147 research outputs found

    Social Justice and Technocracy: Tracing the Narratives of Inclusive Education in the United States

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    Over the past two decades, the percentage of American students with disabilities educated in general classrooms with their nondisabled peers has risen by approximately fifty percent. This gradual but steady policy shift has been driven by two distinct narratives of organisational change. The social justice narrative espouses principles of equality and caring across human differences. The narrative of technocracy creates top-down, administrative pressure through hierarchical systems based on quantitative performance data. This article examines these two primary policy narratives of inclusive education in the United States, exploring the conceptual features of each and initiating an analysis of their application in the public schools

    Slogging and Stumbling Toward Social Justice in a Private Elementary School: The Complicated Case of St. Malachy

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    This case study examines St. Malachy, an urban Catholic elementary school primarily serving children traditionally marginalized by race, class, linguistic heritage, and disability. As a private school, St. Malachy serves the public good by recruiting and retaining such traditionally marginalized students. As empirical studies involving Catholic schools frequently juxtapose them with public schools, the author presents this examination from a different tack. Neither vilifying nor glorifying Catholic schooling, this study critically examines the pursuit of social justice in this school context. Data gathered through a 1-year study show that formal and informal leaders in St. Malachy adapted their governance, aggressively sought community resources, and focused their professional development to build the capacity to serve their increasingly pluralistic student population. The analysis confirms the deepening realization that striving toward social justice is a messy, contradictory, and complicated pursuit, and that schools in both public and private sectors are allies in this pursuit

    From Ideal to Practice and Back Again: Beginning Teachers Teaching for Social Justice

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    The five authors of this article designed a multicase study to follow recent graduates of an elementary preservice teacher education program into their beginning teaching placements and explore the ways in which they enacted social justice curricula. The authors highlight the stories of three beginning teachers, honoring the plurality of their conceptions of social justice teaching and the resiliency they exhibited in translating social justice ideals into viable pedagogy. They also discuss the struggles the teachers faced when enacting social justice curricula and the tenuous connection they perceived between their conceptions and their practices. The authors emphasize that such struggles are inevitable and end the article with recommendations for ways in which teacher educators can prepare beginning teachers for the uncertain journey of teaching for social justice

    Deconstructing Disability: A Philosophy for Inclusion

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    This article offers derrida's deconstruction as a philosophy and practical strategy that challenges the assumed, factual nature of "disability" as a construct explaining human differences. The appeal of deconstruction lies in the contradictory philosophy currently articulated by the inclusion movement, a philosophy that simultaneously supports the disability construct as objective reality while calling for students "with disabilities" to be placed in educational settings designed for students considered nondisabled. This article proposes deconstruction as one coherent philosophical orientation for inclusion, an approach that critiques the political and moral hierarchy of ability and disability. A deconstructionist critique of disability is explained and demonstrated. Practical suggestions for the utilization of deconstruction by special educators are outlined.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68721/2/10.1177_074193259701800605.pd

    Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Early Childhood: The Implications of Color-Consciousness and Colorblindness for Prejudice Development

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    This chapter outlines how early childhood teachers can bring children into conversations surrounding race and racism by drawing on literature on how parents of color discuss these topics. Although educators’ practices surrounding race and racism remain largely unexplored, decades of developmental psychological research indicate that parents of color engage in ethnic-racial socialization practices that are beneficial for children (Hughes et al., 2006). The established dimensions of parental ethnic-racial socialization include (1) cultural socialization, or teaching children about their ethnic heritage and instilling ethnic pride; (2) preparation for bias, or teaching children about racism and preparing them to face discrimination; (3) promotion of mistrust, or warning children about the need to distance themselves from other racial groups; and (4) egalitarianism, or emphasizing the similarities between and equality of all races (Hughes et al. 2006). One consideration to take into account from a developmental perspective is that children’s level of cognitive development impacts how they interpret messages about race. This chapter draws a link between parental ethnic-racial socialization and extends this body of work to school settings, with a focus on teachers. The ideologies of colorblindness and color-consciousness are discussed throughout

    The Youngest Victims: Children and Youth Affected by War

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    In 1989, the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child declared, “[state parties] shall take all feasible measures to ensure protection and care of children who are affected by an armed conflict.” In addition to attempting to secure the welfare of children in armed conflict, the Convention went on to ban the recruitment and deployment of children during armed conflict. Despite the vast majority of sovereign nations signing and ratifying this agreement, this treaty, unfortunately, has not prevented children and youth from witnessing, becoming victims of, or participating in political, ethnic, religious, and cultural violence across the past three decades. This chapter offers an “ecological perspective” on the psychosocial consequences of exposure to the trauma of war-related violence and social disruption

    La inclusión real: Una perspectiva de justicia social [Versión en inglés]

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    This article explores how in order to understand inclusive education from a social justice perspective, we must attend to four issues: (1) How limited conceptions of "normality" impede inclusion: (2) The ways in which school climate must address issues of student diversity and acceptance; (3) The need to expand beyond restrictive forms of curriculum and pedagogy; (4) The ways in which teachers are prepared for inclusive education. Ways of overcoming these obstacles to full inclusion are presented so that inclusion can be maximally transformative of our educational system and society

    La inclusión real: Una perspectiva de justicia social [Versión en castellano]

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    El presente artículo analiza cuatro cuestiones clave para entender la educación inclusiva desde una perspectiva de justicia social: (1) Cómo la limitada concepción de "normalidad" dificulta la inclusión; (2) Las medidas que se deben tomar a nivel de clima escolar para abordar cuestiones relacionadas con la diversidad del alumnado y la aceptación; (3) La necesidad de ir más allá de formas restrictivas del currículum y de la pedagogía; (4) El modo en que se prepara al profesorado para la educación inclusiva. Asimismo, se presentan distintas soluciones para la superación de dichos obstáculos, de manera que la inclusión pueda ser plena y tenga capacidad para transformar al máximo el sistema educativo y la sociedad