8 research outputs found

    EGF-i, IL1B, IL4 ja IL6 geeni seosed skisofreenia esmase psühhootilise episoodi ja prodroomsete sümptomitega

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    Skisofreenia on multifaktoriaalne neuropsühhiaatriline häire, millel tekkel on olulised nii geneetilised eelsoodumused kui ka keskkonnast tingitud faktorid. Paljud uuringud on viidanud tsütokiinide olulisusele skisofreenia etioloogias ja patofüsioloogias. Käesoleva uurimustöö eesmärgiks oli uurida, kas EGF-i, IL1B, IL4 ja IL6 ühenukleotiidsed polümorfismid võiksid olla seotud skisofreenia esmase psühhootilise episoodi ja prodroomsete sümptomitega. Juht-kontroll uuringusse kaasati 239 isikut, kuhu kuulusid 103 esmase psühhootilise episoodiga patsienti ja 22 prodroomsete sümptomitega isikut ning 114 tervet kontrollisikut. Uuringu tulemusena leiti piiripealne seos IL4 geenis paikneva polümorfismi rs2070874-ga. Lisaks viidi läbi ka haplotüübianalüüs, mille tulemusena leiti statistiliselt oluline seos IL1B geeni rs1143627-rs16944 haplotüübiga. Käesolev uuring viitab, et Eesti populatsioonis võivad antud IL4 ja IL1B geenide polümorfismid olla seotud skisofreeniaga

    Skisofreenia ja IKBKE geeni vahelised seosed

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    Longitudinal proteomic profiling reveals increased early inflammation and sustained apoptosis proteins in severe COVID-19

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    SARS-CoV-2 infection has a risk to develop into life-threatening COVID-19 disease. Whereas age, hypertension, and chronic inflammatory conditions are risk factors, underlying host factors and markers for disease severity, e.g. requiring intensive care unit (ICU) treatment, remain poorly defined. To this end, we longitudinally profiled blood inflammation markers, antibodies, and 101 plasma proteins of hospitalized COVID-19 patients who did or did not require ICU admission. While essentially all patients displayed SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies and virus-neutralization capacity within 12-15 days, a rapid, mostly transient upregulation of selective inflammatory markers including IL-6, CXCL10, CXCL11, IFN gamma, IL-10, and monocyte-attracting CCL2, CCL7 and CCL8, was particularly evident in ICU patients. In addition, there was consistent and sustained upregulation of apoptosis-associated proteins CASP8, TNFSF14, HGF, and TGFB1, with HGF discriminating between ICU and non-ICU cohorts. Thus, COVID-19 is associated with a selective inflammatory milieu within which the apoptotic pathway is a cardinal feature with potential to aid risk-based patient stratification.Peer reviewe

    Community curation of bioinformatics software and data resources

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    The corpus of bioinformatics resources is huge and expanding rapidly, presenting life scientists with a growing challenge in selecting tools that fit the desired purpose. To address this, the European Infrastructure for Biological Information is supporting a systematic approach towards a comprehensive registry of tools and databases for all domains of bioinformatics, provided under a single portal (https://bio.tools). We describe here the practical means by which scientific communities, including individual developers and projects, through major service providers and research infrastructures, can describe their own bioinformatics resources and share these via bio.tools

    The bio.tools registry of software tools and data resources for the life sciences

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    Bioinformaticians and biologists rely increasingly upon workflows for the flexible utilization of the many life science tools that are needed to optimally convert data into knowledge. We outline a pan-European enterprise to provide a catalogue (https://bio.tools) of tools and databases that can be used in these workflows. bio.tools not only lists where to find resources, but also provides a wide variety of practical information

    The bio.tools registry of software tools and data resources for the life sciences

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    Bioinformaticians and biologists rely increasingly upon workflows for the flexible utilization of the many life science tools that are needed to optimally convert data into knowledge. We outline a pan-European enterprise to provide a catalogue (https://bio.tools) of tools and databases that can be used in these workflows. bio.tools not only lists where to find resources, but also provides a wide variety of practical information