50 research outputs found

    Mediterranean Diet and Lung Function in Adults Current Smokers: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in the MEDISTAR Project

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    Mediterranean diet; Lung function; SmokingDieta mediterrània; Funció pulmonar; FumarDieta mediterránea; Función pulmonar; FumarBackground: Previous studies have shown that adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MeDi) has a positive impact on lung function in subjects with lung disease. In subjects free of respiratory diseases, but at risk, this association is not yet well established. Methods: Based on the reference data from the MEDISTAR clinical trial (Mediterranean Diet and Smoking in Tarragona and Reus; ISRCTN 03.362.372), an observational study was conducted with 403 middle-aged smokers without lung disease, treated at 20 centres of primary care in Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). The degree of MeDi adherence was evaluated according to a 14-item questionnaire, and adherence was defined in three groups (low, medium, and high). Lung function were assessed by forced spirometry. Logistic regression and linear regression models were used to analyse the association between adherence to the MeDi and the presence of ventilatory defects. Results: Globally, the pulmonary alteration prevalence (impaired FEV1 and/or FVC) was 28.8%, although it was lower in participants with medium and high adherence to the MeDi, compared to those with a low score (24.2% and 27.4% vs. 38.5%, p = 0.004). Logistic regression models showed a significant and independent association between medium and high adherence to the MeDi and the presence of altered lung patterns (OR 0.467 [95%CI 0.266, 0.820] and 0.552 [95%CI 0.313, 0.973], respectively). Conclusions: MeDi adherence is inversely associated with the risk impaired lung function. These results indicate that healthy diet behaviours can be modifiable risk factors to protect lung function and reinforce the possibility of a nutritional intervention to increase adherence to MeDi, in addition to promoting smoking cessation

    Avances en la implementación de un modelo en Competencias para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de Ciencias Básicas en Ingeniería

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    Competency-based approaches are the subject ofongoing discussion at the university level and, to date, noconsensus has been reached on the subject. In Colombia, theMinistry of National Education established that curricula shouldbe oriented by competencies. In this sense, a group of Basic Sciences professors of the UMNG, within the framework of a research project presents a proposal for the implementation of a competency-based model, specifically aimed at improving the teaching of basic sciences to ensure that students acquire moreeffective learning. In this article, the essential characteristics of the proposal are presented, the instruments used during the Pilot Test are shown, the difficulties encountered in the process are described and alternatives are proposed to fine-tune future approaches understanding that the discussion on the Competences is complex and follows open. Los enfoques por competencias son objeto de continua discusión en el ámbito universitario y hasta la fecha no se ha logrado un consenso sobre el particular. En Colombia, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional estableció que los currículos deben estar orientados por competencias. En ese sentido, un grupo de profesores de Ciencias Básicas de la UMNG, en el marco de un proyecto de investigación presenta una propuesta de implementación de un modelo basado en Competencias, específicamente dirigido a mejorar la enseñanza de las ciencias básicas para lograr que los estudiantes adquieran un aprendizaje más eficaz. En este artículo, se presentan las características esenciales de la propuesta, se muestran los instrumentosempleados durante la Prueba Piloto, se describen las dificultades encontradas en el proceso y se proponen alternativas para afinar futuras aproximaciones entendiendo que la discusión sobre las Competencias es compleja y sigue abierta

    Avances en la implementación de un modelo en Competencias para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de Ciencias Básicas en Ingeniería

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    Competency-based approaches are the subject ofongoing discussion at the university level and, to date, noconsensus has been reached on the subject. In Colombia, theMinistry of National Education established that curricula shouldbe oriented by competencies. In this sense, a group of Basic Sciences professors of the UMNG, within the framework of a research project presents a proposal for the implementation of a competency-based model, specifically aimed at improving the teaching of basic sciences to ensure that students acquire moreeffective learning. In this article, the essential characteristics of the proposal are presented, the instruments used during the Pilot Test are shown, the difficulties encountered in the process are described and alternatives are proposed to fine-tune future approaches understanding that the discussion on the Competences is complex and follows open. Los enfoques por competencias son objeto de continua discusión en el ámbito universitario y hasta la fecha no se ha logrado un consenso sobre el particular. En Colombia, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional estableció que los currículos deben estar orientados por competencias. En ese sentido, un grupo de profesores de Ciencias Básicas de la UMNG, en el marco de un proyecto de investigación presenta una propuesta de implementación de un modelo basado en Competencias, específicamente dirigido a mejorar la enseñanza de las ciencias básicas para lograr que los estudiantes adquieran un aprendizaje más eficaz. En este artículo, se presentan las características esenciales de la propuesta, se muestran los instrumentosempleados durante la Prueba Piloto, se describen las dificultades encontradas en el proceso y se proponen alternativas para afinar futuras aproximaciones entendiendo que la discusión sobre las Competencias es compleja y sigue abierta

