14 research outputs found

    Percepciones de los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud sobre el aprendizaje cooperativo en la modalidad virtual

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    Objective: To identify the perceptions of implementing online cooperative learning during the 2021 II academic semesterby first-year students of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) School of Medicine. Materials and methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional research design was used in this study. The population consisted of 592 students from the professional schools of Human Medicine, Nursing, Obstetrics, Nutrition and Medical Technology. A random probability sampling was carried out and a sample of 429 students was obtained. The Cooperative Learning Questionnaire with an 8-point Likert scale response format developed by McLeish was used as an instrument for data collection. It is a reliable and valid instrument that was administered online to the sample of students at the end of the course using Google Forms. The quantitative data were analyzed descriptively using IBM SPSS Statistics V22. The descriptive statistics included frequencies, averages and standard deviation. Results: Out of the students in the sample, 65.9 % were females and 34.1 % were males. Most participants had favorableperceptions of online cooperative learning, with averages between 3.77 and 4.53. Favorable perceptions of this methodologywere mainly identified in the dimensions quality of the group interaction process, teaching of interpersonal skills in smallgroups and positive interdependence. Conclusions: The students had favorable perceptions of online cooperative learning because it helped them to improve their social skills, favored their attitude toward group work, allowed them to participate in the sessions with enthusiasm,helped them to improve peer interaction, and promoted the development of their creativity and interpersonal skills. Therefore, its implementation and analysis of achievements in online environments are recommended.Objetivo: Identificar las percepciones de los estudiantes de primer año de estudios de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) sobre la aplicación del aprendizaje cooperativo en la modalidad virtual durante el semestre académico 2021-II. Materiales y métodos: El diseño de investigación aplicado en este estudio fue descriptivo y transversal. La población estuvo conformada por 592 estudiantes pertenecientes a las escuelas profesionales de Medicina Humana, Enfermería, Obstetricia, Nutrición y Tecnología Médica. Se realizó un muestreo probabilístico aleatorio y se obtuvo una muestra de 429 estudiantes. Para la recolección de datos, se empleó como instrumento el Cuestionario de Aprendizaje Cooperativo, con un formato de respuesta en escala Likert, que consta de 8 indicadores y fue elaborado por McLeish. El instrumento es confiable y vålido; fue aplicado a lamuestra de estudiantes al finalizar la asignatura de manera virtual mediante Google Forms. Los datos cuantitativos se analizaron descriptivamente con el programa SPSS 22. La estadística descriptiva que se aplicó incluye frecuencias, promedios y desviacióneståndar. Resultados: De los estudiantes que conformaron la muestra, el 65,9 % fueron mujeres y el 34,1 %, hombres. La mayor parte de los participantes tuvo percepciones favorables hacia el aprendizaje cooperativo en la modalidad virtual, y se obtuvieron promediosentre 3,77 y 4,53. Se identificaron percepciones favorables hacia esta metodología, principalmente en las dimensiones calidad delproceso de interacción del grupo, enseñanza de habilidades interpersonales en grupos pequeños e interdependencia positiva. Conclusiones: Los estudiantes tuvieron percepciones favorables hacia el aprendizaje cooperativo en la modalidad virtual, ya que contribuyó a mejorar su socialización, favoreció su actitud hacia el trabajo en grupo, permitió su participación en las sesiones con agrado, ayudó a mejorar sus interacciones con sus pares, desarrolló su creatividad y habilidades interpersonales, por lo cual se recomienda su aplicación y anålisis de los logros en los entornos virtuales

    How do women living with HIV experience menopause? Menopausal symptoms, anxiety and depression according to reproductive age in a multicenter cohort

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    CatedresBackground: To estimate the prevalence and severity of menopausal symptoms and anxiety/depression and to assess the differences according to menopausal status among women living with HIV aged 45-60 years from the cohort of Spanish HIV/AIDS Research Network (CoRIS). Methods: Women were interviewed by phone between September 2017 and December 2018 to determine whether they had experienced menopausal symptoms and anxiety/depression. The Menopause Rating Scale was used to evaluate the prevalence and severity of symptoms related to menopause in three subscales: somatic, psychologic and urogenital; and the 4-item Patient Health Questionnaire was used for anxiety/depression. Logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) of association between menopausal status, and other potential risk factors, the presence and severity of somatic, psychological and urogenital symptoms and of anxiety/depression. Results: Of 251 women included, 137 (54.6%) were post-, 70 (27.9%) peri- and 44 (17.5%) pre-menopausal, respectively. Median age of onset menopause was 48 years (IQR 45-50). The proportions of pre-, peri- and post-menopausal women who had experienced any menopausal symptoms were 45.5%, 60.0% and 66.4%, respectively. Both peri- and post-menopause were associated with a higher likelihood of having somatic symptoms (aOR 3.01; 95% CI 1.38-6.55 and 2.63; 1.44-4.81, respectively), while post-menopause increased the likelihood of having psychological (2.16; 1.13-4.14) and urogenital symptoms (2.54; 1.42-4.85). By other hand, post-menopausal women had a statistically significant five-fold increase in the likelihood of presenting severe urogenital symptoms than pre-menopausal women (4.90; 1.74-13.84). No significant differences by menopausal status were found for anxiety/depression. Joint/muscle problems, exhaustion and sleeping disorders were the most commonly reported symptoms among all women. Differences in the prevalences of vaginal dryness (p = 0.002), joint/muscle complaints (p = 0.032), and sweating/flush (p = 0.032) were found among the three groups. Conclusions: Women living with HIV experienced a wide variety of menopausal symptoms, some of them initiated before women had any menstrual irregularity. We found a higher likelihood of somatic symptoms in peri- and post-menopausal women, while a higher likelihood of psychological and urogenital symptoms was found in post-menopausal women. Most somatic symptoms were of low or moderate severity, probably due to the good clinical and immunological situation of these women

