79 research outputs found

    Pancreas agenesis mutations disrupt a lead enhancer controlling a developmental enhancer cluster.

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    Sequence variants in cis-acting enhancers are important for polygenic disease, but their role in Mendelian disease is poorly understood. Redundancy between enhancers that regulate the same gene is thought to mitigate the pathogenic impact of enhancer mutations. Recent findings, however, have shown that loss-of-function mutations in a single enhancer near PTF1A cause pancreas agenesis and neonatal diabetes. Using mouse and human genetic models, we show that this enhancer activates an entire PTF1A enhancer cluster in early pancreatic multipotent progenitors. This leading role, therefore, precludes functional redundancy. We further demonstrate that transient expression of PTF1A in multipotent progenitors sets in motion an epigenetic cascade that is required for duct and endocrine differentiation. These findings shed insights into the genome regulatory mechanisms that drive pancreas differentiation. Furthermore, they reveal an enhancer that acts as a regulatory master key and is thus vulnerable to pathogenic loss-of-function mutations

    Comparative genomic analysis of the ‘pseudofungus’ Hyphochytrium catenoides

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    Eukaryotic microbes have three primary mechanisms for obtaining nutrients and energy: phagotrophy, photosynthesis and osmotrophy. Traits associated with the latter two functions arose independently multiple times in the eukaryotes. The Fungi successfully coupled osmotrophy with filamentous growth, and similar traits are also manifested in the Pseudofungi (oomycetes and hyphochytriomycetes). Both the Fungi and the Pseudofungi encompass a diversity of plant and animal parasites. Genome-sequencing efforts have focused on host-associated microbes (mutualistic symbionts or parasites), providing limited comparisons with free-living relatives. Here we report the first draft genome sequence of a hyphochytriomycete ‘pseudofungus’; Hyphochytrium catenoides. Using phylogenomic approaches, we identify genes of recent viral ancestry, with related viral derived genes also present on the genomes of oomycetes, suggesting a complex history of viral coevolution and integration across the Pseudofungi. H. catenoides has a complex life cycle involving diverse filamentous structures and a flagellated zoospore with a single anterior tinselate flagellum. We use genome comparisons, drug sensitivity analysis and high-throughput culture arrays to investigate the ancestry of oomycete/pseudofungal characteristics, demonstrating that many of the genetic features associated with parasitic traits evolved specifically within the oomycete radiation. Comparative genomics also identified differences in the repertoire of genes associated with filamentous growth between the Fungi and the Pseudofungi, including differences in vesicle trafficking systems, cell-wall synthesis pathways and motor protein repertoire, demonstrating that unique cellular systems underpinned the convergent evolution of filamentous osmotrophic growth in these two eukaryotic groups

    Control of Tissue Growth and Cell Transformation by the Salvador/Warts/Hippo Pathway

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    The Salvador-Warts-Hippo (SWH) pathway is an important regulator of tissue growth that is frequently subverted in human cancer. The key oncoprotein of the SWH pathway is the transcriptional co-activator, Yes-associated protein (YAP). YAP promotes tissue growth and transformation of cultured cells by interacting with transcriptional regulatory proteins via its WW domains, or, in the case of the TEAD1-4 transcription factors, an N-terminal binding domain. YAP possesses a putative transactivation domain in its C-terminus that is necessary to stimulate transcription factors in vitro, but its requirement for YAP function has not been investigated in detail. Interestingly, whilst the WW domains and TEAD-binding domain are highly conserved in the Drosophila melanogaster YAP orthologue, Yorkie, the majority of the C-terminal region of YAP is not present in Yorkie. To investigate this apparent conundrum, we assessed the functional roles of the YAP and Yorkie C-termini. We found that these regions were not required for Yorkie's ability to drive tissue growth in vivo, or YAP's ability to promote anchorage-independent growth or resistance to contact inhibition. However, the YAP transactivation domain was required for YAP's ability to induce cell migration and invasion. Moreover, a role for the YAP transactivation domain in cell transformation was uncovered when the YAP WW domains were mutated together with the transactivation domain. This shows that YAP can promote cell transformation in a flexible manner, presumably by contacting transcriptional regulatory proteins either via its WW domains or its transactivation domain

