4Ca cluster located on the luminal side of the membrane protein complex, while the quinone reduction site is made up of two quinones (QA and QB) and a non-heme Fe2+ located on the stromal side of the membrane protein. In this thesis I worked on both oxidation and reduction functions of the enzyme. QA•- and QB•- are magnetically couple to the Fe2+ giving weak and complex EPR signals. The distorted octahedral Fe2+ has four histidines ligands and an exchangeable (bi)carbonate ligand. Formate can displace the exchangeable (bi)carbonate ligand, slowing electron transfer out of the PSII reaction centre. Here I report the formate-modified QB•- Fe2+ EPR signal, and this shows marked spectral changes and has a greatly enhanced intensity. I also discovered a second new EPR signal from formate-treated PSII that is attributed to formate-modified QA•- Fe2+ in the presence of a 2-electron reduced form of QB. In addition, I found that the native QA•- Fe2+ and QB•- Fe2+ EPR signals have a strong feature that had been previously missed because of overlapping signals (mainly the stable tyrosyl radical TyrD•). These previously unreported EPR signals should allow for the redox potential of this cofactor to be directly determined for the first time. I also observed that when QB•-Fe was formed; it was able to oxidise the iron slowly in the dark. This occurred in samples pumped to remove O2. This observation implies that at least in some centres, the QB•-/QBH2 couple has a higher potential then is often assumed and thus that the protein-bound semiquinone is thermodynamically less stable expected. It has yet to be determined if this represents a situation occurring in the majority of centres. Treatment of the system with dithionite generated a modified form of QA•-Fe2+ state and a change in the association of the proteins on gels. This indicates a redox induced modification of the protein, possibly structurally important cysteine bridge in PSII.On the water oxidation side of the enzyme, I studied the first step in the assembly of the Mn4Ca cluster looking at Mn2+ oxidation using kinetic EPR and high field EPR. Conditions were found for stabilising the first oxidised state and some discrepancies with the literature were observed. I also found that dithionite could be used to reduce the Mn4Ca, forming states that are formally equivalent to those that exist during the assembly of the enzyme.Le photosystème II (PSII) est un complexe multi-protéique qui utilise l'énergie solaire pour oxyder l'eau et réduire des quinones. Le site catalytique d'oxydation de l'eau est localisé coté lumen du complexe, alors, que le site de réduction comprenant deux quinones (QA et QB) et un fer non-hémique est localisé sur le coté stromal du complexe membranaire. Dans cette thèse j'ai étudié les deux cotés accepteur et donneur d'électrons du PSII.QA•- et QB•- sont couplés magnétiquement au fer non-hémique donnant de faibles signaux RPE. Le fer non-hémique possède quatre ligands histidines et un ligand (bi)carbonate échangeable. Le formate peut échanger le ligand (bi)carbonate induisant un ralentissement dans le transfert d'électrons. Ici, je décris une modification du signal RPE de QB•- Fe2+ lorsque le formate est substitué au (bi)carbonate. J'ai aussi découvert un second signal RPE dû à la présence du formate à la place du (bi)carbonate lorsque QB est doublement réduit. De plus, j'ai trouvé que les signaux RPE natifs de QA•- Fe2+ et QB•- Fe2+ possèdent une signature intense encore jamais détectée. Tous les signaux RPE rapportés dans cette thèse devraient faciliter le titrage redox de QB par RPE. J'ai aussi observé que QB•- peut oxyder le fer non-hémique à l'obscurité en anaérobie. Cette observation implique qu'au moins dans une fraction des centres, le couple QB•-/QBH2 possède un potentiel redox plus haut que supposé. La quantification du nombre de centres où cette oxydation du fer se produit par le couple QB•-/QBH2 reste à faire. La réduction du PSII par le dithionite génère un signal modifié de QA•-Fe2+, un changement structural du PSII observé par électrophorèse. Cela peut indiquer la réduction d'un pont disulfure à l'intérieur du PSII. Concernant le site d’oxydation de l'eau, j'ai étudié la première étape de l'assemblage du site catalytique (Mn4Ca), en suivant l'oxydation du Mn2+ par RPE en bande X et haut champ. J'ai mis au point des conditions expérimentales permettant le piégeage du premier intermédiaire et j'ai aussi trouvé une incohérence avec des travaux publiés dans la littérature. J'ai aussi trouvé que le dithionite pouvait réduire le site catalytique Mn4Ca, en formant des états sur-réduits qui peuvent correspondre aux intermédiaires de l'assemblage du cluster Mn4Ca

    Transfert d'électrons dans le photosystème II

