2,520 research outputs found

    About the role of perceived size of objects when lifting them - an experimental study of the size-weight illusion

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    Wenn zwei Objekte gleichen Gewichtes aber unterschiedlicher Größe gehoben werden, so erscheint das kleinere Objekt schwerer als das größere. In dieser seit über 200 Jahren bekannten Größengewichtstäuschung drückt sich die intersensorielle Integration von Information über Objektgewicht und Objektgröße aus. Als Determinanten dieser Täuschung sind neben verschiedenen Attributen der Objekte insbesondere die zeitliche Kontiguität der Darbietung der Gewichts- und Größeninformation von Bedeutung, darüber hinaus wird auf die Bedeutung von Vorwissen und Erwartungen für das Zustandekommen der Täuschung hingewiesen. Diskutiert wird bis zum heutigen Tage die Rolle der sensorischen Modalität, in der die Größeninformation vermittelt wird. Einige Autoren berichten von einem Modalitätseffekt, nach dem das Täuschungsphänomen in vollem Umfang nur bei haptischer Vermittlung der Information über die Objektgröße auftritt, obgleich eine ausschließlich visuell induzierte Täuschung bekannt ist. Die Aufklärung dieser Diskrepanz ist Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit. In einem mehrfaktoriellen Experiment mit insgesamt 40 Probanden, in dem die Information über die Größe der dargebotenen, unterschiedlich schweren Objekte visuell und/oder haptisch vermittelt wird, kann der Modalitätseffekt als Ausdruck eines Artefaktes nachgewiesen werden. Hierzu werden einige der kugelförmigen Vergleichsobjekte so gestaltet, dass die Größenverhältnisse zwischen kleinerem und größerem Vergleichsobjekt bei ihrer Darbietung annähernd identisch sind, wenn der Durchmesser bei visueller Darbietung und das Volumen bei haptischer Darbietung als Großenhinweisreiz herangezogen werden. Die Befunde zeigen, dass es keinen Modalitätseffekt bei der Größengewichtstäuschung gibt, wenn die wahrgenommenen Größenverhältnisse der zu vergleichenden Objekte in der jeweiliger Sinnesmodalität, in der die Information über die Größe vermittelt wird, gleich sind. Bei gleichzeitiger Darbietung von Information über die Größe der Gewichtsobjekte in verschiedenen Modalitäten wird die Täuschung von der Größeninformation in derjenigen Modalität bestimmt, in der die Repräsentation der Größenunterschiede zwischen den Objekten am größten ist. Dieser Befund fügt sich gut in ein von Kawai, Henigman, MacKenzie, Kuang und Faust (2007) vorgestelltes konzeptuelles Modell der Gewichtswahrnehmung ein, in dem nicht die physikalischen Größenmerkmale sondern die sensorischen Größencues der verglichenen Objekte für die Ausbildung der Größengewichtstäuschung entscheidend sind.When two objects of equal weight but different sizes are lifted, the smaller object is perceived as heavier than the larger object. This size-weight illusion, which is known for over 200 years, is the result of an intersensory integration of information about the object’s size and the object’s weight. Determining factors of this illusion are – besides different attributes of the objects themself – the temporal contiguity of the presentation of size and of weight information; prior knowledge and expectations might also play a role. Still discussed is the role of the sensory modality in which the size information is presented: Some authors report a modality effect according to which the illusion only occurs to it’s full extend when haptic size information is presented. However, it is also known that the illusion does also occur when only visual size information is available. The topic of this thesis is to settle this dispute. The results of a multifactorial experiment in which 40 persons participated and in which visual and/or haptic size information about objects of different weight was presented to them are reported. They indicate that the modality effect is an artefact: When designing spherical objects in a way that the size-relation between larger and smaller objects is nearly identical when using the objects’ diameter as visual size cue or when using the objects’ volume as haptic size cue, the modality effect vanishes when the size-relation in the respective modalities is perceived as being identical. When the objects’ sizes are perceived in both modalities, the size-weight illusion is determined by size information in the modality in which the larger size difference between the two objects is perceived. This finding fits into the conceptual model of weight perception by Kawai, Henigman, MacKenzie, Kuang and Faust (2007), according to which the sensory size cues of compared objects are relevant for the size-weight illusion and not the physical size attributes of the objects