    Conservation of the Human Integrin-Type Beta-Propeller Domain in Bacteria

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    Integrins are heterodimeric cell-surface receptors with key functions in cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion. Integrin α and β subunits are present throughout the metazoans, but it is unclear whether the subunits predate the origin of multicellular organisms. Several component domains have been detected in bacteria, one of which, a specific 7-bladed β-propeller domain, is a unique feature of the integrin α subunits. Here, we describe a structure-derived motif, which incorporates key features of each blade from the X-ray structures of human αIIbβ3 and αVβ3, includes elements of the FG-GAP/Cage and Ca2+-binding motifs, and is specific only for the metazoan integrin domains. Separately, we searched for the metazoan integrin type β-propeller domains among all available sequences from bacteria and unicellular eukaryotic organisms, which must incorporate seven repeats, corresponding to the seven blades of the β-propeller domain, and so that the newly found structure-derived motif would exist in every repeat. As the result, among 47 available genomes of unicellular eukaryotes we could not find a single instance of seven repeats with the motif. Several sequences contained three repeats, a predicted transmembrane segment, and a short cytoplasmic motif associated with some integrins, but otherwise differ from the metazoan integrin α subunits. Among the available bacterial sequences, we found five examples containing seven sequential metazoan integrin-specific motifs within the seven repeats. The motifs differ in having one Ca2+-binding site per repeat, whereas metazoan integrins have three or four sites. The bacterial sequences are more conserved in terms of motif conservation and loop length, suggesting that the structure is more regular and compact than those example structures from human integrins. Although the bacterial examples are not full-length integrins, the full-length metazoan-type 7-bladed β-propeller domains are present, and sometimes two tandem copies are found

    The Evolution of Extracellular Matrix

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    We present a perspective on the molecular evolution of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in metazoa that draws on research publications and data from sequenced genomes and expressed sequence tag libraries. ECM components do not function in isolation, and the biological ECM system or “adhesome” also depends on posttranslational processing enzymes, cell surface receptors, and extracellular proteases. We focus principally on the adhesome of internal tissues and discuss its origins at the dawn of the metazoa and the expansion of complexity that occurred in the chordate lineage. The analyses demonstrate very high conservation of a core adhesome that apparently evolved in a major wave of innovation in conjunction with the origin of metazoa. Integrin, CD36, and certain domains predate the metazoa, and some ECM-related proteins are identified in choanoflagellates as predicted sequences. Modern deuterostomes and vertebrates have many novelties and elaborations of ECM as a result of domain shuffling, domain innovations and gene family expansions. Knowledge of the evolution of metazoan ECM is important for understanding how it is built as a system, its roles in normal tissues and disease processes, and has relevance for tissue engineering, the development of artificial organs, and the goals of synthetic biology

    The Functions of Grainy Head-Like Proteins in Animals and Fungi and the Evolution of Apical Extracellular Barriers

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    The Grainy head (GRH) family of transcription factors are crucial for the development and repair of epidermal barriers in all animals in which they have been studied. This is a high-level functional conservation, as the known structural and enzymatic genes regulated by GRH proteins differ between species depending on the type of epidermal barrier being formed. Interestingly, members of the CP2 superfamily of transcription factors, which encompasses the GRH and LSF families in animals, are also found in fungi – organisms that lack epidermal tissues. To shed light on CP2 protein function in fungi, we characterized a Neurospora crassa mutant lacking the CP2 member we refer to as grainy head-like (grhl). We show that Neurospora GRHL has a DNA-binding specificity similar to that of animal GRH proteins and dissimilar to that of animal LSF proteins. Neurospora grhl mutants are defective in conidial-spore dispersal due to an inability to remodel the cell wall, and we show that grhl mutants and the long-known conidial separation-2 (csp-2) mutants are allelic. We then characterized the transcriptomes of both Neurospora grhl mutants and Drosophila grh mutant embryos to look for similarities in the affected genes. Neurospora grhl appears to play a role in the development and remodeling of the cell wall, as well as in the activation of genes involved in defense and virulence. Drosophila GRH is required to activate the expression of many genes involved in cuticular/epidermal-barrier formation. We also present evidence that GRH plays a role in adult antimicrobial defense. These results, along with previous studies of animal GRH proteins, suggest the fascinating possibility that the apical extracellular barriers of some animals and fungi might share an evolutionary connection, and that the formation of physical barriers in the last common ancestor was under the control of a transcriptional code that included GRH-like proteins

    Genome of the anaerobic fungus Orpinomyces sp. strain C1A reveals the unique evolutionary history of a remarkable plant biomass degrader