    COVID-19 in hospitalized HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients : A matched study

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    CatedresObjectives: We compared the characteristics and clinical outcomes of hospitalized individuals with COVID-19 with [people with HIV (PWH)] and without (non-PWH) HIV co-infection in Spain during the first wave of the pandemic. Methods: This was a retrospective matched cohort study. People with HIV were identified by reviewing clinical records and laboratory registries of 10 922 patients in active-follow-up within the Spanish HIV Research Network (CoRIS) up to 30 June 2020. Each hospitalized PWH was matched with five non-PWH of the same age and sex randomly selected from COVID-19@Spain, a multicentre cohort of 4035 patients hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19. The main outcome was all-cause in-hospital mortality. Results: Forty-five PWH with PCR-confirmed COVID-19 were identified in CoRIS, 21 of whom were hospitalized. A total of 105 age/sex-matched controls were selected from the COVID-19@Spain cohort. The median age in both groups was 53 (Q1-Q3, 46-56) years, and 90.5% were men. In PWH, 19.1% were injecting drug users, 95.2% were on antiretroviral therapy, 94.4% had HIV-RNA < 50 copies/mL, and the median (Q1-Q3) CD4 count was 595 (349-798) cells/ÎŒL. No statistically significant differences were found between PWH and non-PWH in number of comorbidities, presenting signs and symptoms, laboratory parameters, radiology findings and severity scores on admission. Corticosteroids were administered to 33.3% and 27.4% of PWH and non-PWH, respectively (P = 0.580). Deaths during admission were documented in two (9.5%) PWH and 12 (11.4%) non-PWH (P = 0.800). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that well-controlled HIV infection does not modify the clinical presentation or worsen clinical outcomes of COVID-19 hospitalization

    Discovering HIV related information by means of association rules and machine learning

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    Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is still one of the main health problems worldwide. It is therefore essential to keep making progress in improving the prognosis and quality of life of affected patients. One way to advance along this pathway is to uncover connections between other disorders associated with HIV/AIDS-so that they can be anticipated and possibly mitigated. We propose to achieve this by using Association Rules (ARs). They allow us to represent the dependencies between a number of diseases and other specific diseases. However, classical techniques systematically generate every AR meeting some minimal conditions on data frequency, hence generating a vast amount of uninteresting ARs, which need to be filtered out. The lack of manually annotated ARs has favored unsupervised filtering, even though they produce limited results. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised system, able to identify relevant ARs among HIV-related diseases with a minimal amount of annotated training data. Our system has been able to extract a good number of relationships between HIV-related diseases that have been previously detected in the literature but are scattered and are often little known. Furthermore, a number of plausible new relationships have shown up which deserve further investigation by qualified medical experts

    3er. Coloquio: Fortalecimiento de los Colectivos de Docencia

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    Las memorias del 3er. Coloquio de Fortalecimiento de Colectivos de Docencia deben ser entendidas como un esfuerzo colectivo de la comunidad de acadĂ©micos de la DivisiĂłn de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, en medio de la pandemia COVID-19, con el fin de: ‱ Analizar y proponer acciones concretas que promuevan el mejoramiento de la calidad docente en la DivisiĂłn. ‱ Proponer acciones que permitan continuar fortaleciendo los cursos con modalidad a distancia (remotos). ‱ Ante un escenario que probablemente demandarĂĄ en el mediano plazo, transitar del modelo remoto a un modelo hĂ­brido, proponer acciones a considerar para la transiciĂłn de los cursos. ‱ Planear y preparar cursos de nivelaciĂłn de conocimientos, para cuando se transite a la imparticiĂłn de la docencia de manera mixta o presencial, dirigidos a los alumnos que no hayan tenido oportunidad de desarrollar actividades relevantes para su formaciĂłn, como prĂĄcticas de talleres y laboratorios, visitas, o alguna otra actividad relevante