    Beef production from feedstuffs conserved using new technologies to reduce negative environmental impacts

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    End of project reportMost (ca. 86%) Irish farms make some silage. Besides directly providing feed for livestock, the provision of grass silage within integrated grassland systems makes an important positive contribution to effective grazing management and improved forage utilisation by grazing animals, and to effective feed budgeting by farmers. It can also contribute to maintaining the content of desirable species in pastures, and to livestock not succumbing to parasites at sensitive times of the year. Furthermore, the optimal recycling of nutrients collected from housed livestock can often be best achieved by spreading the manures on the land used for producing the conserved feed. On most Irish farms, grass silage will remain the main conserved forage for feeding to livestock during winter for the foreseeable future. However, on some farms high yields of whole-crop (i.e. grain + straw) cereals such as wheat, barley and triticale, and of forage maize, will be an alternative option provided that losses during harvesting, storage and feedout are minimised and that input costs are restrained. These alternative forages have the potential to reliably support high levels of animal performance while avoiding the production of effluent. Their production and use however will need to advantageously integrate into ruminant production systems. A range of technologies can be employed for crop production and conservation, and for beef production, and the optimal options need to be identified. Beef cattle being finished indoors are offered concentrate feedstuffs at rates that range from modest inputs through to ad libitum access. Such concentrates frequently contain high levels of cereals such as barley or wheat. These cereals are generally between 14% to 18% moisture content and tend to be rolled shortly before being included in coarse rations or are more finely processed prior to pelleting. Farmers thinking of using ‘high-moisture grain’ techniques for preserving and processing cereal grains destined for feeding to beef cattle need to know how the yield, conservation efficiency and feeding value of such grains compares with grains conserved using more conventional techniques. European Union policy strongly encourages a sustainable and multifunctional agriculture. Therefore, in addition to providing European consumers with quality food produced within approved systems, agriculture must also contribute positively to the conservation of natural resources and the upkeep of the rural landscape. Plastics are widely used in agriculture and their post-use fate on farms must not harm the environment - they must be managed to support the enduring sustainability of farming systems. There is an absence of information on the efficacy of some new options for covering and sealing silage with plastic sheeting and tyres, and an absence of an inventory of the use, re-use and post-use fate of plastic film on farms. Irish cattle farmers operate a large number of beef production systems, half of which use dairy bred calves. In the current, continuously changing production and market conditions, new beef systems must be considered. A computer package is required that will allow the rapid, repeatable simulation and assessment of alternate beef production systems using appropriate, standardised procedures. There is thus a need to construct, evaluate and utilise computer models of components of beef production systems and to develop mathematical relationships to link system components into a network that would support their integration into an optimal system model. This will provide a framework to integrate physical and financial on-farm conditions with models for estimating feed supply and animal growth patterns. Cash flow and profit/loss results will be developed. This will help identify optimal systems, indicate the cause of failure of imperfect systems and identify areas where applied research data are currently lacking, or more basic research is required

    Distinct Occurrence of Proarrhythmic Afterdepolarizations in Atrial Versus Ventricular Cardiomyocytes: Implications for Translational Research on Atrial Arrhythmia