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento Tolima y Huila.

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    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento Tolima y Huila.El Diplomado de Profundización Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia, pretende promover escenarios que faciliten la comprensión y reflexión de los contextos afligidos por causa de la violencia que se gesta en el territorio Colombiano. Este conflicto ha generado impactos a nivel psicológico, económico, social, cultural y político. Podría considerarse como uno de los fenómenos que históricamente han causado más daño a la población y donde la historia de las victimas crea una nueva perspectiva del conflicto. Herramientas como la imagen y la narrativa, hacen posible una visión holística de la problemática, permiten la comprensión de los emergentes psicosociales surgidos a partir de un hecho violento y permite el proceso terapéutico a nivel de individuo y comunidad. El presente trabajo recoge una serie de actividades de análisis con las cuales se generó un acercamiento a la realidad contextual de los escenarios de violencia en Colombia. A través de los relatos de violencia y esperanza, se comprende que el ser humano tiene la capacidad de reconstruir su sistema de valores y su forma de entender el mundo a partir de una experiencia traumática. Por otra parte, desde el rol del psicólogo, es significativo utilizar la pregunta como herramienta con la cual orientará al individuo a reconocer sus propias fortalezas y capacidades de afrontamiento. Así mismo, el psicólogo debe estar en capacidad de proponer estrategias de acompañamiento que atiendan a las necesidades de la comunidad vulnerada y respondan a los factores psicosociales generados a partir de un hecho violento. Siguiendo esta línea, se presenta un análisis de la herramienta foto voz, con base en la experiencia de los integrantes del grupo de trabajo, que manifiesta la utilidad de esta herramienta para generar procesos de reconstrucción de significados, memoria y subjetividad.The Diploma of Deepening Psychosocial Accompaniment in Violence Scenarios aims to promote scenarios that facilitate the understanding and reflection of the contexts afflicted because of the violence that is taking place in the Colombian territory. This conflict has generated impacts at a psychological, economic, social, cultural and political level. It could be considered as one of the phenomena that historically have caused more damage to the population and where the history of the victims creates a new perspective of the conflict. Tools such as image and narrative make possible a holistic view of the problem, allow the understanding of psychosocial emergencies arising from a violent event and allow the therapeutic process at the level of individual and community. The present work includes a series of analysis activities with which an approach to the contextual reality of the violence scenarios in Colombia was generated. Through the stories of violence and hope, it´s understood that the human being has the ability to rebuild his value system and his way of understanding the world from a traumatic experience. On the other hand, from the role of the psychologist, it is significant to use the question as a tool with which to guide the individual to recognize his or her own strengths and coping skills. Likewise, the psychologist must be able to propose strategies of accompaniment that attend to the needs of the violated community and respond to the psychosocial factors generated from a violent event. Following this line, an analysis of the photo vice tool is presented, based on the experience of the members of the working group, which shows the usefulness of this tool to generate processes of reconstruction of meanings, memory and subjectivity

    Implementación de un sistema web y una aplicación móvil, para la administración de los activos fijos de la Universidad de El Salvador, Facultad Multidisciplinaria Oriental, San miguel