    BJS commission on surgery and perioperative care post-COVID-19

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    Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the WHO on 11 March 2020 and global surgical practice was compromised. This Commission aimed to document and reflect on the changes seen in the surgical environment during the pandemic, by reviewing colleagues experiences and published evidence. Methods: In late 2020, BJS contacted colleagues across the global surgical community and asked them to describe how severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) had affected their practice. In addition to this, the Commission undertook a literature review on the impact of COVID-19 on surgery and perioperative care. A thematic analysis was performed to identify the issues most frequently encountered by the correspondents, as well as the solutions and ideas suggested to address them. Results: BJS received communications for this Commission from leading clinicians and academics across a variety of surgical specialties in every inhabited continent. The responses from all over the world provided insights into multiple facets of surgical practice from a governmental level to individual clinical practice and training. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has uncovered a variety of problems in healthcare systems, including negative impacts on surgical practice. Global surgical multidisciplinary teams are working collaboratively to address research questions about the future of surgery in the post-COVID-19 era. The COVID-19 pandemic is severely damaging surgical training. The establishment of a multidisciplinary ethics committee should be encouraged at all surgical oncology centres. Innovative leadership and collaboration is vital in the post-COVID-19 era

    BJS commission on surgery and perioperative care post-COVID-19

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the WHO on 11 March 2020 and global surgical practice was compromised. This Commission aimed to document and reflect on the changes seen in the surgical environment during the pandemic, by reviewing colleagues' experiences and published evidence

    Elective Cancer Surgery in COVID-19–Free Surgical Pathways During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An International, Multicenter, Comparative Cohort Study

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    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic

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    Aim This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Method This was an international cohort study of patients undergoing elective resection of colon or rectal cancer without preoperative suspicion of SARS-CoV-2. Centres entered data from their first recorded case of COVID-19 until 19 April 2020. The primary outcome was 30-day mortality. Secondary outcomes included anastomotic leak, postoperative SARS-CoV-2 and a comparison with prepandemic European Society of Coloproctology cohort data. Results From 2073 patients in 40 countries, 1.3% (27/2073) had a defunctioning stoma and 3.0% (63/2073) had an end stoma instead of an anastomosis only. Thirty-day mortality was 1.8% (38/2073), the incidence of postoperative SARS-CoV-2 was 3.8% (78/2073) and the anastomotic leak rate was 4.9% (86/1738). Mortality was lowest in patients without a leak or SARS-CoV-2 (14/1601, 0.9%) and highest in patients with both a leak and SARS-CoV-2 (5/13, 38.5%). Mortality was independently associated with anastomotic leak (adjusted odds ratio 6.01, 95% confidence interval 2.58–14.06), postoperative SARS-CoV-2 (16.90, 7.86–36.38), male sex (2.46, 1.01–5.93), age >70 years (2.87, 1.32–6.20) and advanced cancer stage (3.43, 1.16–10.21). Compared with prepandemic data, there were fewer anastomotic leaks (4.9% versus 7.7%) and an overall shorter length of stay (6 versus 7 days) but higher mortality (1.7% versus 1.1%). Conclusion Surgeons need to further mitigate against both SARS-CoV-2 and anastomotic leak when offering surgery during current and future COVID-19 waves based on patient, operative and organizational risks

    The impact of surgical delay on resectability of colorectal cancer: An international prospective cohort study

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    AimThe SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to explore the impact of surgical delays on cancer resectability. This study aimed to compare resectability for colorectal cancer patients undergoing delayed versus non-delayed surgery.MethodsThis was an international prospective cohort study of consecutive colorectal cancer patients with a decision for curative surgery (January-April 2020). Surgical delay was defined as an operation taking place more than 4 weeks after treatment decision, in a patient who did not receive neoadjuvant therapy. A subgroup analysis explored the effects of delay in elective patients only. The impact of longer delays was explored in a sensitivity analysis. The primary outcome was complete resection, defined as curative resection with an R0 margin.ResultsOverall, 5453 patients from 304 hospitals in 47 countries were included, of whom 6.6% (358/5453) did not receive their planned operation. Of the 4304 operated patients without neoadjuvant therapy, 40.5% (1744/4304) were delayed beyond 4 weeks. Delayed patients were more likely to be older, men, more comorbid, have higher body mass index and have rectal cancer and early stage disease. Delayed patients had higher unadjusted rates of complete resection (93.7% vs. 91.9%, P = 0.032) and lower rates of emergency surgery (4.5% vs. 22.5%, P ConclusionOne in 15 colorectal cancer patients did not receive their planned operation during the first wave of COVID-19. Surgical delay did not appear to compromise resectability, raising the hypothesis that any reduction in long-term survival attributable to delays is likely to be due to micro-metastatic disease