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    Background: Principal mechanisms of arrhythmia have been derived from ventricular but not atrial cardiomyocytes of animal models despite higher prevalence of atrial arrhythmia (e.g., atrial fibrillation). Due to significant ultrastructural and functional differences, a simple transfer of ventricular proneness toward arrhythmia to atrial arrhythmia is critical. The use of murine models in arrhythmia research is widespread, despite known translational limitations. We here directly compare atrial and ventricular mechanisms of arrhythmia to identify critical differences that should be considered in murine models for development of antiarrhythmic strategies for atrial arrhythmia.Methods and Results: Isolated murine atrial and ventricular myocytes were analyzed by wide field microscopy and subjected to a proarrhythmic protocol during patch-clamp experiments. As expected, the spindle shaped atrial myocytes showed decreased cell area and membrane capacitance compared to the rectangular shaped ventricular myocytes. Though delayed afterdepolarizations (DADs) could be evoked in a similar fraction of both cell types (80% of cells each), these led significantly more often to the occurrence of spontaneous action potentials (sAPs) in ventricular myocytes. Interestingly, numerous early afterdepolarizations (EADs) were observed in the majority of ventricular myocytes, but there was no EAD in any atrial myocyte (EADs per cell; atrial myocytes: 0 ± 0; n = 25/12 animals; ventricular myocytes: 1.5 [0–43]; n = 20/12 animals; p < 0.05). At the same time, the action potential duration to 90% decay (APD90) was unaltered and the APD50 even increased in atrial versus ventricular myocytes. However, the depolarizing L-type Ca2+ current (ICa) and Na+/Ca2+-exchanger inward current (INCX) were significantly smaller in atrial versus ventricular myocytes.Conclusion: In mice, atrial myocytes exhibit a substantially distinct occurrence of proarrhythmic afterdepolarizations compared to ventricular myocytes, since they are in a similar manner susceptible to DADs but interestingly seem to be protected against EADs and show less sAPs. Key factors in the generation of EADs like ICa and INCX were significantly reduced in atrial versus ventricular myocytes, which may offer a mechanistic explanation for the observed protection against EADs. These findings may be of relevance for current studies on atrial level in murine models to develop targeted strategies for the treatment of atrial arrhythmia

    Applying new biotechnologies to the study of occupational cancer--a workshop summary.

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    As high-throughput technologies in genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics evolve, questions arise about their use in the assessment of occupational cancers. To address these questions, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and the American Chemistry Council sponsored a workshop 8-9 May 2002 in Washington, DC. The workshop brought together 80 international specialists whose objective was to identify the means for best exploiting new technologies to enhance methods for laboratory investigation, epidemiologic evaluation, risk assessment, and prevention of occupational cancer. The workshop focused on identifying and interpreting markers for early biologic effect and inherited modifiers of risk

    Serious Adverse Drug Reactions in Children and Adolescents Treated On- and Off-Label with Antidepressants and Antipsychotics in Clinical Practice

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    Introduction: Despite the growing evidence base for psychotropic drug treatment in pediatric patients, knowledge about the benefit-risk ratio in clinical practice remains limited. The 'Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)-VIGIL' study aimed to evaluate serious adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in children and adolescents treated with antidepressants and/or antipsychotics in approved ('on-label'), and off-label use in clinical practice. Methods: Psychiatric pediatric patients aged 6-18 years treated with antidepressants and/or antipsychotics either on-label or off-label were prospectively followed between October 2014 and December 2018 within a multicenter trial. Follow-up included standardized assessments of response, serious ADRs and therapeutic drug monitoring. Results: 710 youth (age=14.6±2.2 years, female=66.6%) were observed for 5.5 months on average; 76.3% received antidepressants, 47.5% antipsychotics, and 25.2% both. Altogether, 55.2% of the treatment episodes with antidepressants and 80.7% with antipsychotics were off-label. Serious ADRs occurred in 8.3% (95%CI=6.4-10.6%) of patients, mainly being psychiatric adverse reactions (77.4%), predominantly suicidal ideation and behavior. The risk of serious ADRs was not significantly different between patients using psychotropics off-label and on-label (antidepressants: 8.1% vs. 11.3%, p=0.16; antipsychotics: 8.7% vs 7.5%, p=0.67). Serious ADRs occurred in 16.6% of patients who were suicidal at enrollment versus 5.6% of patients who were not suicidal (relative risk 3.0, 95%CI=1.9-4.9). Conclusion: Off-label use of antidepressants and antipsychotics in youth was not a risk factor for the occurrence of serious ADRs in a closely monitored clinical setting. Results from large naturalistic trials like ours can contribute to bridging the gap between knowledge from randomized controlled trials and real-world clinical settings