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    RESUMEN: Este proyecto, consiste en la implementación de un sistema web y una aplicación móvil, para la administración de los activos fijos de la Universidad de El Salvador, Facultad Multidisciplinaria Oriental, San miguel, la principal característica de este sistema, es la facilidad de acceso desde cualquier dispositivo u ordenador con acceso a internet, consultas en tiempo real, edición de información, resolviendo así necesidades específicas de la universidad, ayudando en la gestión de procesos de inventario y reportaría; además de consulta de activos mediante aplicativo móvil para administrar estados, localización y asignamiento. El presente proyecto de ingeniería en sistemas informáticos, se basa según cuatro ramas. La primera rama de estas, es la Programación Web siendo esta la base principal del proyecto, segundo se apoyará en la rama de Diseño Web, tercero en la rama de Desarrollo Móvil y finalmente sustentará toda su información en la rama de Base de Datos. Para la realización de esta tesis es necesario apoyarse en una metodología especializada para Desarrollo de Software según Kendall & Kendall, apoyada en el lenguaje de modelamiento UML permite el desarrollo de todos los diagramas que servirán como base para la programación. Las herramientas utilizadas en el desarrollo web y móvil, son herramientas Libres, para la programación y maquetado se utilizó PHP7, JAVASCRIPT, AJAX, BOOTSTRAP4, FLUTTER y para la integración con la base de datos se manejó el Lenguaje de Consultas SQL y se implementó en el motor de base de datos de MariaDB. ABSTRACT: The project herein consists of a web system implementation and a mobile App to manage La Universidad de El Salvador's fixed assets. Eastern Multi-disciplinary Department, San Miguel. (Facultad Multidisciplinaria Oriental, San Miguel) The system's main feature is the easy access from any Internet-enabled device or computer, real time query, data editing, thus solving University specific needs, helping in the inventory and reporting process management; beyond that, asset query through mobile app to manage status, locations and assignments. The computer systems enginnering project presented herein is based on four fields. The first field - web programming - is the main base of the project. Second, it will rely on the field of web design. Third, on the field of mobile development, and finally, it will support all the information in the database field. For the realization of this thesis and according to Kendall and Kendall, it is necessary to rely on a specialized methodology for software development supported by UML modeling language which allows the development of the diagrams that will be the base for programming. The tools used in the web and mobile development are free tools. PHP7, JAVASCRIPT, AJAX, BOOTSTRAP4, FLUTTER were used for programming and layout and for integrating the database the SQL, Structured Query Language was used and it was implemented in the database engine MariaD

    A clinical trial to evaluate the effect of the Mediterranean diet on smokers lung function

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    Mediterranian diet; Smoke; Lung functionDieta mediterránea; Fumar; Función pulmonarDieta mediterrània; Fumar; Funció pulmonarData on the association between lung function and some dietary patterns have been published. However, it is not yet well known if whether the Mediterranean Diet (MD) pattern can preserve or improve lung function. Our purpose is to evaluate the effect of increased MD adherence on lung function in smokers. A multicenter, parallel, cluster-randomized, controlled clinical trial is proposed. A total of 566 active smokers (>10 packs-year), aged 25-75 years will be included, without previous respiratory disease and who sign an informed consent to participate. Twenty Primary Care Centres in Tarragona (Spain) will be randomly assigned to a control or an intervention group (1:1). All participants will receive advice to quit smoking, and the intervention group, a nutritional intervention (2 years) designed to increase MD adherence by: (1) annual visit to deliver personalized nutritional education, (2) annual telephone contact to reinforce the intervention, and (3) access to an online dietary blog. We will evaluate (annually for 2 years): pulmonary function by forced spirometry and MD adherence by a 14-item questionnaire and medical tests (oxidation, inflammation and consumption biomarkers). In a statistical analysis by intention-to-treat basis, with the individual smoker as unit of analysis, pulmonary function and MD adherence in both groups will be compared; logistic regression models will be applied to analyze their associations. We hope to observe an increased MD adherence that may prevent the deterioration of lung function in smokers without previous respiratory disease. This population may benefit from a dietary intervention, together with the recommendation of smoking cessation

    Estudio de la salud ocupacional y propuesta de mejoramiento en gestión del conocimiento para la empresa almacenes éxito de la ciudad de Tunja