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    Le photosystème II (PSII) est un complexe multi-protéique qui utilise l'énergie solaire pour oxyder l'eau et réduire des quinones. Le site catalytique d'oxydation de l'eau est localisé coté lumen du complexe, alors, que le site de réduction comprenant deux quinones (QA et QB) et un fer non-hémique est localisé sur le coté stromal du complexe membranaire. Dans cette thèse j'ai étudié les deux cotés accepteur et donneur d'électrons du PSII.QA - et QB - sont couplés magnétiquement au fer non-hémique donnant de faibles signaux RPE. Le fer non-hémique possède quatre ligands histidines et un ligand (bi)carbonate échangeable. Le formate peut échanger le ligand (bi)carbonate induisant un ralentissement dans le transfert d'électrons. Ici, je décris une modification du signal RPE de QB - Fe2+ lorsque le formate est substitué au (bi)carbonate. J'ai aussi découvert un second signal RPE dû à la présence du formate à la place du (bi)carbonate lorsque QB est doublement réduit. De plus, j'ai trouvé que les signaux RPE natifs de QA - Fe2+ et QB - Fe2+ possèdent une signature intense encore jamais détectée. Tous les signaux RPE rapportés dans cette thèse devraient faciliter le titrage redox de QB par RPE. J'ai aussi observé que QB - peut oxyder le fer non-hémique à l'obscurité en anaérobie. Cette observation implique qu'au moins dans une fraction des centres, le couple QB -/QBH2 possède un potentiel redox plus haut que supposé. La quantification du nombre de centres où cette oxydation du fer se produit par le couple QB -/QBH2 reste à faire. La réduction du PSII par le dithionite génère un signal modifié de QA -Fe2+, un changement structural du PSII observé par électrophorèse. Cela peut indiquer la réduction d'un pont disulfure à l'intérieur du PSII. Concernant le site d oxydation de l'eau, j'ai étudié la première étape de l'assemblage du site catalytique (Mn4Ca), en suivant l'oxydation du Mn2+ par RPE en bande X et haut champ. J'ai mis au point des conditions expérimentales permettant le piégeage du premier intermédiaire et j'ai aussi trouvé une incohérence avec des travaux publiés dans la littérature. J'ai aussi trouvé que le dithionite pouvait réduire le site catalytique Mn4Ca, en formant des états sur-réduits qui peuvent correspondre aux intermédiaires de l'assemblage du cluster Mn4Ca.Photosystem II (PSII) uses light energy to oxidise water and reduce quinone. The water oxidation site is a Mn4Ca cluster located on the luminal side of the membrane protein complex, while the quinone reduction site is made up of two quinones (QA and QB) and a non-heme Fe2+ located on the stromal side of the membrane protein. In this thesis I worked on both oxidation and reduction functions of the enzyme. QA - and QB - are magnetically couple to the Fe2+ giving weak and complex EPR signals. The distorted octahedral Fe2+ has four histidines ligands and an exchangeable (bi)carbonate ligand. Formate can displace the exchangeable (bi)carbonate ligand, slowing electron transfer out of the PSII reaction centre. Here I report the formate-modified QB - Fe2+ EPR signal, and this shows marked spectral changes and has a greatly enhanced intensity. I also discovered a second new EPR signal from formate-treated PSII that is attributed to formate-modified QA - Fe2+ in the presence of a 2-electron reduced form of QB. In addition, I found that the native QA - Fe2+ and QB - Fe2+ EPR signals have a strong feature that had been previously missed because of overlapping signals (mainly the stable tyrosyl radical TyrD ). These previously unreported EPR signals should allow for the redox potential of this cofactor to be directly determined for the first time. I also observed that when QB -Fe was formed; it was able to oxidise the iron slowly in the dark. This occurred in samples pumped to remove O2. This observation implies that at least in some centres, the QB -/QBH2 couple has a higher potential then is often assumed and thus that the protein-bound semiquinone is thermodynamically less stable expected. It has yet to be determined if this represents a situation occurring in the majority of centres. Treatment of the system with dithionite generated a modified form of QA -Fe2+ state and a change in the association of the proteins on gels. This indicates a redox induced modification of the protein, possibly structurally important cysteine bridge in PSII.On the water oxidation side of the enzyme, I studied the first step in the assembly of the Mn4Ca cluster looking at Mn2+ oxidation using kinetic EPR and high field EPR. Conditions were found for stabilising the first oxidised state and some discrepancies with the literature were observed. I also found that dithionite could be used to reduce the Mn4Ca, forming states that are formally equivalent to those that exist during the assembly of the enzyme.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF
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