    Проблемы увеличения продуктивности АПК в Украине и пути повышения его потенциала

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    Целью статьи является изучение причин снижения показателей продуктивности в агропромышленном комплексе и путей повышения продуктивности сельскохозяйственных культур

    Therapeutic drug monitoring of sertraline in children and adolescents: A naturalistic study with insights into the clinical response and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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    BACKGROUND Sertraline is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor with specific indications in child and adolescent psychiatry. Notwithstanding its frequent use and clinical benefits, the relationship between pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, efficacy, and tolerability of sertraline across indications, particularly in non-adult patients, is not fully understood. METHOD This naturalistic therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) study was conducted in a transdiagnostic sample of children and adolescents treated with sertraline (n = 78; mean age, 14.22 ± 2.39; range, 7-18 years) within the prospective multicenter "TDM-VIGIL" project. Associations between dose, serum concentration, and medication-specific therapeutic and side effects based on the Clinical Global Impression scale were examined. Tolerability was measured qualitatively with the 56-item Pediatric Adverse Event Rating Scale. RESULTS A strong linear positive dose-serum concentration relationship (with dose explaining 45% of the variance in concentration) and significant effects of weight and co-medication were found. Neither dose nor serum concentration were associated with side effects. An overall mild-to-moderate tolerability profile of sertraline was observed. In contrast with the transdiagnostic analysis that did not indicate an effect of concentration, when split into depression (MDD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) diagnoses, the probability of clinical improvement significantly increased as both dose and concentration increased for OCD, but not for MDD. CONCLUSIONS This TDM-flexible-dose study revealed a significant diagnosis-specific effect between sertraline serum concentration and clinical efficacy for pediatric OCD. While TDM already guides clinical decision-making regarding compliance, dose calibration, and drug-drug interactions, combining TDM with other methods, such as pharmacogenetics, may facilitate a personalized medicine approach in psychiatry

    Anatomy of STEM Teaching in American Universities: A Snapshot from a Large-Scale Observation Study

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    National and local initiatives focused on the transformation of STEM teaching in higher education have multiplied over the last decade. These initiatives often focus on measuring change in instructional practices, but it is difficult to monitor such change without a national picture of STEM educational practices, especially as characterized by common observational instruments. We characterized a snapshot of this landscape by conducting the first large scale observation-based study. We found that lecturing was prominent throughout the undergraduate STEM curriculum, even in classrooms with infrastructure designed to support active learning, indicating that further work is required to reform STEM education. Additionally, we established that STEM faculty’s instructional practices can vary substantially within a course, invalidating the commonly-used teaching evaluations based on a one-time observation

    The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization

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    Background: The shift from solitary to social behavior is one of the major evolutionary transitions. Primitively eusocial bumblebees are uniquely placed to illuminate the evolution of highly eusocial insect societies. Bumblebees are also invaluable natural and agricultural pollinators, and there is widespread concern over recent population declines in some species. High-quality genomic data will inform key aspects of bumblebee biology, including susceptibility to implicated population viability threats. Results: We report the high quality draft genome sequences of Bombus terrestris and Bombus impatiens, two ecologically dominant bumblebees and widely utilized study species. Comparing these new genomes to those of the highly eusocial honeybee Apis mellifera and other Hymenoptera, we identify deeply conserved similarities, as well as novelties key to the biology of these organisms. Some honeybee genome features thought to underpin advanced eusociality are also present in bumblebees, indicating an earlier evolution in the bee lineage. Xenobiotic detoxification and immune genes are similarly depauperate in bumblebees and honeybees, and multiple categories of genes linked to social organization, including development and behavior, show high conservation. Key differences identified include a bias in bumblebee chemoreception towards gustation from olfaction, and striking differences in microRNAs, potentially responsible for gene regulation underlying social and other traits. Conclusions: These two bumblebee genomes provide a foundation for post-genomic research on these key pollinators and insect societies. Overall, gene repertoires suggest that the route to advanced eusociality in bees was mediated by many small changes in many genes and processes, and not by notable expansion or depauperation