5 research outputs found

    Magma plumbing systems: a geophysical perspective

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    Over the last few decades, significant advances in using geophysical techniques to image the structure of magma plumbing systems have enabled the identification of zones of melt accumulation, crystal mush development, and magma migration. Combining advanced geophysical observations with petrological and geochemical data has arguably revolutionised our understanding of, and afforded exciting new insights into, the development of entire magma plumbing systems. However, divisions between the scales and physical settings over which these geophysical, petrological, and geochemical methods are applied still remain. To characterise some of these differences and promote the benefits of further integration between these methodologies, we provide a review of geophysical techniques and discuss how they can be utilised to provide a structural context for and place physical limits on the chemical evolution of magma plumbing systems. For example, we examine how Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), coupled with Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data, and seismicity may be used to track magma migration in near real-time. We also discuss how seismic imaging, gravimetry and electromagnetic data can identify contemporary melt zones, magma reservoirs and/or crystal mushes. These techniques complement seismic reflection data and rock magnetic analyses that delimit the structure and emplacement of ancient magma plumbing systems. For each of these techniques, with the addition of full-waveform inversion (FWI), the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and the integration of geophysics with numerical modelling, we discuss potential future directions. We show that approaching problems concerning magma plumbing systems from an integrated petrological, geochemical, and geophysical perspective will undoubtedly yield important scientific advances, providing exciting future opportunities for the volcanological community

    Buffering against Depressive Symptoms: Associations between Self-Compassion, Perceived Family Support and Age for Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals

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    Transgender and gender nonbinary (TGNB) individuals often report higher levels of depression compared to cisgender individuals. Higher levels of depression in TGNB populations may be partially attributed to a lack of family support, which may be particularly salient for younger individuals. However, two possible protective factors that may mitigate depressive symptoms are self-compassion, defined as an attitude of kindness and understanding towards one’s own imperfections, and perceived support, especially from family. The present study aimed to explore whether self-compassion was negatively associated with self-reported depressive symptoms, and whether perceived family support moderated this association, especially for younger individuals. Participants who were (1) at least 18 years of age, (2) identified as TGNB, and (3) experienced gender dysphoria were eligible for this study. Cross-sectional data from 148 individuals were collected online during May 2020. In support of the hypotheses, self-compassion was negatively associated with depressive symptoms, and perceived family support furthered this association. Additionally, results showed that younger participants (ages 18–24) with lower family support reported the highest levels of depressive symptoms. Taken together, these results suggest that self-compassion and perceived family support may be significant protective factors against depressive symptoms for TGNB individuals, although longitudinal research is needed. Taking a strengths-based perspective, mental health clinicians working with TGNB individuals may consider interventions geared toward increasing self-compassion in daily life and working with clients’ families to increase support

    Marijuana and illicit drugs: Correlates of condomless anal sex among adolescent and emerging adult sexual minority men

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    •Knowledge of drug use and sexual behaviors among young sexual minority men is limited.•Marijuana was associated with the occurrence of condomless anal sex.•Illicit drugs were associated with occurrence and frequency of condomless anal sex. The association between “illicit drugs” (e.g., cocaine/crack, methamphetamine, gamma-hydroxybutyrate-GHB, ketamine, and ecstasy) and condomless anal sex (CAS) with casual partners is well established for sexual minority men (SMM). Recent evidence from adult SMM has indicated that marijuana is associated with the occurrence of CAS with casual partners above and beyond illicit drug use. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate associations between CAS and the use of marijuana and illicit drugs in a sample of young SMM (aged 15–24). Participants (n = 578) completed an online survey assessing demographics, current PrEP prescription, age, marijuana use, as well as drug use and sexual behavior in the past 90 days. A hurdle model simultaneously predicted the occurrence of CAS as well as the frequency of CAS among those reporting it. Illicit drug use was associated with both the occurrence (OR = 2.26; p = .01) and frequency of CAS (RR = 1.63; p = .02). In contrast, marijuana use was associated with the occurrence (OR = 1.69; p = .01), but not the frequency of CAS (RR = 1.07; p = .74). Findings mirror recent observations in large samples of adult SMM. While the effect size of marijuana is more modest than illicit drug use, marijuana does have significant and unique associations with the occurrence of CAS. HIV prevention services for young SMM may therefore benefit from assessing and addressing marijuana use in the context of HIV sexual behavior

    Coping with global uncertainty:Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship quality, and dyadic coping for romantic partners across 27 countries

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    Coping with global uncertainty: Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship quality, and dyadic coping for romantic partners across 27 countries

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    Article first published online: August 26, 2021Following the global outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020, individuals report psychological distress associated with the “new normal”—social distancing, financial hardships, and increased responsibilities while working from home. Given the interpersonal nature of stress and coping responses between romantic partners, based on the systemic transactional model this study posits that perceived partner dyadic coping may be an important moderator between experiences of COVID-19 psychological distress and relationship quality. To examine these associations, self-report data from 14,020 people across 27 countries were collected during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic (March–July, 2020). It was hypothesized that higher symptoms of psychological distress would be reported post-COVID-19 compared to pre-COVID-19 restrictions (Hypothesis 1), reports of post-COVID-19 psychological distress would be negatively associated with relationship quality (Hypothesis 2), and perceived partner DC would moderate these associations (Hypothesis 3). While hypotheses were generally supported, results also showed interesting between-country variability. Limitations and future directions are presented