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    Anaerobic gut fungi represent a distinct early-branching fungal phylum (Neocallimastigomycota) and reside in the rumen, hindgut, and feces of ruminant and nonruminant herbivores. The genome of an anaerobic fungal isolate, Orpinomyces sp. strain C1A, was sequenced using a combination of Illumina and PacBio single-molecule real-time (SMRT) technologies. The large genome (100.95 Mb, 16,347 genes) displayed extremely low G+C content (17.0%), large noncoding intergenic regions (73.1%), proliferation of microsatellite repeats (4.9%), and multiple gene duplications. Comparative genomic analysis identified multiple genes and pathways that are absent in Dikarya genomes but present in early-branching fungal lineages and/or nonfungal Opisthokonta. These included genes for posttranslational fucosylation, the production of specific intramembrane proteases and extracellular protease inhibitors, the formation of a complete axoneme and intraflagellar trafficking machinery, and a near-complete focal adhesion machinery. Analysis of the lignocellulolytic machinery in the C1A genome revealed an extremely rich repertoire, with evidence of horizontal gene acquisition from multiple bacterial lineages. Experimental analysis indicated that strain C1A is a remarkable biomass degrader, capable of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of the cellulosic and hemicellulosic fractions in multiple untreated grasses and crop residues examined, with the process significantly enhanced by mild pretreatments. This capability, acquired during its separate evolutionary trajectory in the rumen, along with its resilience and invasiveness compared to prokaryotic anaerobes, renders anaerobic fungi promising agents for consolidated bioprocessing schemes in biofuels production.Peer reviewedMicrobiology and Molecular GeneticsBiosystems and Agricultural Engineerin

    Definition of a consensus integrin adhesome and its dynamics during adhesion complex assembly and disassembly

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    Integrin receptor activation initiates the formation of integrin adhesion complexes (IACs) at the cell membrane that transduce adhesion-dependent signals to control a multitude of cellular functions. Proteomic analyses of isolated IACs have revealed an unanticipated molecular complexity; however, a global view of the consensus composition and dynamics of IACs is currently lacking. Here, we have integrated several IAC proteomes and generated a 2,412-protein integrin adhesome. Analysis of this dataset reveals the functional diversity of proteins in IACs and establishes a consensus adhesome of 60 proteins. The consensus adhesome likely represents a core cell adhesion machinery, centred around four axes comprising ILK-PINCH-kindlin, FAK-paxillin, talin-vinculin and α-actinin-zyxin-VASP, and includes underappreciated IAC components such as Rsu-1 and caldesmon. Proteomic quantification of IAC assembly and disassembly detailed the compositional dynamics of the core cell adhesion machinery. The definition of this consensus view of integrin adhesome components provides a resource for the research community

    Caratterizzazione di alcuni siti della rete accelerometrica nazionale al fine di individuare la risposta sismica locale