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    El presente trabajo de grado se desarrolló para el área de gestión del talento humano, como requisito para optar al título de Administradoras de Empresas para el desarrollo de este proyecto fue necesario el planteamiento de un problema para el cual fue hallada una solución, donde nos basamos y apoyamos en investigaciones relacionadas con la temática , la investigación que se realizo fue de tipo cuantitativo, para esta investigación se tuvo en cuenta una muestra de 37 personas, gracias al trabajo se obtuvo un resultado favorable. Cabe resaltar que para el desarrollo del proyecto se aplicó el Método Nonaka y Takeuchi en el plan de salud ocupacional de Almacenes Éxito.The present Degree Work was developed for the area of ​​human talent management, as a requirement to choose the title of Business Administrators for the development of this project it was necessary to pose a problem for which a solution was found, where we base ourselves and we support research related to the subject, the research was quantitative, for this research a sample of 37 people was taken into account, thanks to the work a favorable result was obtained. In addition, the application of the Nonaka Method and Takeuchi was sought in the Occupational Health Plan of Almacenes Éxit

    Evaluation of the Effect of Hydroxyzine on Preoperative Anxiety and Anesthetic Adequacy in Children: Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial.

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    Surgical procedures can generate significant preoperative anxiety (POA) in as much as 70% of the paediatric population. The role of hydroxyzine and distractive techniques such as clowns in the management of anxiety is controversial. Our main objective was to evaluate the effect of hydroxyzine on the control of POA. The secondary objective was to assess the potential additive effect of hydroxyzine and distracting techniques. We performed a randomized double-blind, controlled clinical trial in children aged 2–16 years undergoing outpatient surgery (). Subjects were randomized to hydroxyzine (group 1) or placebo (group 2). For the secondary objective, two further groups were made by allocation by chance to hydroxyzine plus accompaniment with clowns (group 3) and placebo plus clowns (group 4). All patients were accompanied by their parents as the standard procedure. POA was determined by a modified Yale scale of POA (m-YPAS). Compliance of children during induction of anesthesia (Induction Compliance Checklist (ICC)) was also assessed. No differences () were found in POA control at the time of induction measured by m-YPAS (group 1: ; group 2: ; group 3: ; group 4: ). No differences were found in the level of ICC between the different treatment arms (group 1: ; group 2: ; group 3: ; group 4: ). The combination of all treatments (group 3) was the only effective strategy to contain the progression of anxiety. In conclusion, hydroxyzine was not effective to control POA in children. The combination of hydroxyzine and clowns avoided the progression of POA in our patients. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT03324828 (registered 21 September 2017, subject recruitment started on 12th January 2018).post-print489 K

    Universidad y sociedad. Extensión del conocimiento

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    Este libro hace un análisis de la educación y propone migrar de una institución educativa a una organización de extensión del conocimiento (Mejía, 2011) toma más fuerza cada día, ya que obtiene una participación más activa en su actuar, y no solo se circunscribe a mejorar la gestión de las áreas funcionales de mercadeo, docencia, investigación, extensión, financiera, tecnología y administración (Gutiérrez, 2011), también cuenta con una visión más sistémica para conseguir la felicidad social y de las personas que conforman la organización educativa

    The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment

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    The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) has been in operation since July 2014. This paper describes the second data release from this phase, and the fourteenth from SDSS overall (making this, Data Release Fourteen or DR14). This release makes public data taken by SDSS-IV in its first two years of operation (July 2014-2016). Like all previous SDSS releases, DR14 is cumulative, including the most recent reductions and calibrations of all data taken by SDSS since the first phase began operations in 2000. New in DR14 is the first public release of data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS); the first data from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory (APO) Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2), including stellar parameter estimates from an innovative data driven machine learning algorithm known as "The Cannon"; and almost twice as many data cubes from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey as were in the previous release (N = 2812 in total). This paper describes the location and format of the publicly available data from SDSS-IV surveys. We provide references to the important technical papers describing how these data have been taken (both targeting and observation details) and processed for scientific use. The SDSS website (www.sdss.org) has been updated for this release, and provides links to data downloads, as well as tutorials and examples of data use. SDSS-IV is planning to continue to collect astronomical data until 2020, and will be followed by SDSS-V.Comment: SDSS-IV collaboration alphabetical author data release paper. DR14 happened on 31st July 2017. 19 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by ApJS on 28th Nov 2017 (this is the "post-print" and "post-proofs" version; minor corrections only from v1, and most of errors found in proofs corrected