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    Le indagini geotecniche finalizzate alla stima della risposta sismica locale si limitano molto spesso ai primi 30 m di profondità, valore che è diventato uno standard per la classificazione delle caratteristiche di un sito. Negli anni ’90 Borcherdt (1994) e Martin e Dobry (1994) suggerirono 30 m come la profondità standard di indagine per la verifica delle strutture. Boore et al. (1993, 1994, 1997) e Boore e Joyner (1997) basarono le regressioni per il calcolo delle leggi predittive del moto del suolo sullo stesso parametro. Nel 1997 negli Stati Uniti il National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) nella stesura delle norme tecniche per le costruzioni in zona sismica (FEMA, 1997) utilizza per la prima volta il parametro Vs30 come indice per la classificazione dei suoli, con lo scopo di definirne l’amplificazione. Le norme tecniche per le costruzioni in zona sismica della comunità Europea, EC8 (ENV, 1998) ente da dati provenienti dagli Stati Uniti occidentali e, utilizzando dati provenienti dalla stessa regione, Wald & Mori (2000) segnalano che le VS,30 non sono molto ben correlate con l’entità dell’amplificazione, in quanto esiste una forte dispersione dei dati. La figura 1.1 mostra il rapporto tra le amplificazioni, mediate sull’intervallo di frequenza compreso tra 3-5 Hz. raccomandano lo stesso parametro per suddividere i terreni, anche se le classi differiscono in parte dalla classificazione NEHRP. Infine, anche in Italia, le Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (Normative Tecniche per le Costruzioni, Gazzetta Ufficiale del 14/01/2008) adottano la stessa suddivisione dei terreni adottata dall’EC8.L’attendibilità della velocità delle onde di taglio nei primi 30 m (VS,30) come estimatore della risposta sismica di un sito, in termini di frequenza e amplificazione, è tuttavia molto discussa.Innanzitutto il parametro è stato ricavato unicamente da dati provenienti dagli Stati Uniti occidentali e, utilizzando dati provenienti dalla stessa regione, Wald & Mori (2000) segnalano che le Vs30 non sono molto ben correlate con l’entità dell’amplificazione, in quanto esiste una forte dispersione dei dati. La figura 1.1 mostra il rapporto tra le amplificazioni, mediate sull’intervallo di frequenza compreso tra 3-5 Hz. I valori risultano effettivamente molto dispersi, ma questo risultato può essere spiegato col fatto che non tutte le classi di sito hanno frequenza di risonanza compreso in questo intervallo di frequenza. Perciò per alcuni siti la media è stata calcolata nell’intorno della frequenza di risonanza (sulle amplificazioni massime), mentre per altri è stata calcolata sulle armoniche superiori, che hanno ampiezze minori. Lavori eseguiti con dati provenienti da altre regioni sottolineano come le Vs30 non siano buoni estimatori per la predizione di amplificazioni in bacini profondi (Park & Hashash, 2004), per la stima delle amplificazioni in altre regioni (Stewart et al., 2003) o in presenza di inversioni di velocità (Di Giacomo et al., 2005). Uno studio recente, eseguito su dati giapponesi (Zhao et al., 2006) si è evitato l’uso della Vs30 perché strati spessi di terreno rigido posti sopra il substrato roccioso amplificano il moto di lungo periodo, mentre gli strati sottili e soffici tendono ad amplificare il moto di corto periodo: ciò significa che la VS,30 non può rappresentare il periodo predominante del sito, dato che si basa solo sugli strati superficiali. Secondo Mucciarelli e Gallipoli (2006) il confronto tra l’amplificazione sismica al sito e la Vs30 mostra che quest’ultimo parametro non è adeguato per spiegare gli effetti di sito osservati in Italia a causa delle situazioni geologiche particolari che sono diffuse nel nostro paese. La figura 1.2 mostra la distribuzione dell’ampiezza rispetto alla classe di sito, in cui si vede che le classi sono mal discriminate e le mediane delle classi A e B (indicate dalla linea nera) sono uguali. È però necessario notare che questo grafico è stato costruito utilizzando le ampiezze ricavate col metodo dei rapporti spettrali H/V, ma in letteratura (Bard, 1999) è dimostrato che tali rapporti spettrali permettono di stimare la frequenza di risonanza, ma falliscono nella stima del valore di amplificazione. In particolare la Vs30 sottostima gli effetti locali ai siti con inversione di velocità e li sovrastima in siti con bacini profondi. La Vs30 sembra fornire dei buoni risultati solo in siti che abbiano un profilo di velocità monotono, crescente con la profondità e un forte contrasto di impedenza nella prima decina di metri. Questo studio si propone di verificare l’attendibilità della velocità delle onde di taglio valutate nei primi 30 m come estimatore della risposta sismica di un sito. Per questo scopo sono state selezionate 45 stazioni della Rete Accelerometrica Nazionale, di cui si conoscono i profili stratigrafici e i profili di velocità delle onde di taglio e di compressione. Inoltre sono state raccolte le registrazioni strong motion relative ai terremoti registrati da queste stazioni. Gli effetti di sito sono stati valutati in due modi: · Le registrazioni sono state utilizzate per calcolare i rapporti spettrali H/V per ricavare la frequenza fondamentale propria di ciascun sito (f0) e il relativo valore di amplificazione; · I profili di velocità delle onde di taglio sono serviti per ricavare il modello teorico monodimensionale per il calcolo della funzione di trasferimento del sito, eseguito per mezzo del modello proposto da Haskell e Thomson (Haskell, 1953, Thomson 1950), da cui ricavare la f0 e l’amplificazione. I valori ottenuti con i due metodi sono stati poi confrontati per verificare la congruenza dei risultati. I profili di velocità hanno permesso di classificare le stazioni utilizzando la velocità media delle onde di taglio nei primi 30 m (Vs30), secondo la normativa italiana. I risultati ottenuti dalla valutazione della risposta di ciascun sito, espressi in termini di frequenza fondamentale e amplificazione, sono stati correlati con la rispettiva classe di sito per verificare l’attendibilità del parametro delle Vs30 come estimatore degli effetti di sito